Which Religion Annoys You The Most?

Instead of threatening bodily harm Lud, say, "I don't share your views and I'd like my privacy respected". If they don't walk away from you, don't leave, stand your ground and pull out your phone. And don't let the incident destroy your day because someone wants you in Heaven.
Instead of threatening bodily harm Lud, say, "I don't share your views and I'd like my privacy respected". If they don't walk away from you, don't leave, stand your ground and pull out your phone. And don't let the incident destroy your day because someone wants you in Heaven.

Oh please.

If you're a fundie nutter, you know damn well that they're taught about 37 different answers to that. They don't treat you with respect. Why should they be treated with the respect they do not extend to their prey?

They invade the space of others because they think they are superior or that they have some message that should be heard. A few days ago, I wrote about a fundie nutter here on the board who I made the mistake of trusting. These people are vicious and they have their lines memorized. It has nothing to do with "heaven" and we all know that.

What will you say when someone finally blasts the life out of one these crazies?

And, as long as none of them show up on my doorstep, they don't ruin any day of mine.
Bullshit. Apparently pulling out your phone, took care of all 37 of those answers, so I'm not buying the harassment without recourse.

And please stop invading my space with you maniacal tiraids about the Koch brothers, and what you think we should do about them. It's annoying and has no place in the religious forum. :)
Here's an idea, no religions are offensive. There are often at least a few practicing one that is annoying. Currently I find Delta4 pretty annoying. He seems bent on trashing other religions, instead of just practicing his own.
A bigot can say what ever a bigot wants. What a bigot can't do is stop you from walking away.

"well if u dnt wnt 2 b hrassed may b u shuld jus leav"

Nope. I have a ryght to go where I want, and a ryght to go there without being intellectually raped by hallucinating proselytizers spouting their ridiculous dogma.

You're so frail that you want to censor one's rights in favor of your own, so your overly sensitive little intellect doesn't get raped? If your intellect is that fragile, maybe you should just stay home.

"If you don't want to get raped, just stay home!"

Shocking, but not surprising. Conservatards truly have no sense of ethics.
Christianity, no question.

Reason being only they co-opted my Jewish holy text and pasted their's onto it. Islam might wanna kill me, but Christianity wants my soul.

Am I to assume you are a devout or practicing Jew? I guess I have not read you enough.

By the way, I think your answer above is total B.S. You just want to shock people for attention, imo.

The devil wants your soul, too. Maybe you should be annoyed by the occult.
It is Islam, without any question.
Other religions do not really count anymore, because their atrocities lay way back in the past. I will not undestimate the fundamental christians especially in the US (we do not really have this phenomenon in Europe), but even they will not just kill you if you disrespect their god and/or prophets.
And: christians, jews, hindus and buddhists have a theology, kind of philosophical blabla to construct justifications for their particular believe system.
Islam does not have that. There is nothing to be interpreted or transformed into modern times to convince others. There is just the direct word of allah and his prophet. There is no philosophical discourse about the faith as such, the only thing the scholars develop are different views on the hadith and the subsequent sharia, the punishment sytem. As: should you stone a 10 year old girl to death because she was not praying properly or should you wait until she's 15.
And, of course, their world conquering program.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the President of Turkey to the turks in Germany: " The minarets are our bajonets, the mosques our barracks, the domes of the mosques our helmets and the wombs of our women our army.".
So the problem is not a philosophical debate about the nonsense of religion itself, or some gradual differences between them.
We have to face the bitter reality that we are confronted with a crowd of 1,2 billion mentally retarded medieval crackheads trying to take over the planet.
The most annoying religion?

The one that believes in an invisible superbeing that will punish us if we don't obey a book.

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