Which Religion Annoys You The Most?

A tough choice. I hate all religion, but I'd have to agree with you and pick Christianity. They're the largest, the most in-your-face, and by far the most numerous in my area.

Plus, it's like you say--Moonslims will say, "Do you agree with me? No? OK, I kill you now," but Christ-stains stalk you all over town and the Internet to tell you why you're wrong and why you need "almighty Jeebus" in your life. To be constantly hounded by such stupidity is torture.

And yet here you are subjecting yourself to it. Why is that?

"hurr durr y dnt u kil urself if u dnt like jeebus" Really? That's your response?

I suppose you blame the victims of other crimes too, like rape and murder. "Why oh why did that horrible thug Trayvon Martin choose to subject himself to the gunfire of that darling, innocent white supremacist George "Aryan Pride" Zimmerman? I'm sure he would've just avoided getting shot to death in cold blood if he truly wanted to!"

Every time you bigots engage in the verbal gunfire of your ridiculous faith at my ears, you're not just violating my ryghts, you're murdering them. The freedom of speech doesn't include the freedom to bother other people or hurt their feelings, bigot. You think you know better than me about something no one can observe and an alleged place that no one has ever been? Keep it to yourself.
A bigot can say what ever a bigot wants. What a bigot can't do is stop you from walking away.

"well if u dnt wnt 2 b hrassed may b u shuld jus leav"

Nope. I have a ryght to go where I want, and a ryght to go there without being intellectually raped by hallucinating proselytizers spouting their ridiculous dogma.

I solved the Mormon Missionary problem. The "No soliciting" sign did not work. I bought a water cannon with a motion sensor and aimed it at my front door. You can get it on EBay for around $90. All you do is hook the hose up to an outlet, and then watch the fun through the living room window. it is actually designed to keep cats from craping in your flower bed, but it works on Mormon elders just as well. before we moved, we got 6 Mormon missionaries, a Jehovah's Witness, and a few scattered folks putting flyers on the door nob!
Irish....yes, you know my heart. But you are not hearing me.
I have experienced christian ways. I prefer not to be. I am not around islam, or have experienced it. I prefer not to be. But the first thing that came to my mind with the OP is..christianity. Because THAT I have experienced.
All the reports coming in on what extremist terrorists are doing are not going to sway my opinion. Yes, its bad. Yes, they are bad. Yes, it will get worse. Nothing I can do about it. But I CAN do something about christians that are ragging on my ass because they think I am this evil-going-to-hell person because I-don't-conform-to-their-thinking. So yeah..of course they are annoying to me.

I solved the Mormon Missionary problem. The "No soliciting" sign did not work. I bought a water cannon with a motion sensor and aimed it at my front door. You can get it on EBay for around $90. All you do is hook the hose up to an outlet, and then watch the fun through the living room window. it is actually designed to keep cats from craping in your flower bed, but it works on Mormon elders just as well. before we moved, we got 6 Mormon missionaries, a Jehovah's Witness, and a few scattered folks putting flyers on the door nob!
That is mean.
A tough choice. I hate all religion, but I'd have to agree with you and pick Christianity. They're the largest, the most in-your-face, and by far the most numerous in my area.

Plus, it's like you say--Moonslims will say, "Do you agree with me? No? OK, I kill you now," but Christ-stains stalk you all over town and the Internet to tell you why you're wrong and why you need "almighty Jeebus" in your life. To be constantly hounded by such stupidity is torture.

And yet here you are subjecting yourself to it. Why is that?

"hurr durr y dnt u kil urself if u dnt like jeebus" Really? That's your response?
actually no....her response was "And yet here you are subjecting yourself to it. Why is that?" which obviously bears no resemblance at all to what you just said.....

I solved the Mormon Missionary problem. The "No soliciting" sign did not work. I bought a water cannon with a motion sensor and aimed it at my front door. You can get it on EBay for around $90. All you do is hook the hose up to an outlet, and then watch the fun through the living room window. it is actually designed to keep cats from craping in your flower bed, but it works on Mormon elders just as well. before we moved, we got 6 Mormon missionaries, a Jehovah's Witness, and a few scattered folks putting flyers on the door nob!
and the mailman stopped delivering your mail so you don't have to pay bills any more either.....
Irish....yes, you know my heart. But you are not hearing me.
I have experienced christian ways. I prefer not to be. I am not around islam, or have experienced it. I prefer not to be. But the first thing that came to my mind with the OP is..christianity. Because THAT I have experienced.
All the reports coming in on what extremist terrorists are doing are not going to sway my opinion. Yes, its bad. Yes, they are bad. Yes, it will get worse. Nothing I can do about it. But I CAN do something about christians that are ragging on my ass because they think I am this evil-going-to-hell person because I-don't-conform-to-their-thinking. So yeah..of course they are annoying to me.
does that mean I can no longer chain you to a baptismal font?......
A bigot can say what ever a bigot wants. What a bigot can't do is stop you from walking away.

"well if u dnt wnt 2 b hrassed may b u shuld jus leav"

Nope. I have a ryght to go where I want, and a ryght to go there without being intellectually raped by hallucinating proselytizers spouting their ridiculous dogma.

So does the Christian. We hve th sme ryghts yu dooo. nd we dn't cri RAPE whn u post. R intelcts rn't as under devlped s yrs is.

You're so frail that you want to censor one's rights in favor of your own, so your overly sensitive little intellect doesn't get raped? If your intellect is that fragile, maybe you should just stay home. And turn off the TV. Someone might suggest you need a pill, or tell you what a Republican or Democrat thinks you need.... poor soul.
Irish....yes, you know my heart. But you are not hearing me.
I have experienced christian ways. I prefer not to be. I am not around islam, or have experienced it. I prefer not to be. But the first thing that came to my mind with the OP is..christianity. Because THAT I have experienced.
All the reports coming in on what extremist terrorists are doing are not going to sway my opinion. Yes, its bad. Yes, they are bad. Yes, it will get worse. Nothing I can do about it. But I CAN do something about christians that are ragging on my ass because they think I am this evil-going-to-hell person because I-don't-conform-to-their-thinking. So yeah..of course they are annoying to me.

I don't know how often Christians follow people around ragging on their ass, but I have the feeling the # of Christian stalkers and the frequency of their savage assaults are exaggerated, unless one subjects them self to religion by frequenting a religious arena. If that's the case then one should expect to run into religion. And, If that's the case then common sense should be initiated, because you will run into zealots.
Christianity, no question.

Reason being only they co-opted my Jewish holy text and pasted their's onto it. Islam might wanna kill me, but Christianity wants my soul.
so you're cool with getting your head sawed off, but not cool with people wanting you to go to heaven


Love the graphic.

Religions are just social clubs. People like to get together and pat each other on the back for be so fucking superior that they're gonna get all raptured to go to heaven or whatever their little spiel is. They don't pay taxes, they're get special protection and the rest of us have no choice but to shut up and put up with it.

So, why can't they just do their hocus pocus and mumbo their jumbo and leave other people alone?

You can't even come to this forum on this board to talk about religion and ethics without the usual bible thumpers telling you all about how wrong you are and how you're going to burn forever in hell yadda yadda.

For the zillionth time, you're welcome to your social club and to your tax free club house but have some frikken respect for those who don't agree with you. After all, its a right guaranteed to us by the constitution YOU SHARE, whether you like it or not.
Statism/collectivism. Nothing annoys me more than those that worship at the alter of big government. Nothing costs me more either.

One of the overriding points of Liberal Fascism is that all of the totalitarian “isms” of the left commit the fallacy of the category error. They all want the state to be something it cannot be. They passionately believe the government can love you, that the state can be your God or your church or your tribe or your parent or your village or all of these things at once. Conservatives occasionally make this mistake, libertarians never do, liberals almost always do.
Irish....yes, you know my heart. But you are not hearing me.
I have experienced christian ways. I prefer not to be. I am not around islam, or have experienced it. I prefer not to be. But the first thing that came to my mind with the OP is..christianity. Because THAT I have experienced.
All the reports coming in on what extremist terrorists are doing are not going to sway my opinion. Yes, its bad. Yes, they are bad. Yes, it will get worse. Nothing I can do about it. But I CAN do something about christians that are ragging on my ass because they think I am this evil-going-to-hell person because I-don't-conform-to-their-thinking. So yeah..of course they are annoying to me.

I don't know how often Christians follow people around ragging on their ass, but I have the feeling the # of Christian stalkers and the frequency of their savage assaults are exaggerated, unless one subjects them self to religion by frequenting a religious arena. If that's the case then one should expect to run into religion. And, If that's the case then common sense should be initiated, because you will run into zealots.

How many times do you think is okay?

I had a nutter approach me (with my g-daughters) in a park while we watched dogs play. She wanted to know if I had a "home church", whatever the hell that is. I whispered to her that if she didn't move away, I would bloody her nose. She started to sputter and go on with her rehearsed spiel and I admit, I'm mostly talk and just turned away from her.

She followed us for a while and then I finally got close enough to tell her I was calling the police and then started to dial my phone. She finally left s alone but I saw her stalking others.

Why should anyone have to be stalked and verbally assaulted by some freak in a park?
Statism/collectivism. Nothing annoys me more than those that worship at the alter of big government. Nothing costs me more either.

One of the overriding points of Liberal Fascism is that all of the totalitarian “isms” of the left commit the fallacy of the category error. They all want the state to be something it cannot be. They passionately believe the government can love you, that the state can be your God or your church or your tribe or your parent or your village or all of these things at once. Conservatives occasionally make this mistake, libertarians never do, liberals almost always do.

What bothers me more are those who are able to lie to themselves, voting for Adelson and Koch's while lying about liberals to others.

Look up the word "fascism" before you use it again so you don't embarrass - yet again.

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