Which State will be the first to secede from the USA and When?

Clearly the Xi lead "democrats" no longer have a desire to live in the USA. Instead of moving to Wuhan, they are determined to attempt to destroy and undermine the USA - or die trying.

This summer will be marked by increasing Soros/Xi funded and orchestrated violence. It's likely many of our urban centers will be burning rubble.

It's a question of which State announces they will secede and when.

I'll go with CA announces secession September 9 (CA admission Day into the Union) or Sept 25 (CA Native American Day)

BTW, I'm all in favor of granting secession but limited to Southern CA and building a wall around it

Too optimistic? What?

I almost started a thread like this.

Glad someone did.

I think it is time for the left and the right to self segregate.

That would be awesome!

What's the point of leaving, the left will always follow us and try to trash the place with PC crap, high taxes and all.

They are the locust of America.

I am not wanting to leave. Though I would consider it if the was could be kept free of leftardz.

That said, Life is short.

The leftardz aint happy and we clearly would be better off without them. So, let's agree to disagree and go our separate ways. Let them live in the type society that they are fighting for. It will serve them right.

Yes that is the way it’s suppose to be first with states rights ..

States rights made people suffer when voting stoopid

Which made them then to do as the conservatives says

Liberal states now will die because conservatives will now stop
Helping them

Later liberals will get on their knees to beg conservatives to control them to save them

Fucking Garbage in gives us garbage out.

These cycles will continue until all sides finally convince themself of that fact.

Facts are the wise stops the unwise
And the majority of the men wins over the women
No need to secede.

Within the next 100 years, Americans will agree to a peaceful and harmonious division of the current United States of America. We simply cannot all get along. We should be grateful to BLM for making that point perfectly clear.
No need to secede.

Within the next 100 years, Americans will agree to a peaceful and harmonious division of the current United States of America. We simply cannot all get along. We should be grateful to BLM for making that point perfectly clear.
We don’t have 100 years. It needs to happen soon.

It could be that should Dumb Don win re-election, some blue states might secede. If so, the entire house of cards might come crashing down.

I hope so and I hope Don doesn’t follow Lincoln’s treasonous approach, and start mass murdering Americans.
No need to secede.

Within the next 100 years, Americans will agree to a peaceful and harmonious division of the current United States of America. We simply cannot all get along. We should be grateful to BLM for making that point perfectly clear.
We don’t have 100 years. It needs to happen soon.

It could be that should Dumb Don win re-election, some blue states might secede. If so, the entire house of cards might come crashing down.

I hope so and I hope Don doesn’t follow Lincoln’s treasonous approach, and start mass murdering Americans.

If the blue states did secede, I get the feeling that The Donald would be pleased. He definitely would NOT want to stop such a move. And then Americans would have a choice of where they want to live. A win-win for everyone. That's the American way!
No need to secede.

Within the next 100 years, Americans will agree to a peaceful and harmonious division of the current United States of America. We simply cannot all get along. We should be grateful to BLM for making that point perfectly clear.
We don’t have 100 years. It needs to happen soon.

It could be that should Dumb Don win re-election, some blue states might secede. If so, the entire house of cards might come crashing down.

I hope so and I hope Don doesn’t follow Lincoln’s treasonous approach, and start mass murdering Americans.

If the blue states did secede, I get the feeling that The Donald would be pleased. He definitely would NOT want to stop such a move. And then Americans would have a choice of where they want to live. A win-win for everyone. That's the American way!
I hope you’re right about Don, but fear you might be wrong. He just might turn murderous like old Abe.
Facts are the wise stops the unwise
And the majority of the men wins over the women
I'm afraid to do the amount of drugs that are required to decipher what the fuck it was that you think you just said.
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Clearly the Xi lead "democrats" no longer have a desire to live in the USA. Instead of moving to Wuhan, they are determined to attempt to destroy and undermine the USA - or die trying.

This summer will be marked by increasing Soros/Xi funded and orchestrated violence. It's likely many of our urban centers will be burning rubble.

It's a question of which State announces they will secede and when.

I'll go with CA announces secession September 9 (CA admission Day into the Union) or Sept 25 (CA Native American Day)

BTW, I'm all in favor of granting secession but limited to Southern CA and building a wall around it

Too optimistic? What?

There will be no serious talk of secession until after the election. If Trump wins, Blue States will talk about it. If Biden wins, Red States will do the same.
Facts are the wise stops the unwise
And the majority of the men wins over the women
I'm afraid to do the amount of drugs that are required to decipher what the fuck it was that you think you just said.

The wise will stop the unwise
Ike all thru history

The men will stop the women’s right to vote and replace voters with the ones passing a high logical thinking ability test

It’s over for all democrats and the deep state
Why not make a few bucks by selling Southern CA back to Mexico (priced to take improvements into account, of course)???
Getting rid of Los Angeles would be worth it, even if we had to sell it for a loss.

your russian friends would buy it!

and put nuclear weapons and missile defenses in it....

why not?

you let them just move in to South America and build bases where they shouldn't be....
Why not make a few bucks by selling Southern CA back to Mexico (priced to take improvements into account, of course)???
Getting rid of Los Angeles would be worth it, even if we had to sell it for a loss.

your russian friends would buy it!

and put nuclear weapons and missile defenses in it....

why not?

you let them just move in to South America and build bases where they shouldn't be....
I doubt Russia would be able to find room for all of the drag queens...

But who knows???

They might find them entertaining!!!

But on a brighter note: If Russia were to buy it and we were to go to war, we could see if we could make those drag queens and peodophies glow in the dark!!!
Lenny, ( post #7)
Mexicans are the ultimate storekeepers, mathematicians, pharmacists, engineers, and entrepreneurs. When they are exposed to enough to comfortably raise 10 children, they shine.

For 300 years, this country has patronized Latinos, but only has yet to learn what resourceful and talented human beings they are. Have you seen Mexico start an endless war in the Middle East? Have you seen the entire Latino community pursue endless divorces, or is Latino papa headed home at the end of the day with a red rose in his hand to honor his beloved wife who was hand- picked by wise parents who were taking into consideration who would treasure his labors to afford the family a good home and groceries to prosper la familia with good health and full tummies.
Do tell me what Mexicans cannot do to prosper life for their own children by a concerted effort to care for their elders and educate their children. Furthermore, they do not prosper overbearing hate nor unsolicited arrogance, and they give respect to spiritual leaders to keep them on the straight and narrow, from peasant to billionaire. Neither do they live under someone else's kicking feet.

Can't say enough good about the Spanish influence in society. Even so, they manage to find a way to live in peace with their family first, and the rest later if time off from family matters allows it. Yes, every apple tree has a few rotten apples below, but in family matters, they get their children as much good as they can. The tendency of Mexicans has to be conservative in order to raise happy and well-mannered children who are loyal to their families. They tend to be short-term leftists when they have to deal with work and devotion to la familia. And that's what I think about these family-first human beings who have built remarkably beautiful works of architecture and peace-giving human comforts for endless centuries on this planet.
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It would be wise for the Florida Governor to accept a term as Vice' President first to appreciate what his family will have to endure if we are ever to be blessed with 8 years of Gov DeSantis being the POTUS. I hate to put a good man between the deep blue sea and the sea of devils, but he's already a man whose wise political decisions have put him in the hearts of his fellow Americans.

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