Which State Will Have the First Civil Disobedience?

What is wrong with acting like adults and responsible citizens? What is wrong with a society acting as one to protect one another from a pernicious virus?

PS--you know you have really valid points when the shaming starts: ie, "acting like adults and responsible citizens". The more you have to shame, the more you make it clear that your arguments are thin
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want the equivalent of Italy in this nation. They also did not take the virus seriously. The question is what is more important protecting masses of human lives or closing a restaurant/bar for 30 days? Obviously, Trump thought it serious enough to declare a national emergency. I support his action as late as it may be.

False equivalency and false choice. We are not like Italy because our nation is considerably younger, for one, and for another our health care system is much different. Secondly, the choice is not as binary as protecting masses of humans or closing bars/restaurants for 30 days. At the very least, these boneheaded govs could have done it by COUNTY, not by entire state. There are entire unaffected regions shut down with not a single case. That's an instance of "the cure is worse than the disease".

We are much too mobile a society for that to happen. Our first case (and death) was from a relatively small isolated county.
The article linked below contains a list of states that have closed bars and restaurants. In my state, there is an entire region unaffected by Coronavirus--zero reported cases. Who's going to be the first restaurant/bar owner in that portion of the state--or ANY state--to say screw it and open their doors to a flood of customers?

I say one week, ten days at the outside. When one does, other owners in other states will do the same, especially in areas with no Coronavirus. And once that starts, it will be America saying, screw you, Daddy Government. We are Open for Business.

Which states have closed restaurants and bars due to coronavirus?

A few tried lollygagging in Nashville. They got their heads set right post haste.
What is wrong with acting like adults and responsible citizens? What is wrong with a society acting as one to protect one another from a pernicious virus?

PS--you know you have really valid points when the shaming starts: ie, "acting like adults and responsible citizens". The more you have to shame, the more you make it clear that your arguments are thin
I say let you folks gather and infect each other if you're willing to be quarantined together and no resources in short supply are l sent your way depriving others in need.
The article linked below contains a list of states that have closed bars and restaurants. In my state, there is an entire region unaffected by Coronavirus--zero reported cases. Who's going to be the first restaurant/bar owner in that portion of the state--or ANY state--to say screw it and open their doors to a flood of customers?

I say one week, ten days at the outside. When one does, other owners in other states will do the same, especially in areas with no Coronavirus. And once that starts, it will be America saying, screw you, Daddy Government. We are Open for Business.

Which states have closed restaurants and bars due to coronavirus?

Texas is shut down with no reported cases? Since when?

The cultural fear of death comes from our cultural death of Christianity.

I have another thread on that in the Religion/Ethics forum. There have always been atheists, non-Christians, secularists among us, as is their right. But our collective Christianity acted as something of a herd immunity right? And made us bolder, more courageous.

Now, the fear of death is pervasive. Again. Most Americans feel there is nothing beyond their own hide. So, they are afraid. Crap on a cracker, I would be too if I believed that.

No our cultural fear of death comes from human beings innate desire to you know, not wanna die. The will to live. Also, the fear that once we close our eyes and take that final dirt nap, there will be nothing but blackness. No afterlife, no deity to comfort us, no seeing loved ones for a last conversation or to make amends. Just dark, cold, blackness. Nothing. And the prospect of that scares the deeply religious to death. But, look at it this way, you'll be dead so you won't care.

There won't be any civil disobedience. This isn't a police state. Wanting people to observe rules for the benefit of their fellow man is not restricting freedoms. But if people keep walking around spouting some of the misinformation that I've heard (especially from right wing talk radio, Internet media, and of course our pals at Fox), we'll become Italy..or worse, Iran. And let's stop with coronavirus is the flu baloney. It isn't. It's mortality rate is higher, it's more contagious, and it's been described as the perfect killing machine of a virus for the elderly and people with underlying preexisting conditions. Our healthcare system isn't designed for a mass pandemic.It never was.

Finally, Trump's response to this virus just seals the deal that he wholly unfit to sit in that Oval Office chair. His delay in responding like a leader is costing people their lives.
You can pass this off as Trump hate, TDS, or whatever helps you sleep at night. He needs to slink back to Trump Tower...like immediately. It's painful watching him at these press conferences. You can tell that not only does he have no interest in being there, he's wishing he was anywhere else. It isn't fun for him anymore. He can't campaign his way out of this

Everything in your post was just fine until you released your TDS infection on everyone. Why don't you quarantine that?
The article linked below contains a list of states that have closed bars and restaurants. In my state, there is an entire region unaffected by Coronavirus--zero reported cases. Who's going to be the first restaurant/bar owner in that portion of the state--or ANY state--to say screw it and open their doors to a flood of customers?

I say one week, ten days at the outside. When one does, other owners in other states will do the same, especially in areas with no Coronavirus. And once that starts, it will be America saying, screw you, Daddy Government. We are Open for Business.

Which states have closed restaurants and bars due to coronavirus?
My county in SE Michigan has ZERO cases, and the disease ISNT that bad.

They will destroy the country and the world economy over this.

It as zero cases that you know about.
Unless you test everyone you cant know. What we do know is zero deaths.

So my county "could" have 1,000 people infected with zero deaths -- which only proves my point
Places with no Coronavirus will have Coronavirus
And when you get it you will recover in a couple days.

For that you'd bring down the world!

If I get it, I will more likely end up dead. If my grandson gets it, he will likely end up dead. Is that what you want?
So let's have millions of businesses fail and everybody under lockdown and unemployed for a year and a half.

Is that what you want?

In a year and a half there will be no place to return to work.
The article linked below contains a list of states that have closed bars and restaurants. In my state, there is an entire region unaffected by Coronavirus--zero reported cases. Who's going to be the first restaurant/bar owner in that portion of the state--or ANY state--to say screw it and open their doors to a flood of customers?

I say one week, ten days at the outside. When one does, other owners in other states will do the same, especially in areas with no Coronavirus. And once that starts, it will be America saying, screw you, Daddy Government. We are Open for Business.

Which states have closed restaurants and bars due to coronavirus?
Why would anyone do that and risk spreading the virus to their employees and customers?
The article linked below contains a list of states that have closed bars and restaurants. In my state, there is an entire region unaffected by Coronavirus--zero reported cases. Who's going to be the first restaurant/bar owner in that portion of the state--or ANY state--to say screw it and open their doors to a flood of customers?

I say one week, ten days at the outside. When one does, other owners in other states will do the same, especially in areas with no Coronavirus. And once that starts, it will be America saying, screw you, Daddy Government. We are Open for Business.

Which states have closed restaurants and bars due to coronavirus?
My county in SE Michigan has ZERO cases, and the disease ISNT that bad.

They will destroy the country and the world economy over this.

It as zero cases that you know about.
Unless you test everyone you cant know. What we do know is zero deaths.

So my county "could" have 1,000 people infected with zero deaths -- which only proves my point

It could also have 1000 people infected and hundreds could die in the next few weeks. You don't know. BTW, your "funny" on my post about me or my grandson dying is a real class act, you incredible fuckwad!
Places with no Coronavirus will have Coronavirus
And when you get it you will recover in a couple days.

For that you'd bring down the world!

If I get it, I will more likely end up dead. If my grandson gets it, he will likely end up dead. Is that what you want?
So let's have millions of businesses fail and everybody under lockdown and unemployed for a year and a half.

Is that what you want?

In a year and a half there will be no place to return to work.

Who said that was going to happen?

Oh, that would be you and your overactive uneducated, idiotic stupid fucking opinion!
The article linked below contains a list of states that have closed bars and restaurants. In my state, there is an entire region unaffected by Coronavirus--zero reported cases. Who's going to be the first restaurant/bar owner in that portion of the state--or ANY state--to say screw it and open their doors to a flood of customers?

I say one week, ten days at the outside. When one does, other owners in other states will do the same, especially in areas with no Coronavirus. And once that starts, it will be America saying, screw you, Daddy Government. We are Open for Business.

Which states have closed restaurants and bars due to coronavirus?
Why would anyone do that and risk spreading the virus to their employees and customers?
Because they’re worried that Trump’s failure to address the outbreak jeopardizes his reelection chances.

Pretending that ‘everything’s normal’ and that the response to the crisis is an ‘overreaction’ will mitigate Trump’s failure and benefit him politically.

Indeed, there could be a business owner sympathetic to Trump who will ignore the facts and the truth concerning the outbreak and disregard health and safety protocols out of misguided loyalty to Trump.

The thread premise is evidence of that possibility.
What is wrong with acting like adults and responsible citizens? What is wrong with a society acting as one to protect one another from a pernicious virus?
Wrong when not necessary and a wholesale overreaction
Places with no Coronavirus will have Coronavirus
And when you get it you will recover in a couple days.

For that you'd bring down the world!

If I get it, I will more likely end up dead. If my grandson gets it, he will likely end up dead. Is that what you want?
So let's have millions of businesses fail and everybody under lockdown and unemployed for a year and a half.

Is that what you want?

In a year and a half there will be no place to return to work.
They don’t care. The Orange bad man will have lost
Now imagine also being in a region with all these school closings. Same thing, weeks and weeks, some states for the rest of the year. No cases in your county.

I won't say Y2K yet but....maybe. Not out of the realm of possibility.

Y2K wasn't a problem because we had a guy (Clinton) who took it seriously and worked with the private sector to address the problem proactively.

He didn't call it a "Hoax" and then panicked when all the computers stopped working.

The article linked below contains a list of states that have closed bars and restaurants. In my state, there is an entire region unaffected by Coronavirus--zero reported cases. Who's going to be the first restaurant/bar owner in that portion of the state--or ANY state--to say screw it and open their doors to a flood of customers?

I say one week, ten days at the outside. When one does, other owners in other states will do the same, especially in areas with no Coronavirus. And once that starts, it will be America saying, screw you, Daddy Government. We are Open for Business.

Which states have closed restaurants and bars due to coronavirus?
Why would anyone do that and risk spreading the virus to their employees and customers?
Because they’re worried that Trump’s failure to address the outbreak jeopardizes his reelection chances.

Pretending that ‘everything’s normal’ and that the response to the crisis is an ‘overreaction’ will mitigate Trump’s failure and benefit him politically.

Indeed, there could be a business owner sympathetic to Trump who will ignore the facts and the truth concerning the outbreak and disregard health and safety protocols out of misguided loyalty to Trump.

The thread premise is evidence of that possibility.
Oh! So the question was "which tRumpling will act out first".

I thought we were talking about real people.

My bad.
The article linked below contains a list of states that have closed bars and restaurants. In my state, there is an entire region unaffected by Coronavirus--zero reported cases. Who's going to be the first restaurant/bar owner in that portion of the state--or ANY state--to say screw it and open their doors to a flood of customers?

I say one week, ten days at the outside. When one does, other owners in other states will do the same, especially in areas with no Coronavirus. And once that starts, it will be America saying, screw you, Daddy Government. We are Open for Business.

Which states have closed restaurants and bars due to coronavirus?
Why would anyone do that and risk spreading the virus to their employees and customers?
Because they’re worried that Trump’s failure to address the outbreak jeopardizes his reelection chances.

Pretending that ‘everything’s normal’ and that the response to the crisis is an ‘overreaction’ will mitigate Trump’s failure and benefit him politically.

Indeed, there could be a business owner sympathetic to Trump who will ignore the facts and the truth concerning the outbreak and disregard health and safety protocols out of misguided loyalty to Trump.

The thread premise is evidence of that possibility.
Oh! So the question was "which tRumpling will act out first".

I thought we were talking about real people.

My bad.

So anybody that supports Trump is a non-person? Am I reading that correctly from your dumbass self?
The article linked below contains a list of states that have closed bars and restaurants. In my state, there is an entire region unaffected by Coronavirus--zero reported cases. Who's going to be the first restaurant/bar owner in that portion of the state--or ANY state--to say screw it and open their doors to a flood of customers?

I say one week, ten days at the outside. When one does, other owners in other states will do the same, especially in areas with no Coronavirus. And once that starts, it will be America saying, screw you, Daddy Government. We are Open for Business.

Which states have closed restaurants and bars due to coronavirus?
Why would anyone do that and risk spreading the virus to their employees and customers?
Because they’re worried that Trump’s failure to address the outbreak jeopardizes his reelection chances.

Pretending that ‘everything’s normal’ and that the response to the crisis is an ‘overreaction’ will mitigate Trump’s failure and benefit him politically.

Indeed, there could be a business owner sympathetic to Trump who will ignore the facts and the truth concerning the outbreak and disregard health and safety protocols out of misguided loyalty to Trump.

The thread premise is evidence of that possibility.
Oh! So the question was "which tRumpling will act out first".

I thought we were talking about real people.

My bad.

So anybody that supports Trump is a non-person? Am I reading that correctly from your dumbass self?
You've been working on that comprehension on the sly, haven't you?

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