Which State Will Have the First Civil Disobedience?

Its only a matter of time that people will begin to rebel. For now, its a novel experience and everyone wants to do their part. In April, things will change, I believe. People will get tired of sitting at home going stir crazy...especially if there are no new cases in their town or city.
If there are no new cases in my town perhaps I can go to another town and bring home some Covid. A souvenir that`s cheaper than a box of salt water taffy.
Please just make sure you stay home and cower in the corner on election day.
This isn’t an inconvenience. The commercial paper market was seizing up. Why should you care? Imagine a world where Visa and MasterCard can’t borrow in the commercial paper market. That means they can’t finance their short-term liabilities, ie you going to the store to buy stuff with your credit card. Now imagine a world where people can suddenly no longer use their credit card. That’s a real thing. You think we’ve got panic now? Those football field long line-ups at Costco would turn into riots.

The Fed stepped in to backstop the commercial paper market last week.

So you people on Wall Street managed to fuck it up - again - and are looking for more bailouts?

Color me shocked.

Socialism for the rich, ruthless capitalism for the rest of us. But don't vote for Bernie!

It's not socialism for the rich. It's making sure that people can still have access to credit. Rich people don't put their money into the commercial paper market.

Simple bromides and sloganeering isn't going to save the economy.
'We were told horrid things about ERs being overrun, hospitals over capacity and etc. That is not happening thus far.'

we haven't peaked yet - that's why. we could head it off if people stay away from each other & slow the virus down in the amt of victims being infected. by doing that, we WON'T overwhelm the healthcare system. a lot of this could have & should have been done weeks ago - to determine who was infected & quarantine them to limit the exposure rate.

why are the medical professionals pleading for more supplies? why are they using the same gear & supplies over & over again? why are they told to use bandanas as face masks? it's not all due to hoarding. it's because people are now showing up sick because symptoms don't kick in until 10 - 14 days after contracting it ...

Coronavirus in N.Y.: ‘Deluge’ of Cases Begins Hitting Hospitals
There are already critical shortages: A Bronx hospital is running out of ventilators. In Brooklyn, doctors are reusing masks.
By Brian M. Rosenthal, Joseph Goldstein and Michael Rothfeld
  • Published March 20, 2020Updated March 21, 2020, 7:52 a.m. ET

New York State’s long-feared surge of coronavirus cases has begun, thrusting the medical system toward a crisis point.

In a startlingly quick ascent, officials reported on Friday that the state was closing in on 8,000 positive tests, about half the cases in the country. The number was 10 times higher than what was reported earlier in the week.
State officials have projected that the number of coronavirus cases in New York will peak in early May. Both the governor and Mayor Bill de Blasio have used wartime metaphors and analogies to paint a grim picture of what to expect. Officials have said the state would need to double its available hospital beds to 100,000 and could be short as many as 25,000 ventilators.

As it prepares for the worst-case projections, the state is asking retired health care workers to volunteer to help. The city is considering trying to turn the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in Manhattan into a makeshift hospital.

“The most striking part is the speed with which it has ramped up,” said Ben McVane, an emergency room doctor at Elmhurst Hospital Center in Queens. “It went from a small trickle of patients to a deluge of patients in our departments.”
Coronavirus in N.Y.: ‘Deluge’ of Cases Begins Hitting Hospitals

Italy’s Coronavirus Nightmare Could Happen in U.S. Within Days or Weeks, Ex-CDC Chief Says
Nick Turse
March 21 2020, 12:27 a.m.
Italy’s Coronavirus Nightmare Could Happen in U.S. Within Days or Weeks, Ex-CDC Chief Says

hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

You have a case for NYC, where people live in shoeboxes basically on top of each other. Notice I wasn't talking about that in my OP. I was talking about remote places where there are NO cases of COVID, but where the gov have still shut down all the restaurants/bars in the state.

Address the OP, not what I didn't say.

i did address what you said. i said there aren't any CONFIRMED cases in the area you are talking about. either people don't realize what they have or are asymptomatic or the incubation period hasn't reared their ugly symptoms yet. more people are saying they don't know HOW they got it - well SOMEBODY is giving it to them. & all it takes are close clusters of people to get it going. why do you think NYC et al are getting hit hard?

It is beyond idiotic to shut down an entire nation's economy based on information that is unknown.

Only liberals would advocate it, actually.
'We were told horrid things about ERs being overrun, hospitals over capacity and etc. That is not happening thus far.'

we haven't peaked yet - that's why. we could head it off if people stay away from each other & slow the virus down in the amt of victims being infected. by doing that, we WON'T overwhelm the healthcare system. a lot of this could have & should have been done weeks ago - to determine who was infected & quarantine them to limit the exposure rate.

why are the medical professionals pleading for more supplies? why are they using the same gear & supplies over & over again? why are they told to use bandanas as face masks? it's not all due to hoarding. it's because people are now showing up sick because symptoms don't kick in until 10 - 14 days after contracting it ...

Coronavirus in N.Y.: ‘Deluge’ of Cases Begins Hitting Hospitals
There are already critical shortages: A Bronx hospital is running out of ventilators. In Brooklyn, doctors are reusing masks.
By Brian M. Rosenthal, Joseph Goldstein and Michael Rothfeld
  • Published March 20, 2020Updated March 21, 2020, 7:52 a.m. ET

New York State’s long-feared surge of coronavirus cases has begun, thrusting the medical system toward a crisis point.

In a startlingly quick ascent, officials reported on Friday that the state was closing in on 8,000 positive tests, about half the cases in the country. The number was 10 times higher than what was reported earlier in the week.
State officials have projected that the number of coronavirus cases in New York will peak in early May. Both the governor and Mayor Bill de Blasio have used wartime metaphors and analogies to paint a grim picture of what to expect. Officials have said the state would need to double its available hospital beds to 100,000 and could be short as many as 25,000 ventilators.

As it prepares for the worst-case projections, the state is asking retired health care workers to volunteer to help. The city is considering trying to turn the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in Manhattan into a makeshift hospital.

“The most striking part is the speed with which it has ramped up,” said Ben McVane, an emergency room doctor at Elmhurst Hospital Center in Queens. “It went from a small trickle of patients to a deluge of patients in our departments.”
Coronavirus in N.Y.: ‘Deluge’ of Cases Begins Hitting Hospitals

Italy’s Coronavirus Nightmare Could Happen in U.S. Within Days or Weeks, Ex-CDC Chief Says
Nick Turse
March 21 2020, 12:27 a.m.
Italy’s Coronavirus Nightmare Could Happen in U.S. Within Days or Weeks, Ex-CDC Chief Says

hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

You have a case for NYC, where people live in shoeboxes basically on top of each other. Notice I wasn't talking about that in my OP. I was talking about remote places where there are NO cases of COVID, but where the gov have still shut down all the restaurants/bars in the state.

Address the OP, not what I didn't say.

i did address what you said. i said there aren't any CONFIRMED cases in the area you are talking about. either people don't realize what they have or are asymptomatic or the incubation period hasn't reared their ugly symptoms yet. more people are saying they don't know HOW they got it - well SOMEBODY is giving it to them. & all it takes are close clusters of people to get it going. why do you think NYC et al are getting hit hard?

It is beyond idiotic to shut down an entire nation's economy based on information that is unknown.

Only liberals would advocate it, actually.
Only liberals care/ Glad you pointed that out.

Cheap and beyond stupid. When the economy crashes and people are starving, I could say "only conservatives care". That's no kind of argument; it's a brain dead potshot

lol... you ironic panic & fear mongering poster you............
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What is wrong with acting like adults and responsible citizens? What is wrong with a society acting as one to protect one another from a pernicious virus?

If you are sitting in an entire region of an entire state that has ZERO cases of this virus, and you have laid off all your employees, and you are watching day by day as none of these horrid warnings are coming true--believe me. Your patience is running very thin. NOW. TODAY.

In another week the patience will be gone. I'm in a state with closed bars and restaurants and IN a county with COVID. I do not know anyone, personally, with the virus. I DO know people who have been laid off.

This is a disaster, all right, but the disaster is not the virus. It's the response.
Same here. No cases, lots of closings.

Every state has cases.

the idiot OP thinks some counties have magical invisible barriers that the virus won't cross & therefore they don't need to take precautions to slow this thing down.
The article linked below contains a list of states that have closed bars and restaurants. In my state, there is an entire region unaffected by Coronavirus--zero reported cases. Who's going to be the first restaurant/bar owner in that portion of the state--or ANY state--to say screw it and open their doors to a flood of customers?

I say one week, ten days at the outside. When one does, other owners in other states will do the same, especially in areas with no Coronavirus. And once that starts, it will be America saying, screw you, Daddy Government. We are Open for Business.

Which states have closed restaurants and bars due to coronavirus?
Why would anyone do that and risk spreading the virus to their employees and customers?

because: money money money.

& also: cult 45.

that's why.
Its only a matter of time that people will begin to rebel. For now, its a novel experience and everyone wants to do their part. In April, things will change, I believe. People will get tired of sitting at home going stir crazy...especially if there are no new cases in their town or city.

Our gov was one of the first to close bars/restaurants and schools, but she is holding firm on not issuing a "stay at home" order, must to the dismay of panicking libs. I'm very glad. There's no need. We have a much less than 1% death rate so far, and there are entire big swaths of our state entirely unaffected. A stay at home order would do much more damage than good.

She's a Dem so where she got this common sense is anyone's guess...heh
On Friday MN governor Walz had a press conference. The media hyped the shit out of it and people panicked expecting a state shutdown then flooded the stores and emptied out the shelves again. The governor declined the full shutdown for now, but still has it in his "toolbox".

I have heard from many working in construction as self employed workers they will ignore any shutdown until the Sheriff stops work.
Many of us work as small teams of 3 or 4 workers outside away from any other people.
Really no chance of getting it or spreading it.
Yet drive by any store and hundreds are gathered to clean out the store. Daycare workers on the frontlines taking care of groups of 40 kids, yet the schools are closed. Fast food workers allowed to work confined together to operate drive thru operations.
A local news reporter was at a closed restaurant that converted to a community kitchen delivering food. There were 20 people in that place along with the reporter and his germ infested microphone interviewing people.

I see no real common sense in these blanket shutdowns, just the destruction of an entire economy.
What the Cult 45 Resisters will never be mistaken for: The Greatest Generation. Can anyone imagine these people sacrificing gas, butter, aluminum, steel, etc. to help defeat the Axis Powers? They would be far more likely to join them.

It's not socialism for the rich. It's making sure that people can still have access to credit. Rich people don't put their money into the commercial paper market.

Simple bromides and sloganeering isn't going to save the economy.

Again, Fourth Time in my adult life that Republicans have been in charge and caused a recession.

But we need to save the banks and the airlines and the other rich corporations, AGAIN.
My son almost died from his peanut allergy when he was five. And yet I do not approach people eating peanuts and say "If you eat those my son could die. Is that what you want?"
Because you would sound like a goddamn crazy person, as a person eating peanuts is not going to trigger your son's allergies. What a terrible analogy.

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