Which State Would You Like to Kick Out of the US?

Really . What does Miss give the county ? Nothing but grief and hurricane relief requests .

The federal government spent far more for hurricane relief in New Jersey than it ever spent on Mississippi.

New Jersey pays ten times the taxes Mississippi does

What does New Jersey give the country other than bad role models?

Jersey brought us great American heroes such as The Situation and Snookie. Don't hate.

Good reasons to bomb it off the map
We're trying to get North Carolina and Georgia to cooperate on a chainsaw project to saw off South Carolina and push it out to the Bermuda Triangle, where it prolly came from anyway.

There's a reason we have a wall between the states. But at least we got SC to pay for it.
No, don't eliminate any state.

Keep Alaska as a penal and mental health colony for TPM, anarchists, communists, pedophiles, and other anti-social misfits.
Really . What does Miss give the county ? Nothing but grief and hurricane relief requests .

The federal government spent far more for hurricane relief in New Jersey than it ever spent on Mississippi.

New Jersey pays ten times the taxes Mississippi does

What does New Jersey give the country other than bad role models?

Jersey brought us great American heroes such as The Situation and Snookie. Don't hate.

Do not touch New Jersey. Sure it's wacko and its roads are designed by a blind man, but it's got the best eggplant parmesean and some killer seafood.
Most of the people you are calling "fat" are African-Americans. On average, blacks are heavier than whites. So what you revealed is that you're a big fat racist, and you also hate people who are overweight. That's not a pretty picture of you.

Have you been to the South.
Fat Good Old Boys dominate.
They insist the science that says calories causes weight gain is false just like the science that says humans contribute to global warming.
OK here's an answer we can all agree on..............

Anyone who answers the title question with anything other than " none, of course" is not really an American and should have the decency to get the fuck out of my country.
No, don't eliminate any state.

Keep Alaska as a penal and mental health colony for TPM, anarchists, communists, pedophiles, and other anti-social misfits.

Why move half the population of NY to Alaska?
It is **WARNING** a ... fact that the biggest parasite states are the red states, so from a strictly economic stand point they should be gone but one could make the humanitarian plea and say that these welfare states need a hand up and not a hand out. Also other states like Alaska have lots of natural resources while others don't and have to rely on smart people as their natural resources e.g. NY, CT, MA, NJ. The smart people are in the Northeast.


Some states need to go for moral reasons. Florida is a toilet, Texas has been whining about seceding for a long time and to those turds I say, "America, love it or leave it. Get the fuck out and see if Mexico will baby sit you." Alabama, Kentucky and Mississippi should go too.

America would be better off without corrupt states such as Florida and Texas and the other corrupt, immoral and parasitic red states.

"Kick a state out of the Union"? Is the left advocating anarchy now? If you think about the post you have to realize that the low information left has no freaking idea of the electoral system or the Constitution. All they want to do is whine.
Most of the people you are calling "fat" are African-Americans. On average, blacks are heavier than whites. So what you revealed is that you're a big fat racist, and you also hate people who are overweight. That's not a pretty picture of you.

Have you been to the South.
Fat Good Old Boys dominate.
They insist the science that says calories causes weight gain is false just like the science that says humans contribute to global warming.

Lived in Florida for 15 years and Columbus Georgia for 2 1/2 years. I also lived in Baltimore Maryland for 4 years, if you call that the South. I observed plenty of fat black people while I was there.
You almost gotta laugh when the U.S. supports a population of illegal aliens larger than some Scandanavian countries and lefties want to kick U.S. citizens out of the Union and keep the illegals. Left wing ignorance knows no bounds.
Yo, California, simple! We can get rid of two problems at once? Dumb Mini Socialist, and a shit load of illegals!!! And, wait until Obama and the Black Caucus in Washington are visiting California!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is **WARNING** a ... fact that the biggest parasite states are the red states, so from a strictly economic stand point they should be gone but one could make the humanitarian plea and say that these welfare states need a hand up and not a hand out. Also other states like Alaska have lots of natural resources while others don't and have to rely on smart people as their natural resources e.g. NY, CT, MA, NJ. The smart people are in the Northeast.


Some states need to go for moral reasons. Florida is a toilet, Texas has been whining about seceding for a long time and to those turds I say, "America, love it or leave it. Get the fuck out and see if Mexico will baby sit you." Alabama, Kentucky and Mississippi should go too.

America would be better off without corrupt states such as Florida and Texas and the other corrupt, immoral and parasitic red states.

Actually it would make me happy if we divided up as per your map. We would be so much better off without the blue states. Maybe Canada will let y'all join them. I suspect they have better sense than that though. And it is the "blue states" that leech off the red. Has it occurred to you that the red states make a Hell of a lot bigger country than the blue?
It is **WARNING** a ... fact that the biggest parasite states are the red states, so from a strictly economic stand point they should be gone but one could make the humanitarian plea and say that these welfare states need a hand up and not a hand out. Also other states like Alaska have lots of natural resources while others don't and have to rely on smart people as their natural resources e.g. NY, CT, MA, NJ. The smart people are in the Northeast.


Some states need to go for moral reasons. Florida is a toilet, Texas has been whining about seceding for a long time and to those turds I say, "America, love it or leave it. Get the fuck out and see if Mexico will baby sit you." Alabama, Kentucky and Mississippi should go too.

America would be better off without corrupt states such as Florida and Texas and the other corrupt, immoral and parasitic red states.

Actually it would make me happy if we divided up as per your map. We would be so much better off without the blue states. Maybe Canada will let y'all join them. I suspect they have better sense than that though. And it is the "blue states" that leech off the red. Has it occurred to you that the red states make a Hell of a lot bigger country than the blue?
More fed assistance goes per capital to red states, bub.

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