Which statement was racist?

Racism Is a Realistic Judgment on Content of Character

Being against racism is a Preppy way of despising the White working class. Their Daddies had always told them that the rest of the White race was stupid, lazy, and greedy. In order to come up with something on their own, they virtue-signaled with the illusion that the natural racism of those who aren't sheltered from the real world is unethical.
Racism is a way the white upper class was able to keep two groups of poor people from uniting and demanding equal treatment for all.
I believe that none of the antatements are racist. But the ones about the percentage of players in professional sports who happen to be black are absolutely not racist.

Whether the one about murderers is racist may depend on how the statistic (if accurate) was used.
Racism is a way the white upper class was able to keep two groups of poor people from uniting and demanding equal treatment for all.
One ^ of the most baseless, idiotic leftarded statements yet.
Then you explain why the MAGA crowd follows a billionaire that doesn’t have a clue about their lives.

Feel free to ask a legitimate question if you wish to have a discussion.

Feel free to ask a legitimate question if you wish to have a discussion.
Who was asking a question? Did you see one of these ‘?’? Do you have any idea to what you’re responding?
Pretty sure there's some missing info here.

Why would the OP leave out information needed to respond to his query.

Sounds all NEWSMAX/GOP ish to me.
Who was asking a question? Did you see one of these ‘?’? Do you have any idea to what you’re responding?
You asked me to “explain,” you fucking idiot.

Maybe you don’t know what a question is. Or maybe you’re just a born bullshit artist.

Fuck off, either way.

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