Which Vaccine?

I do. Check the actual VAERS data base, if you can use your PC to do more than type on message boards. You can query any side effect you want and even read the individual reports if you choose. I just did, then ran the numbers. I like the odds I will not have anything more than a mild reaction or none. Of course I've had Covid (mild) and also personally seen people die of Covid, looking into their blank eyes as they were no longer there, after talking to them walking around 2 or 3 nights before. There is no prediction of the progress of what that disease will lead to. Place your bets big guy. I'll go with the numbers for the win.
If you've really had COVID, of course you don't need a vaccine. [Sigh]
Tested and had the antibodies, even a became convalescent plasma donor. Late August Lifeline said I did not have them in amount to be of use in convalescent plasma program and that was 8 months ago. My doctor said i could get it again, even before that. What if he's right? Nope. Vaccine best choice, for me, that is. Protects me, protects family, got a vaccination record card with a CDC logo and my name verifying dates received and batch number. This was the way to go.
the fact I never once stated here I said I think Michelle is a man

So you're a liar then. :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:

View attachment 477661
Wow, you have some real reading problems and critical thinking skills to work on.

No where in there does LA state that he is sure that Michelle is a man. All he stated is that he does now take those rumors seriously.

As in. . . that MAY BE in the realm of possibility.

. . . and sure, why not.

Who the hell calls their wife of a decade or more a guys name? And why are you ignoring the point he was making?


GD. . . You have no critical thinking skills AT ALL.


I sure am glad I’m not the only one that has noticed that here.he has the bizarre baffling ludicrous logic he is right and everybody else in the world is all wrong.:cuckoo:
He's just another bully.

There are folks on the right that are not innocent of this.

Just the other day I brought up that eventually the Federal Government and Global corporations will be sharing bio-metric data. . . . I was called a conspiracy nut for daring to believe we would have a special government agency, or sub-department in DHS that would be in charge of such. . .

Hell, they all told us we were wearing tin foil hats when we told them a year ago there would be COVID passports to continue life as normal. . . now? We see corporations rolling it out before our very eyes.

Folks like to bully others when faced with the horrific possibilities of the current dystopia we are living in. It is easier to bully and name call than deal honestly with reality.

Report: Bill Gates tied to Chinese firm ‘mining’ Americans’ DNA data through covid tests

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has collaborated extensively with BGI Genomics, which is linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), The National Pulse reported on March 5.

A 60 Minutes report, citing U.S. intelligence officials, noted that BGI Genomics has used Covid-19 tests to “collect, store and exploit biometric information” on American citizens.

A recent Reuters article linked BGI Genomics to communist China’s military.

Which is dangerous in the way they are trying to target bioweapons to affect specific races of people and be harmless to others. Therefore anyone helping them virally target Arab or Black people is the worst kind of racist imaginable or totally clueless.

Well, if we recall Bill Gates father was a part of planned parenthood which I think the last number was 18 million black babies killed. But hey, according to the MSM Bill Gates is not racist or his wife. :auiqs.jpg: If someone was a white supremacist you would have to assume they would like Gates a lot especially in what he does in Africa.
That's what is puzzling, he's seemingly active in Africa, however that knowledge and closeness might sway his over population views as requiring targeting that region as a compassionate relief to the suffering he sees through overpopulation in that region.
We have to view the way he thinks, not how us normal upbringing regular people see things, but how a person like him who thinks he knows best and assumes he can tell people what should be done. Like he does with his give up beef speech, he's not suggesting, he's telling, he's that much a control freak.
Maybe there's more of a clue in some of his involvements there in Africa.
Not sure about that. I met Bill Gates some years ago. In no way did he seem domineering nor anxious to force his beliefs on others. Watch the following video in which he explains his ideas about overpopulation

I do. Check the actual VAERS data base, if you can use your PC to do more than type on message boards. You can query any side effect you want and even read the individual reports if you choose. I just did, then ran the numbers. I like the odds I will not have anything more than a mild reaction or none. Of course I've had Covid (mild) and also personally seen people die of Covid, looking into their blank eyes as they were no longer there, after talking to them walking around 2 or 3 nights before. There is no prediction of the progress of what that disease will lead to. Place your bets big guy. I'll go with the numbers for the win.
If you've really had COVID, of course you don't need a vaccine. [Sigh]
Tested and had the antibodies, even a became convalescent plasma donor. Late August Lifeline said I did not have them in amount to be of use in convalescent plasma program and that was 8 months ago. My doctor said i could get it again, even before that. What if he's right? Nope. Vaccine best choice, for me, that is. Protects me, protects family, got a vaccination record card with a CDC logo and my name verifying dates received and batch number. This was the way to go.
I'm glad you feel that way. That's the main thing, to be sure of yourself and what you want, I think.
I do. Check the actual VAERS data base, if you can use your PC to do more than type on message boards. You can query any side effect you want and even read the individual reports if you choose. I just did, then ran the numbers. I like the odds I will not have anything more than a mild reaction or none. Of course I've had Covid (mild) and also personally seen people die of Covid, looking into their blank eyes as they were no longer there, after talking to them walking around 2 or 3 nights before. There is no prediction of the progress of what that disease will lead to. Place your bets big guy. I'll go with the numbers for the win.
If you've really had COVID, of course you don't need a vaccine. [Sigh]
Tested and had the antibodies, even a became convalescent plasma donor. Late August Lifeline said I did not have them in amount to be of use in convalescent plasma program and that was 8 months ago. My doctor said i could get it again, even before that. What if he's right? Nope. Vaccine best choice, for me, that is. Protects me, protects family, got a vaccination record card with a CDC logo and my name verifying dates received and batch number. This was the way to go.
I'm glad you feel that way. That's the main thing, to be sure of yourself and what you want, I think.
Getting vaccinated is something you do not just for yourself but for your family and your community.
Getting vaccinated is something you do not just for yourself but for your family and your community.
Total nonsense. Blech! Blech!!

Keep on with the shaming, guilting, fear talk, leftists: that'll guarantee none of us get your stupid vaccine!!
Well, if people don't get vaccinated for themselves, their family, or their community then I guess they just like to have needles poked in their arms.
the fact I never once stated here I said I think Michelle is a man

So you're a liar then. :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:

View attachment 477661
Wow, you have some real reading problems and critical thinking skills to work on.

No where in there does LA state that he is sure that Michelle is a man. All he stated is that he does now take those rumors seriously.

As in. . . that MAY BE in the realm of possibility.

. . . and sure, why not.

Who the hell calls their wife of a decade or more a guys name? And why are you ignoring the point he was making?


GD. . . You have no critical thinking skills AT ALL.


I sure am glad I’m not the only one that has noticed that here.he has the bizarre baffling ludicrous logic he is right and everybody else in the world is all wrong.:cuckoo:
He's just another bully.

There are folks on the right that are not innocent of this.

Just the other day I brought up that eventually the Federal Government and Global corporations will be sharing bio-metric data. . . . I was called a conspiracy nut for daring to believe we would have a special government agency, or sub-department in DHS that would be in charge of such. . .

Hell, they all told us we were wearing tin foil hats when we told them a year ago there would be COVID passports to continue life as normal. . . now? We see corporations rolling it out before our very eyes.

Folks like to bully others when faced with the horrific possibilities of the current dystopia we are living in. It is easier to bully and name call than deal honestly with reality.

Report: Bill Gates tied to Chinese firm ‘mining’ Americans’ DNA data through covid tests

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has collaborated extensively with BGI Genomics, which is linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), The National Pulse reported on March 5.

A 60 Minutes report, citing U.S. intelligence officials, noted that BGI Genomics has used Covid-19 tests to “collect, store and exploit biometric information” on American citizens.

A recent Reuters article linked BGI Genomics to communist China’s military.

Which is dangerous in the way they are trying to target bioweapons to affect specific races of people and be harmless to others. Therefore anyone helping them virally target Arab or Black people is the worst kind of racist imaginable or totally clueless.

Well, if we recall Bill Gates father was a part of planned parenthood which I think the last number was 18 million black babies killed. But hey, according to the MSM Bill Gates is not racist or his wife. :auiqs.jpg: If someone was a white supremacist you would have to assume they would like Gates a lot especially in what he does in Africa.
That's what is puzzling, he's seemingly active in Africa, however that knowledge and closeness might sway his over population views as requiring targeting that region as a compassionate relief to the suffering he sees through overpopulation in that region.
We have to view the way he thinks, not how us normal upbringing regular people see things, but how a person like him who thinks he knows best and assumes he can tell people what should be done. Like he does with his give up beef speech, he's not suggesting, he's telling, he's that much a control freak.
Maybe there's more of a clue in some of his involvements there in Africa.
Not sure about that. I met Bill Gates some years ago. In no way did he seem domineering nor anxious to force his beliefs on others. Watch the following video in which he explains his ideas about overpopulation

Just because you meet someone doesn't mean you know them. Bill Gates is a very good liar and making the public believe he is out for their best interests with his word manipulations. Have you not heard of a wolf in sheep's clothing? Or in this case a diabolical serial killer dressed up as a nerd.


I do. Check the actual VAERS data base, if you can use your PC to do more than type on message boards. You can query any side effect you want and even read the individual reports if you choose. I just did, then ran the numbers. I like the odds I will not have anything more than a mild reaction or none. Of course I've had Covid (mild) and also personally seen people die of Covid, looking into their blank eyes as they were no longer there, after talking to them walking around 2 or 3 nights before. There is no prediction of the progress of what that disease will lead to. Place your bets big guy. I'll go with the numbers for the win.
If you've really had COVID, of course you don't need a vaccine. [Sigh]

I think their are some people that are addicted to vaccines. I mean how naïve do you have to be to get something injected to your system made by vaccine companies that have no liability and you can't sue them for illness or death. And especially something that is totally experimental such as the COVID injections. How many products do you use that the company making the product has no liability at all? But these people just jump right aboard and get injected with no further thought. And they say we are the lunatics.
The US govt lies all the time. Ws wars, Os obamacare, tuskegee airmen, broke every single treaty with the natives etc. The list is miles long. Only the weak and gullible blindly follow the tyranny.

Found another conspiracy theorist nutjob.

You probably also think Michelle Obama is a man too, don't you?

Those aren't conspiracy theories.

I'll take that as a yes.

Ill take that as your limited ability to engage in cogent thought.

And YOU would be wrong. Just like you're wrong about Michelle Obama.

The US government lies all of the time, because YOU refuse to hold any of them accountable. Did you EVER hold Donald Trump accountable for ANY of his lies? Or did you applaud every single one of them because he told you what YOU wanted to hear.

Did you change the channel when FOX stopped lying about the election, and stopped telling you that Trump won? If you did, YOUR REFUSAL TO ACCEPT UNPLEASANT TRUTHS, is the reason why the government continues to lie to you.

Start tossing the liars out of office when you catch them lying, and you'd be suprised at how quickly they stop doing that.
You need to look in the mirror when accusing people of refusing to accept unpleasant truths like your refusal to accept facts Obama was a clone of bush and expanded everything he started and that both parties are corrupt and one in the same.you mean start tossing the liars out of office when we catch them lying like your hero Obama? Please I am open to suggestion on how to put that criminal behind bars but you are all talk though and have no solutions oh and I do not see you getting off your as ps throwing criminal trade out of office. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Not to mention that Obama and Bush are cousins. They usually keep it in the family.

I do. Check the actual VAERS data base, if you can use your PC to do more than type on message boards. You can query any side effect you want and even read the individual reports if you choose. I just did, then ran the numbers. I like the odds I will not have anything more than a mild reaction or none. Of course I've had Covid (mild) and also personally seen people die of Covid, looking into their blank eyes as they were no longer there, after talking to them walking around 2 or 3 nights before. There is no prediction of the progress of what that disease will lead to. Place your bets big guy. I'll go with the numbers for the win.
If you've really had COVID, of course you don't need a vaccine. [Sigh]

I think their are some people that are addicted to vaccines. I mean how naïve do you have to be to get something injected to your system made by vaccine companies that have no liability and you can't sue them for illness or death. And especially something that is totally experimental such as the COVID injections. How many products do you use that the company making the product has no liability at all? But these people just jump right aboard and get injected with no further thought. And they say we are the lunatics.
You have to be weighing the alternatives in light of your situation, education, and personal experience.
Which covid vaccine prevents one from being infected? Which one prevents transmission?
First off by definition it is not a vaccine, it is gene therapy.
It is still considered experimental and for emergency use only. which is why members in the military can opt out of receiving it..
If you have adverse effect from the vaccine you cannot sue the manufacturer Smart move would be to wait until the experimental and for emergency use only label has been removed
Yesterday or day before, somebody on here, using questionable source data was expressing doubts as to the safety of these "experimental" vaccines. Yes, they are experimental, but they are getting quite a track record with millions of vaccination. I had put, my decision was made, as my wife and I had gotten our second inoculation of the Moderna vaccine on Saturday, I was in the VAERS daily reporting system ever since first dose, and would be another blip in the database if anything came up. He wanted me to let the board know, not just VAERS database if I had a reaction, so here goes, from somebody who has had Covid and even been a convalescent plasma donor.
First shot (last month) very smooth, practically painless. We both felt tired later in the day and took naps, some soreness at injection site, typical with any vaccination, but nothing to write home about and that was about it. Next day pretty normal. I developed some slight firming in the muscle tissue for about 2 inches around the injection, but again nothing significant and no more pain or any symptoms of reaction.
Second shot was Saturday. Mine burned some going in, (hers did not) again, nothing significant. Had an active day running around, shopping, spring lawn and garden work and out to dinner. Both experience more soreness at injection site. Slept lousy (unusual for me). Sunday morning got up early as could not keep trying to sleep. Had increased stiffness and slight muscle pain in arms and legs, but did not keep me from weed eating and mowing back yard. Started feeling like I was on verge of catching something, no appetite, increased body aches, watery eyes and uncomfortable while we had family over for PJ's birthday (66). I started getting chills even with long sleeve shirt, though temp was in low 70s. Took nap, covered up. Missed the VAERS check-in. Developed a fever of 100 degrees. Took two Aleve. Started feeling better as the Aleve reduced the fever. Felt better mid evening, but went to bed a little early. Woke up early this morning, since went to bed early. It's all good. No body aches, stiffness, watery eyes or fever. Feeling pretty normal. PJ had even less problem this time than the first time. She has never had Covid, as I came down with it while off on a ski trip.
the fact I never once stated here I said I think Michelle is a man

So you're a liar then. :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:

View attachment 477661
Wow, you have some real reading problems and critical thinking skills to work on.

No where in there does LA state that he is sure that Michelle is a man. All he stated is that he does now take those rumors seriously.

As in. . . that MAY BE in the realm of possibility.

. . . and sure, why not.

Who the hell calls their wife of a decade or more a guys name? And why are you ignoring the point he was making?


GD. . . You have no critical thinking skills AT ALL.


I sure am glad I’m not the only one that has noticed that here.he has the bizarre baffling ludicrous logic he is right and everybody else in the world is all wrong.:cuckoo:
He's just another bully.

There are folks on the right that are not innocent of this.

Just the other day I brought up that eventually the Federal Government and Global corporations will be sharing bio-metric data. . . . I was called a conspiracy nut for daring to believe we would have a special government agency, or sub-department in DHS that would be in charge of such. . .

Hell, they all told us we were wearing tin foil hats when we told them a year ago there would be COVID passports to continue life as normal. . . now? We see corporations rolling it out before our very eyes.

Folks like to bully others when faced with the horrific possibilities of the current dystopia we are living in. It is easier to bully and name call than deal honestly with reality.

Report: Bill Gates tied to Chinese firm ‘mining’ Americans’ DNA data through covid tests

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has collaborated extensively with BGI Genomics, which is linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), The National Pulse reported on March 5.

A 60 Minutes report, citing U.S. intelligence officials, noted that BGI Genomics has used Covid-19 tests to “collect, store and exploit biometric information” on American citizens.

A recent Reuters article linked BGI Genomics to communist China’s military.

:thankusmile: You handed his ass to him on a platter again.lol
The US govt lies all the time. Ws wars, Os obamacare, tuskegee airmen, broke every single treaty with the natives etc. The list is miles long. Only the weak and gullible blindly follow the tyranny.

Found another conspiracy theorist nutjob.

You probably also think Michelle Obama is a man too, don't you?

Those aren't conspiracy theories.

I'll take that as a yes.

Ill take that as your limited ability to engage in cogent thought.

And YOU would be wrong. Just like you're wrong about Michelle Obama.

The US government lies all of the time, because YOU refuse to hold any of them accountable. Did you EVER hold Donald Trump accountable for ANY of his lies? Or did you applaud every single one of them because he told you what YOU wanted to hear.

Did you change the channel when FOX stopped lying about the election, and stopped telling you that Trump won? If you did, YOUR REFUSAL TO ACCEPT UNPLEASANT TRUTHS, is the reason why the government continues to lie to you.

Start tossing the liars out of office when you catch them lying, and you'd be suprised at how quickly they stop doing that.
You need to look in the mirror when accusing people of refusing to accept unpleasant truths like your refusal to accept facts Obama was a clone of bush and expanded everything he started and that both parties are corrupt and one in the same.you mean start tossing the liars out of office when we catch them lying like your hero Obama? Please I am open to suggestion on how to put that criminal behind bars but you are all talk though and have no solutions oh and I do not see you getting off your as ps throwing criminal trade out of office. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Not to mention that Obama and Bush are cousins. They usually keep it in the family.

Dragonidiot would really start bawling her head off if she knew the truth that Obama even said so himself on live tv on the jay Leno show I think saying YEAH ITS TRUE,WERE COUSINS. :abgg2q.jpg: the kid you waste your time here will say Obama must believe in conspiracy theories sense he said that to a live audience.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Which covid vaccine prevents one from being infected? Which one prevents transmission?
First off by definition it is not a vaccine, it is gene therapy.
It is still considered experimental and for emergency use only. which is why members in the military can opt out of receiving it..
If you have adverse effect from the vaccine you cannot sue the manufacturer Smart move would be to wait until the experimental and for emergency use only label has been removed
Most in the military are braindead so I expect most to take the vaccine.they are too stupid to understand that it is not even a vaccine, that its a poison.
I do. Check the actual VAERS data base, if you can use your PC to do more than type on message boards. You can query any side effect you want and even read the individual reports if you choose. I just did, then ran the numbers. I like the odds I will not have anything more than a mild reaction or none. Of course I've had Covid (mild) and also personally seen people die of Covid, looking into their blank eyes as they were no longer there, after talking to them walking around 2 or 3 nights before. There is no prediction of the progress of what that disease will lead to. Place your bets big guy. I'll go with the numbers for the win.
If you've really had COVID, of course you don't need a vaccine. [Sigh]
Tested and had the antibodies, even a became convalescent plasma donor. Late August Lifeline said I did not have them in amount to be of use in convalescent plasma program and that was 8 months ago. My doctor said i could get it again, even before that. What if he's right? Nope. Vaccine best choice, for me, that is. Protects me, protects family, got a vaccination record card with a CDC logo and my name verifying dates received and batch number. This was the way to go.
I'm glad you feel that way. That's the main thing, to be sure of yourself and what you want, I think.
Getting vaccinated is something you do not just for yourself but for your family and your community.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Enjoy your grave six feet under years from now.:up:
Which covid vaccine prevents one from being infected? Which one prevents transmission?
First off by definition it is not a vaccine, it is gene therapy.
It is still considered experimental and for emergency use only. which is why members in the military can opt out of receiving it..
If you have adverse effect from the vaccine you cannot sue the manufacturer Smart move would be to wait until the experimental and for emergency use only label has been removed
Most in the military are braindead so I expect most to take the vaccine.they are too stupid to understand that it is not even a vaccine, that its a poison.
Glad to know your true low opinion of the military. Next time somebody throws a war, instead of sending NCOs and PFCs, try sending CPAs and social workers.
I do. Check the actual VAERS data base, if you can use your PC to do more than type on message boards. You can query any side effect you want and even read the individual reports if you choose. I just did, then ran the numbers. I like the odds I will not have anything more than a mild reaction or none. Of course I've had Covid (mild) and also personally seen people die of Covid, looking into their blank eyes as they were no longer there, after talking to them walking around 2 or 3 nights before. There is no prediction of the progress of what that disease will lead to. Place your bets big guy. I'll go with the numbers for the win.
If you've really had COVID, of course you don't need a vaccine. [Sigh]
Tested and had the antibodies, even a became convalescent plasma donor. Late August Lifeline said I did not have them in amount to be of use in convalescent plasma program and that was 8 months ago. My doctor said i could get it again, even before that. What if he's right? Nope. Vaccine best choice, for me, that is. Protects me, protects family, got a vaccination record card with a CDC logo and my name verifying dates received and batch number. This was the way to go.
I'm glad you feel that way. That's the main thing, to be sure of yourself and what you want, I think.
Getting vaccinated is something you do not just for yourself but for your family and your community.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Enjoy your grave six feet under years from now.:up:
Won't we all?

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