Which wars are next on the Republican's Agenda? Iran? Syria? Someplace else?





I'm trying to figure out what's next. Iraq wasn't enough. Thousands of Americans dead many tens of thousands maimed for life. It wasn't enough if you listen to the Republican Leadership.

Romney is beating the war drum. McCain is salivating at the thought of more bombs going off.

1 in six Americans don't know where their next meal is coming from. Education is being cut to nothing, yet, Republicans want "more war"? Why? Why do Republicans want anything? Power and money.

Romney will outspend Obama by 50%. War is "big business". The Bush/Cheney "friends" made out like bandits in Iraq. Does anything think that didn't go unnoticed by the Republican leadership? If their friends can make that much money, imagine a war twice as big. You can make twice as much.

Do Republicans feel a few thousand dead is worth it when you can make billions of dollars? Republicans blocked every investigation into Iraq when they controlled the government. Disappearing money, soldiers electrocuted by substandard Halliburton housing. Rape. A billion dollar company, Blackwater was created just to kill people. They finally went far over the line and were reigned in. But what's next on the Republican agenda. They rebuild Iraq, but not America. Do any Republicans ask why that is? Besides the standard answer of "we are against socialism"?

Blackwater Baghdad shootings
Romney seems to like Russia as our next "bad guy". I'm sorry, he actually said "Soviet Union".


God only knows with John Bolton tugging at his ear...
The Bishop Vampire Mitt Romney wants to attack Iran..piss off the Russians and claim Jewish souls for Mormonism.


Good work.
probably none of the above.

We are stretched to far as it is and need to pull everyone home.

Besides, we need to keep an eye on the muslim spring countries. most are going theocracies, oh, thanks btw, so we will have more crazies to deal with.
probably none of the above.

We are stretched to far as it is and need to pull everyone home.

Besides, we need to keep an eye on the muslim spring countries. most are going theocracies, oh, thanks btw, so we will have more crazies to deal with.

It all started with Iraq.


I'm trying to figure out what's next. Iraq wasn't enough. Thousands of Americans dead many tens of thousands maimed for life. It wasn't enough if you listen to the Republican Leadership.

Romney is beating the war drum. McCain is salivating at the thought of more bombs going off.

1 in six Americans don't know where their next meal is coming from. Education is being cut to nothing, yet, Republicans want "more war"? Why? Why do Republicans want anything? Power and money.

Romney will outspend Obama by 50%. War is "big business". The Bush/Cheney "friends" made out like bandits in Iraq. Does anything think that didn't go unnoticed by the Republican leadership? If their friends can make that much money, imagine a war twice as big. You can make twice as much.

Do Republicans feel a few thousand dead is worth it when you can make billions of dollars? Republicans blocked every investigation into Iraq when they controlled the government. Disappearing money, soldiers electrocuted by substandard Halliburton housing. Rape. A billion dollar company, Blackwater was created just to kill people. They finally went far over the line and were reigned in. But what's next on the Republican agenda. They rebuild Iraq, but not America. Do any Republicans ask why that is? Besides the standard answer of "we are against socialism"?

Blackwater Baghdad shootings

China and or Russia also.
That would be the decision of the Commander in Chief who is currently a Democrat not a Republican.


I'm trying to figure out what's next. Iraq wasn't enough. Thousands of Americans dead many tens of thousands maimed for life. It wasn't enough if you listen to the Republican Leadership.

Romney is beating the war drum. McCain is salivating at the thought of more bombs going off.

1 in six Americans don't know where their next meal is coming from. Education is being cut to nothing, yet, Republicans want "more war"? Why? Why do Republicans want anything? Power and money.

Romney will outspend Obama by 50%. War is "big business". The Bush/Cheney "friends" made out like bandits in Iraq. Does anything think that didn't go unnoticed by the Republican leadership? If their friends can make that much money, imagine a war twice as big. You can make twice as much.

Do Republicans feel a few thousand dead is worth it when you can make billions of dollars? Republicans blocked every investigation into Iraq when they controlled the government. Disappearing money, soldiers electrocuted by substandard Halliburton housing. Rape. A billion dollar company, Blackwater was created just to kill people. They finally went far over the line and were reigned in. But what's next on the Republican agenda. They rebuild Iraq, but not America. Do any Republicans ask why that is? Besides the standard answer of "we are against socialism"?

Blackwater Baghdad shootings

I'm trying to figure out what's next. Iraq wasn't enough. Thousands of Americans dead many tens of thousands maimed for life. It wasn't enough if you listen to the Republican Leadership.

Again if you don't want to have a serious discussion what's the point.
You might want to increase your meds and do a little research....
The Democrats voted YES on the war with Iraq...

I stopped at that point with your post.
If you can't admit that what's the point of going any further....
You all get back real soon on this buddy.... :cuckoo:
Speaking of one of the Democrat Senators that voted
for the war in Iraq...John "reporting for duty Kerry"
Where has he been for the last few years....?
Hiding behind Teresa Hines Kerry's skirt....
Been awfully quiet there big guy.
Speaking of one of the Democrat Senators that voted
for the war in Iraq...John "reporting for duty Kerry"
Where has he been for the last few years....?
Hiding behind Teresa Hines Kerry's skirt....
Been awfully quiet there big guy.
As did the current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to her credit she stood behind her vote.


I'm trying to figure out what's next. Iraq wasn't enough. Thousands of Americans dead many tens of thousands maimed for life. It wasn't enough if you listen to the Republican Leadership.

Romney is beating the war drum. McCain is salivating at the thought of more bombs going off.

1 in six Americans don't know where their next meal is coming from. Education is being cut to nothing, yet, Republicans want "more war"? Why? Why do Republicans want anything? Power and money.

Romney will outspend Obama by 50%. War is "big business". The Bush/Cheney "friends" made out like bandits in Iraq. Does anything think that didn't go unnoticed by the Republican leadership? If their friends can make that much money, imagine a war twice as big. You can make twice as much.

Do Republicans feel a few thousand dead is worth it when you can make billions of dollars? Republicans blocked every investigation into Iraq when they controlled the government. Disappearing money, soldiers electrocuted by substandard Halliburton housing. Rape. A billion dollar company, Blackwater was created just to kill people. They finally went far over the line and were reigned in. But what's next on the Republican agenda. They rebuild Iraq, but not America. Do any Republicans ask why that is? Besides the standard answer of "we are against socialism"?

Blackwater Baghdad shootings

We're gonna set up shop outside your house. Is that ok?
"where do you get this shit from?
"1 in six Americans don't know where their next meal is coming from. Education is being cut to nothing, yet, Republicans want "more war"? Why? Why do Republicans want anything? Power and money."

You offer no links to data to support your comments.
One in six...that's 50 million people who according to you can't seem to find their refrigerator or pantry. Hmm. Doesn't make sense. And usually when something doesn't make sense, it usually is not true.
http://www2.ed.gov/about/overview/budget/history/edhistory.pdf....Every year discretionary federal spending rises.
That's in the baseline budgeting method.
Cut to the bone? I don't see it.
I think the federal dept of education should be disbanded. Public education is a state and local issue. The federal government should stay out of our public schools. PERIOD.
According to left they are already waging war on women, the elderly, the poor, the middle class, the gays, the hispanics, the blacks, children, and the sick. I think that should be enough even though all these wars are imaginary.
probably none of the above.

We are stretched to far as it is and need to pull everyone home.

Besides, we need to keep an eye on the muslim spring countries. most are going theocracies, oh, thanks btw, so we will have more crazies to deal with.

It all started with Iraq.


So are you saying that it was Bush that lead to the down fall of all those tyrants?


They're going to trump up the threat of China, militarily, in order to get us to spend more on defense in the Asia/Pacific region.

I'm trying to figure out what's next. Iraq wasn't enough. Thousands of Americans dead many tens of thousands maimed for life. It wasn't enough if you listen to the Republican Leadership.

Romney is beating the war drum. McCain is salivating at the thought of more bombs going off.

1 in six Americans don't know where their next meal is coming from. Education is being cut to nothing, yet, Republicans want "more war"? Why? Why do Republicans want anything? Power and money.

Romney will outspend Obama by 50%. War is "big business". The Bush/Cheney "friends" made out like bandits in Iraq. Does anything think that didn't go unnoticed by the Republican leadership? If their friends can make that much money, imagine a war twice as big. You can make twice as much.

Do Republicans feel a few thousand dead is worth it when you can make billions of dollars? Republicans blocked every investigation into Iraq when they controlled the government. Disappearing money, soldiers electrocuted by substandard Halliburton housing. Rape. A billion dollar company, Blackwater was created just to kill people. They finally went far over the line and were reigned in. But what's next on the Republican agenda. They rebuild Iraq, but not America. Do any Republicans ask why that is? Besides the standard answer of "we are against socialism"?

Blackwater Baghdad shootings

Wherever Obama is focusing his attention the Republicans want to call him a war-monger, all the while saber-rattling over any perceived inattention elsewhere. :cool:
According to left they are already waging war on women, the elderly, the poor, the middle class, the gays, the hispanics, the blacks, children, and the sick. I think that should be enough even though all these wars are imaginary.

Yup. There won't be any time for war with Syria, Russia, China or anyone else.

The docket is full up. LOL

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