Which would be tougher, being the only Black student in an all white school, or being the only White

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You admitted that you're racist against whites, so black racism DOES exist. EPIC FAIL. :lol:
Saying black people are just as racist is like someone punching a wall and then saying the wall is racist because they broke their hand. What you call black racism is how black people react to white racism but white people don't get to decide how we react to your bullshit.

White people created racism. White people are responsible for it, and white people perpetuate it.
You admitted that you're racist against whites, so black racism DOES exist. EPIC FAIL. :lol:
Saying black people are just as racist is like someone punching a wall and then saying the wall is racist because they broke their hand. What you call black racism is how black people react to white racism but white people don't get to decide how we react to your bullshit.

White people created racism. White people are responsible for it, and white people perpetuate it.
You call whites racist just for disagreeing with you. You can't possibly know that whites are responsible for racism. I am not denying SOME whites are racist, but so are blacks. If you have a prejudice against someone simply because of their skin color, you are racist.


This s dumb. Straight stump stupid. I get tired f whites posting this bullshit. Name on policy or law blacks made that has denied whites any opportunity.. You can't. Nobody's calling anyone a racist for disagreeing. You are called a racist for your expression of racist bullshit To you a black person is a racist for mentioning things whites have actually done. Then you have idiotic talking about how whites should react to us, Well l we don't have a 241 year track record if racism against whites. We aren't the ones here posting up all kinds of false racist bullshit about IQ's intelligence and all the crap you white people post up in here. You white people don't get to make a new definition for racism just because you don't like hearing about the shit whites keep doing. Look at how dumb some of you whites here are. We don't know which whites are racists, but there are whites who are racists yet we can't say whites are racists even after whites admit whites are racists because then we are racists. That's fucking retarded.

So why don't one of you superior gifted high IQ whites explain to me how long the decision in Plessy vs Ferguson stayed in place and what impact it had. We'll start with that if you are men and women enough to even try answering the question. Because when I see a post by Essen or A they are doing their level best to remain patient with you whites here and explain to you why we say what we do and not one of you understand the first mother fucking word being spoken. Yet we are supposed t be the dumb ones.
What laws NOW deny you any opportunities?
You admitted that you're racist against whites, so black racism DOES exist. EPIC FAIL. :lol:
Saying black people are just as racist is like someone punching a wall and then saying the wall is racist because they broke their hand. What you call black racism is how black people react to white racism but white people don't get to decide how we react to your bullshit.

White people created racism. White people are responsible for it, and white people perpetuate it.
You admitted that you're racist against whites, so black racism DOES exist. EPIC FAIL. :lol:
Saying black people are just as racist is like someone punching a wall and then saying the wall is racist because they broke their hand. What you call black racism is how black people react to white racism but white people don't get to decide how we react to your bullshit.

White people created racism. White people are responsible for it, and white people perpetuate it.
You call whites racist just for disagreeing with you. You can't possibly know that whites are responsible for racism. I am not denying SOME whites are racist, but so are blacks. If you have a prejudice against someone simply because of their skin color, you are racist.


This s dumb. Straight stump stupid. I get tired f whites posting this bullshit. Name on policy or law blacks made that has denied whites any opportunity.. You can't. Nobody's calling anyone a racist for disagreeing. You are called a racist for your expression of racist bullshit To you a black person is a racist for mentioning things whites have actually done. Then you have idiotic talking about how whites should react to us, Well l we don't have a 241 year track record if racism against whites. We aren't the ones here posting up all kinds of false racist bullshit about IQ's intelligence and all the crap you white people post up in here. You white people don't get to make a new definition for racism just because you don't like hearing about the shit whites keep doing. Look at how dumb some of you whites here are. We don't know which whites are racists, but there are whites who are racists yet we can't say whites are racists even after whites admit whites are racists because then we are racists. That's fucking retarded.

So why don't one of you superior gifted high IQ whites explain to me how long the decision in Plessy vs Ferguson stayed in place and what impact it had. We'll start with that if you are men and women enough to even try answering the question. Because when I see a post by Essen or A they are doing their level best to remain patient with you whites here and explain to you why we say what we do and not one of you understand the first mother fucking word being spoken. Yet we are supposed t be the dumb ones.
You launch into expletive tirades simply because I post the truth. What policies are in place that prohibits you from the same opportunity as whites? You call whites racist because we post our views, it isn't racist, it is just how we see things and our experiences.
You admitted that you're racist against whites, so black racism DOES exist. EPIC FAIL. :lol:
Saying black people are just as racist is like someone punching a wall and then saying the wall is racist because they broke their hand. What you call black racism is how black people react to white racism but white people don't get to decide how we react to your bullshit.

White people created racism. White people are responsible for it, and white people perpetuate it.
You admitted that you're racist against whites, so black racism DOES exist. EPIC FAIL. :lol:
Saying black people are just as racist is like someone punching a wall and then saying the wall is racist because they broke their hand. What you call black racism is how black people react to white racism but white people don't get to decide how we react to your bullshit.

White people created racism. White people are responsible for it, and white people perpetuate it.
You call whites racist just for disagreeing with you. You can't possibly know that whites are responsible for racism. I am not denying SOME whites are racist, but so are blacks. If you have a prejudice against someone simply because of their skin color, you are racist.


This s dumb. Straight stump stupid. I get tired f whites posting this bullshit. Name on policy or law blacks made that has denied whites any opportunity.. You can't. Nobody's calling anyone a racist for disagreeing. You are called a racist for your expression of racist bullshit To you a black person is a racist for mentioning things whites have actually done. Then you have idiotic talking about how whites should react to us, Well l we don't have a 241 year track record if racism against whites. We aren't the ones here posting up all kinds of false racist bullshit about IQ's intelligence and all the crap you white people post up in here. You white people don't get to make a new definition for racism just because you don't like hearing about the shit whites keep doing. Look at how dumb some of you whites here are. We don't know which whites are racists, but there are whites who are racists yet we can't say whites are racists even after whites admit whites are racists because then we are racists. That's fucking retarded.

So why don't one of you superior gifted high IQ whites explain to me how long the decision in Plessy vs Ferguson stayed in place and what impact it had. We'll start with that if you are men and women enough to even try answering the question. Because when I see a post by Essen or A they are doing their level best to remain patient with you whites here and explain to you why we say what we do and not one of you understand the first mother fucking word being spoken. Yet we are supposed t be the dumb ones.
What laws NOW deny you any opportunities?
Who said laws deny Blacks opportunities? Thats an old method whites can no longer use. What they do now is make the person being discriminated against prove its due to race. Do you realize what kind of idiot you have to be to admit you discriminated against someone because of their race in court?.
You admitted that you're racist against whites, so black racism DOES exist. EPIC FAIL. :lol:
Saying black people are just as racist is like someone punching a wall and then saying the wall is racist because they broke their hand. What you call black racism is how black people react to white racism but white people don't get to decide how we react to your bullshit.

White people created racism. White people are responsible for it, and white people perpetuate it.
You admitted that you're racist against whites, so black racism DOES exist. EPIC FAIL. :lol:
Saying black people are just as racist is like someone punching a wall and then saying the wall is racist because they broke their hand. What you call black racism is how black people react to white racism but white people don't get to decide how we react to your bullshit.

White people created racism. White people are responsible for it, and white people perpetuate it.
You call whites racist just for disagreeing with you. You can't possibly know that whites are responsible for racism. I am not denying SOME whites are racist, but so are blacks. If you have a prejudice against someone simply because of their skin color, you are racist.


This s dumb. Straight stump stupid. I get tired f whites posting this bullshit. Name on policy or law blacks made that has denied whites any opportunity.. You can't. Nobody's calling anyone a racist for disagreeing. You are called a racist for your expression of racist bullshit To you a black person is a racist for mentioning things whites have actually done. Then you have idiotic talking about how whites should react to us, Well l we don't have a 241 year track record if racism against whites. We aren't the ones here posting up all kinds of false racist bullshit about IQ's intelligence and all the crap you white people post up in here. You white people don't get to make a new definition for racism just because you don't like hearing about the shit whites keep doing. Look at how dumb some of you whites here are. We don't know which whites are racists, but there are whites who are racists yet we can't say whites are racists even after whites admit whites are racists because then we are racists. That's fucking retarded.

So why don't one of you superior gifted high IQ whites explain to me how long the decision in Plessy vs Ferguson stayed in place and what impact it had. We'll start with that if you are men and women enough to even try answering the question. Because when I see a post by Essen or A they are doing their level best to remain patient with you whites here and explain to you why we say what we do and not one of you understand the first mother fucking word being spoken. Yet we are supposed t be the dumb ones.
What laws NOW deny you any opportunities?
Who said laws deny Blacks opportunities? Thats an old method whites can no longer use. What they do now is make the person being discriminated against prove its due to race. Do you realize what kind of idiot you have to be to admit you discriminated against someone because of their race in court?.
IM Posted: "Name on policy or law blacks made that has denied whites any opportunity.. You can't." Name a policy that denies blacks opportunities.
You admitted that you're racist against whites, so black racism DOES exist. EPIC FAIL. :lol:
Saying black people are just as racist is like someone punching a wall and then saying the wall is racist because they broke their hand. What you call black racism is how black people react to white racism but white people don't get to decide how we react to your bullshit.

White people created racism. White people are responsible for it, and white people perpetuate it.
You admitted that you're racist against whites, so black racism DOES exist. EPIC FAIL. :lol:
Saying black people are just as racist is like someone punching a wall and then saying the wall is racist because they broke their hand. What you call black racism is how black people react to white racism but white people don't get to decide how we react to your bullshit.

White people created racism. White people are responsible for it, and white people perpetuate it.
You call whites racist just for disagreeing with you. You can't possibly know that whites are responsible for racism. I am not denying SOME whites are racist, but so are blacks. If you have a prejudice against someone simply because of their skin color, you are racist.


This s dumb. Straight stump stupid. I get tired f whites posting this bullshit. Name on policy or law blacks made that has denied whites any opportunity.. You can't. Nobody's calling anyone a racist for disagreeing. You are called a racist for your expression of racist bullshit To you a black person is a racist for mentioning things whites have actually done. Then you have idiotic talking about how whites should react to us, Well l we don't have a 241 year track record if racism against whites. We aren't the ones here posting up all kinds of false racist bullshit about IQ's intelligence and all the crap you white people post up in here. You white people don't get to make a new definition for racism just because you don't like hearing about the shit whites keep doing. Look at how dumb some of you whites here are. We don't know which whites are racists, but there are whites who are racists yet we can't say whites are racists even after whites admit whites are racists because then we are racists. That's fucking retarded.

So why don't one of you superior gifted high IQ whites explain to me how long the decision in Plessy vs Ferguson stayed in place and what impact it had. We'll start with that if you are men and women enough to even try answering the question. Because when I see a post by Essen or A they are doing their level best to remain patient with you whites here and explain to you why we say what we do and not one of you understand the first mother fucking word being spoken. Yet we are supposed t be the dumb ones.
You launch into expletive tirades simply because I post the truth. What policies are in place that prohibits you from the same opportunity as whites? You call whites racist because we post our views, it isn't racist, it is just how we see things and our experiences.

You know nothing about truth. No I launch into such tirades because I'm out pf patience with y our stupidity. Your views are racist. And that's the problem with your experiences. I asked you to explain to me how long Plessy v Ferguson lasted and the impact it had. You can't do hat . That's how devoid of knowledge you are when it comes to what we are talking about. You ask dumb ass question like just because something is supposed to be illegal that things just magically ended when they have not. The same discrimination goes on now as in the past. But you can't be blatant about it so dumb whites like you think things are done.
Saying black people are just as racist is like someone punching a wall and then saying the wall is racist because they broke their hand. What you call black racism is how black people react to white racism but white people don't get to decide how we react to your bullshit.

White people created racism. White people are responsible for it, and white people perpetuate it.
Saying black people are just as racist is like someone punching a wall and then saying the wall is racist because they broke their hand. What you call black racism is how black people react to white racism but white people don't get to decide how we react to your bullshit.

White people created racism. White people are responsible for it, and white people perpetuate it.
You call whites racist just for disagreeing with you. You can't possibly know that whites are responsible for racism. I am not denying SOME whites are racist, but so are blacks. If you have a prejudice against someone simply because of their skin color, you are racist.


This s dumb. Straight stump stupid. I get tired f whites posting this bullshit. Name on policy or law blacks made that has denied whites any opportunity.. You can't. Nobody's calling anyone a racist for disagreeing. You are called a racist for your expression of racist bullshit To you a black person is a racist for mentioning things whites have actually done. Then you have idiotic talking about how whites should react to us, Well l we don't have a 241 year track record if racism against whites. We aren't the ones here posting up all kinds of false racist bullshit about IQ's intelligence and all the crap you white people post up in here. You white people don't get to make a new definition for racism just because you don't like hearing about the shit whites keep doing. Look at how dumb some of you whites here are. We don't know which whites are racists, but there are whites who are racists yet we can't say whites are racists even after whites admit whites are racists because then we are racists. That's fucking retarded.

So why don't one of you superior gifted high IQ whites explain to me how long the decision in Plessy vs Ferguson stayed in place and what impact it had. We'll start with that if you are men and women enough to even try answering the question. Because when I see a post by Essen or A they are doing their level best to remain patient with you whites here and explain to you why we say what we do and not one of you understand the first mother fucking word being spoken. Yet we are supposed t be the dumb ones.
What laws NOW deny you any opportunities?
Who said laws deny Blacks opportunities? Thats an old method whites can no longer use. What they do now is make the person being discriminated against prove its due to race. Do you realize what kind of idiot you have to be to admit you discriminated against someone because of their race in court?.
IM Posted: "Name on policy or law blacks made that has denied whites any opportunity.. You can't." Name a policy that denies blacks opportunities.

No, you name a policy made by blacks since this nation started that has denied whites of anything. You can't but your dumb ass is always ready to not answer then try reversing things and asking questions. Like I said the same things go on whereby whites are discriminating against us but they can't be blatant about it so stupid ass whites like you want to ask retard questions like the one you just asked.
You admitted that you're racist against whites, so black racism DOES exist. EPIC FAIL. :lol:
Saying black people are just as racist is like someone punching a wall and then saying the wall is racist because they broke their hand. What you call black racism is how black people react to white racism but white people don't get to decide how we react to your bullshit.

White people created racism. White people are responsible for it, and white people perpetuate it.
You admitted that you're racist against whites, so black racism DOES exist. EPIC FAIL. :lol:
Saying black people are just as racist is like someone punching a wall and then saying the wall is racist because they broke their hand. What you call black racism is how black people react to white racism but white people don't get to decide how we react to your bullshit.

White people created racism. White people are responsible for it, and white people perpetuate it.
You call whites racist just for disagreeing with you. You can't possibly know that whites are responsible for racism. I am not denying SOME whites are racist, but so are blacks. If you have a prejudice against someone simply because of their skin color, you are racist.


This s dumb. Straight stump stupid. I get tired f whites posting this bullshit. Name on policy or law blacks made that has denied whites any opportunity.. You can't. Nobody's calling anyone a racist for disagreeing. You are called a racist for your expression of racist bullshit To you a black person is a racist for mentioning things whites have actually done. Then you have idiotic talking about how whites should react to us, Well l we don't have a 241 year track record if racism against whites. We aren't the ones here posting up all kinds of false racist bullshit about IQ's intelligence and all the crap you white people post up in here. You white people don't get to make a new definition for racism just because you don't like hearing about the shit whites keep doing. Look at how dumb some of you whites here are. We don't know which whites are racists, but there are whites who are racists yet we can't say whites are racists even after whites admit whites are racists because then we are racists. That's fucking retarded.

So why don't one of you superior gifted high IQ whites explain to me how long the decision in Plessy vs Ferguson stayed in place and what impact it had. We'll start with that if you are men and women enough to even try answering the question. Because when I see a post by Essen or A they are doing their level best to remain patient with you whites here and explain to you why we say what we do and not one of you understand the first mother fucking word being spoken. Yet we are supposed t be the dumb ones.
You launch into expletive tirades simply because I post the truth. What policies are in place that prohibits you from the same opportunity as whites? You call whites racist because we post our views, it isn't racist, it is just how we see things and our experiences.

You know nothing about truth. No I launch into such tirades because I'm out pf patience with y our stupidity. Your views are racist. And that's the problem with your experiences. I asked you to explain to me how long Plessy v Ferguson lasted and the impact it had. You can't do hat . That's how devoid of knowledge you are when it comes to what we are talking about. You ask dumb ass question like just because something is supposed to be illegal that things just magically ended when they have not. The same discrimination goes on now as in the past. But you can't be blatant about it so dumb whites like you think things are done.
Its a pity you resort to name calling because I disagree with you. I am not stupid nor racist. That word is much over used and uncalled for. I never denied that racism still exists. You are the one who mentioned policies then get irate because you don't have an honest response when I say there are no policies that deny you equal opportunities.
Saying black people are just as racist is like someone punching a wall and then saying the wall is racist because they broke their hand. What you call black racism is how black people react to white racism but white people don't get to decide how we react to your bullshit.

White people created racism. White people are responsible for it, and white people perpetuate it.
Saying black people are just as racist is like someone punching a wall and then saying the wall is racist because they broke their hand. What you call black racism is how black people react to white racism but white people don't get to decide how we react to your bullshit.

White people created racism. White people are responsible for it, and white people perpetuate it.
You call whites racist just for disagreeing with you. You can't possibly know that whites are responsible for racism. I am not denying SOME whites are racist, but so are blacks. If you have a prejudice against someone simply because of their skin color, you are racist.


This s dumb. Straight stump stupid. I get tired f whites posting this bullshit. Name on policy or law blacks made that has denied whites any opportunity.. You can't. Nobody's calling anyone a racist for disagreeing. You are called a racist for your expression of racist bullshit To you a black person is a racist for mentioning things whites have actually done. Then you have idiotic talking about how whites should react to us, Well l we don't have a 241 year track record if racism against whites. We aren't the ones here posting up all kinds of false racist bullshit about IQ's intelligence and all the crap you white people post up in here. You white people don't get to make a new definition for racism just because you don't like hearing about the shit whites keep doing. Look at how dumb some of you whites here are. We don't know which whites are racists, but there are whites who are racists yet we can't say whites are racists even after whites admit whites are racists because then we are racists. That's fucking retarded.

So why don't one of you superior gifted high IQ whites explain to me how long the decision in Plessy vs Ferguson stayed in place and what impact it had. We'll start with that if you are men and women enough to even try answering the question. Because when I see a post by Essen or A they are doing their level best to remain patient with you whites here and explain to you why we say what we do and not one of you understand the first mother fucking word being spoken. Yet we are supposed t be the dumb ones.
You launch into expletive tirades simply because I post the truth. What policies are in place that prohibits you from the same opportunity as whites? You call whites racist because we post our views, it isn't racist, it is just how we see things and our experiences.

You know nothing about truth. No I launch into such tirades because I'm out pf patience with y our stupidity. Your views are racist. And that's the problem with your experiences. I asked you to explain to me how long Plessy v Ferguson lasted and the impact it had. You can't do hat . That's how devoid of knowledge you are when it comes to what we are talking about. You ask dumb ass question like just because something is supposed to be illegal that things just magically ended when they have not. The same discrimination goes on now as in the past. But you can't be blatant about it so dumb whites like you think things are done.
Its a pity you resort to name calling because I disagree with you. I am not stupid nor racist. That word is much over used and uncalled for. I never denied that racism still exists. You are the one who mentioned policies then get irate because you don't have an honest response when I say there are no policies that deny you equal opportunities.

This is not about disagreement. You are dumb. You are a racist and the only people over using the word are whites like you. I asked you to answer a question but you can't. Instead f answering my question your racist ass ignores it then demands I answer yours. When I show the proper disdain for your disrespect,you reply with the stupid shit you posted in this quote. And yes there are polices that deny blacks equal opportunity such as the one Trump did that created an FBI section to follow around ands harass blacks who hey think are black identity extremists. The FBI can find no evidence of such groups but this policy remains in force. White supremacist are not on any watch list. But you are ignorant and ask dumb questions. So here is a policy create in the last fucking year made to deny blacks o four first amendment rights. And yet you ask what polices. That's why I say you are stupid. Because you are.
You call whites racist just for disagreeing with you. You can't possibly know that whites are responsible for racism. I am not denying SOME whites are racist, but so are blacks. If you have a prejudice against someone simply because of their skin color, you are racist.


This s dumb. Straight stump stupid. I get tired f whites posting this bullshit. Name on policy or law blacks made that has denied whites any opportunity.. You can't. Nobody's calling anyone a racist for disagreeing. You are called a racist for your expression of racist bullshit To you a black person is a racist for mentioning things whites have actually done. Then you have idiotic talking about how whites should react to us, Well l we don't have a 241 year track record if racism against whites. We aren't the ones here posting up all kinds of false racist bullshit about IQ's intelligence and all the crap you white people post up in here. You white people don't get to make a new definition for racism just because you don't like hearing about the shit whites keep doing. Look at how dumb some of you whites here are. We don't know which whites are racists, but there are whites who are racists yet we can't say whites are racists even after whites admit whites are racists because then we are racists. That's fucking retarded.

So why don't one of you superior gifted high IQ whites explain to me how long the decision in Plessy vs Ferguson stayed in place and what impact it had. We'll start with that if you are men and women enough to even try answering the question. Because when I see a post by Essen or A they are doing their level best to remain patient with you whites here and explain to you why we say what we do and not one of you understand the first mother fucking word being spoken. Yet we are supposed t be the dumb ones.
What laws NOW deny you any opportunities?
Who said laws deny Blacks opportunities? Thats an old method whites can no longer use. What they do now is make the person being discriminated against prove its due to race. Do you realize what kind of idiot you have to be to admit you discriminated against someone because of their race in court?.
IM Posted: "Name on policy or law blacks made that has denied whites any opportunity.. You can't." Name a policy that denies blacks opportunities.

No, you name a policy made by blacks since this nation started that has denied whites of anything. You can't but your dumb ass is always ready to not answer then try reversing things and asking questions. Like I said the same things go on whereby whites are discriminating against us but they can't be blatant about it so stupid ass whites like you want to ask retard questions like the one you just asked.
You call whites racist just for disagreeing with you. You can't possibly know that whites are responsible for racism. I am not denying SOME whites are racist, but so are blacks. If you have a prejudice against someone simply because of their skin color, you are racist.


This s dumb. Straight stump stupid. I get tired f whites posting this bullshit. Name on policy or law blacks made that has denied whites any opportunity.. You can't. Nobody's calling anyone a racist for disagreeing. You are called a racist for your expression of racist bullshit To you a black person is a racist for mentioning things whites have actually done. Then you have idiotic talking about how whites should react to us, Well l we don't have a 241 year track record if racism against whites. We aren't the ones here posting up all kinds of false racist bullshit about IQ's intelligence and all the crap you white people post up in here. You white people don't get to make a new definition for racism just because you don't like hearing about the shit whites keep doing. Look at how dumb some of you whites here are. We don't know which whites are racists, but there are whites who are racists yet we can't say whites are racists even after whites admit whites are racists because then we are racists. That's fucking retarded.

So why don't one of you superior gifted high IQ whites explain to me how long the decision in Plessy vs Ferguson stayed in place and what impact it had. We'll start with that if you are men and women enough to even try answering the question. Because when I see a post by Essen or A they are doing their level best to remain patient with you whites here and explain to you why we say what we do and not one of you understand the first mother fucking word being spoken. Yet we are supposed t be the dumb ones.
You launch into expletive tirades simply because I post the truth. What policies are in place that prohibits you from the same opportunity as whites? You call whites racist because we post our views, it isn't racist, it is just how we see things and our experiences.

You know nothing about truth. No I launch into such tirades because I'm out pf patience with y our stupidity. Your views are racist. And that's the problem with your experiences. I asked you to explain to me how long Plessy v Ferguson lasted and the impact it had. You can't do hat . That's how devoid of knowledge you are when it comes to what we are talking about. You ask dumb ass question like just because something is supposed to be illegal that things just magically ended when they have not. The same discrimination goes on now as in the past. But you can't be blatant about it so dumb whites like you think things are done.
Its a pity you resort to name calling because I disagree with you. I am not stupid nor racist. That word is much over used and uncalled for. I never denied that racism still exists. You are the one who mentioned policies then get irate because you don't have an honest response when I say there are no policies that deny you equal opportunities.

This is not about disagreement. You are dumb. You are a racist and the only people over using the word are whites like you. I asked you to answer a question but you can't. Instead f answering my question your racist ass ignores it then demands I answer yours. When I show the proper disdain for your disrespect,you reply with the stupid shit you posted in this quote. And yes there are polices that deny blacks equal opportunity such as the one Trump did that created an FBI section to follow around ands harass blacks who hey think are black identity extremists. The FBI can find no evidence of such groups but this policy remains in force. White supremacist are not on any watch list. But you are ignorant and ask dumb questions. So here is a policy create in the last fucking year made to deny blacks o four first amendment rights. And yet you ask what polices. That's why I say you are stupid. Because you are.
Typical response, shows you have low self esteem when you can only post nasty replies and paranoid delusions. It is evident that you cannot have a civil discussion because if I don't agree with you, you resort to insults. I know I am neither dumb, stupid, nor racist. I will not participate in your blithering hateful posts. good luck finding anyone with an ounce of sense agreeing with your rants.

This s dumb. Straight stump stupid. I get tired f whites posting this bullshit. Name on policy or law blacks made that has denied whites any opportunity.. You can't. Nobody's calling anyone a racist for disagreeing. You are called a racist for your expression of racist bullshit To you a black person is a racist for mentioning things whites have actually done. Then you have idiotic talking about how whites should react to us, Well l we don't have a 241 year track record if racism against whites. We aren't the ones here posting up all kinds of false racist bullshit about IQ's intelligence and all the crap you white people post up in here. You white people don't get to make a new definition for racism just because you don't like hearing about the shit whites keep doing. Look at how dumb some of you whites here are. We don't know which whites are racists, but there are whites who are racists yet we can't say whites are racists even after whites admit whites are racists because then we are racists. That's fucking retarded.

So why don't one of you superior gifted high IQ whites explain to me how long the decision in Plessy vs Ferguson stayed in place and what impact it had. We'll start with that if you are men and women enough to even try answering the question. Because when I see a post by Essen or A they are doing their level best to remain patient with you whites here and explain to you why we say what we do and not one of you understand the first mother fucking word being spoken. Yet we are supposed t be the dumb ones.
What laws NOW deny you any opportunities?
Who said laws deny Blacks opportunities? Thats an old method whites can no longer use. What they do now is make the person being discriminated against prove its due to race. Do you realize what kind of idiot you have to be to admit you discriminated against someone because of their race in court?.
IM Posted: "Name on policy or law blacks made that has denied whites any opportunity.. You can't." Name a policy that denies blacks opportunities.

No, you name a policy made by blacks since this nation started that has denied whites of anything. You can't but your dumb ass is always ready to not answer then try reversing things and asking questions. Like I said the same things go on whereby whites are discriminating against us but they can't be blatant about it so stupid ass whites like you want to ask retard questions like the one you just asked.

This s dumb. Straight stump stupid. I get tired f whites posting this bullshit. Name on policy or law blacks made that has denied whites any opportunity.. You can't. Nobody's calling anyone a racist for disagreeing. You are called a racist for your expression of racist bullshit To you a black person is a racist for mentioning things whites have actually done. Then you have idiotic talking about how whites should react to us, Well l we don't have a 241 year track record if racism against whites. We aren't the ones here posting up all kinds of false racist bullshit about IQ's intelligence and all the crap you white people post up in here. You white people don't get to make a new definition for racism just because you don't like hearing about the shit whites keep doing. Look at how dumb some of you whites here are. We don't know which whites are racists, but there are whites who are racists yet we can't say whites are racists even after whites admit whites are racists because then we are racists. That's fucking retarded.

So why don't one of you superior gifted high IQ whites explain to me how long the decision in Plessy vs Ferguson stayed in place and what impact it had. We'll start with that if you are men and women enough to even try answering the question. Because when I see a post by Essen or A they are doing their level best to remain patient with you whites here and explain to you why we say what we do and not one of you understand the first mother fucking word being spoken. Yet we are supposed t be the dumb ones.
You launch into expletive tirades simply because I post the truth. What policies are in place that prohibits you from the same opportunity as whites? You call whites racist because we post our views, it isn't racist, it is just how we see things and our experiences.

You know nothing about truth. No I launch into such tirades because I'm out pf patience with y our stupidity. Your views are racist. And that's the problem with your experiences. I asked you to explain to me how long Plessy v Ferguson lasted and the impact it had. You can't do hat . That's how devoid of knowledge you are when it comes to what we are talking about. You ask dumb ass question like just because something is supposed to be illegal that things just magically ended when they have not. The same discrimination goes on now as in the past. But you can't be blatant about it so dumb whites like you think things are done.
Its a pity you resort to name calling because I disagree with you. I am not stupid nor racist. That word is much over used and uncalled for. I never denied that racism still exists. You are the one who mentioned policies then get irate because you don't have an honest response when I say there are no policies that deny you equal opportunities.

This is not about disagreement. You are dumb. You are a racist and the only people over using the word are whites like you. I asked you to answer a question but you can't. Instead f answering my question your racist ass ignores it then demands I answer yours. When I show the proper disdain for your disrespect,you reply with the stupid shit you posted in this quote. And yes there are polices that deny blacks equal opportunity such as the one Trump did that created an FBI section to follow around ands harass blacks who hey think are black identity extremists. The FBI can find no evidence of such groups but this policy remains in force. White supremacist are not on any watch list. But you are ignorant and ask dumb questions. So here is a policy create in the last fucking year made to deny blacks o four first amendment rights. And yet you ask what polices. That's why I say you are stupid. Because you are.
Typical response, shows you have low self esteem when you can only post nasty replies and paranoid delusions. It is evident that you cannot have a civil discussion because if I don't agree with you, you resort to insults. I know I am neither dumb, stupid, nor racist. I will not participate in your blithering hateful posts. good luck finding anyone with an ounce of sense agreeing with your rants.

The word hate and hateful is overused by whites like you because you can't face the truth. You are what I said you are. My esteem is fine. You are the one who can't answer a question and you are the one who can't understand the overall impact of policies over time. I usef the language with you I did on purpose. There is an art to using words and I simply got tired of your being obtuse.
This has devolved far from the topic into a bunch of bullhorning and shit slinging.. Closed..

Stick to the SPECIFIC topic. These are NOT open brawls or free for alls. If all you got is to call the other side racist - Just cork it.. That's NOT topical content..
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