While Denying Tea Party, IRS Grants Tax-Exempt Status to Radical Leftists


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
While Denying Tea Party, IRS Grants Tax-Exempt Status to Radical Leftists and Terrorists

Whether they are trying to stay solvent by getting tax exempt status or just hold a rally, the liberal bureaucracy cracks down hard on advocates of limited government. In contrast, favored groups get very different treatment:

As the IRS attacked Tea Party groups, it left hundreds of leftist activist groups alone. A quick review of just eight of those leftist, tax-exempt activist groups demonstrates the IRS’s hypocrisy.

The eight glaring examples of left-wing favoritism are:

• Americans United for Change
• Ruckus Society
• Women’s Action for New Directions
• New World Foundation
• Fierce
• Black Alliance for Just Immigration
• Brennan Center for Justice
• Voto Latino

All are obviously political, all are hard left, all were granted the tax exempt 501(c)3 status Tea Party groups are denied.

Moonbat groups aren’t the only ones who enjoy the IRS’s favor. There are also Islamic terrorist front groups...

Moonbattery » While Denying Tea Party, IRS Grants Tax-Exempt Status to Radical Leftists and Terrorists
And to Barry Kardashian's brother in Kenya... and backdated it 2 fucking years.. which is illegal BTW.
Please name some of the tea party groups that were denied their tax exempt status.

Good. Radical right wing domestic terrorists should be shaken down and not given tax exempt status.

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