While President Biden talks democracy, Trump to meet with Putin ally

Sounds like a great way to secure our future. :uhoh3:
It sure beats pointless, endless wars. The Trump doctrine/policies/methods gave us the closest thing to world peace any of us have ever experienced. Dishonorable people ignore that and just hate Trump.
If that were the case Putin would have invaded Ukraine when he was President. Why Putin to wait until his guy isn’t in the Whitehouse?
hey hot rod they have been fighting in Crimean and the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of eastern Ukraine (the Donbas) since 2014. What a clown. You Hate Nazi's are all a joke.
hey hot rod they have been fighting in Crimean and the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of eastern Ukraine (the Donbas) since 2014. What a clown. You Hate Nazi's are all a joke.
Who was President in 2014? How many new incursions happened while "his boy" was the President? The US Is the leader of the free world. They run and fund NATO and the UN. Do you see that what your saying just doesn't make logical sense given what happened during and post Trump's Presidency? You don't have to be a strategic genius to understand that having the worlds lone superpower sit on the sidelines while you invade another country is to your advantage, right? What's better for Russia vis-a-vie their invasion of Ukraine. A US that's on their side or one that's against them?
Who was President in 2014? How many new incursions happened while "his boy" was the President? The US Is the leader of the free world. They run and fund NATO and the UN. Do you see that what your saying just doesn't make logical sense given what happened during and post Trump's Presidency? You don't have to be a strategic genius to understand that having the worlds lone superpower sit on the sidelines while you invade another country is to your advantage, right? What's better for Russia vis-a-vie their invasion of Ukraine. A US that's on their side or one that's against them?
Did Russia cease its attacks on Ukraine when Trump was President?


Did Russia cease its attacks on Ukraine when Trump was President?



The point is that nothing changed. He's Putin's guy but Russia didnt change it's tenor or how it acted while he was in office...... That makes complete sense. If I were Putin I would have definitely waited until the person I had under my thumb was no longer the Leader of the most powerful country on the planet to launch an invasion of a foreign country that shared borders with that countries largest and longest alliance partners......
Oh but he does.

If we dont stop him in Ukraine he will conquer Europe, also the 40 year olds fighting the Russians in Ukraine can win…. Don’t ask me how both these things can be true at the same time.
Europe would be better off with Putin than with Muslims killing off the infidels. That's the way they are going.
Doesn't this thread belong in "Conspiracy Theories"?
Well, your post just proves the point that MAGA minds are now so polluted that MAGAs can not tell the difference between conspiracy theories and facts.
It sure beats pointless, endless wars. The Trump doctrine/policies/methods gave us the closest thing to world peace any of us have ever experienced. Dishonorable people ignore that and just hate Trump.
Dishonorable people assert such.

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