while republicans sit on their hands

As a US-led coalition hammers ISIS' oil infrastructure and other financial institutions in the Middle East, the terror group has cut salaries and infighting has broken out within the rank and file and senior leadership.
Well I'm glad to see that average American Citizen isn't the only one being economically squeezed by the Obama Administrations policies.

Way to go President Dickhead!
As a US-led coalition hammers ISIS' oil infrastructure and other financial institutions in the Middle East, the terror group has cut salaries and infighting has broken out within the rank and file and senior leadership.
Well I'm glad to see that average American Citizen isn't the only one being economically squeezed by the Obama Administrations policies.

Way to go President Dickhead!
just what policy would you like for obama to institute?? Maybe start a war ?? That'll get some rednecks back working
just what policy would you like for obama to institute??
Well if I get to pick, let's go for something REALLY RADICAL, like say, telling the fucking truth every once in a while.

Maybe start a war ??
Sounds good, but only if it's a war between the Republican Politicians and Democrat Politicians and they promise to completely annihilate one another.
just what policy would you like for obama to institute??
Well if I get to pick, let's go for something REALLY RADICAL, like say, telling the fucking truth every once in a while.

Maybe start a war ??
Sounds good, but only if it's a war between the Republican Politicians and Democrat Politicians and they promise to completely annihilate one another.
Truth you want ??? Like WOMD? drones ?? yellow cake? nukes?? There is no such thing as a politician that tells the truth always Just as long as it isn't the big lies like attacking a 3rd world country over
just what policy would you like for obama to institute??
Well if I get to pick, let's go for something REALLY RADICAL, like say, telling the fucking truth every once in a while.

Maybe start a war ??
Sounds good, but only if it's a war between the Republican Politicians and Democrat Politicians and they promise to completely annihilate one another.
Truth you want ??? Like WOMD? drones ?? yellow cake? nukes?? There is no such thing as a politician that tells the truth always Just as long as it isn't the big lies like attacking a 3rd world country over
Yeah par for the partisan course, when asked why their partisan masters can't tell the truth they point to the lies of the other sides partisan masters..... :rolleyes:

You partisan lemmings ought to be paying Satan royalties for your incredible level of dishonesty.
Blame congress? In case you haven't noticed it was a Russian led coalition with Russian close air support that hammered ISIS while Barry Hussein takes Tango lessons?

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