while republicans sit on their hands

Infighting and you mention obama????? Wanna see infighting for real???? Look at the republican party

Well that is what happens when the left goes so far to left and kicks anyone out that does not believe as they do.

Although what you call infighting is not the same as when the DNC did it in the late 70's, when they took their own president..
that was then this is now and repubs are making a mockery of the repub party

No the far left does that with their religious dogma through their media sources..

So would you rather be a drone and just agree with your side all the time and have no independent thought like the far left on this board?
just to let you know I voted for gwb in 2000 ,,,,,,,never again will I vote for a republican

Does not matter! If you will never vote for another republican, then why are you worried about what happens in the RNC?
because it makes america look like a land of buffoons
Well that is what happens when the left goes so far to left and kicks anyone out that does not believe as they do.

Although what you call infighting is not the same as when the DNC did it in the late 70's, when they took their own president..
that was then this is now and repubs are making a mockery of the repub party

No the far left does that with their religious dogma through their media sources..

So would you rather be a drone and just agree with your side all the time and have no independent thought like the far left on this board?
just to let you know I voted for gwb in 2000 ,,,,,,,never again will I vote for a republican

Does not matter! If you will never vote for another republican, then why are you worried about what happens in the RNC?
because it makes america look like a land of buffoons

Yes and the far left DNC does not?

that was then this is now and repubs are making a mockery of the repub party

No the far left does that with their religious dogma through their media sources..

So would you rather be a drone and just agree with your side all the time and have no independent thought like the far left on this board?
just to let you know I voted for gwb in 2000 ,,,,,,,never again will I vote for a republican

Does not matter! If you will never vote for another republican, then why are you worried about what happens in the RNC?
because it makes america look like a land of buffoons

Yes and the far left DNC does not?

not even close kosh not even close
Funny it took Russia showing us up for us to exert this modicum of effort

Umm didn't putin bail, claiming the job was done .? Where was putin when Brussels was bombed !?

Putin gave it more attention than your messiah Obama did!

Putin highlights Brussels attacks at meeting with German foreign minister

But putin didn't stop the attack !? It's all putins fault !

Not sure what far left source you are using, but once again you are reaching into the far left religious dogma pool!

Exclusive: Russia, despite draw down, shipping more to Syria than removing
No the far left does that with their religious dogma through their media sources..

So would you rather be a drone and just agree with your side all the time and have no independent thought like the far left on this board?
just to let you know I voted for gwb in 2000 ,,,,,,,never again will I vote for a republican

Does not matter! If you will never vote for another republican, then why are you worried about what happens in the RNC?
because it makes america look like a land of buffoons

Yes and the far left DNC does not?

not even close kosh not even close

And that is why you fail!
Mean while, here in the real world, American military dependents are evacuated from Turkey because of ISIS threats. ISIS is contained, though.

sorry bill but the whirlwind bush unleashed on the world will take some time to be contained ,,and slowly and surely obama is getting the job done

But, you started this thread as evidence Obama was accomplishing something against ISIS. I proved you wrong. You blame Bush...LMAO
I'm sure Belgium will be thrilled to hear how effective this colation is in taking the fight to ISIS.
It's a gd war and we're not winning in a week or month We know republicans like fast results from dems but it takes a while longer to do the impossible ...as with the moron repubs gwb's great recession
ISIS came into power in 2011 it is now 2016 meaning the war is now in it's 5th year when the United States joined the fight in WW2 Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were defeated in 4 years. You don't win any war in a week or month you also don't win it if you don't fight it like it is a war which is what the idiotic Obama administration and the Democrats are doing. Back when the Syrian civil war began Obama stated Assad must go baring a major change Assad will still be in power when Obama leaves office next year that should give you a real good idea of how serious Obama and the left take Syria, Iran, ISIS and the middle east as whole.
If the Fool & Ass...Barack Obama...is doing anything at all, at last, about the Jr. Varsity Team which has kicked his ass all over the Middle East and Europe...and San Bernidino...and and cut off heads and thrown Homosexuals off buildings...etc. etc..........then he is doing it at least a year, probably two years late....because he is a Fool and an Ass.

Now, at last, it appears that he is beginning to suspect Iran has put it to him (he brought his own vaseline) on this Nuclear Deal...and worse he is learning...the Iranians are not even going to let his bogus ass get out of office before they go Lunatic Muslim on him. He thinks he is such a genius that he only needs occasional input...and then that comes only from Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice (God Help Us)...that he has created a situation it is going to take years to get straight, if ever.

Fuck Barack Obama.
Mean while, here in the real world, American military dependents are evacuated from Turkey because of ISIS threats. ISIS is contained, though.

sorry bill but the whirlwind bush unleashed on the world will take some time to be contained ,,and slowly and surely obama is getting the job done

But, you started this thread as evidence Obama was accomplishing something against ISIS. I proved you wrong. You blame Bush...LMAO
we are accomplishing ,,because you choose to ignore the progress makes you a republican
If the Fool & Ass...Barack Obama...is doing anything at all, at last, about the Jr. Varsity Team which has kicked his ass all over the Middle East and Europe...and San Bernidino...and and cut off heads and thrown Homosexuals off buildings...etc. etc..........then he is doing it at least a year, probably two years late....because he is a Fool and an Ass.

Now, at last, it appears that he is beginning to suspect Iran has put it to him (he brought his own vaseline) on this Nuclear Deal...and worse he is learning...the Iranians are not even going to let his bogus ass get out of office before they go Lunatic Muslim on him. He thinks he is such a genius that he only needs occasional input...and then that comes only from Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice (God Help Us)...that he has created a situation it is going to take years to get straight, if ever.

Fuck Barack Obama.
your problem with obama is just this He didn't clean up your republican shit fast enough Now, tough shit
Mean while, here in the real world, American military dependents are evacuated from Turkey because of ISIS threats. ISIS is contained, though.

sorry bill but the whirlwind bush unleashed on the world will take some time to be contained ,,and slowly and surely obama is getting the job done

But, you started this thread as evidence Obama was accomplishing something against ISIS. I proved you wrong. You blame Bush...LMAO
we are accomplishing ,,because you choose to ignore the progress makes you a republican

There is no progress. All we've seen so far is a dog and pony show.
Mean while, here in the real world, American military dependents are evacuated from Turkey because of ISIS threats. ISIS is contained, though.

sorry bill but the whirlwind bush unleashed on the world will take some time to be contained ,,and slowly and surely obama is getting the job done

But, you started this thread as evidence Obama was accomplishing something against ISIS. I proved you wrong. You blame Bush...LMAO
we are accomplishing ,,because you choose to ignore the progress makes you a republican

There is no progress. All we've seen so far is a dog and pony show.

Its an election year....news will get better and better the closer the election gets...if he could just get Iran to behave until November.
If the Fool & Ass...Barack Obama...is doing anything at all, at last, about the Jr. Varsity Team which has kicked his ass all over the Middle East and Europe...and San Bernidino...and and cut off heads and thrown Homosexuals off buildings...etc. etc..........then he is doing it at least a year, probably two years late....because he is a Fool and an Ass.

Now, at last, it appears that he is beginning to suspect Iran has put it to him (he brought his own vaseline) on this Nuclear Deal...and worse he is learning...the Iranians are not even going to let his bogus ass get out of office before they go Lunatic Muslim on him. He thinks he is such a genius that he only needs occasional input...and then that comes only from Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice (God Help Us)...that he has created a situation it is going to take years to get straight, if ever.

Fuck Barack Obama.
your problem with obama is just this He didn't clean up your republican shit fast enough Now, tough shit

You mean the War against a Stateless Enemy that started on 9/11 which would have never happened if Bill Clinton had the balls to kill Osama Bin Laden when our military had him in the cross-hairs. The one that was over when the Pussy Obama took office.

The history books aren't just going to be written by Socialsits Loons.
Mean while, here in the real world, American military dependents are evacuated from Turkey because of ISIS threats. ISIS is contained, though.

sorry bill but the whirlwind bush unleashed on the world will take some time to be contained ,,and slowly and surely obama is getting the job done

But, you started this thread as evidence Obama was accomplishing something against ISIS. I proved you wrong. You blame Bush...LMAO
we are accomplishing ,,because you choose to ignore the progress makes you a republican

There is no progress. All we've seen so far is a dog and pony show.
bill you repubs never see shit You saw nothing with bill with gore with kerry with obama and now with hillary but continue to place pos in front of america GWB mccain palin romney and now the largest turd of all drumph
I'm sure Belgium will be thrilled to hear how effective this colation is in taking the fight to ISIS.

If Obama was in office on 9/11 and he failed to protect the eastern seaboard of the United States (by following basic defense protocols), and it was later revealed that his team buried an August 9 memo that Bin Laden was determined to strike the US using planes on skyscrapers, than what do you think would have happened?

(Take the 4 Benghazi deaths and multiply them by 700+)

Your side would have mounted a 24/7 media blitz that would not have ended until Obama was impeached. And if it was discovered that Obama allowed members of the Bin Laden family to leave the country without being questioned, after which he used suspect intelligence to fulfill a pre 9/11 plan for regime change in Iraq, resulting in over 3 trillion dollars wasted, and longterm destabilization in the Middle East, and 4,000 more Americans dead, than your side would have created a permanent media campaign until Obama was imprisoned.

For these reasons it is impossible for the American People to take the Republican Party seriously. Your war isn't against ISIS or Terrorism. Yours is purely a political war to maintain power through fear.
I'm sure Belgium will be thrilled to hear how effective this colation is in taking the fight to ISIS.

If Obama was in office on 9/11 and he failed to protect the eastern seaboard of the United States (by following basic defense protocols), and it was later revealed that his team buried an August 9 memo that Bin Laden was determined to strike the US using planes on skyscrapers, than what do you think would have happened?

(Take the 4 Benghazi deaths and multiply them by 700+)

Your side would have mounted a 24/7 media blitz that would not have ended until Obama was impeached. And if it was discovered that Obama allowed members of the Bin Laden family to leave the country without being questioned, after which he used suspect intelligence to fulfill a pre 9/11 plan for regime change in Iraq, resulting in over 3 trillion dollars wasted, and longterm destabilization in the Middle East, and 4,000 more Americans dead, than your side would have created a permanent media campaign until Obama was imprisoned.

For these reasons it is impossible for the American People to take the Republican Party seriously. Your war isn't against ISIS or Terrorism. Yours is purely a political war to maintain power through fear.
republicans are buffoons ,,,,, party first country last

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