While the Others Campaigned, This is What Dr. Rand Paul was Doing in Haiti


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

I don't care what anyone thinks about his politics, this is what Paul does out of the goodness of his heart and NOT for publicity. He's been doing this long before his announcement and I don't doubt he'll continue to do it.

This video with more pictures can be found @ How To Fix A Broken Eye With Rand Paul

And he's following in his father's footsteps - Practicing the Medicine He Preaches: The Free Market Charity of Ron Paul @Practicing the Medicine He Preaches: The Free Market Charity of Ron Paul

Yes, We Interviewed Rand Paul in an Eye Exam Chair. Here Are 7 Things We Learned @ Yes, We Interviewed Rand Paul in an Eye Exam Chair. Here Are 7 Things We Learned. and he says he continue doing surgery and might install a surgical room in the White House.

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