While we had some important, significant and major, wins in the midterm elections,


Gold Member
Jan 9, 2020
While we had some important, significant and major, wins in the midterm elections, like getting rid of Nancy Pelosi and much of the lunacy in our country, the out look is promising, it showed us that we still have a lot more work to do, to truly be heard. There are still too many people who believe the propaganda and deflecting from the Left about excuses for this terrible economy and the lying administration that is in power. . The Biden Administration dances around the important subjects and went so far as to tell us to vote for the Left based on what they might do, while totally ignoring what we see unfolding before our very eyes, like all this BAD news about Biden’s Wacky Son for example, and the high prices of necessities such as of Gas, Utilities, Housing, Food, Energy, the prices that we are seeing in the local restaurants, and Department stores. While the ILLEGAL INVADERS are receiving handout after handout. Meanwhile they tell us “ If You See Something, Say Something”... Well, we have been Seeing, and Saying Things for Two Years, and Nothing Is Being Done about It.
While we had some important, significant and major, wins in the midterm elections, like getting rid of Nancy Pelosi and much of the lunacy in our country, the out look is promising, it showed us that we still have a lot more work to do, to truly be heard. There are still too many people who believe the propaganda and deflecting from the Left about excuses for this terrible economy and the lying administration that is in power. . The Biden Administration dances around the important subjects and went so far as to tell us to vote for the Left based on what they might do, while totally ignoring what we see unfolding before our very eyes, like all this BAD news about Biden’s Wacky Son for example, and the high prices of necessities such as of Gas, Utilities, Housing, Food, Energy, the prices that we are seeing in the local restaurants, and Department stores. While the ILLEGAL INVADERS are receiving handout after handout. Meanwhile they tell us “ If You See Something, Say Something”... Well, we have been Seeing, and Saying Things for Two Years, and Nothing Is Being Done about It.
You mean a political party told you to vote for them based on promises?

Say it isn't so.

Are you on crack?
While we had some important, significant and major, wins in the midterm elections, like getting rid of Nancy Pelosi and much of the lunacy in our country, the out look is promising, it showed us that we still have a lot more work to do, to truly be heard. There are still too many people who believe the propaganda and deflecting from the Left about excuses for this terrible economy and the lying administration that is in power. . The Biden Administration dances around the important subjects and went so far as to tell us to vote for the Left based on what they might do, while totally ignoring what we see unfolding before our very eyes, like all this BAD news about Biden’s Wacky Son for example, and the high prices of necessities such as of Gas, Utilities, Housing, Food, Energy, the prices that we are seeing in the local restaurants, and Department stores. While the ILLEGAL INVADERS are receiving handout after handout. Meanwhile they tell us “ If You See Something, Say Something”... Well, we have been Seeing, and Saying Things for Two Years, and Nothing Is Being Done about It.
Your party "leadership" also kneecapped candidates who wouldn't dutifully fall in line behind the controlled opposition cartel currently running the GOP.

Your party's problem is more from within than without.
Yet you'll vote for criminal supporting democrats.
Name those Democrats who are criminals? For anyone who has not been indicted and convicted, I'm ready to debate you, since dozens of criminals were in each of the Trump, Reagan and Nixon Administrations.

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You’re dreaming. Nothing will change for the better. Much more likely to get much worse.
Yup. The leftist cabals and their media only care about woke, politically correct stuff and the environment. Nothing else matters. Everything bad about the economy will be spun like there's nothing we can really do about it. We're helpless. Meanwhile, more leftists policies will be passed, things will get worse, and we'll get more of the left and their media spinning it all like a fine tuned top. My wife leans left and every time I bring up how bad things are she always says, "What would Trump have done differently?" and I have to continue telling her it is NOT about what Trump or the Republicans would do to fix things, it is about all of the the things Trump and the Republicans would not have done, which have gotten us to where we are. Simply not doing what Democrats did and not doing more would have put us all on a better timeline.
While we had some important, significant and major, wins in the midterm elections, like getting rid of Nancy Pelosi and much of the lunacy in our country, the out look is promising, it showed us that we still have a lot more work to do, to truly be heard. There are still too many people who believe the propaganda and deflecting from the Left about excuses for this terrible economy and the lying administration that is in power. . The Biden Administration dances around the important subjects and went so far as to tell us to vote for the Left based on what they might do, while totally ignoring what we see unfolding before our very eyes, like all this BAD news about Biden’s Wacky Son for example, and the high prices of necessities such as of Gas, Utilities, Housing, Food, Energy, the prices that we are seeing in the local restaurants, and Department stores. While the ILLEGAL INVADERS are receiving handout after handout. Meanwhile they tell us “ If You See Something, Say Something”... Well, we have been Seeing, and Saying Things for Two Years, and Nothing Is Being Done about It.
Most people are morons.
Name those Democrats who are criminals? For anyone who has not been indicted and convicted, I'm ready to debate you, since dozens of criminals were in each of the Trump, Reagan and Nixon Administrations.

Comprehension do you understand you lack fucking comprehension skill you stupid son of a bitch? Reread what I wrote
Name those Democrats who are criminals? For anyone who has not been indicted and convicted, I'm ready to debate you, since dozens of criminals were in each of the Trump, Reagan and Nixon Administrations.

Yet another partisan jackass. You fanatical Ds and Rs are exactly the same. Dumb!
You were heard. The problem is you sound like crazy people.
Progs in cities are turning those areas into prisons. Prog legislation giving trillions to these evil cretins after destroying their economies to make up for it has screwed over tens of millions of people and more because they played by the rules that constantly change.
Yup. The leftist cabals and their media only care about woke, politically correct stuff and the environment. Nothing else matters. Everything bad about the economy will be spun like there's nothing we can really do about it. We're helpless. Meanwhile, more leftists policies will be passed, things will get worse, and we'll get more of the left and their media spinning it all like a fine tuned top. My wife leans left and every time I bring up how bad things are she always says, "What would Trump have done differently?" and I have to continue telling her it is NOT about what Trump or the Republicans would do to fix things, it is about all of the the things Trump and the Republicans would not have done, which have gotten us to where we are. Simply not doing what Democrats did and not doing more would have put us all on a better timeline.
Your wife is correct, and you are brainwashed. It's amazing that the President hasn't the power to fix the economy with a magic wand.

You make the claim that President Biden and the Democrats created the economic problems - inflation, short supplies of food products - that existed magically on the election of 2020.

You and others who "think" that history isn't in you mind and thus your are ignorant; you cannot and won't try to explain the myriad of problems that grew by the GOP's tax reform (lol) and allow our nation's infrastructure to rust.

The pandemic was a serious problem, one which grew when trump made foolish claims that the virus would magically disappear in the summer of 2020; trump mocked the Scientists and created false solutions; trump blamed China and the CDC when science prescribed otherwise (as in wise) as those in authority acted in 1919.
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Your wife is correct, and you are brainwashed. It's amazing that the President hasn't the power to fix the economy with a magic wand.

You make the claim that President Biden and the Democrats created the economic problems - inflation, short supplies of food products - that existed magically on the election of 2020. Honestly, you and others who "think", aka, believe your ignorance that you cannot and won't try to explain the myriad of problems that grew by the GOP's tax reform (lol) and allow our nation's infrastructure to rust.
I didn't quite actually say that. Inflation was going to happen anyway. I realize that. I also realize that Democrats have thrown gasoline on the inflation fire with their policies. They are pro-labor and anti-business. All of that adds to inflation. They are pro-green and anti-big oil. All of that adds to inflation. And, if Biden hadn't let Afghanistan fall so quickly to the Taliban, Russia may never have invaded Ukraine, which has also increased inflation in many ways. And, many of the left's Covid fighting policies and mandates led to a contraction in the US economy that was overwhelmed when we opened things back up, increasing inflation. And, Democrats rammed through legislation adding to the debt and to inflation that Republicans did not vote in favor of.
Your wife is correct, and you are brainwashed. It's amazing that the President hasn't the power to fix the economy with a magic wand.

You make the claim that President Biden and the Democrats created the economic problems - inflation, short supplies of food products - that existed magically on the election of 2020. Honestly, you and others who "think", aka, believe your ignorance that you cannot and won't try to explain the myriad of problems that grew by the GOP's tax reform (lol) and allow our nation's infrastructure to rust.
Progs did it. There is no reason that roads as an example could be upgraded from time to time. Politicians smell. Look at Schumer's head. He makes the devil look human.
Progs did it. There is no reason that roads as an example could be upgraded from time to time. Politicians smell. Look at Schumer's head. He makes the devil look human.
Progressives did not, the faux conservative set doesn't spend, they cut taxes and create the deficits. They spend fences that fall down in the wind, dams fail and create floods and bridges collapse and kill commuters and make products go far and away to provide goods for the consumers.
I didn't quite actually say that. Inflation was going to happen anyway. I realize that. I also realize that Democrats have thrown gasoline on the inflation fire with their policies. They are pro-labor and anti-business. All of that adds to inflation. They are pro-green and anti-big oil. All of that adds to inflation. And, if Biden hadn't let Afghanistan fall so quickly to the Taliban, Russia may never have invaded Ukraine, which has also increased inflation in many ways. And, many of the left's Covid fighting policies and mandates led to a contraction in the US economy that was overwhelmed when we opened things back up, increasing inflation. And, Democrats rammed through legislation adding to the debt and to inflation that Republicans did not vote in favor of.
Nice spin, too bad it won't turn. If you were to listen and think you would see reality: Labor is what builds businesses; Green and renewable energy sources are not just the future, it is now creating jobs; So called conservatives push needed repairs down the roads of our infrastructures; They fail costing more dollars they would be if people like you are not so near sighted.
Nice spin, too bad it won't turn. If you were to listen and think you would see reality: Labor is what builds businesses; Green and renewable energy sources are not just the future, it is now creating jobs; So called conservatives push needed repairs down the roads of our infrastructures; They fail costing more dollars they would be if people like you are not so near sighted.
Liberal fish food talking points. In case you haven't noticed, inflation is running rampant and it is YOU who are trying to spin the blame away from liberal policies.

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