While we have the kids all in one place...

American but like I tell kids you will be Russian one day.

Okay. Either way, whether you like Russian culture or not, they had zero right to invade Ukraine. And I don't even think Ukraine is an admirable nation--I realize they're corrupt. Eastern Europe is generally a hot mess. Russia still should not have done it.
Okay. Either way, whether you like Russian culture or not, they had zero right to invade Ukraine. And I don't even think Ukraine is an admirable nation--I realize they're corrupt. Eastern Europe is generally a hot mess. Russia still should not have done it.
We have no room to tell Ukraine or Russia what they should do or not do.
Bwahahah----don't you mean an oath to abuse it to 'change' america for the worse.

No. I meant exactly what I posted. And I believe that any elected official who violates the US Constitution should immediately be removed from office.
Nah, after you put the boot to a few, the rest will take their oath more seriously.

I have said for years what we really need to do is clear the place out--House and Senate, and fill it with 1st grade teachers. NO, I'm not talking about the woke freaks everyone highlights here. I'm talking about the wizened older schoolmarms who take 6 yo kindergarteners in August and by June, have turned them into 7 yo readers and children who can do math and other academics. All while dealing with copious tattling, nose-picking, and the inability to tie shoes. They handle that too.

These teachers do more in a single blessed day than Congress critters do in a total month. And they don't waste a single minute.

Put them in Congress and watch crap get done, double time. First grade teachers. Believe it. :)
They always did lol until recently.. maybe they have to many rights?
No, they didn't. Women have always worked outside of the home. What you meant to say is that upperclass white women did.
No, they didn't. Women have always worked outside of the home. What you meant to say is that upperclass white women did.
My famiy grew up in poor urban neighborhoods, some worked part time but most of the time they stayed home and raised the kids like they should. Most important job American can have.
My famiy grew up in poor urban neighborhoods, some worked part time but most of the time they stayed home and raised the kids like they should. Most important job American can have.
Women have always worked outside of the home. People like you tell this lie that they haven't. This aids and abets a FICTION where women are fighting for rights they already have.
Women have always worked outside of the home. People like you tell this lie that they haven't. This aids and abets a FICTION where women are fighting for rights they already have.
Maybe where you live.
Look at America since we went from teaching home economics. To now.. The number one song in America last year was WAP lol so many kids being born out of wedlock, most of them ending up in jail. We should incentivize somebody staying home with children and raising them
Shouldn't we tell them the truth of how wonderful they aren't?
Honestly, at least half of the societal/cultural problems we have had the past 40 years in due to out culture becoming increasingly youth centric. Today it is to the point that society dismisses the opinion of people even only 40 years old, and exponentially less the older they are.
Ageism is the last remaining "ism" that is wide spread and virtually everyone is clueless they do it.
Listening to an older/loving parent is crucial to early adulthood. You can avoid many mistakes if you have the wisdom to listen to their experienced opinions.
Honestly, at least half of the societal/cultural problems we have had the past 40 years in due to out culture becoming increasingly youth centric. Today it is to the point that society dismisses the opinion of people even only 40 years old, and exponentially less the older they are.
Ageism is the last remaining "ism" that is wide spread and virtually everyone is clueless they do it.
Listening to an older/loving parent is crucial to early adulthood. You can avoid many mistakes if you have the wisdom to listen to their experienced opinions.
True. At the very least the younger generation should hear what their elders have to offer. They would then have 'another choice' when facing some common problems along the way.
Look at America since we went from teaching home economics. To now.. The number one song in America last year was WAP lol so many kids being born out of wedlock, most of them ending up in jail. We should incentivize somebody staying home with children and raising them
Full stop. You haven't dealt with the first lie.

You are part of the reason for the white males are the problem nitwittery. You are participating in the lie.

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