Whistle Blower Outted -- It is a Brennen era operative....

You want illegals selecting our president.

all dems want illegals selecting our president, because they know that's the only way they have a chance of winning.
That is just dumb.

yes, its dumb, but its also true.
no. It isnt. Rhat is like saying all Repubs support corruption.

then why else do dems continuously look for ways to get illegals the vote?
They dont. The few cases where I think they have are local jurisdictions and school board elections. Very limited and local.
Says the chief of the federal election commission.

No, says you offering us your venerably clueless pseudo-legal gibberish where you make up inane babble about the law and then insist that our government is bound to whatever you make up.

Um, no. It isn't.

In comparison to your comic misunderstandings of the law, we have what the head of the FEC *actually* said:


"It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a US election. "

So much for your pseudo-legal gibberish. It doesn't amount to much, does it?
How many times do you have to be told that your document doesn't define the term "thing of value?"
Anything valued at over $2000 is a misdemeanor, and anything valued at $25000 and above, is considered a felony...

it would be easy to determine value of opposition research, which is what Rudy is stating this information is...
Ya'll accused the DNC of spending millions for GPS's opposition research....

so Opposition research definitely has a value of OVER $25 k....

Even The Washington Free Beacon, who had hired GPS for oopsition research against Trump spent much more than $25k for it...

Plus if you consider the Ukraine Prosecutors salaries to investigate the Bidens for the Trump Campaign, it's more than the $25k for a felony.
Investigating criminals is not "opposition research," dumbass. Apparently you believe Comey was illegally contributing to the Trump campaign when he investigated Hillary's emails.
Then you should not object to Trump being investigated.
We always object to having to prove oneself innocent especially when no charges are filed.
How many times do you have to be told that your document doesn't define the term "thing of value?"
Anything valued at over $2000 is a misdemeanor, and anything valued at $25000 and above, is considered a felony...

it would be easy to determine value of opposition research, which is what Rudy is stating this information is...
Ya'll accused the DNC of spending millions for GPS's opposition research....

so Opposition research definitely has a value of OVER $25 k....

Even The Washington Free Beacon, who had hired GPS for oopsition research against Trump spent much more than $25k for it...

Plus if you consider the Ukraine Prosecutors salaries to investigate the Bidens for the Trump Campaign, it's more than the $25k for a felony.
Investigating criminals is not "opposition research," dumbass. Apparently you believe Comey was illegally contributing to the Trump campaign when he investigated Hillary's emails.
Then you should not object to Trump being investigated.

WTF do you think Mueller did for two years and 30 million dollars? He found nothing because there is nothing to find.

How about if we investigate hillary, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, and the great kenyan messiah, Obozo the wonderful?

Mueller found 10 potential acts of obstruction of justice commited by the President. Including Trump ordering law enforcement officials to go easy on his political allies, Trump ordering his officials to fire Mueller when Trump discovered that Mueller was investigating him for obstruction of justice, and Trump ordering officials to create fake documents to try and cover up that order.

those were unproven allegations, was anyone indicted? charged? convicted? NO, because they were all unproven and unsubtantiated.
A CIA analyst just stopped short of naming the whistle-blower who he described as a LEAKER not a protected whistle-blower. He also went on to explain that the form and requirement for first hand knowledge were removed specifically for this leaker in an attempt to give him/her cover and make it so they can not be investigated. He went on to state that this individual was a deep state operative with direct connections to John Brennen and Obama. Laura Ingraham stopped him short of naming the individual that he clearly had the name of...

The Attempted Coup De'Taut is ongoing. The deep state is trying every trick in the book to get Trump! This is blatant treason and it needs to be taken out...

These people are brazen and criminals!

WOW! I freaking can't believe you think a guest on the Trump Channel talking to that screeching fake Christian Laura Ingraham is actually real information.

Bidens ARE NOT CROOKS,,,,,,, investigating Biden IS helping trump election.......Your repub friends are trying to pull the same lying shit they did with Hillary
Everything we said about Hillary is true. She is a crook, and Biden is a crook. It's clear that the BIden family has gotten very rich off his trips to Ukraine and China. Anyone who says there is no evidence of corruption is a lying douchebag.
and anyone supporting this scumbag in our WH is a traitorous POS AND I promise I won't vote for Hill or Bidens son
Trump is shoveling out the stables. That's why piles of shit like you and the Dims in Congress hate him so much.

You will vote for that proven liar Warren.
Beg pardon bri ,we hate him because he's a lying piece of crap because he hides from the truth and because he makes America worse not better He's unfit for this or any office,

most of america disagrees with you and assigns those characteristics to Hillary Clinton.

And by 'most Americans', you mean the 35% who think trump is honest? Because its certainly not the 65% that don't.

Poll: 65 percent of Americans say Trump is not honest

QU Poll Release Detail
It is hard to take what he says as factual when he states:

That complaint, which was declassified and released by President Donald Trump in September, was based entirely on second-hand information, much of which was shown to be false following the declassification and release of a telephone conversation between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Much of the whistle blower’s statement has not been shown to be false. In fact I don’t think any of it has been. The telephone conversation in and of itself is only one part of the evidence and it is incomplete. It is not verbatim (the White stopped that practice) it is a memo of the call. There are also text messages, and information still to be obtained.

With such a deliberately false claim, it is doubtful the rest is accurate.
false from who? you hold trump to some very high standards but don't seem to care rules were changed to allow his testimony. this isn't objective, it's hate for someone and allowing that hate to let some do what you won't let others do.

we have the name of the person in question and he won't answer it. this is far and away more than you get from CNN/MSNBC/CBS/HuffPost that all say "a source familiar with the matter".

why can the left keep changing rules but the right can't?
The thing is, the rules were not changed (I added more to my post)
i saw gator provide a PDF. if they didn't change, they didn't change and i wish that crap would stop all around.
There is so much deliberate misinformation flung around and we all react so quickly we dont stop to check . Memes are the worst. People take them for truth. :(

you being one of them, thanks for the admission.
Can you be specific? What "disinformation" have I spread?
A CIA analyst just stopped short of naming the whistle-blower who he described as a LEAKER not a protected whistle-blower. He also went on to explain that the form and requirement for first hand knowledge were removed specifically for this leaker in an attempt to give him/her cover and make it so they can not be investigated. He went on to state that this individual was a deep state operative with direct connections to John Brennen and Obama. Laura Ingraham stopped him short of naming the individual that he clearly had the name of...

The Attempted Coup De'Taut is ongoing. The deep state is trying every trick in the book to get Trump! This is blatant treason and it needs to be taken out...

These people are brazen and criminals!

WOW! I freaking can't believe you think a guest on the Trump Channel talking to that screeching fake Christian Laura Ingraham is actually real information.


Nice graphic. I believe Trump would call that the 'original map'.

My favorite was when Trump was asked about Alabama being hit, and you could see him changing his story and making up his lie in real time, eventually settling on 95% of the forecasts showing that Alabama would be hit.

Which, of course, was complete bullshit. But now Trump's poor supporters have to check his twitter feed for the weather!
A CIA analyst just stopped short of naming the whistle-blower who he described as a LEAKER not a protected whistle-blower. He also went on to explain that the form and requirement for first hand knowledge were removed specifically for this leaker in an attempt to give him/her cover and make it so they can not be investigated. He went on to state that this individual was a deep state operative with direct connections to John Brennen and Obama. Laura Ingraham stopped him short of naming the individual that he clearly had the name of...

The Attempted Coup De'Taut is ongoing. The deep state is trying every trick in the book to get Trump! This is blatant treason and it needs to be taken out...

These people are brazen and criminals!
This ^ is a lie. The supposed "rule change" never happened, and furthermore the whistleblower does indeed have first hand information.

Also, your post has no link.

That's because he saw it on Fox Noise. I've never seen such a pool of incredibly ignorant people ANYWHERE as I see on here.
Laura Ingraham is nothing but a fucking whore for Trump. As is Hannity and Carlson.
all dems want illegals selecting our president, because they know that's the only way they have a chance of winning.
That is just dumb.

yes, its dumb, but its also true.
no. It isnt. Rhat is like saying all Repubs support corruption.

then why else do dems continuously look for ways to get illegals the vote?
They dont. The few cases where I think they have are local jurisdictions and school board elections. Very limited and local.

OK, try to pay attention, I'll type slow. If a state gives an illegal a drivers license and you need a drivers license to register to vote, do you think any illegals are on the voter rolls?

why should someone who is not a citizen of the country or the state be allowed to vote in local elections? They are here ILLEGALLY, that makes them criminals, and you want criminals voting????
Anything valued at over $2000 is a misdemeanor, and anything valued at $25000 and above, is considered a felony...

it would be easy to determine value of opposition research, which is what Rudy is stating this information is...
Ya'll accused the DNC of spending millions for GPS's opposition research....

so Opposition research definitely has a value of OVER $25 k....

Even The Washington Free Beacon, who had hired GPS for oopsition research against Trump spent much more than $25k for it...

Plus if you consider the Ukraine Prosecutors salaries to investigate the Bidens for the Trump Campaign, it's more than the $25k for a felony.
Investigating criminals is not "opposition research," dumbass. Apparently you believe Comey was illegally contributing to the Trump campaign when he investigated Hillary's emails.
Then you should not object to Trump being investigated.

WTF do you think Mueller did for two years and 30 million dollars? He found nothing because there is nothing to find.

How about if we investigate hillary, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, and the great kenyan messiah, Obozo the wonderful?

Mueller found 10 potential acts of obstruction of justice commited by the President. Including Trump ordering law enforcement officials to go easy on his political allies, Trump ordering his officials to fire Mueller when Trump discovered that Mueller was investigating him for obstruction of justice, and Trump ordering officials to create fake documents to try and cover up that order.

those were unproven allegations, was anyone indicted? charged? convicted? NO, because they were all unproven and unsubtantiated.

We really will never know about indictments abd charges regarding Trump until he is out of office. The AG made it clear that a sitting president can not be indicted.
A CIA analyst just stopped short of naming the whistle-blower who he described as a LEAKER not a protected whistle-blower. He also went on to explain that the form and requirement for first hand knowledge were removed specifically for this leaker in an attempt to give him/her cover and make it so they can not be investigated. He went on to state that this individual was a deep state operative with direct connections to John Brennen and Obama. Laura Ingraham stopped him short of naming the individual that he clearly had the name of...

The Attempted Coup De'Taut is ongoing. The deep state is trying every trick in the book to get Trump! This is blatant treason and it needs to be taken out...

These people are brazen and criminals!
This ^ is a lie. The supposed "rule change" never happened, and furthermore the whistleblower does indeed have first hand information.

Also, your post has no link.

That's because he saw it on Fox Noise. I've never seen such a pool of incredibly ignorant people ANYWHERE as I see on here.
Laura Ingraham is nothing but a fucking whore for Trump. As is Hannity and Carlson.

the original whistleblower said in his report that he did not have first hand knowledge. Are you saying he lied about that?

the hurricane projections at one time did include the alabama coast.
Investigating criminals is not "opposition research," dumbass. Apparently you believe Comey was illegally contributing to the Trump campaign when he investigated Hillary's emails.
Then you should not object to Trump being investigated.

WTF do you think Mueller did for two years and 30 million dollars? He found nothing because there is nothing to find.

How about if we investigate hillary, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, and the great kenyan messiah, Obozo the wonderful?

Mueller found 10 potential acts of obstruction of justice commited by the President. Including Trump ordering law enforcement officials to go easy on his political allies, Trump ordering his officials to fire Mueller when Trump discovered that Mueller was investigating him for obstruction of justice, and Trump ordering officials to create fake documents to try and cover up that order.

those were unproven allegations, was anyone indicted? charged? convicted? NO, because they were all unproven and unsubtantiated.

We really will never know about indictments abd charges regarding Trump until he is out of office. The AG made it clear that a sitting president can not be indicted.

do you really think that the dems and their buddies in the media would keep that quiet if there was something they could use in an election year?

Your fantasy will never happen, sorry.
Says the chief of the federal election commission.

No, says you offering us your venerably clueless pseudo-legal gibberish where you make up inane babble about the law and then insist that our government is bound to whatever you make up.

Um, no. It isn't.

In comparison to your comic misunderstandings of the law, we have what the head of the FEC *actually* said:


"It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a US election. "

So much for your pseudo-legal gibberish. It doesn't amount to much, does it?
How many times do you have to be told that your document doesn't define the term "thing of value?"
Anything valued at over $2000 is a misdemeanor, and anything valued at $25000 and above, is considered a felony...

it would be easy to determine value of opposition research, which is what Rudy is stating this information is...
Ya'll accused the DNC of spending millions for GPS's opposition research....

so Opposition research definitely has a value of OVER $25 k....

Even The Washington Free Beacon, who had hired GPS for oopsition research against Trump spent much more than $25k for it...

Plus if you consider the Ukraine Prosecutors salaries to investigate the Bidens for the Trump Campaign, it's more than the $25k for a felony.
Investigating criminals is not "opposition research," dumbass. Apparently you believe Comey was illegally contributing to the Trump campaign when he investigated Hillary's emails.
there was no crime done by the Bidens, THAT is a MADE UP STORY, from the get go....

and you do NOT send your personal campaign lawyer and new fixer to gather and conjure up a crime, if it was being done for the united states of America fighting corruption... we have a legal process for that...

Giuliani IS NOT part of that process....

so when Biden's son was paid tens of thousands a month to sit on the board of a gas company in Ukraine while his dad was VP, that wasn't corruption? What exactly were they paying Hunter Biden for? if not his father's influence?

That is called bribery, child. Grow up and smell the farts.
A CIA analyst just stopped short of naming the whistle-blower who he described as a LEAKER not a protected whistle-blower. He also went on to explain that the form and requirement for first hand knowledge were removed specifically for this leaker in an attempt to give him/her cover and make it so they can not be investigated. He went on to state that this individual was a deep state operative with direct connections to John Brennen and Obama. Laura Ingraham stopped him short of naming the individual that he clearly had the name of...

The Attempted Coup De'Taut is ongoing. The deep state is trying every trick in the book to get Trump! This is blatant treason and it needs to be taken out...

These people are brazen and criminals!
This ^ is a lie. The supposed "rule change" never happened, and furthermore the whistleblower does indeed have first hand information.

Also, your post has no link.

That's because he saw it on Fox Noise. I've never seen such a pool of incredibly ignorant people ANYWHERE as I see on here.
Laura Ingraham is nothing but a fucking whore for Trump. As is Hannity and Carlson.

the original whistleblower said in his report that he did not have first hand knowledge. Are you saying he lied about that?

the hurricane projections at one time did include the alabama coast.
THAT is simply NOT TRUE...

As the IG has stated in his release, the whistle blower had both first and and second hand information and the IG also stated that the whistle blower on his form, checked BOTH.... both 1st and 2nd hand,

also, the IG said they investigated the WB's 2nd hand info and found evidence and a first hand witness to back it up, before he deemed the complaint credible and urgent.
all dems want illegals selecting our president, because they know that's the only way they have a chance of winning.
That is just dumb.

yes, its dumb, but its also true.
no. It isnt. Rhat is like saying all Repubs support corruption.

then why else do dems continuously look for ways to get illegals the vote?
They dont. The few cases where I think they have are local jurisdictions and school board elections. Very limited and local.

wrong, that's what they are telling you, but the goal of the dem/libs is to find ways for illegals to vote in 2020, don't be so naive.
A CIA analyst just stopped short of naming the whistle-blower who he described as a LEAKER not a protected whistle-blower. He also went on to explain that the form and requirement for first hand knowledge were removed specifically for this leaker in an attempt to give him/her cover and make it so they can not be investigated. He went on to state that this individual was a deep state operative with direct connections to John Brennen and Obama. Laura Ingraham stopped him short of naming the individual that he clearly had the name of...

The Attempted Coup De'Taut is ongoing. The deep state is trying every trick in the book to get Trump! This is blatant treason and it needs to be taken out...

These people are brazen and criminals!
This ^ is a lie. The supposed "rule change" never happened, and furthermore the whistleblower does indeed have first hand information.

Also, your post has no link.

That's because he saw it on Fox Noise. I've never seen such a pool of incredibly ignorant people ANYWHERE as I see on here.
Laura Ingraham is nothing but a fucking whore for Trump. As is Hannity and Carlson.

the original whistleblower said in his report that he did not have first hand knowledge. Are you saying he lied about that?

the hurricane projections at one time did include the alabama coast.
THAT is simply NOT TRUE...

As the IG has stated in his release, the whistle blower had both first and and second hand information and the IG also stated that the whistle blower on his form, checked BOTH.... both 1st and 2nd hand,

also, the IG said they investigated the WB's 2nd hand info and found evidence and a first hand witness to back it up, before he deemed the complaint credible and urgent.

so these two democrat operatives know more about that phone call than all of us who have read the transcript of it? Interesting concept, Bring me some money, I own the mississippi river and will sell it to you.
A CIA analyst just stopped short of naming the whistle-blower who he described as a LEAKER not a protected whistle-blower. He also went on to explain that the form and requirement for first hand knowledge were removed specifically for this leaker in an attempt to give him/her cover and make it so they can not be investigated. He went on to state that this individual was a deep state operative with direct connections to John Brennen and Obama. Laura Ingraham stopped him short of naming the individual that he clearly had the name of...

The Attempted Coup De'Taut is ongoing. The deep state is trying every trick in the book to get Trump! This is blatant treason and it needs to be taken out...

These people are brazen and criminals!
This ^ is a lie. The supposed "rule change" never happened, and furthermore the whistleblower does indeed have first hand information.

Also, your post has no link.

That's because he saw it on Fox Noise. I've never seen such a pool of incredibly ignorant people ANYWHERE as I see on here.
Laura Ingraham is nothing but a fucking whore for Trump. As is Hannity and Carlson.

the original whistleblower said in his report that he did not have first hand knowledge.

Wrong again. The original whistleblower indicated they had first AND second hand information.

The Complainant on the form he or she submitted on August 12, 2019 in fact checked two relevant boxes: The first box stated that, “I have personal and/or direct knowledge of events or records involved”; and the second box stated that, “Other employees have told me about events or records involved.”

https://www.dni.gov/files/ICIG/Documents/News/ICIG News/2019/September 30 - Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints/ICIG Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints.pdf

Remember, Red......you don't actually know what you're talking about.
I want people selecting our presidents NOT LAND like you do And more good news More whistle blowers showing up to bury this misfit you support
You want illegals selecting our president.

all dems want illegals selecting our president, because they know that's the only way they have a chance of winning.
That is just dumb.

yes, its dumb, but its also true.
no. It isnt. Rhat is like saying all Repubs support corruption.
Not all Mostly just those in the WH
Says the chief of the federal election commission.

No, says you offering us your venerably clueless pseudo-legal gibberish where you make up inane babble about the law and then insist that our government is bound to whatever you make up.

Um, no. It isn't.

In comparison to your comic misunderstandings of the law, we have what the head of the FEC *actually* said:


"It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a US election. "

So much for your pseudo-legal gibberish. It doesn't amount to much, does it?
How many times do you have to be told that your document doesn't define the term "thing of value?"
Anything valued at over $2000 is a misdemeanor, and anything valued at $25000 and above, is considered a felony...

it would be easy to determine value of opposition research, which is what Rudy is stating this information is...
Ya'll accused the DNC of spending millions for GPS's opposition research....

so Opposition research definitely has a value of OVER $25 k....

Even The Washington Free Beacon, who had hired GPS for oopsition research against Trump spent much more than $25k for it...

Plus if you consider the Ukraine Prosecutors salaries to investigate the Bidens for the Trump Campaign, it's more than the $25k for a felony.
Investigating criminals is not "opposition research," dumbass. Apparently you believe Comey was illegally contributing to the Trump campaign when he investigated Hillary's emails.
there was no crime done by the Bidens, THAT is a MADE UP STORY, from the get go....

and you do NOT send your personal campaign lawyer and new fixer to gather and conjure up a crime, if it was being done for the united states of America fighting corruption... we have a legal process for that...

Giuliani IS NOT part of that process....
But we know those investigating corruption ,the FBI and CIA aren't trusted by these schmucks in our WH
A CIA analyst just stopped short of naming the whistle-blower who he described as a LEAKER not a protected whistle-blower. He also went on to explain that the form and requirement for first hand knowledge were removed specifically for this leaker in an attempt to give him/her cover and make it so they can not be investigated. He went on to state that this individual was a deep state operative with direct connections to John Brennen and Obama. Laura Ingraham stopped him short of naming the individual that he clearly had the name of...

The Attempted Coup De'Taut is ongoing. The deep state is trying every trick in the book to get Trump! This is blatant treason and it needs to be taken out...

These people are brazen and criminals!
This ^ is a lie. The supposed "rule change" never happened, and furthermore the whistleblower does indeed have first hand information.

Also, your post has no link.

That's because he saw it on Fox Noise. I've never seen such a pool of incredibly ignorant people ANYWHERE as I see on here.
Laura Ingraham is nothing but a fucking whore for Trump. As is Hannity and Carlson.

the original whistleblower said in his report that he did not have first hand knowledge.

Wrong again. The original whistleblower indicated they had first AND second hand information.

The Complainant on the form he or she submitted on August 12, 2019 in fact checked two relevant boxes: The first box stated that, “I have personal and/or direct knowledge of events or records involved”; and the second box stated that, “Other employees have told me about events or records involved.”

https://www.dni.gov/files/ICIG/Documents/News/ICIG News/2019/September 30 - Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints/ICIG Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints.pdf

Remember, Red......you don't actually know what you're talking about.
No the first liar said had first hand then changed his tune to second hand

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