Whistle-blower: Special forces could have saved Americans in Benghazi


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Read more: Whistle-blower: Special forces could have saved Americans in Benghazi - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

U.S. special operations forces in Libya could have saved Americans killed in the attack last Sept. 11 on the consulate in Benghazi but were told to stand down, a State Department whistle-blower has told congressional investigators.
Gregory Hicks was second in command to Ambassador Christopher Stevens in Libya. Is this the smoking gun?
After Wednesday, when we confirm that the Benghazi murders were perpetrated by TERRORISTS and not the President, can we move on to other topics? I think not... :cool: as history shows that republicans live to fabricate and then perseverate on non-issues... Lewinsky, Obama's a kenyan, and a muslim...
After Wednesday, when we confirm that the Benghazi murders were perpetrated by TERRORISTS and not the President, can we move on to other topics? I think not... :cool: as history shows that republicans live to fabricate and then perseverate on non-issues... Lewinsky, Obama's a kenyan, and a muslim...

Where have I claimed that Obama killed the 4 in Benghazi? Unlike you I claim that the responsibility for the deaths rests with Obama and Hillary. In as much as, their incompetence in handling the attack at the time and the lies that have followed. Then there's the refusal to send aid when aid was available.
Funny you mentioned Lewinsky. DNA proved that Billy-boy did have sexual contact with that woman Ms. Monica Lewinsky. At the same time a judge revoked Billy boy's law license for a specified period of time and fined him for lying to the court. Bill boy skated on perjury only because of the office of the presidency.
BTW it's more the lies. ommissions and prevarications after the fact that was created by Obama, Hillary and Bubba that is the big problem. The same held true for Nixon.
So if you claim that we're railroading Obama you are wrong. Obama lied people died and Obama lied again to be re-elected and for that he has lost credibility with the PEOPLE. He should resign and take Joey with him.
After Wednesday, when we confirm that the Benghazi murders were perpetrated by TERRORISTS and not the President, can we move on to other topics? I think not... :cool: as history shows that republicans live to fabricate and then perseverate on non-issues... Lewinsky, Obama's a kenyan, and a muslim...

Where have I claimed that Obama killed the 4 in Benghazi? Unlike you I claim that the responsibility for the deaths rests with Obama and Hillary. In as much as, their incompetence in handling the attack at the time and the lies that have followed. Then there's the refusal to send aid when aid was available.
Funny you mentioned Lewinsky. DNA proved that Billy-boy did have sexual contact with that woman Ms. Monica Lewinsky. At the same time a judge revoked Billy boy's law license for a specified period of time and fined him for lying to the court. Bill boy skated on perjury only because of the office of the presidency.
BTW it's more the lies. ommissions and prevarications after the fact that was created by Obama, Hillary and Bubba that is the big problem. The same held true for Nixon.
So if you claim that we're railroading Obama you are wrong. Obama lied people died and Obama lied again to be re-elected and for that he has lost credibility with the PEOPLE. He should resign and take Joey with him.

If Obama had said that it was a terrorist attack from day 1 none of the facts would have changed, lives wouldn't have been saved, murderers wouldn't have been captured... but nobody would be talking about this 8 months later. They would have accepted it for what it was - terrorism. Instead republicans were given another desperate thread to grasp onto and because that's their favorite pastime we've had this overhyped distraction thrown at us for way too long.

As for Nixon? He was caught with his pants down trying to usurp the entire American political process. I'd say that's a tad worse than getting a BJ in the oval office while simultaneously overseeing a vibrantly healthy economy with unprecedented growth for 8 years. :cool:
After Wednesday, when we confirm that the Benghazi murders were perpetrated by TERRORISTS and not the President, can we move on to other topics? I think not... :cool: as history shows that republicans live to fabricate and then perseverate on non-issues... Lewinsky, Obama's a kenyan, and a muslim...

Where have I claimed that Obama killed the 4 in Benghazi? Unlike you I claim that the responsibility for the deaths rests with Obama and Hillary. In as much as, their incompetence in handling the attack at the time and the lies that have followed. Then there's the refusal to send aid when aid was available.
Funny you mentioned Lewinsky. DNA proved that Billy-boy did have sexual contact with that woman Ms. Monica Lewinsky. At the same time a judge revoked Billy boy's law license for a specified period of time and fined him for lying to the court. Bill boy skated on perjury only because of the office of the presidency.
BTW it's more the lies. ommissions and prevarications after the fact that was created by Obama, Hillary and Bubba that is the big problem. The same held true for Nixon.
So if you claim that we're railroading Obama you are wrong. Obama lied people died and Obama lied again to be re-elected and for that he has lost credibility with the PEOPLE. He should resign and take Joey with him.

If Obama had said that it was a terrorist attack from day 1 none of the facts would have changed, lives wouldn't have been saved, murderers wouldn't have been captured... but nobody would be talking about this 8 months later. They would have accepted it for what it was - terrorism. Instead republicans were given another desperate thread to grasp onto and because that's their favorite pastime we've had this overhyped distraction thrown at us for way too long.

As for Nixon? He was caught with his pants down trying to usurp the entire American political process. I'd say that's a tad worse than getting a BJ in the oval office while simultaneously overseeing a vibrantly healthy economy with unprecedented growth for 8 years. :cool:

He lied to secure his re election. And even if he called it a terrorist act from day one,it still doesnt change the fact that hilary lied and said she knew nothing about the request for more security when in fact she signed a document denying the request about a month before that.
After Wednesday, when we confirm that the Benghazi murders were perpetrated by TERRORISTS and not the President, can we move on to other topics? I think not... :cool: as history shows that republicans live to fabricate and then perseverate on non-issues... Lewinsky, Obama's a kenyan, and a muslim...

Where have I claimed that Obama killed the 4 in Benghazi? Unlike you I claim that the responsibility for the deaths rests with Obama and Hillary. In as much as, their incompetence in handling the attack at the time and the lies that have followed. Then there's the refusal to send aid when aid was available.
Funny you mentioned Lewinsky. DNA proved that Billy-boy did have sexual contact with that woman Ms. Monica Lewinsky. At the same time a judge revoked Billy boy's law license for a specified period of time and fined him for lying to the court. Bill boy skated on perjury only because of the office of the presidency.
BTW it's more the lies. ommissions and prevarications after the fact that was created by Obama, Hillary and Bubba that is the big problem. The same held true for Nixon.
So if you claim that we're railroading Obama you are wrong. Obama lied people died and Obama lied again to be re-elected and for that he has lost credibility with the PEOPLE. He should resign and take Joey with him.

If Obama had said that it was a terrorist attack from day 1 none of the facts would have changed, lives wouldn't have been saved, murderers wouldn't have been captured... but nobody would be talking about this 8 months later. They would have accepted it for what it was - terrorism. Instead republicans were given another desperate thread to grasp onto and because that's their favorite pastime we've had this overhyped distraction thrown at us for way too long.

As for Nixon? He was caught with his pants down trying to usurp the entire American political process. I'd say that's a tad worse than getting a BJ in the oval office while simultaneously overseeing a vibrantly healthy economy with unprecedented growth for 8 years. :cool:

So if the Obama administration hadn't lied to the American people, we wouldn't be talking about this today. Got it.
obama didn't kill the Behghazi 4. He just wanted them to die. Or, really, he needed them to die to support his narrative that our First Amendment causes strife throughout the world and needs to be changed or limited.

Had the truth been known immediately, obama would never have been reelected. His entire narrative of removing Osama Bin Laden destroyed terrorism would never have been accepted.
The problem with the ZOMYGawd Benghazi crowd is that they assume that had things been done differently, the outcome would have been better. What I suggest is a little history lesson on the Mayaguez incident so that some of you can learn about potential outcomes when one enters a situation with guns blazing. Lord knows the field day you'd be having if that had happened.
obama didn't kill the Behghazi 4. He just wanted them to die. Or, really, he needed them to die to support his narrative that our First Amendment causes strife throughout the world and needs to be changed or limited.

Had the truth been known immediately, obama would never have been reelected. His entire narrative of removing Osama Bin Laden destroyed terrorism would never have been accepted.
I've said this before but it bears repeating... I would hate the guy you made up in your head, too.
After Wednesday, when we confirm that the Benghazi murders were perpetrated by TERRORISTS and not the President, can we move on to other topics? I think not... :cool: as history shows that republicans live to fabricate and then perseverate on non-issues... Lewinsky, Obama's a kenyan, and a muslim...

Where have I claimed that Obama killed the 4 in Benghazi? Unlike you I claim that the responsibility for the deaths rests with Obama and Hillary. In as much as, their incompetence in handling the attack at the time and the lies that have followed. Then there's the refusal to send aid when aid was available.
Funny you mentioned Lewinsky. DNA proved that Billy-boy did have sexual contact with that woman Ms. Monica Lewinsky. At the same time a judge revoked Billy boy's law license for a specified period of time and fined him for lying to the court. Bill boy skated on perjury only because of the office of the presidency.
BTW it's more the lies. ommissions and prevarications after the fact that was created by Obama, Hillary and Bubba that is the big problem. The same held true for Nixon.
So if you claim that we're railroading Obama you are wrong. Obama lied people died and Obama lied again to be re-elected and for that he has lost credibility with the PEOPLE. He should resign and take Joey with him.

If Obama had said that it was a terrorist attack from day 1 none of the facts would have changed, lives wouldn't have been saved, murderers wouldn't have been captured... but nobody would be talking about this 8 months later. They would have accepted it for what it was - terrorism. Instead republicans were given another desperate thread to grasp onto and because that's their favorite pastime we've had this overhyped distraction thrown at us for way too long.

As for Nixon? He was caught with his pants down trying to usurp the entire American political process. I'd say that's a tad worse than getting a BJ in the oval office while simultaneously overseeing a vibrantly healthy economy with unprecedented growth for 8 years. :cool:

I'm guessing you weren't part of the "Bush lied people died" crowd since it's obvious you don't mind being lied to.
After Wednesday, when we confirm that the Benghazi murders were perpetrated by TERRORISTS and not the President, can we move on to other topics? I think not... :cool: as history shows that republicans live to fabricate and then perseverate on non-issues... Lewinsky, Obama's a kenyan, and a muslim...

Where have I claimed that Obama killed the 4 in Benghazi? Unlike you I claim that the responsibility for the deaths rests with Obama and Hillary. In as much as, their incompetence in handling the attack at the time and the lies that have followed. Then there's the refusal to send aid when aid was available.
Funny you mentioned Lewinsky. DNA proved that Billy-boy did have sexual contact with that woman Ms. Monica Lewinsky. At the same time a judge revoked Billy boy's law license for a specified period of time and fined him for lying to the court. Bill boy skated on perjury only because of the office of the presidency.
BTW it's more the lies. ommissions and prevarications after the fact that was created by Obama, Hillary and Bubba that is the big problem. The same held true for Nixon.
So if you claim that we're railroading Obama you are wrong. Obama lied people died and Obama lied again to be re-elected and for that he has lost credibility with the PEOPLE. He should resign and take Joey with him.

If Obama had said that it was a terrorist attack from day 1 none of the facts would have changed, lives wouldn't have been saved, murderers wouldn't have been captured... but nobody would be talking about this 8 months later. They would have accepted it for what it was - terrorism. Instead republicans were given another desperate thread to grasp onto and because that's their favorite pastime we've had this overhyped distraction thrown at us for way too long.

As for Nixon? He was caught with his pants down trying to usurp the entire American political process. I'd say that's a tad worse than getting a BJ in the oval office while simultaneously overseeing a vibrantly healthy economy with unprecedented growth for 8 years. :cool:

I would have to disagree with you assessment a tad. If Obama had said from day one, that it was a terrorist attack, and left out the silly video explanation, he would have opened the door to why the Consulate was not protected and that can of worms would have slipped out.

The error in judgments were worse than the Nixon cover up, but not the Clinton mess.
Where have I claimed that Obama killed the 4 in Benghazi? Unlike you I claim that the responsibility for the deaths rests with Obama and Hillary. In as much as, their incompetence in handling the attack at the time and the lies that have followed. Then there's the refusal to send aid when aid was available.
Funny you mentioned Lewinsky. DNA proved that Billy-boy did have sexual contact with that woman Ms. Monica Lewinsky. At the same time a judge revoked Billy boy's law license for a specified period of time and fined him for lying to the court. Bill boy skated on perjury only because of the office of the presidency.
BTW it's more the lies. ommissions and prevarications after the fact that was created by Obama, Hillary and Bubba that is the big problem. The same held true for Nixon.
So if you claim that we're railroading Obama you are wrong. Obama lied people died and Obama lied again to be re-elected and for that he has lost credibility with the PEOPLE. He should resign and take Joey with him.

If Obama had said that it was a terrorist attack from day 1 none of the facts would have changed, lives wouldn't have been saved, murderers wouldn't have been captured... but nobody would be talking about this 8 months later. They would have accepted it for what it was - terrorism. Instead republicans were given another desperate thread to grasp onto and because that's their favorite pastime we've had this overhyped distraction thrown at us for way too long.

As for Nixon? He was caught with his pants down trying to usurp the entire American political process. I'd say that's a tad worse than getting a BJ in the oval office while simultaneously overseeing a vibrantly healthy economy with unprecedented growth for 8 years. :cool:

He lied to secure his re election. And even if he called it a terrorist act from day one,it still doesnt change the fact that hilary lied and said she knew nothing about the request for more security when in fact she signed a document denying the request about a month before that.

Hillary lied. Clapper lied. Obama lied. Four men died. They could have been saved. The president was re-elected. Facts are facts. Worse things have happened and will happen in the future.
Instead republicans were given another desperate thread to grasp onto and because that's their favorite pastime we've had this overhyped distraction thrown at us for way too long.

What you're basically telling us is that you don't care despite the fact that 4 Americans died and there was a cover-up. And you're also pissed that the Republicans are questioning your Dear Leader.
The problem with the ZOMYGawd Benghazi crowd is that they assume that had things been done differently, the outcome would have been better. What I suggest is a little history lesson on the Mayaguez incident so that some of you can learn about potential outcomes when one enters a situation with guns blazing. Lord knows the field day you'd be having if that had happened.

why were they denied and removing the security they had when the region was tumultuous? The Brits had pulled their people due to an assassination attempt of their Ambassador in Benghazi in June! The UN and the Red Cross had also removed their personnel. Is that not enough to tell you how bad the situation was becoming?

Libya: British guns unaccounted for after Benghazi consulate attack - Telegraph

"From June 2011 to July 2012, then-Regional Security Officer (RSO) for Libya Eric Nordstrom compiled a list of more than 200 security incidents in Libya, 50 of which took place in Benghazi.6 These incidents included violent acts directed
against diplomats and diplomatic facilities, international organizations, and third-country
nationals, as well as large-scale militia clashes. 7 U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi came under direct fire twice in the months leading up to September 11, 2012: first in April 2012, when disgruntled Libyan contract guards allegedly threw a small improvised explosive device (IED) over the perimeter wall; and in June 2012, when unknown assailants used an IED to blow a hole in the perimeter wall."

Why were they drawing down security there? The writing was on the wall! Senior Al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki had recently been killed in a drone attack, 9/11 was approaching. They had been told the security situation there was deteriorating yet they denied them the security they asked for, were even told to continue drawing down the resources they had. They had asked for continued use of a DC-3 airplane, which they recently removed, even though security there at the airport had deteriorated! And it is on record in the hearings they did not deny it due to lack of funds.
And then they tried to blame it on a video, aired ads to apologize about it, rather than state we do not know what happened, let us get back to you as soon as we do. And even though they knew the truth they altered the facts and continued to spread these falsehoods for days!
If you have an ounce of integrity you would want us to get to the bottom of why all of this transpired.
People died whilst Hilary and Obama sanitized the reports from the CIA.

Then they blamed the CIA.

This is watergate a thousandfold.

No one died because of watergate.

If this is not a criminal act, what is? The incompetence in handling the attack is one thing. The lies and cover-up show criminality on the part of this administration. No one died in Watergate not so with Benghazi-gate.
The problem with the ZOMYGawd Benghazi crowd is that they assume that had things been done differently, the outcome would have been better. What I suggest is a little history lesson on the Mayaguez incident so that some of you can learn about potential outcomes when one enters a situation with guns blazing. Lord knows the field day you'd be having if that had happened.
So it's better to sit back and allow people who are put in harms way to die?

Then to minimize the incident with "who cares" and "it happened a long time ago" and "forget about it"!

8 months ago, forget about it!!

GWB was prez five years ago, forget about blaming him for all obamas failures.

Two more months and you can stop parading the patents of newtown to tug heart strings?

Get Gabby Gifford to shut the fuck up, that hapened ages ago!!!

Or is it one rule for one and another for fanatical liberal totalitarians!!

Do you need a towel to wipe the spittle from your screen? Your knee jerk reaction to my post is duly noted especially considering that I never mentioned George Bush. But I see that you assume the Mayaguez Incident happened on his watch. It did not, but thank you for demonstrating that you are unaware of history.
After Wednesday, when we confirm that the Benghazi murders were perpetrated by TERRORISTS and not the President, can we move on to other topics? I think not... :cool: as history shows that republicans live to fabricate and then perseverate on non-issues... Lewinsky, Obama's a kenyan, and a muslim...

Where have I claimed that Obama killed the 4 in Benghazi? Unlike you I claim that the responsibility for the deaths rests with Obama and Hillary. In as much as, their incompetence in handling the attack at the time and the lies that have followed. Then there's the refusal to send aid when aid was available.
Funny you mentioned Lewinsky. DNA proved that Billy-boy did have sexual contact with that woman Ms. Monica Lewinsky. At the same time a judge revoked Billy boy's law license for a specified period of time and fined him for lying to the court. Bill boy skated on perjury only because of the office of the presidency.
BTW it's more the lies. ommissions and prevarications after the fact that was created by Obama, Hillary and Bubba that is the big problem. The same held true for Nixon.
So if you claim that we're railroading Obama you are wrong. Obama lied people died and Obama lied again to be re-elected and for that he has lost credibility with the PEOPLE. He should resign and take Joey with him.

If Obama had said that it was a terrorist attack from day 1 none of the facts would have changed, lives wouldn't have been saved, murderers wouldn't have been captured... but nobody would be talking about this 8 months later. They would have accepted it for what it was - terrorism. Instead republicans were given another desperate thread to grasp onto and because that's their favorite pastime we've had this overhyped distraction thrown at us for way too long.

As for Nixon? He was caught with his pants down trying to usurp the entire American political process. I'd say that's a tad worse than getting a BJ in the oval office while simultaneously overseeing a vibrantly healthy economy with unprecedented growth for 8 years. :cool:

no surprise you ignore clinton committed perjury

you can't rewrite history
Instead republicans were given another desperate thread to grasp onto and because that's their favorite pastime we've had this overhyped distraction thrown at us for way too long.

What you're basically telling us is that you don't care despite the fact that 4 Americans died and there was a cover-up. And you're also pissed that the Republicans are questioning your Dear Leader.

Sounds like it to me.

The administration lied through its teeth from the get go on Benghazi.

We all know that if Bush were POTUS when this happened and he did the same thing these same lefty loons would be screaming like stuck pigs. They would be demanding answers, hearings and the truth.

Seems because its Barry Boy they don't want to know the truth because it makes Barry and his administration look like the losers they are.
Four Americans died. How many were saved? Three thousands died in the twin towers attack after Bush ignored three previous warning months before the attack. Where was the outrage toward Bush? The right wing witch hunters don't give a rats ass about those that died, they are after Obama's head at anyone expense. Led by the Right Wing Rag Foxnews. 12 embassies attacked under Bush and 60 dies and more injuries. Hearings will only prove Obama not at fault so bring them on.

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