White American Hero, Kyle Rittenhouse, On Twitter: I am alive today because I was able to protect myself.

He's free today because the judge was part of the defense team.
The Rittenhouse defense team:

Rittenhouse won.

Get over it.

I'm actually concerned for him. The post trial situation screams that he is being used. His appearances on Tucker, etc. reinforce that. Its setting him up for further liability, and once attention passes he will be cast aside by those powers.
And for the first time in recent history, the judge deemed that the people Pop and Fresh shot couldn't be called "victims".
No because the whole purpose of the trial was to determine if they were victims. If they were unjustly shot, they were victims, if they were attacking Rittenhouse, they were legally perpetrators. Calling them victims before the trial ended was putting the cart before the horse, or as lawyers say, "assuming facts not in evidence". Also, people just might be a tiny bit more willing to consider your posts if you didn't denigrate other people. Rittenhouse has a name; you might consider using it. I'm sure you'd be offended if I called you a bimbo, broad, skirt, split or any number of other derogatory terms for women. I want people to consider what I write, so I avoid doing that,
There were only two witnesses to the Trayvon Martin murder, the killer and the victim
Wrong, there was a third, objective witness Jonathan Good who witnessed Martin beating Zimmerman "MMA Style" according to his testimony. There were several other neighbors who heard the confrontation that all supported Zimmerman's version of events despite not knowing him.
Only because of your ignorance and bigotry.
People like Anathema get a nasty surprise when Saint Peter turns them away for their bigotry and lack of Christian compassion. Hypocrites like Anathema are scum pretending to be moral people while judging others by standards they don't even try to meet.
My opinions are the only facts I need, thank you very much. The child is a punk-assed little bitch and I honestly wish HE’D been the one taking a ride in the coroner’s van that night.
Opinions AREN'T facts. Facts are objective and can be proven OPINIONS are SUBJECTIVE and CAN'T be proven.

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