White cis male gay privilege

White Cis Gay Men Need to Realize Discrimination Still Exists*|*Eliel Cruz

"Demanding equality is not a bad thing. We LGBT people are a minority, and we will be for a very long time."

What on earth is is saying there?? Gays are going to be a majority one day????

Proof of a cult instead of "born this way" eh?...lol.

That's called "letting the cat out of the bag"...whoopsies. Gonna be hard to walk that one back.

Can anybody say "Ancient Greece"? That's the end-game and they're already 1/2 way there. Once you start requiring kiddies in school to celebrate a child sexual predator like Harvey Milk, it's pretty much out there where this is going...
I see the libs won't touch this one..

If they dare to, is the author implying they recruit? Because no way biology will ever allow gays to be a majority.
Hey LBGT'ers, try being a straight white male. You wanna see discrimination ? We're blamed for everything, regardless of our age group.

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