White communist professor advocates white genocide


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
White Communist Professor Advocates White Genocide

Prof pushes culture of anti-white racism at colleges

A white communist college professor, who advocated for the genocide of white people in a tweet on Christmas, has a well-documented history of hateful comments towards “crackers.”

George Ciccariello-Maher, an associate professor of political science at Drexel University in Philadelphia, tweeted on Sunday “All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide.”


no shock here. There rejects are out in left field. This is a sever form of stockholm syndrome and or indoctrination. And when people are this indoctrinated it doesn't matter what you tell them, show them they will never ever get it let alone understand how they've been douped into this type of mindset.
Allowing these InfoWars threads anywhere here, other than in the rubber room, is equivalent to having an Alex Jones annex site sponsored by USMB. Do any of you mods even see that, or is that just your intention anyway?
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn. Some other hominid on the planet said something and I'm supposed to be outraged. Again.

Perhaps he should do the world a favor and lead by example since he feels that way.


White Communist Professor Advocates White Genocide

Prof pushes culture of anti-white racism at colleges

A white communist college professor, who advocated for the genocide of white people in a tweet on Christmas, has a well-documented history of hateful comments towards “crackers.”

George Ciccariello-Maher, an associate professor of political science at Drexel University in Philadelphia, tweeted on Sunday “All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide.”


no shock here. There rejects are out in left field. This is a sever form of stockholm syndrome and or indoctrination. And when people are this indoctrinated it doesn't matter what you tell them, show them they will never ever get it let alone understand how they've been douped into this type of mindset.
If a White professor would have said that about negroes that professor would be in jail.
How can his minorities be encouraged to put actions to his words?

we keep trying to get people to read and learn about " Dumbing down America" it's easy as fk because nobody takes the time to pay attention, nobody listens to those who keep pointing them in the direction of you " your all fking yourselves". It starts in the schools, but nobody listens.............. Those who do well just look at the responses from libtards there is your passing students of the class. Student of life that is.

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