White Crimes You Don't Hear About

Paul Essien

Platinum Member
Jun 9, 2017
A few months ago a white author (Alice Sebold) confessed to lying about a black man (Anthony Broadwater) raping her in 1981. Forty years later after Broadwater was convicted in 1982 Sebold came out and says “Ooops sorry


This despite the fact that white women lie on rape cases of black men all the time


This is how Alice SeeBold did it. She identified him (Anthony Broadwater) 5 months after the rape happened when she passed a random black man (Anthony Broadwater) on the street in 1981 and just said “that’s him” and the word of a white woman trumped everything.

This was a man who at the time of his conviction in 1982 was a 20 year old Marine for the USA army.


He had no previous convictions or criminal record.

He was denied parole five times because he wouldn't admit to the crime and he passed 3 lie detector tests

None of that mattered

To this very day Alice Seebold is a rich successful author and this is her €5.45m SF home


Still mingling with British royal family


Meanwhile.this is the home Anthony Broadwater has to come bk to and live


And even though he got out….. he didn’t get to start over clean.

1) Almost no one would hire him.
2) Most professional licences were out of the question .
3) For the first 5 yrs he could not get public housing (just when he needs it the most)
4) He’ll never again get food stamps. And on and on.

And I haven’t even included the family that he lost, the career that he lost, the respect that he lost, his younger years that he lost, his mental wellbeing that he’s lost.

I hope there’s a special place in hell for Alice Sebold


The nerve of wrongly accusing a man of rape. Then profiting off of it by writing a book about it. Words fail me.
Really should view people as Individuals rather than members of groups, just because they share some superficial characteristics like color or whatever.

Unfortunately, that's not likely to happen any time soon, given that collectivists are so inherently racist.
Yeah, this is sick and depraved beyond all meaning and logic.

I remember back in the 70's when I was in high school, there were a few stories in the news like this.
Some poor black guy was #metoo'd. He even had witnesses to the fact he was on the other side of town.
Not one piece of positive evidence was looked at by the judge. I think the poor guy spent 20 years in prison.

Another guy was in prison for about 20 years as well. But he got freed because of the DNA testing that they could do at the time. So his lawyers got the womans DNA samples and had them tested against his DNA samples he gave to his lawyers, and come to find out, it was not HIS DNA!
He was freed the next day. Sued the state for wrongful incarceration. I don't remember how much he got, but it was in the millions.

This bullshit goes for the little monstrous abominations they call "children".

They find out all they have to do is point a finger at an adult and scream "they touched me"................and thats the end of your life. Doesn't matter if you were on the fucking moon at the time the little fucker tells the judge when you did something to them, it's all null and void. You are a gonner.
Some White women are pure evil. Some Black women are pure evil. Some Asian women are pure evil. Some Hispanic women are pure evil. Most are not.

Problem is, you don't know which are which until you're being dragged off in handcuffs!!!!

I read a few articles on this some years ago.

The most obvious reason these guys were singled out, is........yes...........because they "all look alike".
I would think any honest judge would throw the damned case out of court for this. But they don't.
Many women have come forward years later and admitted that they just picked some black guy at random, because "they all look alike". How the FUCK do you base a court case on that???

Ok, many of them don't admit that during the court case, but still..........if they aren't certain, then there is doubt.
And if there is doubt, then there has to be an investigation. More often than not, there is no investigation.
Regardless of the guys background at that time, he's already been made the scapegoat.

And, regardless of what society says, what they preach, and what women preach about themselves............
the double standard system is firmly in place and women use it to their advantage ALL THE TIME!
Really should view people as Individuals rather than members of groups, just because they share some superficial characteristics like color or whatever.

Unfortunately, that's not likely to happen any time soon, given that collectivists are so inherently racist.
Just recognize the wrong that was shown done by multiple women of the same group. This has been a longstanding problem that should be pointed out as it was.
A few months ago a white author (Alice Sebold) confessed to lying about a black man (Anthony Broadwater) raping her in 1981. Forty years later after Broadwater was convicted in 1982 Sebold came out and says “Ooops sorry


This despite the fact that white women lie on rape cases of black men all the time


This is how Alice SeeBold did it. She identified him (Anthony Broadwater) 5 months after the rape happened when she passed a random black man (Anthony Broadwater) on the street in 1981 and just said “that’s him” and the word of a white woman trumped everything.

This was a man who at the time of his conviction in 1982 was a 20 year old Marine for the USA army.


He had no previous convictions or criminal record.

He was denied parole five times because he wouldn't admit to the crime and he passed 3 lie detector tests

None of that mattered

To this very day Alice Seebold is a rich successful author and this is her €5.45m SF home


Still mingling with British royal family


Meanwhile.this is the home Anthony Broadwater has to come bk to and live


And even though he got out….. he didn’t get to start over clean.

1) Almost no one would hire him.
2) Most professional licences were out of the question .
3) For the first 5 yrs he could not get public housing (just when he needs it the most)
4) He’ll never again get food stamps. And on and on.

And I haven’t even included the family that he lost, the career that he lost, the respect that he lost, his younger years that he lost, his mental wellbeing that he’s lost.

I hope there’s a special place in hell for Alice Sebold


The nerve of wrongly accusing a man of rape. Then profiting off of it by writing a book about it. Words fail me.
I heard about that.
Some White women are pure evil. Some Black women are pure evil. Some Asian women are pure evil. Some Hispanic women are pure evil. Most are not.

False equivalence. There have been white females doing this kind of thing for years. You don't apply that to inner city violence. Some inncer city blacks are violent, some suburban whites are violent. But you are full of excuses for whites.
Yeah, no, I think I'll stick with my previous thought on the matter.
And that's the problem, you want to make excuses, false equivalence then whine about groups when whites started the grouping in the first place. And only when whites are shown committing serious wrongs do we get the whining about how groups are unfair. When it's to the advantage of whites groups are the way to go.
False equivalence. There have been white females doing this kind of thing for years. You don't apply that to inner city violence. Some inncer city blacks are violent, some suburban whites are violent. But you are full of excuses for whites.
As usual you make accusations that you can't back up with a single post. You follow the Democrat credo to the letter. Just keep making stuff up and screaming racism. Facts don't matter.
All as in ALL attorneys that defend criminals are legal advocates for that criminal. MOST attorneys either know their clients are guilty or don't care. I don't like Hillary. I don't like fakers about the legal profession either.

False accusations of rape aren't exclusive to white women. Al Sharpton made his entire reputation on the fake rape of black woman Twana Brawley. Brian Banks has his life destroyed by a fake rape accusation by a black woman. A movie was made of his story. So fake rape accusations aren't owned by white women but lying women
As usual you make accusations that you can't back up with a single post. You follow the Democrat credo to the letter. Just keep making stuff up and screaming racism. Facts don't matter.
Mike I've backed up every word I have posted. It's gotten to the point that I have reposted evidence multiple times. Fact are the enemy of you right wingers.
A few months ago a white author (Alice Sebold) confessed to lying about a black man (Anthony Broadwater) raping her in 1981. Forty years later after Broadwater was convicted in 1982 Sebold came out and says “Ooops sorry


This despite the fact that white women lie on rape cases of black men all the time


This is how Alice SeeBold did it. She identified him (Anthony Broadwater) 5 months after the rape happened when she passed a random black man (Anthony Broadwater) on the street in 1981 and just said “that’s him” and the word of a white woman trumped everything.

This was a man who at the time of his conviction in 1982 was a 20 year old Marine for the USA army.


He had no previous convictions or criminal record.

He was denied parole five times because he wouldn't admit to the crime and he passed 3 lie detector tests

None of that mattered

To this very day Alice Seebold is a rich successful author and this is her €5.45m SF home


Still mingling with British royal family


Meanwhile.this is the home Anthony Broadwater has to come bk to and live


And even though he got out….. he didn’t get to start over clean.

1) Almost no one would hire him.
2) Most professional licences were out of the question .
3) For the first 5 yrs he could not get public housing (just when he needs it the most)
4) He’ll never again get food stamps. And on and on.

And I haven’t even included the family that he lost, the career that he lost, the respect that he lost, his younger years that he lost, his mental wellbeing that he’s lost.

I hope there’s a special place in hell for Alice Sebold


The nerve of wrongly accusing a man of rape. Then profiting off of it by writing a book about it. Words fail me.
Women who lie about rape should serve the same sentence as people who actually rape. We can leave the skin colors of the participants out of the equation.
A few months ago a white author (Alice Sebold) confessed to lying about a black man (Anthony Broadwater) raping her in 1981. Forty years later after Broadwater was convicted in 1982 Sebold came out and says “Ooops sorry


This despite the fact that white women lie on rape cases of black men all the time


This is how Alice SeeBold did it. She identified him (Anthony Broadwater) 5 months after the rape happened when she passed a random black man (Anthony Broadwater) on the street in 1981 and just said “that’s him” and the word of a white woman trumped everything.

This was a man who at the time of his conviction in 1982 was a 20 year old Marine for the USA army.


He had no previous convictions or criminal record.

He was denied parole five times because he wouldn't admit to the crime and he passed 3 lie detector tests

None of that mattered

To this very day Alice Seebold is a rich successful author and this is her €5.45m SF home


Still mingling with British royal family


Meanwhile.this is the home Anthony Broadwater has to come bk to and live


And even though he got out….. he didn’t get to start over clean.

1) Almost no one would hire him.
2) Most professional licences were out of the question .
3) For the first 5 yrs he could not get public housing (just when he needs it the most)
4) He’ll never again get food stamps. And on and on.

And I haven’t even included the family that he lost, the career that he lost, the respect that he lost, his younger years that he lost, his mental wellbeing that he’s lost.

I hope there’s a special place in hell for Alice Sebold


The nerve of wrongly accusing a man of rape. Then profiting off of it by writing a book about it. Words fail me.
Thank you for raising this issue.

Presumption of Guilt is particularly severe against African Americans.
A few months ago a white author (Alice Sebold) confessed to lying about a black man (Anthony Broadwater) raping her in 1981. Forty years later after Broadwater was convicted in 1982 Sebold came out and says “Ooops sorry


This despite the fact that white women lie on rape cases of black men all the time


This is how Alice SeeBold did it. She identified him (Anthony Broadwater) 5 months after the rape happened when she passed a random black man (Anthony Broadwater) on the street in 1981 and just said “that’s him” and the word of a white woman trumped everything.

This was a man who at the time of his conviction in 1982 was a 20 year old Marine for the USA army.


He had no previous convictions or criminal record.

He was denied parole five times because he wouldn't admit to the crime and he passed 3 lie detector tests

None of that mattered

To this very day Alice Seebold is a rich successful author and this is her €5.45m SF home


Still mingling with British royal family


Meanwhile.this is the home Anthony Broadwater has to come bk to and live


And even though he got out….. he didn’t get to start over clean.

1) Almost no one would hire him.
2) Most professional licences were out of the question .
3) For the first 5 yrs he could not get public housing (just when he needs it the most)
4) He’ll never again get food stamps. And on and on.

And I haven’t even included the family that he lost, the career that he lost, the respect that he lost, his younger years that he lost, his mental wellbeing that he’s lost.

I hope there’s a special place in hell for Alice Sebold


The nerve of wrongly accusing a man of rape. Then profiting off of it by writing a book about it. Words fail me.
White progressive women are your greatest enemy ....and Simultaneously your official spokesmen

Silly jungle bunny will you never learn

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