Zone1 White Culture holds back white people

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I don’t get it. If that is a transgender man-to-woman, then no way is he pregnant.
It’s ok Lisa, nobody understands these people.

I strongly suspect that telling a transwoman that he can’t biologically be pregnant, is a hate crime. That is his sacred subjective reality, just like believing he is a woman. Why are we as a society only willing to pretend along with someone’s subjective reality so far? If he can pretend to be a woman, pretending to be pregnant is the logical extension of that. And then the liberal-logical extension of that is for a trans woman to abort her baby. They already have hopefuls wanting to be the first.

Don’t worry! That kind of ground-breaking social achievement isn’t science fiction. If we can put a man on the moon, we can make a dude pregnant.

My theory is that liberals are a distinct sub-class of white people. They are not really white, and I think they would happily agree with me.

After 2001 we should have banned all Muslims from ever having a U.S. pilot license.

All kidding aside, Im not a religious scholar but I am pretty sure there are part of the world where you can stone a woman for flying a plane.

***it doesn’t actually look like this is a U.S. commercial flight. @#&! Qatar beat us in the all-Muslim-female-cockpit race…..
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The invention of this loop-hole has the real potential to create actual white privilege.

These people are psychopaths. Their moral superiority is completely contrived to be a method of manipulation. They are spoiled children who will get you fired if they don’t get their way.

if this kid can’t we’re a shirtmthat states “there are only two genders” then they shouldn’t be aloud to display the pride-progress flag.




IM2 wants his Democrat masters to give him reparations.
But they have more important things on their minds, like banning historic photos because some fat chick has man-issues.

Black culture has been layed to waste by liberal social philosophies. But nothing that has been poisoning the black community is as toxic as trans-ideology. This is some garbage white trash culture.

These liberal fruitcakes will champion “decolonization” but then embrace transing their kids because some white liberal had a fetish.
Put this on replay and watch it 100 times because this is what your children are inheriting from you.


Show me the black man who can run for president with 91 felony indictments and have people who will actually vote for him before ANY OF YOU talk about black culture ever again.
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Show me the black man who can run for president with 91 felony indictments and have people who will actually vote for him before ANY OF YOU talk about black culture ever again.
You always say that you speak for black people because you are black. So, you show us the black man who can run for president with 91 felonies. I can tell you that he is gonna be a Democrat voting liberal who got rich by poisoning the black community.
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