Zone1 White Culture holds back white people

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How Racism Hurts White People Too

Racism coddles Whites by not requiring us to learn what all people of color must do to survive.

Susana Rinderle, MA, ACC
Susana Rinderle, MA, ACC, Contributor

Imagine you work hard your whole life: at school, work and home. You win some and you lose some, and at times it feels like there’s more losing than winning. Life’s not easy, but you hang in there and follow most of the rules. Some people are less kind than others, and your interactions with teachers, coworkers, bosses, store clerks and bureaucrats can be challenging. Like most people you know, you do all right, but sometimes struggle to pay bills, find a decent place to live, put your kids in a decent school, and get your basic needs met. You see less deserving folks get rewards or perks you don’t. You worry about the future.

And then someone says you have “white privilege.”

I get it. I’m White. Growing up with three darker-skinned family members and mostly “minority” classmates, I hated racism. I thought it meant meanness and abuse directed towards people of color, particularly Blacks, and as a teen I vowed to do my part to stop it. I bristled at the suggestion that I contributed to racism or benefitted from so-called “privilege” just because I was White. What a load of crap! I was a conscientious, empathetic person with multicolored friends. I went out of my way to treat everyone with respect and dignity, even advocate for equality. I worked my butt off in challenging social and financial circumstances to achieve a great deal. To suggest I hadn’t earned it fairly was deeply insulting. To say I got unearned advantages sounded like a copout from lazy complainers.

Eventually, I learned that my well-intended understanding of racism was woefully superficial and incomplete. I learned that I was blind to much of what was going on around me, because I’m White. I also learned a dirty secret about racism: It hurts White people too.

Racism coddles Whites by not requiring us to learn what all people of color must do to survive – how to live in multiple worlds, speak multiple languages and quickly navigate complex realities. It coddles us by making us too fragile to fully hear, understand and receive what people of color are saying, much less take responsibility for our part. It makes us too fragile to talk with people or color in any way that doesn’t meet our standards of comfort and familiarity, much less tolerate being in groups where we are the racial minority.

Susan Rinderle is right.. I've seen some of this and what she says and she is absolutely correct.

This, especially American white culture does them more harm than anything they imagine coming from whatever perceived threats some whites have concocted.

Sadly there are black people help perpetuate this lifestyle of denial.

We do things like tell them nothing is their fault and that white racism is not a problem. That all the deficits we were born into were self inflicted..

“Racism skews our sense of reality. It damages our humanity. It makes us weak.”-Susan Rinderle

We're sorry we're holding you back, Bro. Should we dumb ourselves down?

Blacks Before Obama: A mind is a terrible thing to waste
Blacks After Obama: Math is racist
We're sorry we're holding you back, Bro. Should we dumb ourselves down?

Blacks Before Obama: A mind is a terrible thing to waste
Blacks After Obama: Math is racist
You are quite dumb enough.
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Show me the black man who can run for president with 91 felony indictments and have people who will actually vote for him before ANY OF YOU talk about black culture ever again.
Show me a black man who gets 91 bogus felony indictments brought against him by white DAs - and doesn’t have the country shrieking racist for trying to keep him off the ballot.

It is shameful what the Demicrats are doing, and disgusting that some many Democrat voters are falling in line behind it.

Let the people decide whom they want! You are disenfranchising half the voters with these North Korea tactics.
We're sorry we're holding you back, Bro. Should we dumb ourselves down?

Blacks Before Obama: A mind is a terrible thing to waste
Blacks After Obama: Math is racist
The irony is….we did the OPPOSITE of hold him back. The odds are 2:1 that he got into the college he did due to his skin color, while a white, Asian, or Jew with higher scores and grades got kicked to the curb.

Transgender broadcaster reports J.K. Rowling to police over social media comments​

…..India Willoughby, who was Britain's first transgender newsreader, has accused Rowling of a "hate crime" over remarks the author posted on X on Monday.
Rowling has rejected the allegation, saying that it was not a crime to hold gender-critical views.

"I contacted Northumbria constabulary yesterday ... I have reported J.K. Rowling to the police for what she said," Willoughby said in an interview with independent news publisher Byline Times which it posted on X late on Wednesday.

"Calling a trans person a man, deliberately knowing that that person is a woman - and I am a woman regardless of what J.K. Rowling says ... my birth certificate says female, my passport, all my documents, I am legally recognised as a woman, and for J.K. Rowling to deliberately, and that is the key word, misgender me knowing who I am, is grossly offensive."

Looks like we got ourselves a new “Rosa Parks”. Or at least what white leftists views as a “Rosa Parks” these days. I’m betting that the actual Rosa Parks would affirm there are only two genders and that “trans-people” are weirdos who are unfit for babysitting.
White people really are the worst.

Based solely on the actions of this one retarded liberal, I hope Israel kills every last Palestinian and completely erases Palestine. You can thank white liberals.
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Some stores already have to lock up mundane items like toothpaste or breakfast cereal because these savages will loot anything they can. It’s basically this university’s fault for allowing some wacked out liberal to get their hands on this painting.
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