White Fragility, Critical Race Theory and the German Swastika.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
I am not a Jew but if I were, I would be very uncomfortable about Robin DeAngelo’s best-selling book, White Fragility. The book appears to be the leading edge of a new paradigm of Holocaust methodology suggesting that an ethnic group, Caucasian Americans of European descent, are born defective and are responsible for the world’s problems. Like the Jews of the 1930’s, white youth is being indoctrinated through America’s national system of education to apologize for their heritage and confess to being guilty by birth.

If this sounds familiar to even secular Jews, it should, because the last time I checked most Jews look like me and when a government uses education to go after people for genetic traits, bad things happen. Like American Caucasians, Jews in pre-World War Two Germany had no control of how they emerged from the birth canal but their success in German society made them convenient scapegoats for bad government that needed to cover for its mistakes.

Similar to the failures of America’s Great society and War on Poverty, Germany had plunged its society into economic distress with bad decisions leading to World War One. They needed a scapegoat to blame for those mistakes and Jews fit the bill then much as White Americans make convenient culprits to disparage and charge for the misery brought on the United States by permanent Washington.

The most frightening aspect of DeAngelo’s book is that it appears to be an introductory training manual for ethnic cleansing enthusiastically adopted by many of America’s academics that have demonstrated a vile hatred of the United States mainly because of historical constitutional rights of common people to control the government.

Readers are encouraged to research a man named Edward Bernays, who is generally regarded to be the father of American public relations or propaganda. The Germans loved Bernays, and his ideas and they used them endlessly to promote the rise of the Nazi Party. Dumbing down the population and fostering hatred of opposition was incredibly useful in Germany as it was in overthrowing the pervious presidential administration in the United States with corrupt ballot stuffing.

Any American Jew or Caucasian should be very leery of what is happening today because it has happened before. Critical Race theory and White Fragility are contemporary Swastika’s in US government designed to stupefy the people into giving up their liberties and constitutional rights. Do not be fooled.
Yeah.... because facts don't matter when narrative is the agenda.
Top 5 nations who used slavery the most - only one is white. And it isn't America.
Top 5 nations who killed their own citizenry... one is white (Russia)
Top 5 nations that engaged in ethnic cleansing... one is white (Germany)

The list goes on.
Humanity is full of treachery. All races. All nationalities.
Anyone saying otherwise is intellectually dishonest or ignorant.
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Wow, this must have been a powerful observation. No one argues with it.
Wow, this must have been a powerful observation. No one argues with it.
It is beginning here in this country, and leftist filth are behind it, but, who are the real culprits behind them??
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Wow, this must have been a powerful observation. No one argues with it.
It is beginning here in this country, and leftist filth are behind it, but, who are the real culprits behind them??
They are trying to fundamentally change the country by any means necessary. This could be the flashpoint that leads to civil war.
Virtue signaling is at it's peak in this country.
And one of their favorite banners to carry to draw attention to themselves is to pretend to be "anti-racist" by actually being anti-white.
That to trash white people is supposed to be a sign that they are better than us for being "woke".

And in doing so, race relations in this country have fallen back at least 40 years. Once again liberalism causes the opposite effect of what they proport to want to improve.
Yeah.... because facts don't matter when narrative is the agenda.
Top 5 nations who used slavery the most - only one is white. And it isn't America.
Top 5 nations who killed their own citizenry... one is white (Russia)
Top 5 nations that engaged in ethnic cleansing... one is white (Germany)

The Jews in Germany were Germans like all others and the racism of the Nazis was a racism with labels on the clothing. What you call ethnic cleansing here was in reality a fratricide within Germany (not so outside of Germany). The Jews spoke German like all others, had the same rights like all others and were in nothing different from all other Germans - except in their religion, if they were beliefers - before Hitler came. The Jews in the East of Europe and in Russia spoke Yiddish and this background made them to another ethnic group, which was easily detectable because of the tone color of this German dialect/language. Here you are able to speak from an ethnic cleansing: from Germans on Germans with the help of many Slaws.

Humanity is full of treachery. All races. All nationalities.
Anyone saying otherwise is intellectually dishonest or ignorant.

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Yeah.... because facts don't matter when narrative is the agenda.
Top 5 nations who used slavery the most - only one is white. And it isn't America.
Top 5 nations who killed their own citizenry... one is white (Russia)
Top 5 nations that engaged in ethnic cleansing... one is white (Germany)

The list goes on.
Humanity is full of treachery. All races. All nationalities.
Anyone saying otherwise is intellectually dishonest or ignorant.

Your "facts" are irrelevant to the current situation of systemic racism in the USA today, and saying "Other people did it too", doesn't change where you are today, or you ability to both legislate against such behaviour and educate the public to what happens when legislation outlaws the racism, discrimination, and ill treatment of others.

Are you suggesting that because bad things have happened throughout history, that you should just shrug and people behave like barbarians because it's in our nature?
Yeah.... because facts don't matter when narrative is the agenda.
Top 5 nations who used slavery the most - only one is white. And it isn't America.
Top 5 nations who killed their own citizenry... one is white (Russia)
Top 5 nations that engaged in ethnic cleansing... one is white (Germany)

The list goes on.
Humanity is full of treachery. All races. All nationalities.
Anyone saying otherwise is intellectually dishonest or ignorant.

Your "facts" are irrelevant to the current situation of systemic racism in the USA today, and saying "Other people did it too", doesn't change where you are today, or you ability to both legislate against such behaviour and educate the public to what happens when legislation outlaws the racism, discrimination, and ill treatment of others.

Are you suggesting that because bad things have happened throughout history, that you should just shrug and people behave like barbarians because it's in our nature?
No, I am providing truth to combat the leftist history revisionist who love to paint white people as the bane of the world.
The most violent, murderous and had vastly more slavery than white races is actually Asians.
The top 10 countries that had the most slaves - only one is white. (Russia) The rest are Asian, black and Arab.
America is not even in the top 20. YET - leftist history revisionist try and tell everyone that America was built on slavery. Which is ludicrous and simply not true.
As for systemic racism in America. Most of that is found in liberal social policies that condemn blacks to be dependent on white handouts and sets them up for failure in education. That is the REAL systemic racism in America.
Yeah.... because facts don't matter when narrative is the agenda.
Top 5 nations who used slavery the most - only one is white. And it isn't America.
Top 5 nations who killed their own citizenry... one is white (Russia)
Top 5 nations that engaged in ethnic cleansing... one is white (Germany)

The list goes on.
Humanity is full of treachery. All races. All nationalities.
Anyone saying otherwise is intellectually dishonest or ignorant.

Your "facts" are irrelevant to the current situation of systemic racism in the USA today, and saying "Other people did it too", doesn't change where you are today, or you ability to both legislate against such behaviour and educate the public to what happens when legislation outlaws the racism, discrimination, and ill treatment of others.

Are you suggesting that because bad things have happened throughout history, that you should just shrug and people behave like barbarians because it's in our nature?
The only systemic racism that exists in the USA is against whites, dummy.
The only systemic racism in America is the cash cow used by permanent Washington to divide Americans. It is a gimmick to empower government.
I am not a Jew but if I were, I would be very uncomfortable about Robin DeAngelo’s best-selling book, White Fragility. The book appears to be the leading edge of a new paradigm of Holocaust methodology suggesting that an ethnic group, Caucasian Americans of European descent, are born defective and are responsible for the world’s problems. Like the Jews of the 1930’s, white youth is being indoctrinated through America’s national system of education to apologize for their heritage and confess to being guilty by birth.

If this sounds familiar to even secular Jews, it should, because the last time I checked most Jews look like me and when a government uses education to go after people for genetic traits, bad things happen. Like American Caucasians, Jews in pre-World War Two Germany had no control of how they emerged from the birth canal but their success in German society made them convenient scapegoats for bad government that needed to cover for its mistakes.

Similar to the failures of America’s Great society and War on Poverty, Germany had plunged its society into economic distress with bad decisions leading to World War One. They needed a scapegoat to blame for those mistakes and Jews fit the bill then much as White Americans make convenient culprits to disparage and charge for the misery brought on the United States by permanent Washington.

The most frightening aspect of DeAngelo’s book is that it appears to be an introductory training manual for ethnic cleansing enthusiastically adopted by many of America’s academics that have demonstrated a vile hatred of the United States mainly because of historical constitutional rights of common people to control the government.

Readers are encouraged to research a man named Edward Bernays, who is generally regarded to be the father of American public relations or propaganda. The Germans loved Bernays, and his ideas and they used them endlessly to promote the rise of the Nazi Party. Dumbing down the population and fostering hatred of opposition was incredibly useful in Germany as it was in overthrowing the pervious presidential administration in the United States with corrupt ballot stuffing.

Any American Jew or Caucasian should be very leery of what is happening today because it has happened before. Critical Race theory and White Fragility are contemporary Swastika’s in US government designed to stupefy the people into giving up their liberties and constitutional rights. Do not be fooled.
Excellent post. Ironic given that The Frankfurt School scum brought this garbage to the USA in 1935.
The only systemic racism in America is the cash cow used by permanent Washington to divide Americans. It is a gimmick to empower government.
IT is a gimmick to win elections
It is. And the primary reason it is now front and center across all institutions, including corporations/globalists, is that they think they have brought in enough non whites via illegal immigration and Hart Cellar so they can now weaponize it.

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