White guilt is the feeling that you should feel guilty and can't figure out why you don't

If white guilt is real I'd like to meet the white guy who feels it because I would like to shake his hand for being a better person than I could ever be because I don't give a flying fuck what happened to people before I was born.
I mean, I get that white people have done all sorts of shit to blacks and Indians and perhaps should feel guilty about it, but somehow, I can't somehow make myself feel the guilt.

Maybe if I hired a black guy to shout in my face and tell me what a worthless worm I am for being white I might feel bad, but somehow I would not feel guilty, only bad.

Maybe if I went to an Indian reservation and watch them drink their lives away I might feel guilty about that, but somehow I think I would only feel resentful that I am being blamed for a situation I had nothing to do with personally.

Maybe I need to attend a workshop or a seminar, there must be a way to make myself feel guilty for being white.
If You " have done all sorts of shit to blacks and Indians" you should feel guilty. If you didn't, you are just feeling left out?

Dang, are you the black guy he hired?
I mean, I get that white people have done all sorts of shit to blacks and Indians and perhaps should feel guilty about it, but somehow, I can't somehow make myself feel the guilt.

Maybe if I hired a black guy to shout in my face and tell me what a worthless worm I am for being white I might feel bad, but somehow I would not feel guilty, only bad.

Maybe if I went to an Indian reservation and watch them drink their lives away I might feel guilty about that, but somehow I think I would only feel resentful that I am being blamed for a situation I had nothing to do with personally.

Maybe I need to attend a workshop or a seminar, there must be a way to make myself feel guilty for being white.
White guilt is made up bullshit conservatives like to imagine other people feel.
Guilt comes from many avenues. Go to Catholic Church and Catholic School for 12 years in the 1960's to early 1970's or before. Before the Church turned into almost anything goes with Vatican 2. Much of the Christian World went from traditional ways including hymns to modern shows and plays. We drugged ourselves to oblivion and it is even worse today. What happened was the changeover occurred as the globalist stepped up their movement to domination. Our move toward secular humanism moved forward massively and has not stopped. The currency lost its last tie to gold through the Bretton Woods Agreement at the end of WW 2 and we started to print that fiat currency like there was no tomorrow.
If white guilt is real I'd like to meet the white guy who feels it because I would like to shake his hand for being a better person than I could ever be because I don't give a flying fuck what happened to people before I was born.

You know, it could be you're just not "white enough".
I mean, I get that white people have done all sorts of shit to blacks and Indians and perhaps should feel guilty about it, but somehow, I can't somehow make myself feel the guilt.

Maybe if I hired a black guy to shout in my face and tell me what a worthless worm I am for being white I might feel bad, but somehow I would not feel guilty, only bad.

Maybe if I went to an Indian reservation and watch them drink their lives away I might feel guilty about that, but somehow I think I would only feel resentful that I am being blamed for a situation I had nothing to do with personally.

Maybe I need to attend a workshop or a seminar, there must be a way to make myself feel guilty for being white.
White guilt is made up bullshit conservatives like to imagine other people feel.
Guilt comes from many avenues. Go to Catholic Church and Catholic School for 12 years in the 1960's to early 1970's or before. Before the Church turned into almost anything goes with Vatican 2. Much of the Christian World went from traditional ways including hymns to modern shows and plays. We drugged ourselves to oblivion and it is even worse today. What happened was the changeover occurred as the globalist stepped up their movement to domination. Our move toward secular humanism moved forward massively and has not stopped. The currency lost its last tie to gold through the Bretton Woods Agreement at the end of WW 2 and we started to print that fiat currency like there was no tomorrow.

Starting early tonight?
White guilt is made up bullshit conservatives like to imagine other people feel.

No, white guilt is what most people refer to as the Democratic Party

Try again
Liberals always think they are the judge and jury..........are you guilty about that.....LOL
Again, nope.

One more try.
Do you now think you are an UMPIRE...........geesh..........
I mean, I get that white people have done all sorts of shit to blacks and Indians and perhaps should feel guilty about it, but somehow, I can't somehow make myself feel the guilt.

Maybe if I hired a black guy to shout in my face and tell me what a worthless worm I am for being white I might feel bad, but somehow I would not feel guilty, only bad.

Maybe if I went to an Indian reservation and watch them drink their lives away I might feel guilty about that, but somehow I think I would only feel resentful that I am being blamed for a situation I had nothing to do with personally.

Maybe I need to attend a workshop or a seminar, there must be a way to make myself feel guilty for being white.
If You " have done all sorts of shit to blacks and Indians" you should feel guilty. If you didn't, you are just feeling left out?

Dang, are you the black guy he hired?
No. I am the other white guy (apparently) carrying no guilt because I have never abused any non Caucasians in my life. So if you pay me I might carry your brick, might carry on, might carry over, if things get bad I might even hari kiri as Hawkeye said, but I will not carry your guilt. Won't even consider it.
I will accept your insults without comment since I care nothing about what you say and I care even less that you exist.

And that's your whole problem. YOu only care about what inconveniences you personally.

You can't see why these black people are upset when their children are murdered because you don't care about them.
If white guilt is real I'd like to meet the white guy who feels it because I would like to shake his hand for being a better person than I could ever be because I don't give a flying fuck what happened to people before I was born.

Again, what you don't get is that what happened before you were born STILL has an effect NOW.
If white guilt is real I'd like to meet the white guy who feels it because I would like to shake his hand for being a better person than I could ever be because I don't give a flying fuck what happened to people before I was born.

Again, what you don't get is that what happened before you were born STILL has an effect NOW.
Yes, I agree I have a character defect. I should care about other people's problems. But I don't. I only care about myself.
Yes, I agree I have a character defect. I should care about other people's problems. But I don't. I only care about myself.

You have a lot of character defects. One of them is that you are a religious nut who thinks his Imaginary Friend in the Sky validates your bad behavior.
I mean, I get that white people have done all sorts of shit to blacks and Indians and perhaps should feel guilty about it, but somehow, I can't somehow make myself feel the guilt.

Maybe if I hired a black guy to shout in my face and tell me what a worthless worm I am for being white I might feel bad, but somehow I would not feel guilty, only bad.

Maybe if I went to an Indian reservation and watch them drink their lives away I might feel guilty about that, but somehow I think I would only feel resentful that I am being blamed for a situation I had nothing to do with personally.

Maybe I need to attend a workshop or a seminar, there must be a way to make myself feel guilty for being white.
/——/ There are plenary of Whites who are failures in life, but they don’t burn their town while blaming Black folks.
There are plenary of Whites who are failures in life, but they don’t burn their town while blaming Black folks.

There's no reason for them to. The system isn't stacked against them, and they have no one to blame but their own laziness.

As opposed to African Americans, who can be hard working and productive, and can STILL be pulled over by the cops and subjected to abuse.
I feel so damned guilty..............the shame..........

I grew up in an all white neighborhood long ago............then the 1st 2 black families moved in and built 2 nice brick homes..........Everyone said oh well......they seem nice to me.........then their friends started visiting.........and crime picked up..........more moved in.........crime picked up.....

So we formed a community watch..........helped some for a bit but everyone got tired of it......more people moved......more blacks moved in...........crime picked up............wash rinse spin dry ....and repeat....

I remember the house right around the corner........before black people burned it to the ground..........OMFG......they did it because WHITES LIVED THERE.........OMFG......

We know this because one of them dropped their dang wallet running away.......he got caught and he ratted out his friends........Juvy hall they went because of it .........Neighbors I'd known for a long time BURNED OUT.......

I'm so fucking GUILTY OF POINTING OUT that when they move into neighborhoods the crime gets worse and white's TAKE FLIGHT.............

True story.......if you don't like it much.....hell I'LL GIVE YOU ANOTHER ONE.....Oh well.

I have noticed that a lot of young people from the current majority ethnicity are marching in solidarity with the Insurrection followers. That is very nice.

I have also seen many of those same young people kneeling to show how much they support BLM. That is also very nice.

Today, in fact, I saw a photo (on the Daily Mail website) of some people washing the feet of some African American people in some sort of religious ceremony. That is very nice.

In my opinion, those young people and those feet washers could truly show their sincerity by moving to diverse neighborhoods in Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia, etc.
"Listen asshole, I don't own any slaves and you were never a slave so just shut the fuck up".

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