White guilt is the feeling that you should feel guilty and can't figure out why you don't

There are plenary of Whites who are failures in life, but they don’t burn their town while blaming Black folks.

There's no reason for them to. The system isn't stacked against them, and they have no one to blame but their own laziness.

As opposed to African Americans, who can be hard working and productive, and can STILL be pulled over by the cops and subjected to abuse.
/—-/ I don’t entirely disagree.
I feel so damned guilty..............the shame..........

I grew up in an all white neighborhood long ago............then the 1st 2 black families moved in and built 2 nice brick homes..........Everyone said oh well......they seem nice to me.........then their friends started visiting.........and crime picked up..........more moved in.........crime picked up.....

So we formed a community watch..........helped some for a bit but everyone got tired of it......more people moved......more blacks moved in...........crime picked up............wash rinse spin dry ....and repeat....

I remember the house right around the corner........before black people burned it to the ground..........OMFG......they did it because WHITES LIVED THERE.........OMFG......

We know this because one of them dropped their dang wallet running away.......he got caught and he ratted out his friends........Juvy hall they went because of it .........Neighbors I'd known for a long time BURNED OUT.......

I'm so fucking GUILTY OF POINTING OUT that when they move into neighborhoods the crime gets worse and white's TAKE FLIGHT.............

True story.......if you don't like it much.....hell I'LL GIVE YOU ANOTHER ONE.....Oh well.

I have noticed that a lot of young people from the current majority ethnicity are marching in solidarity with the Insurrection followers. That is very nice.

I have also seen many of those same young people kneeling to show how much they support BLM. That is also very nice.

Today, in fact, I saw a photo (on the Daily Mail website) of some people washing the feet of some African American people in some sort of religious ceremony. That is very nice.

In my opinion, those young people and those feet washers could truly show their sincerity by moving to diverse neighborhoods in Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia, etc.
Well I wish them good luck and that they should have good insurance if they can afford it ........LOL

The Stats don't lie.......neither does history.........
"Listen asshole, I don't own any slaves and you were never a slave so just shut the fuck up".

You as a white person benefited from slavery even if you didn't own a slave.

A black person suffers from the fact his ancestors were a slave followed by 150 years of laws intended to keep them down.
"Listen asshole, I don't own any slaves and you were never a slave so just shut the fuck up".

You as a white person benefited from slavery even if you didn't own a slave.

A black person suffers from the fact his ancestors were a slave followed by 150 years of laws intended to keep them down.

What part of "just shut the fuck up" didn't you understand about the statement?

My great great great grandfather was a Confederate soldier. Served in the 9th Florida Regiment. He wrote 180 letters that we donated to the University of Florida's library. No where in those letters did he ever mention owning slaves.

I benefited from my family's hard work. I succeeded because of my hard work. No slave helped me to get advanced engineering degrees. At least if they did I don't remember.

The Negroes got their fucking 1964 Civil Rights Act so they have nothing to bitch about.

You can take your filthy ass pukey White Guilt and cram it where the sun don't shine.
"Listen asshole, I don't own any slaves and you were never a slave so just shut the fuck up".

You as a white person benefited from slavery even if you didn't own a slave.

A black person suffers from the fact his ancestors were a slave followed by 150 years of laws intended to keep them down.
/——/ Nahh, that’s a false premise. How did any white guy today benefit from slavery 160 years after it ended? And all the democRATs laws to hurt Blacks were repealed a 1/2 century ago by Republicans.
"Listen asshole, I don't own any slaves and you were never a slave so just shut the fuck up".

You as a white person benefited from slavery even if you didn't own a slave.

A black person suffers from the fact his ancestors were a slave followed by 150 years of laws intended to keep them down.
/——/ Nahh, that’s a false premise. How did any white guy today benefit from slavery 160 years after it ended? And all the democRATs laws to hurt Blacks were repealed a 1/2 century ago by Republicans.

You have to remember that these stupid Moon Bats actually beleive shit like that. They have been brainwashed to come up with excuses.
If blacks are still hurt by slavery they should leave and go to some other country where they won't suffer this handicap.
I mean, I get that white people have done all sorts of shit to blacks and Indians and perhaps should feel guilty about it, but somehow, I can't somehow make myself feel the guilt.

Maybe if I hired a black guy to shout in my face and tell me what a worthless worm I am for being white I might feel bad, but somehow I would not feel guilty, only bad.

Maybe if I went to an Indian reservation and watch them drink their lives away I might feel guilty about that, but somehow I think I would only feel resentful that I am being blamed for a situation I had nothing to do with personally.

Maybe I need to attend a workshop or a seminar, there must be a way to make myself feel guilty for being white.
Maybe blacks should stop looting, destroying, & burning because they believe they are owed / justified in doing so...
My great great great grandfather was a Confederate soldier. Served in the 9th Florida Regiment. He wrote 180 letters that we donated to the University of Florida's library. No where in those letters did he ever mention owning slaves.

Most of the dumbasses who fought for Slavery were just as clueless as the dumbasses today who fight for Exxon.

I benefited from my family's hard work. I succeeded because of my hard work. No slave helped me to get advanced engineering degrees. At least if they did I don't remember.

NObody believes you have "Advanced degrees". You just don't come off as that intelligent. But to the point, you (and I) both benefited greatly from being born white in this society. To deny that is to deny reality.

The Negroes got their fucking 1964 Civil Rights Act so they have nothing to bitch about.

You mean other than they can still be murdered by racist cops in the middle of the street?
I mean, I get that white people have done all sorts of shit to blacks and Indians and perhaps should feel guilty about it, but somehow, I can't somehow make myself feel the guilt.

Maybe if I hired a black guy to shout in my face and tell me what a worthless worm I am for being white I might feel bad, but somehow I would not feel guilty, only bad.

Maybe if I went to an Indian reservation and watch them drink their lives away I might feel guilty about that, but somehow I think I would only feel resentful that I am being blamed for a situation I had nothing to do with personally.

Maybe I need to attend a workshop or a seminar, there must be a way to make myself feel guilty for being white.
You cannot judge the actions of people centuries ago based on today's standard's. If it it wasn't Anglo-Americans pushing the natives off their land it would have been Franco-Americans, or Spanish-Americans. It was the age of empires and acquisition on new lands was part of that. Slavery had been a practice since the Old Testament in Egypt and Africans sold Africans into slavery. English colonies were the last to get into the slave trade.
My great great great grandfather was a Confederate soldier. Served in the 9th Florida Regiment. He wrote 180 letters that we donated to the University of Florida's library. No where in those letters did he ever mention owning slaves.

Most of the dumbasses who fought for Slavery were just as clueless as the dumbasses today who fight for Exxon.

I benefited from my family's hard work. I succeeded because of my hard work. No slave helped me to get advanced engineering degrees. At least if they did I don't remember.

NObody believes you have "Advanced degrees". You just don't come off as that intelligent. But to the point, you (and I) both benefited greatly from being born white in this society. To deny that is to deny reality.

The Negroes got their fucking 1964 Civil Rights Act so they have nothing to bitch about.

You mean other than they can still be murdered by racist cops in the middle of the street?

Instead of making stupid bigoted statements about things you know nothing about why don't you read the letters that my grandfather wrote? He gave the reasons that he joined and you couldn't be farther from the truth. You stupid Moon Bats don't know any more about History as you do Economics, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.

The ghetto scum have made themselves scum by being slaves on the Democrat welfare plantation. All they have to do is stop committing crimes, start taking care of their families, get off welfare and stop electing Democrats that have failed economic and social programs polices that fuck them.
My great great great grandfather was a Confederate soldier. Served in the 9th Florida Regiment. He wrote 180 letters that we donated to the University of Florida's library. No where in those letters did he ever mention owning slaves.

Most of the dumbasses who fought for Slavery were just as clueless as the dumbasses today who fight for Exxon.

I benefited from my family's hard work. I succeeded because of my hard work. No slave helped me to get advanced engineering degrees. At least if they did I don't remember.

NObody believes you have "Advanced degrees". You just don't come off as that intelligent. But to the point, you (and I) both benefited greatly from being born white in this society. To deny that is to deny reality.

The Negroes got their fucking 1964 Civil Rights Act so they have nothing to bitch about.

You mean other than they can still be murdered by racist cops in the middle of the street?
Spoken like a true Marxist. Down with corporate America! Workers of the world unite. I grew-up poor and white and served in combat with black and Hispanic Marines. I guess those bullet's coming at us was discriminating against them but I was "privileged" to be shot at. Statistics have shown that there is no racial bias to deaths at the hands of police. All Floyd had to do was cooperate with police and would be alive today. Instead he wanted to fight them.
Maybe blacks should stop looting, destroying, & burning because they believe they are owed / justified in doing so...

Backs have been conditioned by the Liberals to be professional victims. The Left uses the Blacks to be a monolithic voting voting block. They put the Blacks on a welfare plantation. However, instead of having to pick cotton all the Black have to do is go vote for Democrats every election and they get their free chitlins and watermelon.
Instead of making stupid bigoted statements about things you know nothing about why don't you read the letters that my grandfather wrote? He gave the reasons that he joined and you couldn't be farther from the truth. You stupid Moon Bats don't know any more about History as you do Economics, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.

Um, yeah, but you are the one spreading all the ignorance..

The Civil War was about slavery. Period. Full stop.
Spoken like a true Marxist. Down with corporate America! Workers of the world unite. I grew-up poor and white and served in combat with black and Hispanic Marines. I guess those bullet's coming at us was discriminating against them but I was "privileged" to be shot at.

Nobody believes you were ever in combat.
Instead of making stupid bigoted statements about things you know nothing about why don't you read the letters that my grandfather wrote? He gave the reasons that he joined and you couldn't be farther from the truth. You stupid Moon Bats don't know any more about History as you do Economics, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.

Um, yeah, but you are the one spreading all the ignorance..

The Civil War was about slavery. Period. Full stop.
/——/ No it wasn’t. Period. Full stop.
This so called white guilt is fake news...like WMDs in Iraq. Ike Sasquatch. Some of you must sit and ponder this stuff which has zero affect on the nation.
"Listen asshole, I don't own any slaves and you were never a slave so just shut the fuck up".

You as a white person benefited from slavery even if you didn't own a slave.

A black person suffers from the fact his ancestors were a slave followed by 150 years of laws intended to keep them down.

So you're saying a white person that is down and out, perhaps homeless didn't have any ancestors that owned slaves? And black people that are currently doing quite well, never had any ancestors that were slaves? Doesn't that sound like the stupidest thing even more stupid than your previous post.
So you're saying a white person that is down and out, perhaps homeless didn't have any ancestors that owned slaves? And black people that are currently doing quite well, never had any ancestors that were slaves? Doesn't that sound like the stupidest thing even more stupid than your previous post.

Nope, I'm saying that even HOMELESS white people have more options and privileges than people of color.

They are more likely to get treatment. They are more likely to have family who can intercede for them. They are less likely to be abused by the police.

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