White guilt: THE ONLY reason Obama was elected


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"Last week, Michele Bachmann told a reporter that white guilt had helped elect Barack Obama, guilt that won’t be a factor if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic presidential candidate in 2016. For this reason, Bachmann says she has high hopes for Republican success in 2016."
Michele Bachmann?s political analysis is moronic ? and the Republican Party knows it - Salon.com

AND the fact that of the 2008 election 131 million voters:
black 12.1% 15,851,000 91% for Obama 87% today
Hispanics 7.4% 9,694,000 more democrats 67%
Asian 2.5% 3,275,000 not sure
White 76.3% 99,953,000 44% voted for Obama or 43,979,320 really ignorant of Obama's total inexperience white people.
Dissecting the 2008 Electorate: Most Diverse in U.S. History | Pew Research Center's Hispanic Trends Project

Comments about Obama in 2007 when he started his campaign.. just 16 months after election to the Senate.
So what based on Obama's totally lacking resume, as a Obama's inexperience is "the big question mark" about his candidacy, says Rep. Beth Arsenault, a Democrat who was just elected to the New Hampshire Legislature.
"It's not a deal-stopper necessarily," she says, "but two years in the Senate? It's not a lot."

"Some people are saying he's young, he needs to wait," she says. "I think it's going to work to his advantage here. …
He's kind of a blank slate, and people are projecting what they think onto him."

The big question about Barack Obama - USATODAY.com

Remember OBAMA brought up the race question FIRST!!!

"They’re going to try to make you afraid. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me.
He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name.
And did I mention he’s black?"

Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet

Ralph Nader..
Nader also said Obama is making a concerted effort not to be "another politically threatening African-American politician."
"He wants to appeal to white guilt. You appeal to white guilt not by coming on as black is beautiful, black is powerful.
Basically, he's coming on as someone who is not going to threaten the white power structure, whether it's corporate or whether it's simply oligarchic.
And they love it. Whites just eat it up."

Obama using 'white guilt,' Nader says - CNN.com

So folks those of you that voted for Obama... while most of you won't admit it here is why you voted for him...
You couldn't vote for him because he was experienced. EVERYONE agrees with the fact he was the LEAST executive experienced President in history.
You couldn't vote for him because YOU didn't know much about his past.
So in that voting booth the ONLY reason you pulled the lever for Obama was because he was black AND you could not conceive voting against him because he was black!

I and millions of evidently less guilty people DIDN'T vote for him because of his color.
We didn't vote for him because he had NOT one executive experience...never was a governor, never ran a business.. NEVER knew how to hire and administer people!
We didn't vote for him because Obama was black.. it was because he wasn't competent.

BUT the majority of whites that did vote for Obama did so simply out of ignorance of his incompetence and because they knew nothing about him other then he was
black that if they voted against because of that only reason.. they would be and correctly so RACIST!

I and 9% of the blacks in this country in 2008 and 13% blacks in 2012 didn't vote for Obama because he was black nor should have the majority of white voters.
Why would 9% of the blacks in 2008 and 13% in 2012 vote against Obama.. because he was black????
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Most people voted for Obama because he was supposed to "change" everything that Bush fucked up. Most people voted for Obama again in 2012 because the alternative was a rich piece of shit in magic underwear who thinks that Jesus walked across the Atlantic to preach to Native Americans.
Not entirely. Obama was elected because he convinced those yearning for acceptance, that their excuse for failure was not of a personal nature, but that of being victims of income inequality.

The evil 1% are far as you need to look for an excuse to hang your failures on. Moreover, it's time to spread the wealth.

Look at everything wrong in society today and somehow Obama has his support behind it

Obama is the poster boy for losers at all levels

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The fools the republicans nominated were the reason Obama won.

Not once, but twice.

Actually, Obama won because we are racist. If a white man, with the same qualifications as Obama had run, he would of got steamrolled. But since Obama is black, we turned the other way and voted for him so we wouldn't appear racist.

Same reason we wont impeach him, that's because we're racist

The fools the republicans nominated were the reason Obama won.

Not once, but twice.

Actually, Obama won because we are racist. If a white man, with the same qualifications as Obama had run, he would of got steamrolled. But since Obama is black, we turned the other way and voted for him so we wouldn't appear racist.

Same reason we wont impeach him, that's because we're racist

Are you trying to be sarcastic? Like you're not racist but you're saying that you are as a joke, right? Because the retarded Confederate flag in your signature screams, "I'm not racist!"

You lost. Get over it.
the son-of-a-bitch promised that pie in the sky and too many dupes fell for it, plus 98.7% of blacks voted for him believing he would lift the chains of slavery, then we had the white guilt folks who wanted to avoid the "RACIST" title that is thrown around so much so, that it has no negative impact on Conservative people who have strong Constitutional convictions. :up:

so there ya are..., how we got this worthless racist pile of muslime dog shit, fools, idiots, racists and America hating commies. :up:
white guilt, black pride, lies, and a biased media elected obama.

McCain would have been no better

Romney would have been a very good president.

If Hillary wins in 2016 the USA is over.
White guilt: THE ONLY reason Obama was elected
Yeah, I felt guilty that I voted for Ralph Nader, and allowed that piece of shit Shrub to destroy U.S. credibility with his lies that fooled the whole world into following that asshole into Iraq. I felt guilty for allowing the last three con presidents to rack up $12 trillion on the national debt. I felt guilty that Shrub destroyed not only the U.S. economy, but also the global economy, which allowed Wall Street bankers to rip off trillions of dollars from retirement accounts of millions of people. I felt guilty that the Iraq invasion killed a million innocent Iraqi civilians. I felt guilty that the Iraq war wasted $5 trillion, and 5,000 American troops died, and another 50,000 came home without arms and legs.

But I don't feel guilty that I voted for Obama, which has been big dildo up the asses of all the cons. In fact, I love it.
White guilt: THE ONLY reason Obama was elected

That OP has been long disproven. But if it were true, then HRC by its premise will be a walk in for the presidency.
Most people voted for Obama because he was supposed to "change" everything that Bush fucked up. Most people voted for Obama again in 2012 because the alternative was a rich piece of shit in magic underwear who thinks that Jesus walked across the Atlantic to preach to Native Americans.
Harry Reid believes the same nonsense yet you idiots support him.
When did I say that I support Harry Reid? Also, is Harry Reid a Mormon? If so, then I definitely don't support him. Teabaggers and Scientologists are the only people who can make a Mormon look sane.
What do you call someone who voted for Obama the first time, but not the second time?

Most people voted for Obama because he was supposed to "change" everything that Bush fucked up. Most people voted for Obama again in 2012 because the alternative was a rich piece of shit in magic underwear who thinks that Jesus walked across the Atlantic to preach to Native Americans.

No, they wanted pie in the sky, and instead got it stuck in their face. :badgrin:
White guilt: THE ONLY reason Obama was elected
Yeah, I felt guilty that I voted for Ralph Nader, and allowed that piece of shit Shrub to destroy U.S. credibility with his lies that fooled the whole world into following that asshole into Iraq. I felt guilty for allowing the last three con presidents to rack up $12 trillion on the national debt. I felt guilty that Shrub destroyed not only the U.S. economy, but also the global economy, which allowed Wall Street bankers to rip off trillions of dollars from retirement accounts of millions of people. I felt guilty that the Iraq invasion killed a million innocent Iraqi civilians. I felt guilty that the Iraq war wasted $5 trillion, and 5,000 American troops died, and another 50,000 came home without arms and legs.

But I don't feel guilty that I voted for Obama, which has been big dildo up the asses of all the cons. In fact, I love it.

You're too stupid to be involved in this conversation, so go away!
I thought a sour economy, war weariness and a deep desire for change got Obama elected.

Fortunately for Republicans, a sour economy, weariness from the war on terror and a deep desire to change will probably help get them elected in 2016. Of course, that depends if the GOP knows how to use those factors.

Hey--just calling it as I see it.
A vote for Obama was a vote for hope and change...
And they were right...

Now I have no hope for a thriving economy.
And all I will have is change in my pocket because of higher healthcare costs thanks to ObamaCare.

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