White guilt: THE ONLY reason Obama was elected

Seriously... NONE of the data I used i.e. 85% of ABC,CBS,NBC executives,news anchors,etc. giving to Democrats came from FOX!
AGAIN the source:
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

Fox viewership:According to Nielsen data through Dec. 8, Fox News Channel averaged 1.774 million viewers in primetime (down 13% from 2012)
SOURCE:Fox News Remains Ratings Champ As 2013 Comes to Close | Variety
Where in the world did YOUR GROSS BIASED 99% exaggeration of 100 million viewers come from??? Please source your data as ANY intelligent person does!
Finally ... NOT ONE FOX journalist and see YOU don't understand the difference:
TV News commentator is like a newspaper opinion columnist... THAT's their opinion.
A TV News reporter is suppose to be a "journalist" and do REPORTING... NOT Editorializing or commenting..
According to the principle of the Five Ws, a report can only be considered complete if it answers these questions starting with an interrogative word:
Who is it about?
What happened?
Where did it take place?
When did it take place?
Why did it happen?

MOST naive people regarding the MSM's are like you and your exaggerated "100 million" number is a perfect example. You haven't done any research. You spew out
what YOU believe is the NEWS which is brought to you by people that GAVE 85% to the Democrats! The people that present the news to you, the write the stories,
that determine WHAT stories will be shown... 85% gave to Democrats. Now surely you are smart enough to recognize the following difference:

Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

This was done by one of those MSM news magazine editors who later when Obama was running said:
COLOR="Blue"]I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." [/COLOR]
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

Now you tell me if you were Thomas an editor and YOU said YOUR JOB WAS TO BASH the President..but..
later you speak of the President in awed hushed referential deification mode..."he's sort of a God."... doesn't that seem pretty biased?

100 million Fox viewers???

Again, I think you're missing the point, and also looking at things strange.

For example, i didn't say Fox had 100 million viewers, I said 100 million household could get Fox, ie, if they want to watch it, they can. You're trying to claim i'm misusing stats. Not at all. I made my point about what it could mean. You've decided that I made some kind of other argument about this that I simply didn't make.

Also, what does it say about people who give money to political parties? more than 1000 people have $1 million. So some might have given a lot, some a little bit. Perhaps those Republican supporting reporters just don't like giving up their cash.

But it doesn't matter. People can watch what they like and they will. If you have one channel that is right wing and 100 that are left wing, it doesn't mean more people are watching left wing TV.

So some TV stations are pro-Democrat and others pro-Republican, it doesn't change the fact that the media really shouldn't side with either side, but they do because it's what sells.

Now, here's another potential (notice I said potential) way of looking at things. Democrats might prefer to watch the news more than Republicans, so there would be more Democratic news outlets to cater for them.
Doesn't mean more Democrats than Republicans, it just means people get their politics from different places.
The internet, for example, has changed everything. What about that?

The biggest issue I have is that the news media is either for the Republicans or Democrats and not much else, and this is very, very sad.

A media outlet pushing for PR would be amazing. But there isn't one, so most people aren't interested because they never got told about it.
ignorance and a biased media is why obama won two terms.


Isn't ignorance the reason all presidents won? Also a biased media. You can see it in all countries where a free media is allowed. They back people.

Look at the faces of the last 3 presidents, good looking guys. Why? They sell. Ugly women don't, hence why Hilary won't ever be president. It doesn't matter what her politics are, she's not got the face, it's a sad world, but it's the world we live in.
I can understand people voting for the guy to be part of history electing the first black President.I get that.
The good news is people can't vote for him again.It's done.
The better news is the 'OJ jury' will never be able to elect another President b/c he has the same skin color as they do. And b/c he promised them "free shit". Which BTW they don't think they got enough of.
The last Black President in American history. Take a bow. VJ is waiting with the Vaseline and rubber glove.
Can somebody essplain what the fuck this "free stuff" is about? Because nobody gave me squat.

Or is this just more chaff from the fertile fields of Revisionism?

And who the hell's "VJ"? Victoria Jackson? Is that your vote in '16?

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Most people voted for Obama because he was supposed to "change" everything that Bush fucked up. Most people voted for Obama again in 2012 because the alternative was a rich piece of shit in magic underwear who thinks that Jesus walked across the Atlantic to preach to Native Americans.

I wonder what will take for the narcotized populace to understand that the DEMOPUBLICANS are NOT the answer.

So, as the OP said, Barry was elected first time because he's half white.

Second time, he was elected because BO-rinthians love their free stuff.

People should not forget that per Mayan calendar, Apocalypse was falling on December 21, 2012. Only reason that didn't happen is because Barry personally prevented it. He couldn't allow comet to hit the earth so he signed an executive order. The very next day, on December 22, 2012, all those top-shelf journalists across the nation knew the truth, we're all alive because of the actions of the chosen one and made sure people knows about it.

Understandably, there are skeptics and other racists who questioned his divine intervention, but the media was ready to prove it all. They have an explanation for everything. First of all, the answer to any conspiracy theory was clear: "We're alive, aren't we? The America, including GM and the world, is still alive, people are not starving anymore due to food stamps and Bin Laden is more dead then the majority of Chicago voters."

So, what more proof anyone need? In his first term, the chosen one miraculously saved the U.S. economy just by being himself. For the same reason he received Nobel's. There is no need to mention his generous spending of trillions of dollars in virtual public money on unsustainable and later bankrupted energy projects, Finnish automakers, Brazilian oil rigs, Mexican drug cartels, Chinese contractors, Arab spring rebels, and international labor unions. For all that he simply deserve multimillion dollar vacations at taxpayer expense in Martha Vineyards, Spain, Hawaii, and other economic disaster areas and to occasionally shoot few rounds of golf. Sub par, or course.

He said it himself: "this is the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal". It's truth, the global average temps declined since chosen one took office and its still rapidly falling.

After he outdone himself in first four years, there was no need for Congress anymore so, he pretty much decided not to be bored anymore and do everything on his own... He's gonna outdone himself again.
Hey if I were as brain dead as you and the following examples of Obamatrons..
ROGULSKI: Why are you here?
WOMAN #1: To get some money.
ROGULSKI: What kind of money?
BWOMAN #1: Obama money.
ROGULSKI: Where's it coming from?
WOMAN #1: Obama.
ROROGULSKI: And where did Obama get it?
WOMAN #1: I don't know, his stash. I don't know. (laughter) I don't know where he got it from, but he givin' it to us,
WOMAN #2: And we love him.
WOMAN #1: We love him. That's why we voted for him!

Or maybe this person... "I wont have to worry about putting gas in my car, I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage..
You know, If I help him, he's gonna help me."

Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!! - YouTube

And you obviously as totally ignorant and believe Obama IS THE MESSIAH and it is HIS STASH!!!

Meanwhile, despite your claims, everyone is still waiting for this "free stuff" we're supposedly getting.

No one ever promised free stuff. Sadly, the tricky use of words allowed many voters to think that a vote for Obama was a vote for free stuff.

It happens on both sides. Politicians intentionally use words and phrases to "fool" voters into thinking they are saying something when, in fact, they are saying something completely different.

That way, when they are accused of saying something that is inappropriate, unethical, or untrue, they can easily say "go to the videotape".

Where in that video does she say anything about Obama would pay her mortgage?
Meanwhile, despite your claims, everyone is still waiting for this "free stuff" we're supposedly getting.

No one ever promised free stuff. Sadly, the tricky use of words allowed many voters to think that a vote for Obama was a vote for free stuff.

It happens on both sides. Politicians intentionally use words and phrases to "fool" voters into thinking they are saying something when, in fact, they are saying something completely different.

That way, when they are accused of saying something that is inappropriate, unethical, or untrue, they can easily say "go to the videotape".

Where in that video does she say anything about Obama would pay her mortgage?

What's meaning of "she doesn't have to worry about paying her mortgage"?
Ame®icano;8944463 said:
No one ever promised free stuff. Sadly, the tricky use of words allowed many voters to think that a vote for Obama was a vote for free stuff.

It happens on both sides. Politicians intentionally use words and phrases to "fool" voters into thinking they are saying something when, in fact, they are saying something completely different.

That way, when they are accused of saying something that is inappropriate, unethical, or untrue, they can easily say "go to the videotape".

Where in that video does she say anything about Obama would pay her mortgage?

What's meaning of "she doesn't have to worry about paying her mortgage"?

When I say that, I mean that I am not worried about losing my job. What do you think she meant?
Ame®icano;8944463 said:
Where in that video does she say anything about Obama would pay her mortgage?

What's meaning of "she doesn't have to worry about paying her mortgage"?

When I say that, I mean that I am not worried about losing my job. What do you think she meant?
It then begs the obvious question of why she wouldn't worry about losing her job? Weird.
Ame®icano;8944463 said:
What's meaning of "she doesn't have to worry about paying her mortgage"?

When I say that, I mean that I am not worried about losing my job. What do you think she meant?
It then begs the obvious question of why she wouldn't worry about losing her job? Weird.

Easy, at the time, 500,000 Americans were losing their jobs. She is saying that if Obama gets elected she will not have to worry about losing her job and paying her mortgage

She was right. Obama stopped the economic collapse
When I say that, I mean that I am not worried about losing my job. What do you think she meant?
It then begs the obvious question of why she wouldn't worry about losing her job? Weird.

Easy, at the time, 500,000 Americans were losing their jobs. She is saying that if Obama gets elected she will not have to worry about losing her job and paying her mortgage

She was right. Obama stopped the economic collapse
Please. That is pretty feeble, even by your standards.
It then begs the obvious question of why she wouldn't worry about losing her job? Weird.

Easy, at the time, 500,000 Americans were losing their jobs. She is saying that if Obama gets elected she will not have to worry about losing her job and paying her mortgage

She was right. Obama stopped the economic collapse
Please. That is pretty feeble, even by your standards.

What else could she have meant other than she does not have to worry about losing her job once Obama is President?
Easy, at the time, 500,000 Americans were losing their jobs. She is saying that if Obama gets elected she will not have to worry about losing her job and paying her mortgage

She was right. Obama stopped the economic collapse
Please. That is pretty feeble, even by your standards.

What else could she have meant other than she does not have to worry about losing her job once Obama is President?
That she's going to get free stuff. I have an amazing grasp of the obvious which just as obviously escapes some.

Don't you worry about debasing or embarrassing yourself?
Please. That is pretty feeble, even by your standards.

What else could she have meant other than she does not have to worry about losing her job once Obama is President?
That she's going to get free stuff. I have an amazing grasp of the obvious which just as obviously escapes some.

Don't you worry about debasing or embarrassing yourself?

Why would anyone who has a job, a mortgage and a car suddenly expect they would no longer have to pay for them? Would you? You are embarassing yourself

However, someone who was worried about losing her job would be worried about paying their mortgage
When I say that, I mean that I am not worried about losing my job. What do you think she meant?
It then begs the obvious question of why she wouldn't worry about losing her job? Weird.

Easy, at the time, 500,000 Americans were losing their jobs. She is saying that if Obama gets elected she will not have to worry about losing her job and paying her mortgage

She was right. Obama stopped the economic collapse

Obama stopped it ???????????? really? tell us specifically what obama personally did to stop the "economic collapse", but before you to do that, tell us exactly what was collapsing and who caused it in the first place.
What else could she have meant other than she does not have to worry about losing her job once Obama is President?
That she's going to get free stuff. I have an amazing grasp of the obvious which just as obviously escapes some.

Don't you worry about debasing or embarrassing yourself?

Why would anyone who has a job, a mortgage and a car suddenly expect they would no longer have to pay for them? Would you? You are embarassing yourself

However, someone who was worried about losing her job would be worried about paying their mortgage

Don't be stupid, RW. The woman believed that Obama was going to PAY her mortgage payments. She was so fricken ignorant and brain washed that she actually thought that obama would personally write a check for her mortgage payments.

Back to the OP, ignorance, white guilt, black pride, and a biased media elected obame twice------------ignorance being the most important of the listed factors.
It then begs the obvious question of why she wouldn't worry about losing her job? Weird.

Easy, at the time, 500,000 Americans were losing their jobs. She is saying that if Obama gets elected she will not have to worry about losing her job and paying her mortgage

She was right. Obama stopped the economic collapse

Obama stopped it ???????????? really? tell us specifically what obama personally did to stop the "economic collapse", but before you to do that, tell us exactly what was collapsing and who caused it in the first place.

Thanks for asking

At the time Obama took office the economy was in total collapse. We were losing 750,000 jobs a month, the stock market dropped 7000 points, the auto companies and the banks were on the brink of collapse. The market was in complete panic

Investors were leaving the market, there was no money to be had

Obama stepped in and put the weight of the US Government into the economy. He shored up the banks and auto companies. He dumped $875 billion into an economy everyone was leaving

Within weeks, the stock market reversed course, the panic subsided and the economy started adding jobs

Depression averted
That she's going to get free stuff. I have an amazing grasp of the obvious which just as obviously escapes some.

Don't you worry about debasing or embarrassing yourself?

Why would anyone who has a job, a mortgage and a car suddenly expect they would no longer have to pay for them? Would you? You are embarassing yourself

However, someone who was worried about losing her job would be worried about paying their mortgage

Don't be stupid, RW. The woman believed that Obama was going to PAY her mortgage payments. She was so fricken ignorant and brain washed that she actually thought that obama would personally write a check for her mortgage payments.

Back to the OP, ignorance, white guilt, black pride, and a biased media elected obame twice------------ignorance being the most important of the listed factors.

Show me in the video where she says Obama will PAY for anything. All she says is she is worried...It is the rightwing racists who twisted it
Read the fucking title on that video you fucking liar
That she's going to get free stuff. I have an amazing grasp of the obvious which just as obviously escapes some.

Don't you worry about debasing or embarrassing yourself?

Why would anyone who has a job, a mortgage and a car suddenly expect they would no longer have to pay for them? Would you? You are embarassing yourself

However, someone who was worried about losing her job would be worried about paying their mortgage

Don't be stupid, RW. The woman believed that Obama was going to PAY her mortgage payments. She was so fricken ignorant and brain washed that she actually thought that obama would personally write a check for her mortgage payments.

Back to the OP, ignorance, white guilt, black pride, and a biased media elected obame twice------------ignorance being the most important of the listed factors.

Yup... ignorance of Obama's ineptness. His inexperience. But like the 30 second sound bite.. he was able to give good speeches!
And this ignorance lead to most uninformed white people to fear that if they voted against Obama it would mean they had ONLY one reason to vote i.e. he was black and so the majority of white Obama voters didn't want to be thought of in their own minds as "racist".

And as you said the MSM with 85% of ABC,CBS,NBC executives,news anchors,etc. giving to Democrats protected this ignorance by NOT showing Obama's lack of qualifications but emphasis on his being the first black presidential candidate!

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