White guilt: THE ONLY reason Obama was elected

Tough shit.
Obama is your President
Deal with it loser.

Hey if I were as brain dead as you and the following examples of Obamatrons..
ROGULSKI: Why are you here?
WOMAN #1: To get some money.
ROGULSKI: What kind of money?
BWOMAN #1: Obama money.
ROGULSKI: Where's it coming from?
WOMAN #1: Obama.
ROROGULSKI: And where did Obama get it?
WOMAN #1: I don't know, his stash. I don't know. (laughter) I don't know where he got it from, but he givin' it to us,
WOMAN #2: And we love him.
WOMAN #1: We love him. That's why we voted for him!

Or maybe this person... "I wont have to worry about putting gas in my car, I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage..
You know, If I help him, he's gonna help me."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P36x8rTb3jI]Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!! - YouTube[/ame]

And you obviously as totally ignorant and believe Obama IS THE MESSIAH and it is HIS STASH!!!

You are a true moron among morons if you actually believe an entire electorate is represented by "YouTube Woman #1".

What ever happened to that thread about which hand O'bama wipes his ass with? Is there some reason you don't want to talk about that?

Well I believe based on statistics that MOST white voters for Obama have a lower IQ.
I also believe that the examples I gave are what MOST white voters also think.

Oh as far as the concept of ass wiping.. this discourse is WAY WAY OVER your head in analytical function i.e. why Muslims don't trust OBAMA..
See because YOU of all the Obama sycophants is really the dumbest... this is for the more intelligent discrete readers that understand the nuances
of political etiquette.. shaking hands with a filthy person...

The Muslim religion strictly forbids and person using their right hand to wipe their butt.
Left hand is used in Muslim world to wipe instead of toilet paper and the right hand..
Remember, in Afghanistan, and throughout the Muslim world, Afghans use the right hand exclusively for all public functions.
These functions include shaking hands, eating, drinking, and passing something to another person.
Using the left hand is an insult and, if done in the presence of many others, could bring shame to an Afghan.
The left hand serves a specific purpose – hygiene after the use of the toilet.
Afghans will cleanse their hands immediately after.
In fact, many consider the Western practice of using paper to be offensive, and question how paper can make one sufficiently clean.
Some historians believe this may be the reason hand shaking is done with the right hand universally in all cultures.
Behaviors and Etiquette ? Physical Gestures: Head, Feet and the Left Hand

So being left handed and using toilet paper with my right hand do you think Muslims KNOW Obama is left handed and may also use his right hand with toilet paper??

Most people are totally unaware that Muslims as the above excerpt states "question how paper can make one sufficien
tly clean"!
So why would they think Obama being left handed would use his left hand with the toilet paper and not his right hand.
I am guessing but how many of you that like me are left handed USE your right hand and if that is more widely the rule, then
when a Muslim shakes hands with Obama right-handed is the Muslim aware of that "filthy" right hand replaces the "evil left hand"?

Again most people aren't aware that Latin is the the source of French,English,Spanish etc. and in Latin the word sinistra originally meant "left" but took on meanings of "evil" or "unlucky" by the Classical Latin era,

So, if you were left-handed or sinister, you were associated with evil. In time, sinister itself meant evil and threatening. EtymOnline said that sinister attained this meaning in the early 15th century. The OED supports this, writing that the first uses of sinister to mean malicious were:Behaviors and Etiquette ? Physical Gestures: Head, Feet and the Left Hand

So given the left hand is used in Muslim world instead of toilet paper BUT if a left handed person uses the right hand with toilet paper would not then the ritual of "right hand" shaking between a Muslim and Obama be difficult?
ignorance and a biased media is why obama won two terms.


Nah, a superior campaign against McSame and then Mr. Magic pants flipfloper, are the two main reasons the GOP lost.
ignorance and a biased media is why obama won two terms.


Nah, a superior campaign against McSame and then Mr. Magic pants flipfloper, are the two main reasons the GOP lost.

believe that if you choose, but its not true. Its very hard to run against the other party and the media. Fricken Candy Fatass in the debate-----Romney was debating both obozo and candy fatass----------you call that unbiased?
Hey if I were as brain dead as you and the following examples of Obamatrons..
ROGULSKI: Why are you here?
WOMAN #1: To get some money.
ROGULSKI: What kind of money?
BWOMAN #1: Obama money.
ROGULSKI: Where's it coming from?
WOMAN #1: Obama.
ROROGULSKI: And where did Obama get it?
WOMAN #1: I don't know, his stash. I don't know. (laughter) I don't know where he got it from, but he givin' it to us,
WOMAN #2: And we love him.
WOMAN #1: We love him. That's why we voted for him!

Or maybe this person... "I wont have to worry about putting gas in my car, I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage..
You know, If I help him, he's gonna help me."

Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!! - YouTube

And you obviously as totally ignorant and believe Obama IS THE MESSIAH and it is HIS STASH!!!

You are a true moron among morons if you actually believe an entire electorate is represented by "YouTube Woman #1".

What ever happened to that thread about which hand O'bama wipes his ass with? Is there some reason you don't want to talk about that?

Well I believe based on statistics that MOST white voters for Obama have a lower IQ.
I also believe that the examples I gave are what MOST white voters also think.

Oh as far as the concept of ass wiping.. this discourse is WAY WAY OVER your head in analytical function i.e. why Muslims don't trust OBAMA..
See because YOU of all the Obama sycophants is really the dumbest... this is for the more intelligent discrete readers that understand the nuances
of political etiquette.. shaking hands with a filthy person...

The Muslim religion strictly forbids and person using their right hand to wipe their butt.
Left hand is used in Muslim world to wipe instead of toilet paper and the right hand..
Remember, in Afghanistan, and throughout the Muslim world, Afghans use the right hand exclusively for all public functions.
These functions include shaking hands, eating, drinking, and passing something to another person.
Using the left hand is an insult and, if done in the presence of many others, could bring shame to an Afghan.
The left hand serves a specific purpose – hygiene after the use of the toilet.
Afghans will cleanse their hands immediately after.
In fact, many consider the Western practice of using paper to be offensive, and question how paper can make one sufficiently clean.
Some historians believe this may be the reason hand shaking is done with the right hand universally in all cultures.
Behaviors and Etiquette ? Physical Gestures: Head, Feet and the Left Hand

So being left handed and using toilet paper with my right hand do you think Muslims KNOW Obama is left handed and may also use his right hand with toilet paper??

Most people are totally unaware that Muslims as the above excerpt states "question how paper can make one sufficien
tly clean"!
So why would they think Obama being left handed would use his left hand with the toilet paper and not his right hand.
I am guessing but how many of you that like me are left handed USE your right hand and if that is more widely the rule, then
when a Muslim shakes hands with Obama right-handed is the Muslim aware of that "filthy" right hand replaces the "evil left hand"?

Again most people aren't aware that Latin is the the source of French,English,Spanish etc. and in Latin the word sinistra originally meant "left" but took on meanings of "evil" or "unlucky" by the Classical Latin era,

So, if you were left-handed or sinister, you were associated with evil. In time, sinister itself meant evil and threatening. EtymOnline said that sinister attained this meaning in the early 15th century. The OED supports this, writing that the first uses of sinister to mean malicious were:Behaviors and Etiquette ? Physical Gestures: Head, Feet and the Left Hand

So given the left hand is used in Muslim world instead of toilet paper BUT if a left handed person uses the right hand with toilet paper would not then the ritual of "right hand" shaking between a Muslim and Obama be difficult?

I guess that explains why obama bowed to the saudi king rather than shaking his hand. :D
ignorance and a biased media is why obama won two terms.


Nah, a superior campaign against McSame and then Mr. Magic pants flipfloper, are the two main reasons the GOP lost.

believe that if you choose, but its not true. Its very hard to run against the other party and the media. Fricken Candy Fatass in the debate-----Romney was debating both obozo and candy fatass----------you call that unbiased?

Romney's actions and statements during the Video Riots were despicable. If the media was so biased why didn't we hear more about that? The President most defiantly referred to the Benghazi assault as and act of terror. Ms. Crowley was correct. I know the pubs can stand it, but there it is.

GOP Can't Blame Crowley for Romney's Libya Debate Blunder - US News

In fact, Obama had indeed called the attack an "act of terror," or more specifically, said the United States would not stand for "acts of terror." The only way to conclude that the president was not talking about Benghazi would be to assume he had stuck in some ad-hoc comment about something else—

When Obama and Romney were in a he-said-he-said fight about it on the stage—leaving viewers who don't follow the news closely to simply believe the man they like better, irrespective of actual facts—Crowley quickly, and without interrupting the flow of the debate, corrected the record, pointing out that Obama had indeed used that language the day after the attacks.


No to mention his lies about Jeep. Or when his true feeling came out about the 47%. He has no one in the media to blame. It's all on him.
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Yeah but it's predictable cause every single racist white piece of shit has had that opinion since Nov. of 2008.

You're wrong...mid 2007 when Obama announced.

Obama will be judged far better by history than by the divided nation he inherited and leads. And rightly so.

Do these people on the right really think that the nation was united behind Bush?

Nah, the racist white pieces of shit I'm talking about couldn't conceive of the notion that one of "Them People" could ever be elected President in this country in 2007. The ones who were pouting the next day (and mumbling for days afterwards) "I can't believe they elected a '******'" are the ones I'm talking about.

Don't get me wrong I don't believe every (or the majority of) white person who voted against Obama is a racist.

Racism was never REALLY an issue. It was ALL about money and sharing the pie. There is plenty of white trash that benefits too.
ignorance and a biased media is why obama won two terms.


Nah, a superior campaign against McSame and then Mr. Magic pants flipfloper, are the two main reasons the GOP lost.

The racism is WHY he's been elected. It's not that he's black, but he's actually half white, raised by a white banker in an upper middleclass house, on the mean streets Punahou, who then got race preference admission to Occidental, Columbia and Harvard despite never being disadvantaged for one second of his charmed life, and then despite never actually working a day in his life in a for profit environment, he's elected potus. He's an ELITIST who actually believes he is here for us and a "teaching moment."

But these idiots are so enraged by the "Kenyan Marxist socialist" who is "different from us" and "views America differently" that they run out clown car candidates rather than someone actually from the middle class.
Why Obama was elected in 2008

1. Voter rage against Republicans for starting two wars and crashing the economy
2. Obama offered an alternative to the destructive Republican policies of 2001-2008
3. Republicans ran a weak ticket
4. Americans liked the idea of a black President

If Hillary ran she would have won by the same margin. The reasons would have been the same except 4 would read

4. Americans liked the idea of a woman President
If ANY president Black or white BELIEVED in the above... I don't consider him first an American. Qualified to be a president. And doesn't represent MY beliefs!

Tough shit.
Obama is your President
Deal with it loser.

Hey if I were as brain dead as you and the following examples of Obamatrons..
ROGULSKI: Why are you here?
WOMAN #1: To get some money.
ROGULSKI: What kind of money?
BWOMAN #1: Obama money.
ROGULSKI: Where's it coming from?
WOMAN #1: Obama.
ROROGULSKI: And where did Obama get it?
WOMAN #1: I don't know, his stash. I don't know. (laughter) I don't know where he got it from, but he givin' it to us,
WOMAN #2: And we love him.
WOMAN #1: We love him. That's why we voted for him!

Or maybe this person... "I wont have to worry about putting gas in my car, I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage..
You know, If I help him, he's gonna help me."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P36x8rTb3jI]Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!! - YouTube[/ame]

And you obviously as totally ignorant and believe Obama IS THE MESSIAH and it is HIS STASH!!!

I must of missed the part where she says she will not pay for her mortgage or her gas and that Obama would pick up the tab.....only that she would not have to worry about paying
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Hey if I were as brain dead as you and the following examples of Obamatrons..
ROGULSKI: Why are you here?
WOMAN #1: To get some money.
ROGULSKI: What kind of money?
BWOMAN #1: Obama money.
ROGULSKI: Where's it coming from?
WOMAN #1: Obama.
ROROGULSKI: And where did Obama get it?
WOMAN #1: I don't know, his stash. I don't know. (laughter) I don't know where he got it from, but he givin' it to us,
WOMAN #2: And we love him.
WOMAN #1: We love him. That's why we voted for him!

Or maybe this person... "I wont have to worry about putting gas in my car, I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage..
You know, If I help him, he's gonna help me."

Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!! - YouTube

And you obviously as totally ignorant and believe Obama IS THE MESSIAH and it is HIS STASH!!!

You are a true moron among morons if you actually believe an entire electorate is represented by "YouTube Woman #1".

What ever happened to that thread about which hand O'bama wipes his ass with? Is there some reason you don't want to talk about that?

Well I believe based on statistics that MOST white voters for Obama have a lower IQ.
I also believe that the examples I gave are what MOST white voters also think.

Oh as far as the concept of ass wiping.. this discourse is WAY WAY OVER your head in analytical function i.e. why Muslims don't trust OBAMA..
See because YOU of all the Obama sycophants is really the dumbest... this is for the more intelligent discrete readers that understand the nuances
of political etiquette.. shaking hands with a filthy person...

The Muslim religion strictly forbids and person using their right hand to wipe their butt.
Left hand is used in Muslim world to wipe instead of toilet paper and the right hand..
Remember, in Afghanistan, and throughout the Muslim world, Afghans use the right hand exclusively for all public functions.
These functions include shaking hands, eating, drinking, and passing something to another person.
Using the left hand is an insult and, if done in the presence of many others, could bring shame to an Afghan.
The left hand serves a specific purpose – hygiene after the use of the toilet.
Afghans will cleanse their hands immediately after.
In fact, many consider the Western practice of using paper to be offensive, and question how paper can make one sufficiently clean.
Some historians believe this may be the reason hand shaking is done with the right hand universally in all cultures.
Behaviors and Etiquette ? Physical Gestures: Head, Feet and the Left Hand

So being left handed and using toilet paper with my right hand do you think Muslims KNOW Obama is left handed and may also use his right hand with toilet paper??

Most people are totally unaware that Muslims as the above excerpt states "question how paper can make one sufficien
tly clean"!
So why would they think Obama being left handed would use his left hand with the toilet paper and not his right hand.
I am guessing but how many of you that like me are left handed USE your right hand and if that is more widely the rule, then
when a Muslim shakes hands with Obama right-handed is the Muslim aware of that "filthy" right hand replaces the "evil left hand"?

Again most people aren't aware that Latin is the the source of French,English,Spanish etc. and in Latin the word sinistra originally meant "left" but took on meanings of "evil" or "unlucky" by the Classical Latin era,

So, if you were left-handed or sinister, you were associated with evil. In time, sinister itself meant evil and threatening. EtymOnline said that sinister attained this meaning in the early 15th century. The OED supports this, writing that the first uses of sinister to mean malicious were:Behaviors and Etiquette ? Physical Gestures: Head, Feet and the Left Hand

So given the left hand is used in Muslim world instead of toilet paper BUT if a left handed person uses the right hand with toilet paper would not then the ritual of "right hand" shaking between a Muslim and Obama be difficult?

Unbelievable. He admits he wrote that, and simultaneously describes it as "discourse WAY WAY OVER YOUR HEAD in analytical function" -- based on his own assumptions of Presidential ass wiping.

Not only that but "I is [sic] the dumbest" and this all-so-important vital earthshaking matter of what hand the POTUS might wipe his ass with is "for the more intelligent discrete readers that understand the nuances of political etiquette" :lmao:

"You is the dumbest"

So the upshot is that Muslims don't trust O'bama.... stipulating for the sake of ridiculous argument for the moment, are you saying then that Muslims (again, all Muslims think the same, right?) didn't trust Clinton, Bush I, Reagan or Ford --- ALL of whom were/are lefthanded? Were they all considered "filthy persons" too?


Were "Muslims" (operating in lockstep of course) therefore happy with having Shrub (righthanded) in office rather than Gore or Kerry, both of whom are lefthanded?

If so, how come they waited until righthanded Shrub was in office to bring 9/11? And we know it was "Muslims" as a collective that did that, right?
What if McCain had been elected in '08? He's lefthanded too.

If your theory of Political Etiquette: Asswiping Begets Rear-end Interfaith Non-trust ("PEABRAIN") is valid -- which hand of the POTUS is this Muslim holding?




Oh wait, almost forgot...
most people aren't aware that Latin is the the source of French,English,Spanish etc.

Really? Where did we think they came from? K-Mart? And you're wrong anyway --- English is a Germanic language.
Everybody who wasn't aware of the Romance language family, raise your hand.
No, the right one. Eww.

Doesn't matter, everybody knows that. Except on your Planet Asswipe.
And you left out Portuguese, Romanian, Romansh, Catalonian and Italian -- where sinistra still means "left".
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Seriously... NONE of the data I used i.e. 85% of ABC,CBS,NBC executives,news anchors,etc. giving to Democrats came from FOX!
AGAIN the source:
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

Fox viewership:According to Nielsen data through Dec. 8, Fox News Channel averaged 1.774 million viewers in primetime (down 13% from 2012)
SOURCE:Fox News Remains Ratings Champ As 2013 Comes to Close | Variety
Where in the world did YOUR GROSS BIASED 99% exaggeration of 100 million viewers come from??? Please source your data as ANY intelligent person does!
Finally ... NOT ONE FOX journalist and see YOU don't understand the difference:
TV News commentator is like a newspaper opinion columnist... THAT's their opinion.
A TV News reporter is suppose to be a "journalist" and do REPORTING... NOT Editorializing or commenting..
According to the principle of the Five Ws, a report can only be considered complete if it answers these questions starting with an interrogative word:
Who is it about?
What happened?
Where did it take place?
When did it take place?
Why did it happen?

MOST naive people regarding the MSM's are like you and your exaggerated "100 million" number is a perfect example. You haven't done any research. You spew out
what YOU believe is the NEWS which is brought to you by people that GAVE 85% to the Democrats! The people that present the news to you, the write the stories,
that determine WHAT stories will be shown... 85% gave to Democrats. Now surely you are smart enough to recognize the following difference:

Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

This was done by one of those MSM news magazine editors who later when Obama was running said:
COLOR="Blue"]I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." [/COLOR]
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

Now you tell me if you were Thomas an editor and YOU said YOUR JOB WAS TO BASH the President..but..
later you speak of the President in awed hushed referential deification mode..."he's sort of a God."... doesn't that seem pretty biased?

100 million Fox viewers???

Your President is black.
Get over it already.

And that was his ONLY affirmative ACTION QUALIFICATION!
When will people grow up and see beyond color but the qualities.
This president believes:
Believes in a .."single payer health system"... but is OK that physicians attest they order $850 billion a year in wasted claims because of fear of lawyers.
Believes in bankrupting ANY company..much less electric utilities"!"if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them"
Believes that "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
Believes gas prices should go up... rather I think we should open more Federal leases to more oil exploration and become the world's #1 oil producer!"
Believes that our military should be demeaned by statements that call our troops nazis or that they methodically bomb villages killing civilians"!
Believes that all corporations are evil or capitalism is bad. Without taxes from jobs and companies we couldn't run our governments!"
Believes our EPA should be involved in managing dust on country roads or fining a Wyoming welder $75,000 a day for building pond on his property"
Believes his Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”
Believes in LYING to pass legislation"..Remember "you can keep your doctor"??
Believes there were 46 million uninsured as the facts point out there were less then 4 million"!

If ANY president Black or white BELIEVED in the above... I don't consider him first an American. Qualified to be a president. And doesn't represent MY beliefs!

Well, maybe its not just that the RW is driven crazy by an elitist who happens to be half black. We don't believe there were 45 million uninsured, we don't believe the gummt has any biz telling a property owner he can't pollute a stream, or that coal is dirty and there are better forms of carbon, believe that wall st bailout shows dems hate corporations .....

perhaps there's also an irrational hatred of govt.
Your President is black.
Get over it already.

And that was his ONLY affirmative ACTION QUALIFICATION!
When will people grow up and see beyond color but the qualities.
This president believes:
Believes in a .."single payer health system"... but is OK that physicians attest they order $850 billion a year in wasted claims because of fear of lawyers.
Believes in bankrupting ANY company..much less electric utilities"!"if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them"
Believes that "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
Believes gas prices should go up... rather I think we should open more Federal leases to more oil exploration and become the world's #1 oil producer!"
Believes that our military should be demeaned by statements that call our troops nazis or that they methodically bomb villages killing civilians"!
Believes that all corporations are evil or capitalism is bad. Without taxes from jobs and companies we couldn't run our governments!"
Believes our EPA should be involved in managing dust on country roads or fining a Wyoming welder $75,000 a day for building pond on his property"
Believes his Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”
Believes in LYING to pass legislation"..Remember "you can keep your doctor"??
Believes there were 46 million uninsured as the facts point out there were less then 4 million"!

If ANY president Black or white BELIEVED in the above... I don't consider him first an American. Qualified to be a president. And doesn't represent MY beliefs!

Well, maybe its not just that the RW is driven crazy by an elitist who happens to be half black. We don't believe there were 45 million uninsured, we don't believe the gummt has any biz telling a property owner he can't pollute a stream, or that coal is dirty and there are better forms of carbon, believe that wall st bailout shows dems hate corporations .....

perhaps there's also an irrational hatred of govt.

or in your case, a worshipful love of ever larger more intrusive government, and blind obedience with no individual analysis or thinking-----------you wish to be a sheep on the plantation---------I do not.
Your President is black.
Get over it already.

And that was his ONLY affirmative ACTION QUALIFICATION!
When will people grow up and see beyond color but the qualities.
This president believes:
Believes in a .."single payer health system"... but is OK that physicians attest they order $850 billion a year in wasted claims because of fear of lawyers.
Believes in bankrupting ANY company..much less electric utilities"!"if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them"
Believes that "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
Believes gas prices should go up... rather I think we should open more Federal leases to more oil exploration and become the world's #1 oil producer!"
Believes that our military should be demeaned by statements that call our troops nazis or that they methodically bomb villages killing civilians"!
Believes that all corporations are evil or capitalism is bad. Without taxes from jobs and companies we couldn't run our governments!"
Believes our EPA should be involved in managing dust on country roads or fining a Wyoming welder $75,000 a day for building pond on his property"
Believes his Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”
Believes in LYING to pass legislation"..Remember "you can keep your doctor"??
Believes there were 46 million uninsured as the facts point out there were less then 4 million"!

If ANY president Black or white BELIEVED in the above... I don't consider him first an American. Qualified to be a president. And doesn't represent MY beliefs!

Well, maybe its not just that the RW is driven crazy by an elitist who happens to be half black. We don't believe there were 45 million uninsured, we don't believe the gummt has any biz telling a property owner he can't pollute a stream, or that coal is dirty and there are better forms of carbon, believe that wall st bailout shows dems hate corporations .....

perhaps there's also an irrational hatred of govt.

and for the record----------it has nothing to do with the fact that he is half black----------it would not matter if he was green with orange hair. its his policies not his skin

get the fuck over the race bullshit------thats not what this is about.
And that was his ONLY affirmative ACTION QUALIFICATION!
When will people grow up and see beyond color but the qualities.
This president believes:
Believes in a .."single payer health system"... but is OK that physicians attest they order $850 billion a year in wasted claims because of fear of lawyers.
Believes in bankrupting ANY company..much less electric utilities"!"if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them"
Believes that "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
Believes gas prices should go up... rather I think we should open more Federal leases to more oil exploration and become the world's #1 oil producer!"
Believes that our military should be demeaned by statements that call our troops nazis or that they methodically bomb villages killing civilians"!
Believes that all corporations are evil or capitalism is bad. Without taxes from jobs and companies we couldn't run our governments!"
Believes our EPA should be involved in managing dust on country roads or fining a Wyoming welder $75,000 a day for building pond on his property"
Believes his Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”
Believes in LYING to pass legislation"..Remember "you can keep your doctor"??
Believes there were 46 million uninsured as the facts point out there were less then 4 million"!

If ANY president Black or white BELIEVED in the above... I don't consider him first an American. Qualified to be a president. And doesn't represent MY beliefs!

Well, maybe its not just that the RW is driven crazy by an elitist who happens to be half black. We don't believe there were 45 million uninsured, we don't believe the gummt has any biz telling a property owner he can't pollute a stream, or that coal is dirty and there are better forms of carbon, believe that wall st bailout shows dems hate corporations .....

perhaps there's also an irrational hatred of govt.

or in your case, a worshipful love of ever larger more intrusive government, and blind obedience with no individual analysis or thinking-----------you wish to be a sheep on the plantation---------I do not.

the clean air and water acts are obviously an intrusion on our soverigen rights. (-:
Your President is black.
Get over it already.

And that was his ONLY affirmative ACTION QUALIFICATION!
When will people grow up and see beyond color but the qualities.
This president believes:
Believes in a .."single payer health system"... but is OK that physicians attest they order $850 billion a year in wasted claims because of fear of lawyers.
Believes in bankrupting ANY company..much less electric utilities"!"if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them"
Believes that "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
Believes gas prices should go up... rather I think we should open more Federal leases to more oil exploration and become the world's #1 oil producer!"
Believes that our military should be demeaned by statements that call our troops nazis or that they methodically bomb villages killing civilians"!
Believes that all corporations are evil or capitalism is bad. Without taxes from jobs and companies we couldn't run our governments!"
Believes our EPA should be involved in managing dust on country roads or fining a Wyoming welder $75,000 a day for building pond on his property"
Believes his Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”
Believes in LYING to pass legislation"..Remember "you can keep your doctor"??
Believes there were 46 million uninsured as the facts point out there were less then 4 million"!

If ANY president Black or white BELIEVED in the above... I don't consider him first an American. Qualified to be a president. And doesn't represent MY beliefs!

Well, maybe its not just that the RW is driven crazy by an elitist who happens to be half black. We don't believe there were 45 million uninsured, we don't believe the gummt has any biz telling a property owner he can't pollute a stream, or that coal is dirty and there are better forms of carbon, believe that wall st bailout shows dems hate corporations .....

perhaps there's also an irrational hatred of govt.

THERE NEVER WERE 46 million uninsured
WHEN EVEN DER Führer has NOW acknowledge that the CENSUS counted as UNINSURED 10 million illegals!

OBAMA when ACA was NOT passed said:
When Obama said: "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
HE Obviously with ALL the resources at his command STILL didn't want to admit that:
The Census report indicates that of the 46 million uninsured individuals, With the Census Bureau now reporting
46.3 million people without insurance, one might think that the correct figure should be closer to 36.3 million citizens without insurance.
The report thus shows that there were 36.8 million uninsured U.S. citizens (native born and naturalized) in 2008.
Thirty Million Uninsured
THEN this SAME administration that COUNTS 46 million uninsured... FAILED to enroll 14 million people that are eligible for Medicaid!
So why are they counted as "46 million uninsured" when ALL they needed to do is REGISTER with Medicaid!
The 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) identified 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured in 2003. Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association contracted with the Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) to provide a detailed analysis of the uninsured identified by the Census Bureau, which found:
Nearly one-third were reachable through public programs, such as Medicaid and the SCHIP program for children
1/3 of 44 million is 14 million!!! http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf

Finally why in the hell are we counting PEOPLE THAT don't WANT health insurance!
18 million people under 34 and make over $50,000 who refuse their employers' health plans.. ARE COUNTED FALSELY!
They don't want health insurance so why was ACA created to destroy 99.8% of ALL our health plans for 4 million people!!!
If ANY president Black or white BELIEVED in the above... I don't consider him first an American. Qualified to be a president. And doesn't represent MY beliefs!

Tough shit.
Obama is your President
Deal with it loser.

Hey if I were as brain dead as you and the following examples of Obamatrons..
ROGULSKI: Why are you here?
WOMAN #1: To get some money.
ROGULSKI: What kind of money?
BWOMAN #1: Obama money.
ROGULSKI: Where's it coming from?
WOMAN #1: Obama.
ROROGULSKI: And where did Obama get it?
WOMAN #1: I don't know, his stash. I don't know. (laughter) I don't know where he got it from, but he givin' it to us,
WOMAN #2: And we love him.
WOMAN #1: We love him. That's why we voted for him!

Or maybe this person... "I wont have to worry about putting gas in my car, I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage..
You know, If I help him, he's gonna help me."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P36x8rTb3jI]Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!! - YouTube[/ame]

And you obviously as totally ignorant and believe Obama IS THE MESSIAH and it is HIS STASH!!!

Meanwhile, despite your claims, everyone is still waiting for this "free stuff" we're supposedly getting.
Tough shit.
Obama is your President
Deal with it loser.

Hey if I were as brain dead as you and the following examples of Obamatrons..
ROGULSKI: Why are you here?
WOMAN #1: To get some money.
ROGULSKI: What kind of money?
BWOMAN #1: Obama money.
ROGULSKI: Where's it coming from?
WOMAN #1: Obama.
ROROGULSKI: And where did Obama get it?
WOMAN #1: I don't know, his stash. I don't know. (laughter) I don't know where he got it from, but he givin' it to us,
WOMAN #2: And we love him.
WOMAN #1: We love him. That's why we voted for him!

Or maybe this person... "I wont have to worry about putting gas in my car, I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage..
You know, If I help him, he's gonna help me."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P36x8rTb3jI]Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!! - YouTube[/ame]

And you obviously as totally ignorant and believe Obama IS THE MESSIAH and it is HIS STASH!!!

Meanwhile, despite your claims, everyone is still waiting for this "free stuff" we're supposedly getting.

No one ever promised free stuff. Sadly, the tricky use of words allowed many voters to think that a vote for Obama was a vote for free stuff.

It happens on both sides. Politicians intentionally use words and phrases to "fool" voters into thinking they are saying something when, in fact, they are saying something completely different.

That way, when they are accused of saying something that is inappropriate, unethical, or untrue, they can easily say "go to the videotape".
It happens on both sides. Politicians intentionally use words and phrases to "fool" voters into thinking they are saying something when, in fact, they are saying something completely different.

That way, when they are accused of saying something that is inappropriate, unethical, or untrue, they can easily say "go to the videotape".
You mean "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it.", or is Obama incompetent in that too?
It happens on both sides. Politicians intentionally use words and phrases to "fool" voters into thinking they are saying something when, in fact, they are saying something completely different.

That way, when they are accused of saying something that is inappropriate, unethical, or untrue, they can easily say "go to the videotape".
You mean "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it.", or is Obama incompetent in that too?


That was an outright lie.

A better example is when he said "no act of terror" in the rose garden.

He by no means referred to Benghazi as a terrorist attack...he referred to the attack as an act of terror which it was no matter WHO committed the act..

But when he was accused of ignoring it as a terrorist attack he was able to say 'look at the videotape...."

No doubt White Guilt played into it, but that wasn't the only reason. Blacks voted in droves for him, many of whom would not have voted otherwise. That's no secret.

I have no doubt though, about this: With his paper-thin track record and blurry background, were it not for the color of his skin he wouldn't have grabbed the Democrat nomination, much less the presidency.

I love to see the denials of that.


the truth right there:eusa_clap:

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