White guilt: THE ONLY reason Obama was elected

That puts you in the educated liberal idiot category.

You voted for the kenyan because you thought you'd be so cool and PROGRESSIVE to vote for a democrat that was a muslim.

Problem is you and millions of others just got duped by a two bit shyster flim flam man, but you're too stupid to see it, or, maybe you do, but you'd never admit it. Truth is another thing you leftards have a real problem with.
Do you Republicunts even remember 2000-2008? Who was "duped" by a "shyster flim flam man"? That's right. You were. And you loved the big government then. You cheered for torture and supported the invasion of a country that was not involved with 9/11.



YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY HAPPY THAT IRAQ'S dictator that YOU obviously loved and you loved to see starve 2.7 million more children if he hadn't replaced in less the 6 weeks.. Mission Accomplished'!

And being a subprime borrower and multiple bankruptcy individual, you probably are up for foreclosure and your credit cards have been cut off because obviously YOU don't believe anyone should keep an agreement..
much less a country that invaded another country that agreed in the "1991 CEASE FIRE" that if "FIRING" continued then Desert Storm wouldcontinue...
Of course since YOU don't keep any agreements you were perfectly happy Saddam broke the Cease Fire dozens of times and you loved his building 91 palaces with the money from the "Food for Oil" program that helped starve over a million Iraqi kids... again YOU were happy that happened weren't you?

Finally you probably agree with Obama who blamed our military for "air raiding villages killing civilians" and you probably cheered those statements just as the
barbarian terrorists cheered hearing them and using them to recruit kids carrying bombs that blew up when US soldiers handed out candy.
YOU loved that didn't YOU??? I mean common sense says you don't talk bad about your own team but not being a team player as Obama and you obviously
you cheered for the enemy!

AND I bet you still want the Iraqi people to live under Saddam where the gross domestic product per person under Saddam was $518.
Today Iraq's GDP per person is over $7,200! a 1,290% increase !

And finally you won't believe this because you truly are an ignorant person...
3) "So the Iraq war was, despite all that went wrong, a good thing; the "overwhelming majority" of Iraqis are (and presumably feel) better off because of it"
The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg put the question to Barham Salih, the former prime minister of Iraqi Kurdistan's regional government and a former deputy prime minister of Iraq's federal government.
"But," he added, "it's important to understand where we started from. ... Literally hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were sent to mass graves. Ten years on from the demise of Saddam Hussein, we're still discovering mass graves across Iraq. And Iraqis are better off without Saddam Hussein -- the overwhelming majority of Iraqis are better off without Saddam Hussein."
So the Iraq war was, despite all that went wrong, a good thing; the "overwhelming majority" of Iraqis are (and presumably feel) better off because of it; and the fault for all that has gone wrong is ultimately with Iraqis themselves: It's a remarkable point of view to encounter in June 2013.
10 Years After the Fall of Saddam, How Do Iraqis Look Back on the War? - J.J. Gould - The Atlantic

SOS from you. The entire quote: "We've got to get the job done there and that requires us to have enough troops so that we're not just air-raiding villages and killing civilians, which is causing enormous problems there," Obama said.


The suggestion whispered by Obama's opponents was that he was maligning the efforts of troops fighting in Afghanistan by stating they are "just" out there killing civilians.

Fact Check: Obama on Afghanistan

I think all the lying by GOP operative is why they lost and will continue to lose national elections.
HOw about by getting the UN Inspectors back in there to verify that between previous disarmorment efforts and tactical strikes, the WMD problem had been eliminated?

Certianly makes more sense than pissing away a TRILLION dollars on a war that left the place even more dangerous.

YOU dummies make NO SENSE... YOU want to see 36,000 people die per year and 144,000 kids STARVED to death with SADDAM still alive???

You would have LOVED to seen 2.7 million more children die from starvation???

In 1995 as many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports - NYTimes.com

WHO'S F...KING FAULT???? Idiots!
that is an average from 1991 to 1995 of over 144,000 children that starved under Saddam.
YOU idiots that wish Saddam were still in power know this: that would make from 1995 to 2013 a total of 2,592,000 children to DIE from starvation!
Which is obviously what idiots like you WANT to see.. 2.6 million children starved!

Left the place MORE DANGEROUS??? YOU IDIOT!!!

HERE are the facts!
A total of 8,868 people, including 7,818 civilians, have been killed in violent attacks across Iraq in 2013, the United Nations reports –
Confirmed: 2013 deadliest for Iraq since 2008, UN estimates ? RT News

Along with other human rights organizations, The Documental Centre for Human Rights in Iraq has compiled documentation on over 600,000 civilian executions in Iraq. Human Rights Watch reports that in one operation alone, the Anfal, Saddam killed 100,000 Kurdish Iraqis. Another 500,000 are estimated to have died in Saddam's needless war with Iran. Coldly taken as a daily average for the 24 years of Saddam's reign, these numbers give us a horrifying picture of between 70 and 125 civilian deaths per day for every one of Saddam's 8,000-odd days in power"
IRAQ: Deaths under Saddam Hussein

YOU F...king idiots that spout OFF WITHOUT documenting any thing LISTEN UP!!!
WHICH period were more people killed Iraq?
Saddam's 36,525 per year
Terrorists 8,868 in 2013 the worst in five years!

When were more people killed YOU SADDAM LOVERs that think Liberating Iraq was a tremendous WASTE....
Saddam killing 36,525 a year OR AFTER Saddam was gone and the worst year 8,868 in 2013...
YOU f...king idiots WHICH IS THE BIGGER NUMBER????
Do you know that many of those deaths occurred during the 1980s when Saddam Hussein had secret backing from the Reagan administration?

"YOU F...king idiots that spout OFF WITHOUT documenting any thing LISTEN UP!!!"

Of course you won't read it but here is documentation:
Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein

And a lot more:

Secret? Nope, Ronnie took Iraq off the nations who support terrorist and all of our allies were able to sell Western, duel use technology to Iraq. We and our allies made Iraq the 4th largest and most powerful militaries by 1989.
Saddam was not only doing horrible things to his own people, but to his neighbors. He was a regional cancer responsible for a lot of misery. Whatever you feel about Bush, he brought that to an end. Mourn him if you will and whine about the events that led to his passing but accept that a great many are grateful for it.

Yeah, Saddam wasn't a great guy. So..... you think the US govt acted based on whether he was a good guy or not? Come on.

Bush brought Saddam to an end, then increased the instability and the possibility that far more people have died in Iraq because of the Bush govt.

But I don't see who is mourning Saddam, I didn't like the guy and would have loved to have seen him been taken down by his own people.

Yeah, many are grateful, and many are dead. In change some become winners and others losers. What's the point?

The point surely is that Bush went in, not because he gave a damn about the Iraq people, but because what the Iraqi people are sat upon. OIL!
How the fuck do you know that more people died in Iraq because of the Bush government? You do realize Kurds, Shia, Kuwaitis and Iranians were dying and that Saddam possessed an Army that could still inflict a lot of carnage on its neighbors?

Bush went in to be rid of Saddam. The Iraqi people and their neighbors were obviously incapable of doing it on their own. After a difficult period, iraq has emerged as a far more stable and less threatening country with some nascent democratic institutions. That is not a bad thing regardless of your conjecture as to whether the cost in lives would have been less with Saddam and sons still in power.

No he didn't.

But two years earlier, Powell said just the opposite. The occasion was a press conference on 24 February 2001 during Powell's visit to Cairo, Egypt. Answering a question about the US-led sanctions against Iraq, the Secretary of State said:

"We had a good discussion, the Foreign Minister and I and the President and I, had a good discussion about the nature of the sanctions -- the fact that the sanctions exist -- not for the purpose of hurting the Iraqi people, but for the purpose of keeping in check Saddam Hussein's ambitions toward developing weapons of mass destruction. We should constantly be reviewing our policies, constantly be looking at those sanctions to make sure that they are directed toward that purpose. That purpose is every bit as important now as it was ten years ago when we began it. And frankly they have worked. He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors. So in effect, our policies have strengthened the security of the neighbors of Iraq..."
-C. Powell

"But in terms of Saddam Hussein being there, let's remember that his country is divided, in effect. He does not control the northern part of his country. We are able to keep arms from him. His military forces have not been rebuilt."
-C. Rice

The Memory Hole > 2001: Powell & Rice Declare Iraq Has No WMD and Is Not a Threat
Obama was and remains the superior choice to McCain and Romney.

In hindsight, I disagree


Amazingly, neither has come up with a plan in the ensuing 6 or 2 year period since Obama beat them?

Where is McCain's stunning economic plan showing us a clear other path? Or Romney's? Congressman Ryan has come up with a plan that will balance the budget (as you will recall, Romney disavowed Ryan's budgetary prowess the day after he named him as his running mate :lol:)...this is true...except it balances it in 10 years when we will have been through two Presidential terms and Lord only knows how many shifts in Congressional power/leadership. Wanna hang your hat on that?
the son-of-a-bitch promised that pie in the sky and too many dupes fell for it, plus 98.7% of blacks voted for him believing he would lift the chains of slavery, then we had the white guilt folks who wanted to avoid the "RACIST" title that is thrown around so much so, that it has no negative impact on Conservative people who have strong Constitutional convictions. :up:

so there ya are..., how we got this worthless racist pile of muslime dog shit, fools, idiots, racists and America hating commies. :up:

Yeah but it's predictable cause every single racist white piece of shit has had that opinion since Nov. of 2008.

You're wrong...mid 2007 when Obama announced.

Obama will be judged far better by history than by the divided nation he inherited and leads. And rightly so.

Do these people on the right really think that the nation was united behind Bush?
the son-of-a-bitch promised that pie in the sky and too many dupes fell for it, plus 98.7% of blacks voted for him believing he would lift the chains of slavery, then we had the white guilt folks who wanted to avoid the "RACIST" title that is thrown around so much so, that it has no negative impact on Conservative people who have strong Constitutional convictions. :up:

so there ya are..., how we got this worthless racist pile of muslime dog shit, fools, idiots, racists and America hating commies. :up:

Yeah but it's predictable cause every single racist white piece of shit has had that opinion since Nov. of 2008.

Thats simply not true. Many of us who did not vote for him sincerely hoped he would be good for the country, hoped that as the first black president he could reduce racism, hoped that he would unite us rather than make the divides larger.

He has failed------whether due to incompetence or by design is up for debate.

Yeah but it's predictable cause every single racist white piece of shit has had that opinion since Nov. of 2008.

You're wrong...mid 2007 when Obama announced.

Obama will be judged far better by history than by the divided nation he inherited and leads. And rightly so.

Do these people on the right really think that the nation was united behind Bush?

Nah, the racist white pieces of shit I'm talking about couldn't conceive of the notion that one of "Them People" could ever be elected President in this country in 2007. The ones who were pouting the next day (and mumbling for days afterwards) "I can't believe they elected a '******'" are the ones I'm talking about.

Don't get me wrong I don't believe every (or the majority of) white person who voted against Obama is a racist.

Yeah but it's predictable cause every single racist white piece of shit has had that opinion since Nov. of 2008.

Thats simply not true. Many of us who did not vote for him sincerely hoped he would be good for the country, hoped that as the first black president he could reduce racism, hoped that he would unite us rather than make the divides larger.

He has failed------whether due to incompetence or by design is up for debate.

I disagree that he has failed. His second term is barely in its second year, yet you still declare his every effort a failure.

It is the GOP design to offer as much resistance to as many of his programs as possible. To deny him any victory on any front, regardless of the cost. The GOP and their propaganda wing, divided the country significantly under Bush's terms and have continue the partisan divide though out both of Obamas terms.
Most people voted for Obama because he was supposed to "change" everything that Bush fucked up. Most people voted for Obama again in 2012 because the alternative was a rich piece of shit in magic underwear who thinks that Jesus walked across the Atlantic to preach to Native Americans.

Yeah but it's predictable cause every single racist white piece of shit has had that opinion since Nov. of 2008.

Thats simply not true. Many of us who did not vote for him sincerely hoped he would be good for the country, hoped that as the first black president he could reduce racism, hoped that he would unite us rather than make the divides larger.

He has failed------whether due to incompetence or by design is up for debate.

I disagree that he has failed. His second term is barely in its second year, yet you still declare his every effort a failure.

It is the GOP design to offer as much resistance to as many of his programs as possible. To deny him any victory on any front, regardless of the cost. The GOP and their propaganda wing, divided the country significantly under Bush's terms and have continue the partisan divide though out both of Obamas terms.

blocking socialistic programs that will damage the country is the right thing to do. blocking more wasteful spending is the right thing to do.

making obama a true lame duck in 2015 will the be the best thing that could happen to the country. Obama and his marxist collectivist ideas are wrong for the USA. Stopping him is patriotic and constitutional.

and-------for the record---------it has absolutely nothing to do with him being half black.
Thats simply not true. Many of us who did not vote for him sincerely hoped he would be good for the country, hoped that as the first black president he could reduce racism, hoped that he would unite us rather than make the divides larger.

He has failed------whether due to incompetence or by design is up for debate.

I disagree that he has failed. His second term is barely in its second year, yet you still declare his every effort a failure.

It is the GOP design to offer as much resistance to as many of his programs as possible. To deny him any victory on any front, regardless of the cost. The GOP and their propaganda wing, divided the country significantly under Bush's terms and have continue the partisan divide though out both of Obamas terms.

blocking socialistic programs that will damage the country is the right thing to do. blocking more wasteful spending is the right thing to do.

making obama a true lame duck in 2015 will the be the best thing that could happen to the country. Obama and his marxist collectivist ideas are wrong for the USA. Stopping him is patriotic and constitutional.
To the wicked, everything serves as pretext.
I disagree that he has failed. His second term is barely in its second year, yet you still declare his every effort a failure.

It is the GOP design to offer as much resistance to as many of his programs as possible. To deny him any victory on any front, regardless of the cost. The GOP and their propaganda wing, divided the country significantly under Bush's terms and have continue the partisan divide though out both of Obamas terms.

blocking socialistic programs that will damage the country is the right thing to do. blocking more wasteful spending is the right thing to do.

making obama a true lame duck in 2015 will the be the best thing that could happen to the country. Obama and his marxist collectivist ideas are wrong for the USA. Stopping him is patriotic and constitutional.
To the wicked, everything serves as pretext.

good explanation why obama is trying to destroy our economy and our culture.
I don't think it was "White Guilt" that got Obama elected in 2008. I think people wanted something different and saw McCain standing there and it was more of the same.

The reason Obama was re-elected in 2012 is because Republicans put the guy who couldn't beat the guy who couldn't beat Obama in 2008, lol.
Yeah but it's predictable cause every single racist white piece of shit has had that opinion since Nov. of 2008.

You're wrong...mid 2007 when Obama announced.

Obama will be judged far better by history than by the divided nation he inherited and leads. And rightly so.

Do these people on the right really think that the nation was united behind Bush?

Nah, the racist white pieces of shit I'm talking about couldn't conceive of the notion that one of "Them People" could ever be elected President in this country in 2007. The ones who were pouting the next day (and mumbling for days afterwards) "I can't believe they elected a '******'" are the ones I'm talking about.

Don't get me wrong I don't believe every (or the majority of) white person who voted against Obama is a racist.

Who are these people you're talking about?
I love the arguments that show how people are racist to Obama, yet those same things were said about Clinton and gasp....Bush.

I'm assuming you believe South Carolina to be full of redneck racist republicans, yet the republicans elected a black senator. In fact democrats call him all sorts of names and basically say he's a white man, hmmm

Name me one member of congress that is black and elected from a majority white district?
republicans do that waaaaaay more than democrats, I wonder why??
I disagree that he has failed. His second term is barely in its second year, yet you still declare his every effort a failure.

It is the GOP design to offer as much resistance to as many of his programs as possible. To deny him any victory on any front, regardless of the cost. The GOP and their propaganda wing, divided the country significantly under Bush's terms and have continue the partisan divide though out both of Obamas terms.

blocking socialistic programs that will damage the country is the right thing to do. blocking more wasteful spending is the right thing to do.

making obama a true lame duck in 2015 will the be the best thing that could happen to the country. Obama and his marxist collectivist ideas are wrong for the USA. Stopping him is patriotic and constitutional.
To the wicked, everything serves as pretext.
Define: cryptic. :lol:

Yeah but it's predictable cause every single racist white piece of shit has had that opinion since Nov. of 2008.

Thats simply not true. Many of us who did not vote for him sincerely hoped he would be good for the country, hoped that as the first black president he could reduce racism, hoped that he would unite us rather than make the divides larger.

He has failed------whether due to incompetence or by design is up for debate.

That is a great admission on your part...i.e. "hope and change"... and I would have had NO problem voting for Obama IF though there were any examples of his executive competence.
Almost every president of modern era have had some executive experience.. starting with IKE... military definitely understanding the responsibility of executing competent plans especially life and death decisions.
Nixon,Carter,Reagan,Bush (CIA head...again experienced in making life and death decisions),Clinton, Bush.. all had as governors or heads of government agencies EXPERIENCES in decision making all deciding fate of people even their deaths.
Hiring people, evaluating competency, firing people AND TAKING responsibility for their decisions.
NONE of those experiences were present in Obama. Just a good appearance. Made good speeches and did I mention as he had FIRST he was black?

As far as blacks with that decision making experiences, there have been dozens but frankly the MSM has been the major influence in Obama's election.
I don't think it was "White Guilt" that got Obama elected in 2008. I think people wanted something different and saw McCain standing there and it was more of the same.

The reason Obama was re-elected in 2012 is because Republicans put the guy who couldn't beat the guy who couldn't beat Obama in 2008, lol.

That could be they wanted something different BUT Obama's "something different" had NO practical executive experiences.

I mean what future commander in chief would ever accuse the military of methodically air raiding villages killing civilians as Obama did.
A) If you were going to be the C-I-C over these same military leadership don't you think for one minute the implications of these accusations?
B) If you were to be the Chief Executive officer of America would you make the following statements?

Believes in a .."single payer health system"... meaning destroying $100 billion a year in tax revenue while costing 400,000 jobs?
Believes in bankrupting ANY company..much less electric utilities"! "if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them"
Believes that "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
Believes "I would prefer a gradual increase in gas prices"! What is the difference??? Prices still go up!!!!
Believes that all corporations are evil or capitalism is bad. Without taxes from jobs and companies we couldn't run our governments!"
Believes our EPA should be involved in managing dust on country roads or fining a Wyoming welder $75,000 a day for building pond on his property"
Believes his Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”
Believes in LYING to pass legislation"..Remember "you can keep your doctor"??
Believes there were 46 million uninsured as the facts point out there were less then 4 million"!

I read all these statements made BY Obama BEFORE he was elected and came to the conclusion he was truly ignorant about economics, capitalism
and especially the role of the federal government.
Now these are the "something different" that people according to you voted for but do you really think they knew these were the "differences" Obama held.


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