White guilt: THE ONLY reason Obama was elected

The last few comments though HAD little to do with the topic...
Majority of white voters voted for Obama JUST because they were afraid if they didn't they'd be labeled 'racist"!
These white voters had NOTHING to base a vote FOR Obama but the only thing they had was FEAR if they didn't they'd be racist!
So get back on topic here folks!
Obama was never qualified. Obama has shown his ineptness as we are on the brink of WWIII and when the US military at it's weakest!

So, how would they be labeled racists then? Do people know how they voted? It's a secret ballot.

BECAUSE I'm ACCUSED of being a "racist" as I am WHITE and didn't vote for OBAMA!
The MSM put that stigma on any white person that didn't vote for Obama did so because they hated blacks!

Anyone who was white voiced any opposition to Obama as I've constantly done is considered a racist because Obama is black!

And as I've said over and over the majority of white Obama voters never knew anything about OBAMA .. except he was black.
So the ONLY REASON they had to vote was because he was black.
If they didn't vote for him then they'd be considered racist and most of the ignorant white people that voted for Obama surely didn't want anyone much less the
MSM to think they were racists!

What a steaming pile of poo.

Frankly, your long list of lies about the President are the reason people think you are an extreme partisan. Nothing else.

All you have to do is disagree with JoeB on something and he'll call you a racist.

Whether the conversation is about race or not!


We speak of a poster who actually created a thread around which hand O'bama wipes his ass with. I don't think JoeB's help is needed here.

Well thanks for THAT visual.

Don't most people do that with their strong hand?

I think he's left-handed.


I wish you hadn't said that.



Indeed. And as I pointed out the other day, Presidents Clinton, Bush I, Reagan and Ford were lefthanded too. He never did 'splain how that's a problem now but wasn't then.
So, how would they be labeled racists then? Do people know how they voted? It's a secret ballot.

BECAUSE I'm ACCUSED of being a "racist" as I am WHITE and didn't vote for OBAMA!
The MSM put that stigma on any white person that didn't vote for Obama did so because they hated blacks!

Anyone who was white voiced any opposition to Obama as I've constantly done is considered a racist because Obama is black!

And as I've said over and over the majority of white Obama voters never knew anything about OBAMA .. except he was black.
So the ONLY REASON they had to vote was because he was black.
If they didn't vote for him then they'd be considered racist and most of the ignorant white people that voted for Obama surely didn't want anyone much less the
MSM to think they were racists!

And how exactly would this MSM... let alone anybody else... know what your vote was?

Is there not a curtain on your voting booth? What did you do, vote on camera?

And as I've said over and over the majority of white Obama voters never knew anything about OBAMA .. except he was black.

And as you've ignored, they knew another crucial thing about O'bama --- who the alternative was.

Oops --- inconvenient. I always say the wrong thing. :redface:

The primary in Iowa required voters to stand for their candidate!
The process used by the Democrats is more complex than the Republican Party caucus process.
Each precinct divides its delegate seats among the candidates in proportion to caucus goers' votes.
Participants indicate their support for a particular candidate by standing in a designated area of the caucus site (forming a preference group).
Iowa caucuses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SO idiot... you had NO idea that White people in Iowa with microphones/reporters asking them all sorts of questions trying to get them to say something stupid
would be IDENTIFIED as standing or NOT standing for Obama!

As a former Iowan I understand the inferiority complex most Iowans have especially with the pre-conceived stereotyping by the eastern MSM out in Iowa in January
and they want a story! The story is simple... why are you NOT STANDING for Obama in the Democrat Iowa primary?

And so these Iowans not wanting to be shown as "hicks" "unsophisticated" "RACIST" stood for Obama!
BECAUSE I'm ACCUSED of being a "racist" as I am WHITE and didn't vote for OBAMA!
The MSM put that stigma on any white person that didn't vote for Obama did so because they hated blacks!

Anyone who was white voiced any opposition to Obama as I've constantly done is considered a racist because Obama is black!

And as I've said over and over the majority of white Obama voters never knew anything about OBAMA .. except he was black.
So the ONLY REASON they had to vote was because he was black.
If they didn't vote for him then they'd be considered racist and most of the ignorant white people that voted for Obama surely didn't want anyone much less the
MSM to think they were racists!

And how exactly would this MSM... let alone anybody else... know what your vote was?

Is there not a curtain on your voting booth? What did you do, vote on camera?

And as I've said over and over the majority of white Obama voters never knew anything about OBAMA .. except he was black.

And as you've ignored, they knew another crucial thing about O'bama --- who the alternative was.

Oops --- inconvenient. I always say the wrong thing. :redface:

The primary in Iowa required voters to stand for their candidate!
The process used by the Democrats is more complex than the Republican Party caucus process.
Each precinct divides its delegate seats among the candidates in proportion to caucus goers' votes.
Participants indicate their support for a particular candidate by standing in a designated area of the caucus site (forming a preference group).
Iowa caucuses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SO idiot... you had NO idea that White people in Iowa with microphones/reporters asking them all sorts of questions trying to get them to say something stupid
would be IDENTIFIED as standing or NOT standing for Obama!

As a former Iowan I understand the inferiority complex most Iowans have especially with the pre-conceived stereotyping by the eastern MSM out in Iowa in January
and they want a story! The story is simple... why are you NOT STANDING for Obama in the Democrat Iowa primary?

And so these Iowans not wanting to be shown as "hicks" "unsophisticated" "RACIST" stood for Obama!

You're actually suggesting the Iowa primary decides the Presidency??

What the hell is the national election for then? And why can't you address the truth of who the alternative was?

Elections don't happen in a vacuum. Here's all the explanation you need, once again...


Bush approval ratings -- blue = approve; red = disapprove; green = not sure​
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The last few comments though HAD little to do with the topic...
Majority of white voters voted for Obama JUST because they were afraid if they didn't they'd be labeled 'racist"!
These white voters had NOTHING to base a vote FOR Obama but the only thing they had was FEAR if they didn't they'd be racist!
So get back on topic here folks!
Obama was never qualified. Obama has shown his ineptness as we are on the brink of WWIII and when the US military at it's weakest!

So, how would they be labeled racists then? Do people know how they voted? It's a secret ballot.

BECAUSE I'm ACCUSED of being a "racist" as I am WHITE and didn't vote for OBAMA!
The MSM put that stigma on any white person that didn't vote for Obama did so because they hated blacks!

Anyone who was white voiced any opposition to Obama as I've constantly done is considered a racist because Obama is black!

And as I've said over and over the majority of white Obama voters never knew anything about OBAMA .. except he was black.
So the ONLY REASON they had to vote was because he was black.
If they didn't vote for him then they'd be considered racist and most of the ignorant white people that voted for Obama surely didn't want anyone much less the
MSM to think they were racists!

No, you're only accused of being sad and delusional, given the idiocy of your thread's premise.
Most people voted for Obama because he was supposed to "change" everything that Bush fucked up. Most people voted for Obama again in 2012 because the alternative was a rich piece of shit in magic underwear who thinks that Jesus walked across the Atlantic to preach to Native Americans.

No, Romney's image issue was based on fear and blame of "rich conservatives"
who were "demonized as a class" to turn public sentiment away and not judge people's judgment and character INDIVIDUALLY.
It is just as wrongful to judge wealthy people for their economic class as it is to judge poor people as criminals by their class.
Equally wrong and bigoted. Where is the due process to prove WHICH people committed WHAT crime or abuse?
Instead of assuming "they're all the same" or assuming somebody "represents" what OTHER PEOPLE did wrong (just because WE associate them as a class or group together).

This is hardly different from judging people by color, yet it was used politically to sway public opinion.

Romney was too nice to fight back, so his good nature became his weakness in politics
against a person and party willing to do and say whatever it took to get elected.

(As for the Mormon belief that the Great Manito, which the Native Americans believe
in as the Great Spirit, is a valid manifestation of God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit,
I see nothing wrong with that.

There was no "preaching" involved as in Eurocentric terms
but a revelation and reverence for NATURAL LAWS
which Jesus Christ equally fulfills.

I see nothing wrong with acknowledging that the Native Americans
are part of the tribes who live by NATURAL LAWS and these are of the same God.

The way you twist it sounds horrible and negative.
Perhaps the Mormons don't teach this very well either, but frame it in their own ways.

But the CONCEPT behind recognizing the Native Americans
as living by the same NATURAL LAWS that come from the SAME GOD
is beautiful and unifying while recognizing cultural diversity and significance.

Sorry you see it so negative. I see it as recognizing tribes under universal laws of one God.
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I think some far left rich white man said he wanted New Orleans to be a "chocolate city", although I could be mistaken.

Indeed you are. Ray Nagin's a lifelong Republican. And he's black. And he didn't say he "wanted" a chocolate city; he said it IS one. Which is not incorrect.
The last few comments though HAD little to do with the topic...
Majority of white voters voted for Obama JUST because they were afraid if they didn't they'd be labeled 'racist"!
These white voters had NOTHING to base a vote FOR Obama but the only thing they had was FEAR if they didn't they'd be racist!
So get back on topic here folks!
Obama was never qualified. Obama has shown his ineptness as we are on the brink of WWIII and when the US military at it's weakest!

So, how would they be labeled racists then? Do people know how they voted? It's a secret ballot.

BECAUSE I'm ACCUSED of being a "racist" as I am WHITE and didn't vote for OBAMA!
The MSM put that stigma on any white person that didn't vote for Obama did so because they hated blacks!

Anyone who was white voiced any opposition to Obama as I've constantly done is considered a racist because Obama is black!

And as I've said over and over the majority of white Obama voters never knew anything about OBAMA .. except he was black.
So the ONLY REASON they had to vote was because he was black.
If they didn't vote for him then they'd be considered racist and most of the ignorant white people that voted for Obama surely didn't want anyone much less the
MSM to think they were racists!

Not ALL people voted for Obama just because he was black.
Not ALL people vote against Obama or his policies just because he is black.

Anyone who WANTS to pick a fight and/or focus on racial bias
would pick a fight anyway.

It's more about political conflict, and trying to defend one's beliefs
in a system that allows majority rule to be abused to exclude and override others.

If we stopped using that system, and allowed people to separate
instead of imposing on each other, lo and behold maybe the other attacks
would stop. Because there would be NO NEED to defend one viewpoint over another.

All would be respected and protected equally.
These attacks back and forth are caused by forcing one group to dominate over the other.

That is ultimately what is causing the problems, and racial issues and biases
are just another factor that these conflicts are projected onto.

The same conflicts would exist without the race factor. They would just be blamed on something else, in order for conflicting groups to justify rejecting or attacking each other.
I think some far left rich white man said he wanted New Orleans to be a "chocolate city", although I could be mistaken.

Indeed you are. Ray Nagin's a lifelong Republican. And he's black. And he didn't say he "wanted" a chocolate city; he said it IS one. Which is not incorrect.


Which way is it? Lifelong Democrat or
Lifelong Republican who switched to Democrat?

wikipedia said:
Political affiliation

Several news sources, including BBC News and numerous blogs and editorials,[11][12][13] have stated that Nagin was a registered Republican for most of his adult life, and a George W. Bush supporter, but switched to the Democratic Party shortly before seeking office. In 2004, he endorsed John Kerry for president.[14][15] In a January 13, 2006 interview on the Tavis Smiley Show, Nagin himself denied these rumors, stating that he "never was a Republican" and that he has been a "life-long Democrat",[16] and several of the news sources reporting that he was a Republican have since issued retractions.[17] He did give contributions periodically to candidates of both parties, including Representative Billy Tauzin in 1999 and 2000, as well as Democratic Senators John Breaux and J. Bennett Johnston, Jr. earlier in the decade. Nagin endorsed conservative Republican Bobby Jindal over conservative Democratic Lieutenant Governor Kathleen Blanco in the 2003 runoff for governor. Both candidates platforms were almost identical, so Nagin requested each write a letter detailing what they would do for the citizens of New Orleans if elected. Jindal wrote a very detailed plan while Blanco sent a one page, two paragraph letter.[18]
I think some far left rich white man said he wanted New Orleans to be a "chocolate city", although I could be mistaken.

Indeed you are. Ray Nagin's a lifelong Republican. And he's black. And he didn't say he "wanted" a chocolate city; he said it IS one. Which is not incorrect.


Which way is it? Lifelong Democrat or
Lifelong Republican who switched to Democrat?

wikipedia said:
Political affiliation

Several news sources, including BBC News and numerous blogs and editorials,[11][12][13] have stated that Nagin was a registered Republican for most of his adult life, and a George W. Bush supporter, but switched to the Democratic Party shortly before seeking office. In 2004, he endorsed John Kerry for president.[14][15] In a January 13, 2006 interview on the Tavis Smiley Show, Nagin himself denied these rumors, stating that he "never was a Republican" and that he has been a "life-long Democrat",[16] and several of the news sources reporting that he was a Republican have since issued retractions.[17] He did give contributions periodically to candidates of both parties, including Representative Billy Tauzin in 1999 and 2000, as well as Democratic Senators John Breaux and J. Bennett Johnston, Jr. earlier in the decade. Nagin endorsed conservative Republican Bobby Jindal over conservative Democratic Lieutenant Governor Kathleen Blanco in the 2003 runoff for governor. Both candidates platforms were almost identical, so Nagin requested each write a letter detailing what they would do for the citizens of New Orleans if elected. Jindal wrote a very detailed plan while Blanco sent a one page, two paragraph letter.[18]

Lifelong Republican who ran as a Democrat, because no Democrat has been elected Mayor of New Orleans since well back in the 19th century (Reconstruction).

We've done this elsewhere; Wiki gets edited constantly by partisans. But when he began his campaign to first run for mayor, he took a lot of flak from the local electorate for pretending to be a Democrat. I remember that -- I was a New Orleanian at the time.

If you really need it I can go get the links and/or the previous threads, but anyone from New Orleans knows this. Anyway the poster got not only that wrong, he had Nagin as a "far left rich white man" who "wanted" a chocolate city, none of which is true with the exception of "man" and the possible exception of "rich". I'm not even sure how the statement as rendered would make any sense.

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Why would anyone who has a job, a mortgage and a car suddenly expect they would no longer have to pay for them? Would you? You are embarassing yourself

However, someone who was worried about losing her job would be worried about paying their mortgage

Don't be stupid, RW. The woman believed that Obama was going to PAY her mortgage payments. She was so fricken ignorant and brain washed that she actually thought that obama would personally write a check for her mortgage payments.

Back to the OP, ignorance, white guilt, black pride, and a biased media elected obame twice------------ignorance being the most important of the listed factors.

Show me in the video where she says Obama will PAY for anything. All she says is she is worried...It is the rightwing racists who twisted it
Read the fucking title on that video you fucking liar

[MENTION=42379]Redfish[/MENTION] can't open her mouth without lying...that much has been proven
BECAUSE I'm ACCUSED of being a "racist" as I am WHITE and didn't vote for OBAMA!
The MSM put that stigma on any white person that didn't vote for Obama did so because they hated blacks!

Anyone who was white voiced any opposition to Obama as I've constantly done is considered a racist because Obama is black!

And as I've said over and over the majority of white Obama voters never knew anything about OBAMA .. except he was black.
So the ONLY REASON they had to vote was because he was black.
If they didn't vote for him then they'd be considered racist and most of the ignorant white people that voted for Obama surely didn't want anyone much less the
MSM to think they were racists!

Is this because you didn't vote for Obama, or is this because of what you say? I mean, did you have to tell anyone how you voted?

Listen, the vast majority of people who vote for a presidential candidate don't know what they're voting for. So, it is therefore clear that the vast majority of white people who voted Obama didn't know what they were voting for, just like the vast majority of white people who voted Romney. So what? This is US politics.

But the reason they voted for him WASN'T just because he was black. Your logic is way off.
BECAUSE I'm ACCUSED of being a "racist" as I am WHITE and didn't vote for OBAMA!
The MSM put that stigma on any white person that didn't vote for Obama did so because they hated blacks!

Anyone who was white voiced any opposition to Obama as I've constantly done is considered a racist because Obama is black!

And as I've said over and over the majority of white Obama voters never knew anything about OBAMA .. except he was black.
So the ONLY REASON they had to vote was because he was black.
If they didn't vote for him then they'd be considered racist and most of the ignorant white people that voted for Obama surely didn't want anyone much less the
MSM to think they were racists!

Is this because you didn't vote for Obama, or is this because of what you say? I mean, did you have to tell anyone how you voted?

Listen, the vast majority of people who vote for a presidential candidate don't know what they're voting for. So, it is therefore clear that the vast majority of white people who voted Obama didn't know what they were voting for, just like the vast majority of white people who voted Romney. So what? This is US politics.

But the reason they voted for him WASN'T just because he was black. Your logic is way off.

his being half black was not the ONLY reason for most people, although for some it was.

many got taken in by the "hope and change" bullshit and the lies about bringing the country together.

but you need to face reality, if obama was not half black Hillary would have been the dem nominee in 08 -- whether she would have beaten McCain is something that can be argued for years--we will never know.
BECAUSE I'm ACCUSED of being a "racist" as I am WHITE and didn't vote for OBAMA!
The MSM put that stigma on any white person that didn't vote for Obama did so because they hated blacks!

Anyone who was white voiced any opposition to Obama as I've constantly done is considered a racist because Obama is black!

And as I've said over and over the majority of white Obama voters never knew anything about OBAMA .. except he was black.
So the ONLY REASON they had to vote was because he was black.
If they didn't vote for him then they'd be considered racist and most of the ignorant white people that voted for Obama surely didn't want anyone much less the
MSM to think they were racists!

Is this because you didn't vote for Obama, or is this because of what you say? I mean, did you have to tell anyone how you voted?

Listen, the vast majority of people who vote for a presidential candidate don't know what they're voting for. So, it is therefore clear that the vast majority of white people who voted Obama didn't know what they were voting for, just like the vast majority of white people who voted Romney. So what? This is US politics.

But the reason they voted for him WASN'T just because he was black. Your logic is way off.

his being half black was not the ONLY reason for most people, although for some it was.

many got taken in by the "hope and change" bullshit and the lies about bringing the country together.

but you need to face reality, if obama was not half black Hillary would have been the dem nominee in 08 -- whether she would have beaten McCain is something that can be argued for years--we will never know.

It's amazing how someone who knows no Democrats and cannot fathom why anyone would be a democrat sets themselves up as an expert on Democratic Politics.

Clinton has a likability problem. One that she is addressing 24/7 going into 2016. It will still be there in 2016 which is why they are praying that you guys go full-retard and pick someone on the polar opposite/non-centrist. What will save her bacon is that independent minded voters will look at the two candidates and see her as safe and the GOP nominee as too risky and go with the safe choice.

Jeb Bush can beat her. So can Chis Christie. Cruz, Paul, Bachman, Santorum, have no shot.
BECAUSE I'm ACCUSED of being a "racist" as I am WHITE and didn't vote for OBAMA!
The MSM put that stigma on any white person that didn't vote for Obama did so because they hated blacks!

Anyone who was white voiced any opposition to Obama as I've constantly done is considered a racist because Obama is black!

And as I've said over and over the majority of white Obama voters never knew anything about OBAMA .. except he was black.
So the ONLY REASON they had to vote was because he was black.
If they didn't vote for him then they'd be considered racist and most of the ignorant white people that voted for Obama surely didn't want anyone much less the
MSM to think they were racists!

Is this because you didn't vote for Obama, or is this because of what you say? I mean, did you have to tell anyone how you voted?

Listen, the vast majority of people who vote for a presidential candidate don't know what they're voting for. So, it is therefore clear that the vast majority of white people who voted Obama didn't know what they were voting for, just like the vast majority of white people who voted Romney. So what? This is US politics.

But the reason they voted for him WASN'T just because he was black. Your logic is way off.

his being half black was not the ONLY reason for most people, although for some it was.

many got taken in by the "hope and change" bullshit and the lies about bringing the country together.

but you need to face reality, if obama was not half black Hillary would have been the dem nominee in 08 -- whether she would have beaten McCain is something that can be argued for years--we will never know.

Of course we know, come off it. The outgoing administration's approval ratings were around Miley Cyrus' age. Then throw in Sarah Palin a heartbeat away from a septuagenarian of the unpopular party -- Pee Wee Freaking Herman could have won that election.
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BECAUSE I'm ACCUSED of being a "racist" as I am WHITE and didn't vote for OBAMA!
The MSM put that stigma on any white person that didn't vote for Obama did so because they hated blacks!

Anyone who was white voiced any opposition to Obama as I've constantly done is considered a racist because Obama is black!

And as I've said over and over the majority of white Obama voters never knew anything about OBAMA .. except he was black.
So the ONLY REASON they had to vote was because he was black.
If they didn't vote for him then they'd be considered racist and most of the ignorant white people that voted for Obama surely didn't want anyone much less the
MSM to think they were racists!

Is this because you didn't vote for Obama, or is this because of what you say? I mean, did you have to tell anyone how you voted?

Listen, the vast majority of people who vote for a presidential candidate don't know what they're voting for. So, it is therefore clear that the vast majority of white people who voted Obama didn't know what they were voting for, just like the vast majority of white people who voted Romney. So what? This is US politics.

But the reason they voted for him WASN'T just because he was black. Your logic is way off.

his being half black was not the ONLY reason for most people, although for some it was.

many got taken in by the "hope and change" bullshit and the lies about bringing the country together.

but you need to face reality, if obama was not half black Hillary would have been the dem nominee in 08 -- whether she would have beaten McCain is something that can be argued for years--we will never know.

If Hillary had not supported the Iraq war she would have been the Democratic candidate

Hillary would have beaten McCain by the same margin
I think some far left rich white man said he wanted New Orleans to be a "chocolate city", although I could be mistaken.

Indeed you are. Ray Nagin's a lifelong Republican. And he's black. And he didn't say he "wanted" a chocolate city; he said it IS one. Which is not incorrect.

Thats not what he said or the context he said it in. After Katrina many blacks left the city and settled in Atlanta, Houston, Birmingham, Jackson, etc. The remaining population was much more white than before the storm. Nagin was addressing that fact and encouraging blacks to return to the city. Some did, some stayed where they were.

If you libs would deal in facts just once in a while, you might have some credibility.
Is this because you didn't vote for Obama, or is this because of what you say? I mean, did you have to tell anyone how you voted?

Listen, the vast majority of people who vote for a presidential candidate don't know what they're voting for. So, it is therefore clear that the vast majority of white people who voted Obama didn't know what they were voting for, just like the vast majority of white people who voted Romney. So what? This is US politics.

But the reason they voted for him WASN'T just because he was black. Your logic is way off.

his being half black was not the ONLY reason for most people, although for some it was.

many got taken in by the "hope and change" bullshit and the lies about bringing the country together.

but you need to face reality, if obama was not half black Hillary would have been the dem nominee in 08 -- whether she would have beaten McCain is something that can be argued for years--we will never know.

It's amazing how someone who knows no Democrats and cannot fathom why anyone would be a democrat sets themselves up as an expert on Democratic Politics.

Clinton has a likability problem. One that she is addressing 24/7 going into 2016. It will still be there in 2016 which is why they are praying that you guys go full-retard and pick someone on the polar opposite/non-centrist. What will save her bacon is that independent minded voters will look at the two candidates and see her as safe and the GOP nominee as too risky and go with the safe choice.

Jeb Bush can beat her. So can Chis Christie. Cruz, Paul, Bachman, Santorum, have no shot.

I don't see Jeb having a shot any more. Had he run instead of his brother, yes, but he's been away too long, and he's a Bush, and he doesn't seem to be really pursuing it. Too bad they ran in the wrong order because he's a lot smarter than his brother. Dubya fucked Jeb's chances --- basically did the same thing for the Bush brand that he did for Arbusto: ran it into the ground.

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