White guilt: THE ONLY reason Obama was elected

his being half black was not the ONLY reason for most people, although for some it was.

many got taken in by the "hope and change" bullshit and the lies about bringing the country together.

but you need to face reality, if obama was not half black Hillary would have been the dem nominee in 08 -- whether she would have beaten McCain is something that can be argued for years--we will never know.

It's amazing how someone who knows no Democrats and cannot fathom why anyone would be a democrat sets themselves up as an expert on Democratic Politics.

Clinton has a likability problem. One that she is addressing 24/7 going into 2016. It will still be there in 2016 which is why they are praying that you guys go full-retard and pick someone on the polar opposite/non-centrist. What will save her bacon is that independent minded voters will look at the two candidates and see her as safe and the GOP nominee as too risky and go with the safe choice.

Jeb Bush can beat her. So can Chis Christie. Cruz, Paul, Bachman, Santorum, have no shot.

I don't see Jeb having a shot any more. Had he run instead of his brother, yes, but he's been away too long, and he's a Bush, and he doesn't seem to be really pursuing it. Too bad they ran in the wrong order because he's a lot smarter than his brother. Dubya fucked Jeb's chances --- basically did the same thing for the Bush brand that he did for Arbusto: ran it into the ground.


As I posted:

Name: Check
Money: Check
Good in all time zones: Check
Heavyweight Credentials: Check
Wants the job: uhh .... uhh :dunno:
I think some far left rich white man said he wanted New Orleans to be a "chocolate city", although I could be mistaken.

Indeed you are. Ray Nagin's a lifelong Republican. And he's black. And he didn't say he "wanted" a chocolate city; he said it IS one. Which is not incorrect.

Thats not what he said or the context he said it in. After Katrina many blacks left the city and settled in Atlanta, Houston, Birmingham, Jackson, etc. The remaining population was much more white than before the storm. Nagin was addressing that fact and encouraging blacks to return to the city. Some did, some stayed where they were.

If you libs would deal in facts just once in a while, you might have some credibility.

You're actually suggesting more black people than white people evacuated New Orleans??

Oh yeah, let's do that. /drool :popcorn:
Indeed you are. Ray Nagin's a lifelong Republican. And he's black. And he didn't say he "wanted" a chocolate city; he said it IS one. Which is not incorrect.

Thats not what he said or the context he said it in. After Katrina many blacks left the city and settled in Atlanta, Houston, Birmingham, Jackson, etc. The remaining population was much more white than before the storm. Nagin was addressing that fact and encouraging blacks to return to the city. Some did, some stayed where they were.

If you libs would deal in facts just once in a while, you might have some credibility.

You're actually suggesting more black people than white people evacuated New Orleans??

Oh yeah, let's do that. /drool :popcorn:

Not evacuate. What occurred was that more poor people left never to return post-Katrina. The Lower Ninth continues to have lots of empty houses. The murder rate dropped temporarily, but was returning "to normal." Mayor Landrieu is having some success in reversing the depressing trends

New Orleans murder rate lowest in decades | Home | The New Orleans Advocate
Is this because you didn't vote for Obama, or is this because of what you say? I mean, did you have to tell anyone how you voted?

Listen, the vast majority of people who vote for a presidential candidate don't know what they're voting for. So, it is therefore clear that the vast majority of white people who voted Obama didn't know what they were voting for, just like the vast majority of white people who voted Romney. So what? This is US politics.

But the reason they voted for him WASN'T just because he was black. Your logic is way off.

his being half black was not the ONLY reason for most people, although for some it was.

many got taken in by the "hope and change" bullshit and the lies about bringing the country together.

but you need to face reality, if obama was not half black Hillary would have been the dem nominee in 08 -- whether she would have beaten McCain is something that can be argued for years--we will never know.

Of course we know, come off it. The outgoing administration's approval ratings were around Miley Cyrus' age. Then throw in Sarah Palin a heartbeat away from a septuagenarian of the unpopular party -- Pee Wee Freaking Herman could have won that election.

thats your opinion and you have the right to state it-----the truth is we will never know what would have happened if the community organizer from chicago via kenya, indonesia,and hawaii hadn't magically showed up to save the country and the world.
his being half black was not the ONLY reason for most people, although for some it was.

many got taken in by the "hope and change" bullshit and the lies about bringing the country together.

but you need to face reality, if obama was not half black Hillary would have been the dem nominee in 08 -- whether she would have beaten McCain is something that can be argued for years--we will never know.

Of course we know, come off it. The outgoing administration's approval ratings were around Miley Cyrus' age. Then throw in Sarah Palin a heartbeat away from a septuagenarian of the unpopular party -- Pee Wee Freaking Herman could have won that election.

thats your opinion and you have the right to state it-----the truth is we will never know what would have happened if the community organizer from chicago via kenya, indonesia,and hawaii hadn't magically showed up to save the country and the world.

Hillary might have one even larger over the AWG.
The fools the republicans nominated were the reason Obama won.

Not once, but twice.

Actually, Obama won because we are racist. If a white man, with the same qualifications as Obama had run, he would of got steamrolled. But since Obama is black, we turned the other way and voted for him so we wouldn't appear racist.

Same reason we wont impeach him, that's because we're racist


Obama won because we are racist. That is hilarious. Critical thinking is becoming a lost art, especially amongst cons. Obama won the first time because Americans saw the economy was in trouble and they were tired of seeing thousands of Americans coming home in body bags or as invalids for life. He won the second time around because his opponent felt that blaming poor people was the best way to get elected. The fact is that philosophically, Obama isn't much different than Bush other that Bush started two wars, and Obama ended one and is working on ending the other.

Republicans couldn't beat a black man when the economy was in pretty bad shape. Just wait until 2016 when you guys are facing a white woman with an Hispanic running mate. It's going to be lights out.
Indeed you are. Ray Nagin's a lifelong Republican. And he's black. And he didn't say he "wanted" a chocolate city; he said it IS one. Which is not incorrect.

Thats not what he said or the context he said it in. After Katrina many blacks left the city and settled in Atlanta, Houston, Birmingham, Jackson, etc. The remaining population was much more white than before the storm. Nagin was addressing that fact and encouraging blacks to return to the city. Some did, some stayed where they were.

If you libs would deal in facts just once in a while, you might have some credibility.

You're actually suggesting more black people than white people evacuated New Orleans??

Oh yeah, let's do that. /drool :popcorn:

I'm not suggesting it, its the truth. I live here fool, I know exactly what happened. The city was 60% black before the storm. right after, it was about 50/50. Nagin was afraid of losing black majority control in the city council.
Of course we know, come off it. The outgoing administration's approval ratings were around Miley Cyrus' age. Then throw in Sarah Palin a heartbeat away from a septuagenarian of the unpopular party -- Pee Wee Freaking Herman could have won that election.

thats your opinion and you have the right to state it-----the truth is we will never know what would have happened if the community organizer from chicago via kenya, indonesia,and hawaii hadn't magically showed up to save the country and the world.

Hillary might have one even larger over the AWG.

maybe, or she could have lost 48 states, who the fuck knows or cares "what difference, at this point, does it make" :lol:
The fools the republicans nominated were the reason Obama won.

Not once, but twice.

Actually, Obama won because we are racist. If a white man, with the same qualifications as Obama had run, he would of got steamrolled. But since Obama is black, we turned the other way and voted for him so we wouldn't appear racist.

Same reason we wont impeach him, that's because we're racist


Obama won because we are racist. That is hilarious. Critical thinking is becoming a lost art, especially amongst cons. Obama won the first time because Americans saw the economy was in trouble and they were tired of seeing thousands of Americans coming home in body bags or as invalids for life. He won the second time around because his opponent felt that blaming poor people was the best way to get elected. The fact is that philosophically, Obama isn't much different than Bush other that Bush started two wars, and Obama ended one and is working on ending the other.

Republicans couldn't beat a black man when the economy was in pretty bad shape. Just wait until 2016 when you guys are facing a white woman with an Hispanic running mate. It's going to be lights out.

LOL, can't wait for that ticket. whoever the GOP runs will kick her old, tired, lying ass
thats your opinion and you have the right to state it-----the truth is we will never know what would have happened if the community organizer from chicago via kenya, indonesia,and hawaii hadn't magically showed up to save the country and the world.

Hillary might have one even larger over the AWG.

maybe, or she could have lost 48 states, who the fuck knows or cares "what difference, at this point, does it make" :lol:

What happened in 2008 does not make a difference

What will make a difference is 2016 when Hillary wins by as large a margin
Hillary might have one even larger over the AWG.

maybe, or she could have lost 48 states, who the fuck knows or cares "what difference, at this point, does it make" :lol:

What happened in 2008 does not make a difference

What will make a difference is 2016 when Hillary wins by as large a margin

Tell me RW, besides having a D behind her name, why do you want this old, tired, arrogant, shrill woman who has never accomplished anything, to be president?

Is it only because she has a vagina and not a penis?

exactly what to you think she is going to do for you, the country, me, everyone else?
thats your opinion and you have the right to state it-----the truth is we will never know what would have happened if the community organizer from chicago via kenya, indonesia,and hawaii hadn't magically showed up to save the country and the world.

Hillary might have one even larger over the AWG.

maybe, or she could have lost 48 states, who the fuck knows or cares "what difference, at this point, does it make" :lol:

It matters in that your opinion of her is not based upon facts but merely your own partisan preconceptions.

That said, I suspect she will not run.
maybe, or she could have lost 48 states, who the fuck knows or cares "what difference, at this point, does it make" :lol:

What happened in 2008 does not make a difference

What will make a difference is 2016 when Hillary wins by as large a margin

Tell me RW, besides having a D behind her name, why do you want this old, tired, arrogant, shrill woman who has never accomplished anything, to be president?

Is it only because she has a vagina and not a penis?

exactly what to you think she is going to do for you, the country, me, everyone else?

OK, fair enough

Other than having a D by her name, Hillary is the most qualified candidate currently considering a run. More qualified than Cruz, Rubio and Paul combined

She has vast experience in government, experience in both the executive and legislative branch. She is also more experienced in global afairs than any Republican out there...even if she can't see Russia from her house
What happened in 2008 does not make a difference

What will make a difference is 2016 when Hillary wins by as large a margin

Tell me RW, besides having a D behind her name, why do you want this old, tired, arrogant, shrill woman who has never accomplished anything, to be president?

Is it only because she has a vagina and not a penis?

exactly what to you think she is going to do for you, the country, me, everyone else?

OK, fair enough

Other than having a D by her name, Hillary is the most qualified candidate currently considering a run. More qualified than Cruz, Rubio and Paul combined

She has vast experience in government, experience in both the executive and legislative branch. She is also more experienced in global afairs than any Republican out there...even if she can't see Russia from her house

The difference between the parties when it comes to 2016. Republicans and conservatives do not want Hillary to run. Dems and libs want Cruz, Paul, or Rubio to be the Republican nominee. Actually Palin would be the best. The reason for this is that cons know Hillary is going to win against anyone they put out there, and Dems know that anyone like Cruz, Paul, Rubio, or Palin have no chance of winning.
Actually, Obama won because we are racist. If a white man, with the same qualifications as Obama had run, he would of got steamrolled. But since Obama is black, we turned the other way and voted for him so we wouldn't appear racist.

Same reason we wont impeach him, that's because we're racist


Obama won because we are racist. That is hilarious. Critical thinking is becoming a lost art, especially amongst cons. Obama won the first time because Americans saw the economy was in trouble and they were tired of seeing thousands of Americans coming home in body bags or as invalids for life. He won the second time around because his opponent felt that blaming poor people was the best way to get elected. The fact is that philosophically, Obama isn't much different than Bush other that Bush started two wars, and Obama ended one and is working on ending the other.

Republicans couldn't beat a black man when the economy was in pretty bad shape. Just wait until 2016 when you guys are facing a white woman with an Hispanic running mate. It's going to be lights out.

LOL, can't wait for that ticket. whoever the GOP runs will kick her old, tired, lying ass


I don't think you will be waiting long. You should be pissing your pants because Castro will solidify the Hispanic vote and they will come out to vote in record numbers.
Tell me RW, besides having a D behind her name, why do you want this old, tired, arrogant, shrill woman who has never accomplished anything, to be president?

Is it only because she has a vagina and not a penis?

exactly what to you think she is going to do for you, the country, me, everyone else?

OK, fair enough

Other than having a D by her name, Hillary is the most qualified candidate currently considering a run. More qualified than Cruz, Rubio and Paul combined

She has vast experience in government, experience in both the executive and legislative branch. She is also more experienced in global afairs than any Republican out there...even if she can't see Russia from her house

The difference between the parties when it comes to 2016. Republicans and conservatives do not want Hillary to run. Dems and libs want Cruz, Paul, or Rubio to be the Republican nominee. Actually Palin would be the best. The reason for this is that cons know Hillary is going to win against anyone they put out there, and Dems know that anyone like Cruz, Paul, Rubio, or Palin have no chance of winning.

I dunno. The gop is more loony tunes than at any time in my lifetime. You'd have to go back to McCarthy, imo. We range from isolationists who verge on utopians to angry old warriors. I'm having a hard time seeing how we get our shite together for 2016.

Hill represents ... sanity. DLC pragmatism. She's probably more progressive than Bill governed as, she is basically from .... the middle. But do the dems want "the middle?" Is that going to energize the base?
Tell me RW, besides having a D behind her name, why do you want this old, tired, arrogant, shrill woman who has never accomplished anything, to be president?

Is it only because she has a vagina and not a penis?

exactly what to you think she is going to do for you, the country, me, everyone else?

OK, fair enough

Other than having a D by her name, Hillary is the most qualified candidate currently considering a run. More qualified than Cruz, Rubio and Paul combined

She has vast experience in government, experience in both the executive and legislative branch. She is also more experienced in global afairs than any Republican out there...even if she can't see Russia from her house

The difference between the parties when it comes to 2016. Republicans and conservatives do not want Hillary to run. Dems and libs want Cruz, Paul, or Rubio to be the Republican nominee. Actually Palin would be the best. The reason for this is that cons know Hillary is going to win against anyone they put out there, and Dems know that anyone like Cruz, Paul, Rubio, or Palin have no chance of winning.

It all comes down to swing states. The rhetoric of Cruz, Paul and Rubio can't win swing states

Bush, Christie or Ryan could win some swing states and could give Hillary a run for her money. The rest just solidify Red states that are already in the GOP column
OK, fair enough

Other than having a D by her name, Hillary is the most qualified candidate currently considering a run. More qualified than Cruz, Rubio and Paul combined

She has vast experience in government, experience in both the executive and legislative branch. She is also more experienced in global afairs than any Republican out there...even if she can't see Russia from her house

The difference between the parties when it comes to 2016. Republicans and conservatives do not want Hillary to run. Dems and libs want Cruz, Paul, or Rubio to be the Republican nominee. Actually Palin would be the best. The reason for this is that cons know Hillary is going to win against anyone they put out there, and Dems know that anyone like Cruz, Paul, Rubio, or Palin have no chance of winning.

It all comes down to swing states. The rhetoric of Cruz, Paul and Rubio can't win swing states

Bush, Christie or Ryan could win some swing states and could give Hillary a run for her money. The rest just solidify Red states that are already in the GOP column

I think Jeb's toast on immigration. Christie may still be under federal investigation, and if he DID order bridge closures for political gain THAT would actually be impeachable even under the previous, pre-Monica, view of what is impeachable. So, to me, the gop's chance pretty much comes down to whether the sane Paul Ryan shows up, or if he sticks with his budget, or if Walker can catch fire (figuratively of course) (-:
OK, fair enough

Other than having a D by her name, Hillary is the most qualified candidate currently considering a run. More qualified than Cruz, Rubio and Paul combined

She has vast experience in government, experience in both the executive and legislative branch. She is also more experienced in global afairs than any Republican out there...even if she can't see Russia from her house

The difference between the parties when it comes to 2016. Republicans and conservatives do not want Hillary to run. Dems and libs want Cruz, Paul, or Rubio to be the Republican nominee. Actually Palin would be the best. The reason for this is that cons know Hillary is going to win against anyone they put out there, and Dems know that anyone like Cruz, Paul, Rubio, or Palin have no chance of winning.

I dunno. The gop is more loony tunes than at any time in my lifetime. You'd have to go back to McCarthy, imo. We range from isolationists who verge on utopians to angry old warriors. I'm having a hard time seeing how we get our shite together for 2016.

Hill represents ... sanity. DLC pragmatism. She's probably more progressive than Bill governed as, she is basically from .... the middle. But do the dems want "the middle?" Is that going to energize the base?

As you say, they are loony, and that is their problem. Their base of die hards is rock solid, but it scares the bejesus out of everyone else. They are gradually losing all of those moderates and independents who want sanity. They ran Romney in 2012, and he tried to move as far to the right as he could to appease them. And then he lost. Of course those rabid righties claim the reason they lost was because Romney was not "conservative enough", lmao, so now they are going to double down on that. What they are missing is the fact that people like me left the party because of their becoming such loons. I supported Romney in 2008 in the primaries against McCain. I voted for Obama in 2012 because Romney tried to move too far to the right. If he had run on a platform that supported the ACA with some changes and just run on his pro business platform without bashing poor and low income earners, I probably would have voted for him. Remember when he told us that Jeep was going to shut down its plant in Toledo because it was going to open a new plant in China? Yea, those type of lies and idiocy is what cost him the election. He thought Ohio voters were idiots.

The Republican Party can double down on that kind of stupidity and it will get them buried in 2016.

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