White guilt: THE ONLY reason Obama was elected

The difference between the parties when it comes to 2016. Republicans and conservatives do not want Hillary to run. Dems and libs want Cruz, Paul, or Rubio to be the Republican nominee. Actually Palin would be the best. The reason for this is that cons know Hillary is going to win against anyone they put out there, and Dems know that anyone like Cruz, Paul, Rubio, or Palin have no chance of winning.

I dunno. The gop is more loony tunes than at any time in my lifetime. You'd have to go back to McCarthy, imo. We range from isolationists who verge on utopians to angry old warriors. I'm having a hard time seeing how we get our shite together for 2016.

Hill represents ... sanity. DLC pragmatism. She's probably more progressive than Bill governed as, she is basically from .... the middle. But do the dems want "the middle?" Is that going to energize the base?

As you say, they are loony, and that is their problem. Their base of die hards is rock solid, but it scares the bejesus out of everyone else. They are gradually losing all of those moderates and independents who want sanity. They ran Romney in 2012, and he tried to move as far to the right as he could to appease them. And then he lost. Of course those rabid righties claim the reason they lost was because Romney was not "conservative enough", lmao, so now they are going to double down on that. What they are missing is the fact that people like me left the party because of their becoming such loons. I supported Romney in 2008 in the primaries against McCain. I voted for Obama in 2012 because Romney tried to move too far to the right. If he had run on a platform that supported the ACA with some changes and just run on his pro business platform without bashing poor and low income earners, I probably would have voted for him. Remember when he told us that Jeep was going to shut down its plant in Toledo because it was going to open a new plant in China? Yea, those type of lies and idiocy is what cost him the election. He thought Ohio voters were idiots.

The Republican Party can double down on that kind of stupidity and it will get them buried in 2016.

No argument from me on the gop. I had hoped Paul Ryan would modify his budget views upon moving away from an ideological stance on things like Pell Grants and Social Security to something that might actual win popular support, but it didn't happen. I'm pretty pessimistic that we can get a mainstream candidate.

But, my point on Hillary is that I think the dems actually want someone more in tune with Elizabeth Warren. I'm not sure if Hillary can sufficiently speak to the people who have played by the rules, and who have worked hard, and who still are not thriving economically.

While I personally would be hard pressed to vote for someone as economically liberal as Warren, I'm happy to admit the gop is not addressing the needs of those who are losing despite trying.
OK, fair enough

Other than having a D by her name, Hillary is the most qualified candidate currently considering a run. More qualified than Cruz, Rubio and Paul combined

She has vast experience in government, experience in both the executive and legislative branch. She is also more experienced in global afairs than any Republican out there...even if she can't see Russia from her house

The difference between the parties when it comes to 2016. Republicans and conservatives do not want Hillary to run. Dems and libs want Cruz, Paul, or Rubio to be the Republican nominee. Actually Palin would be the best. The reason for this is that cons know Hillary is going to win against anyone they put out there, and Dems know that anyone like Cruz, Paul, Rubio, or Palin have no chance of winning.

It all comes down to swing states. The rhetoric of Cruz, Paul and Rubio can't win swing states

Bush, Christie or Ryan could win some swing states and could give Hillary a run for her money. The rest just solidify Red states that are already in the GOP column

I could be wrong, but I believe 2016 will bring an end to the far right conservative dominance of the Republican Party. I really do believe that Hillary is going to run, and she's going to end up taking about 58% of the popular vote. It won't be as big of a landslide win as Reagan in 84 on the electoral map, but by popular vote, it will be demoralizing for the Republican Party.

Look at it this way. In 2012 Dems had a black man running who many people are not crazy about to begin with. Republicans lost 52-48. Now Republicans are looking to find a candidate who is much more conservative and will turn off independents even more while the Dems will have a popular White woman running, potentially with an Hispanic running mate. I may be wrong, but I see this as turning into a blood bath for the Republican Party as they will not only lose on the national level, but it will carry over to many of the states where state legislatures will turn Democrat also. And the reason this is likely to happen is that Republicans will do okay in the midterms this year, further emboldening their far right stance.
I dunno. The gop is more loony tunes than at any time in my lifetime. You'd have to go back to McCarthy, imo. We range from isolationists who verge on utopians to angry old warriors. I'm having a hard time seeing how we get our shite together for 2016.

Hill represents ... sanity. DLC pragmatism. She's probably more progressive than Bill governed as, she is basically from .... the middle. But do the dems want "the middle?" Is that going to energize the base?

As you say, they are loony, and that is their problem. Their base of die hards is rock solid, but it scares the bejesus out of everyone else. They are gradually losing all of those moderates and independents who want sanity. They ran Romney in 2012, and he tried to move as far to the right as he could to appease them. And then he lost. Of course those rabid righties claim the reason they lost was because Romney was not "conservative enough", lmao, so now they are going to double down on that. What they are missing is the fact that people like me left the party because of their becoming such loons. I supported Romney in 2008 in the primaries against McCain. I voted for Obama in 2012 because Romney tried to move too far to the right. If he had run on a platform that supported the ACA with some changes and just run on his pro business platform without bashing poor and low income earners, I probably would have voted for him. Remember when he told us that Jeep was going to shut down its plant in Toledo because it was going to open a new plant in China? Yea, those type of lies and idiocy is what cost him the election. He thought Ohio voters were idiots.

The Republican Party can double down on that kind of stupidity and it will get them buried in 2016.

No argument from me on the gop. I had hoped Paul Ryan would modify his budget views upon moving away from an ideological stance on things like Pell Grants and Social Security to something that might actual win popular support, but it didn't happen. I'm pretty pessimistic that we can get a mainstream candidate.

But, my point on Hillary is that I think the dems actually want someone more in tune with Elizabeth Warren. I'm not sure if Hillary can sufficiently speak to the people who have played by the rules, and who have worked hard, and who still are not thriving economically.

While I personally would be hard pressed to vote for someone as economically liberal as Warren, I'm happy to admit the gop is not addressing the needs of those who are losing despite trying.

I personally like Warren, but I would not be thrilled with her as a candidate. Just as I think most of those on the right are just too out of touch, I think Warren is a bit too far to the left for me. I would probably vote for a Jeb Bush over Warren, but not a Ted Cruz. The only way I see Hillary losing is if she does something really stupid like making Warren her VP pick. That could really backfire. I don't believe any of her operatives would allow that to happen though. After 2008, I think she is going to have a well planned campaign with all the ground work that Obama had.
As you say, they are loony, and that is their problem. Their base of die hards is rock solid, but it scares the bejesus out of everyone else. They are gradually losing all of those moderates and independents who want sanity. They ran Romney in 2012, and he tried to move as far to the right as he could to appease them. And then he lost. Of course those rabid righties claim the reason they lost was because Romney was not "conservative enough", lmao, so now they are going to double down on that. What they are missing is the fact that people like me left the party because of their becoming such loons. I supported Romney in 2008 in the primaries against McCain. I voted for Obama in 2012 because Romney tried to move too far to the right. If he had run on a platform that supported the ACA with some changes and just run on his pro business platform without bashing poor and low income earners, I probably would have voted for him. Remember when he told us that Jeep was going to shut down its plant in Toledo because it was going to open a new plant in China? Yea, those type of lies and idiocy is what cost him the election. He thought Ohio voters were idiots.

The Republican Party can double down on that kind of stupidity and it will get them buried in 2016.

No argument from me on the gop. I had hoped Paul Ryan would modify his budget views upon moving away from an ideological stance on things like Pell Grants and Social Security to something that might actual win popular support, but it didn't happen. I'm pretty pessimistic that we can get a mainstream candidate.

But, my point on Hillary is that I think the dems actually want someone more in tune with Elizabeth Warren. I'm not sure if Hillary can sufficiently speak to the people who have played by the rules, and who have worked hard, and who still are not thriving economically.

While I personally would be hard pressed to vote for someone as economically liberal as Warren, I'm happy to admit the gop is not addressing the needs of those who are losing despite trying.

I personally like Warren, but I would not be thrilled with her as a candidate. Just as I think most of those on the right are just too out of touch, I think Warren is a bit too far to the left for me. I would probably vote for a Jeb Bush over Warren, but not a Ted Cruz. The only way I see Hillary losing is if she does something really stupid like making Warren her VP pick. That could really backfire. I don't believe any of her operatives would allow that to happen though. After 2008, I think she is going to have a well planned campaign with all the ground work that Obama had.

Elizabeth Warren as VP would be an unspeakable waste of talent.

I still don't think Hillary's running.
maybe, or she could have lost 48 states, who the fuck knows or cares "what difference, at this point, does it make" :lol:

What happened in 2008 does not make a difference

What will make a difference is 2016 when Hillary wins by as large a margin

Tell me RW, besides having a D behind her name, why do you want this old, tired, arrogant, shrill woman who has never accomplished anything, to be president?

Is it only because she has a vagina and not a penis?

exactly what to you think she is going to do for you, the country, me, everyone else?

I like it. So, when she wins her second term you guys can whine that the only reason she won was "Penis Guilt".

What happened in 2008 does not make a difference

What will make a difference is 2016 when Hillary wins by as large a margin

Tell me RW, besides having a D behind her name, why do you want this old, tired, arrogant, shrill woman who has never accomplished anything, to be president?

Is it only because she has a vagina and not a penis?

exactly what to you think she is going to do for you, the country, me, everyone else?

I like it. So, when she wins her second term you guys can whine that the only reason she won was "Penis Guilt".


In iowa, the gop senate candidate actually is picking up steam after saying she grew up raising hogs and she wants to got to congress to castrate Washington.

I'm not for electing women with castration fascination.
What happened in 2008 does not make a difference

What will make a difference is 2016 when Hillary wins by as large a margin

Tell me RW, besides having a D behind her name, why do you want this old, tired, arrogant, shrill woman who has never accomplished anything, to be president?

Is it only because she has a vagina and not a penis?

exactly what to you think she is going to do for you, the country, me, everyone else?

I like it. So, when she wins her second term you guys can whine that the only reason she won was "Penis Guilt".


I think he's saying having two penises on the ticket is the only reason O'bama won the Presidency. Even though the OP thinks it was because voters looked at the choice of Bush II and Barbie on the other ticket, when the economy had just collapsed, and from that concluded "let's vote for the black guy".
Tell me RW, besides having a D behind her name, why do you want this old, tired, arrogant, shrill woman who has never accomplished anything, to be president?

Is it only because she has a vagina and not a penis?

exactly what to you think she is going to do for you, the country, me, everyone else?

I like it. So, when she wins her second term you guys can whine that the only reason she won was "Penis Guilt".


In iowa, the gop senate candidate actually is picking up steam after saying she grew up raising hogs and she wants to got to congress to castrate Washington.

I'm not for electing women with castration fascination.

Actually considering the target -- more power to her. :thup:
What happened in 2008 does not make a difference

What will make a difference is 2016 when Hillary wins by as large a margin

Tell me RW, besides having a D behind her name, why do you want this old, tired, arrogant, shrill woman who has never accomplished anything, to be president?

Is it only because she has a vagina and not a penis?

exactly what to you think she is going to do for you, the country, me, everyone else?

OK, fair enough

Other than having a D by her name, Hillary is the most qualified candidate currently considering a run. More qualified than Cruz, Rubio and Paul combined

She has vast experience in government, experience in both the executive and legislative branch. She is also more experienced in global afairs than any Republican out there...even if she can't see Russia from her house

Qualified? what exactly did she accomplish as sec/state ? what exactly did she accomplish as senator from NY? what exactly did she accomplish as flotus? She got fired from her law firm job, she was proven corrupt in the whitewater deal.

Global affairs ? Does traveling all over the world qualify someone to deal with people like Putin? What great deals did she make with foreign leaders?

Face it, she has done nothing significant in her life except help cover up her husbands rapes and sexual adventures.

As to the qualifications of any of the GOP possibles-----every one of them has more experience than obama had in 2008-and the country elected him. :eusa_whistle:
What happened in 2008 does not make a difference

What will make a difference is 2016 when Hillary wins by as large a margin

Tell me RW, besides having a D behind her name, why do you want this old, tired, arrogant, shrill woman who has never accomplished anything, to be president?

Is it only because she has a vagina and not a penis?

exactly what to you think she is going to do for you, the country, me, everyone else?

I like it. So, when she wins her second term you guys can whine that the only reason she won was "Penis Guilt".


so, I guess that means you can't come up with a list of her accomplishments either ?
Tell me RW, besides having a D behind her name, why do you want this old, tired, arrogant, shrill woman who has never accomplished anything, to be president?

Is it only because she has a vagina and not a penis?

exactly what to you think she is going to do for you, the country, me, everyone else?

OK, fair enough

Other than having a D by her name, Hillary is the most qualified candidate currently considering a run. More qualified than Cruz, Rubio and Paul combined

She has vast experience in government, experience in both the executive and legislative branch. She is also more experienced in global afairs than any Republican out there...even if she can't see Russia from her house

Qualified? what exactly did she accomplish as sec/state ? what exactly did she accomplish as senator from NY? what exactly did she accomplish as flotus? She got fired from her law firm job, she was proven corrupt in the whitewater deal.

Global affairs ? Does traveling all over the world qualify someone to deal with people like Putin? What great deals did she make with foreign leaders?

Face it, she has done nothing significant in her life except help cover up her husbands rapes and sexual adventures.

As to the qualifications of any of the GOP possibles-----every one of them has more experience than obama had in 2008-and the country elected him. :eusa_whistle:

Hillary has accomplished more than the entire Republican Party has over the last six years
As you say, they are loony, and that is their problem. Their base of die hards is rock solid, but it scares the bejesus out of everyone else. They are gradually losing all of those moderates and independents who want sanity. They ran Romney in 2012, and he tried to move as far to the right as he could to appease them. And then he lost. Of course those rabid righties claim the reason they lost was because Romney was not "conservative enough", lmao, so now they are going to double down on that. What they are missing is the fact that people like me left the party because of their becoming such loons. I supported Romney in 2008 in the primaries against McCain. I voted for Obama in 2012 because Romney tried to move too far to the right. If he had run on a platform that supported the ACA with some changes and just run on his pro business platform without bashing poor and low income earners, I probably would have voted for him. Remember when he told us that Jeep was going to shut down its plant in Toledo because it was going to open a new plant in China? Yea, those type of lies and idiocy is what cost him the election. He thought Ohio voters were idiots.

The Republican Party can double down on that kind of stupidity and it will get them buried in 2016.

No argument from me on the gop. I had hoped Paul Ryan would modify his budget views upon moving away from an ideological stance on things like Pell Grants and Social Security to something that might actual win popular support, but it didn't happen. I'm pretty pessimistic that we can get a mainstream candidate.

But, my point on Hillary is that I think the dems actually want someone more in tune with Elizabeth Warren. I'm not sure if Hillary can sufficiently speak to the people who have played by the rules, and who have worked hard, and who still are not thriving economically.

While I personally would be hard pressed to vote for someone as economically liberal as Warren, I'm happy to admit the gop is not addressing the needs of those who are losing despite trying.

I personally like Warren, but I would not be thrilled with her as a candidate. Just as I think most of those on the right are just too out of touch, I think Warren is a bit too far to the left for me. I would probably vote for a Jeb Bush over Warren, but not a Ted Cruz. The only way I see Hillary losing is if she does something really stupid like making Warren her VP pick. That could really backfire. I don't believe any of her operatives would allow that to happen though. After 2008, I think she is going to have a well planned campaign with all the ground work that Obama had.

Just a reminder of WHO votes in this country...

black 12.1% 15,851,000 91% for Obama 87% today
Hispanics 7.4% 9,694,000 more democrats 67%
Asian 2.5% 3,275,000 not sure
White 76.3% 99,953,000 44% voted for Obama or 43,979,320 really ignorant of Obama's total inexperience white people.
Dissecting the 2008 Electorate: Most Diverse in U.S. History | Pew Research Center's Hispanic Trends Project

In 2012..
AND REMEMBER Obama won re-election in 2012 by 3,013,769
Obama 61,208,082 50.5% Popular Votes
Romney 58,194,313 48.0% Popular Vote 119,402,395 2.5%

2012 Election Results Map by State - Live Voting Updates - POLITICO.com
ethnic of total Obama Romney
White-American 39% 59%
African-American 93% 7%
Latin-American 71% 27%
Asian-American 71% 27%

Ethnic % of total votes Total votes Obama votes Romney
White-American 72% 44,069,819 17,187,229 26,001,193
African-American 13% 7,957,051 7,400,057 556,994
Latin-American 10% 6,120,808 4,345,774 1,652,618
Asian-American 3% 1,836,242 1,303,732 495,785
Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from CNN.com
OK, fair enough

Other than having a D by her name, Hillary is the most qualified candidate currently considering a run. More qualified than Cruz, Rubio and Paul combined

She has vast experience in government, experience in both the executive and legislative branch. She is also more experienced in global afairs than any Republican out there...even if she can't see Russia from her house

The difference between the parties when it comes to 2016. Republicans and conservatives do not want Hillary to run. Dems and libs want Cruz, Paul, or Rubio to be the Republican nominee. Actually Palin would be the best. The reason for this is that cons know Hillary is going to win against anyone they put out there, and Dems know that anyone like Cruz, Paul, Rubio, or Palin have no chance of winning.

It all comes down to swing states. The rhetoric of Cruz, Paul and Rubio can't win swing states

Bush, Christie or Ryan could win some swing states and could give Hillary a run for her money. The rest just solidify Red states that are already in the GOP column

I know that is the scenario that you WANT to play out, but the country is changing, the young, middle aged, and seniors are tired of being lied to, having no job growth, and watching the country go broke due to stupid govt spending.

When a guy like Rand Paul gets a standing ovation at Cal Berkley (the most liberal college in the world) things have changed.

Liberalism has failed the people, the people know it, and they will vote liberals out in 2014 and 2016.
OK, fair enough

Other than having a D by her name, Hillary is the most qualified candidate currently considering a run. More qualified than Cruz, Rubio and Paul combined

She has vast experience in government, experience in both the executive and legislative branch. She is also more experienced in global afairs than any Republican out there...even if she can't see Russia from her house

Qualified? what exactly did she accomplish as sec/state ? what exactly did she accomplish as senator from NY? what exactly did she accomplish as flotus? She got fired from her law firm job, she was proven corrupt in the whitewater deal.

Global affairs ? Does traveling all over the world qualify someone to deal with people like Putin? What great deals did she make with foreign leaders?

Face it, she has done nothing significant in her life except help cover up her husbands rapes and sexual adventures.

As to the qualifications of any of the GOP possibles-----every one of them has more experience than obama had in 2008-and the country elected him. :eusa_whistle:

Hillary has accomplished more than the entire Republican Party has over the last six years

really, then you should be able to post a list of her accomplishments-----------we'll be waiting.
"Last week, Michele Bachmann told a reporter that white guilt had helped elect Barack Obama, guilt that won’t be a factor if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic presidential candidate in 2016. For this reason, Bachmann says she has high hopes for Republican success in 2016."
Michele Bachmann?s political analysis is moronic ? and the Republican Party knows it - Salon.com

more lunacy from the paid shill....

most of us would still vote against the gay baiting, immigrant hating, corporatist loving misogynist right.
"Last week, Michele Bachmann told a reporter that white guilt had helped elect Barack Obama, guilt that won’t be a factor if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic presidential candidate in 2016. For this reason, Bachmann says she has high hopes for Republican success in 2016."
Michele Bachmann?s political analysis is moronic ? and the Republican Party knows it - Salon.com

more lunacy from the paid shill....

most of us would still vote against the gay baiting, immigrant hating, corporatist loving misogynist right.

nice recitation of the latest dem/lib talking point lies.

people on the conservative right do not hate gays, immigrants, are not against women being in high offices, and do not support corporate influence in government.

the gay baiters, race baiters, haters, and corporate whores are the democrats-------do you have any idea why Harry Reid is to involved in the free range cattle issue? If you don't, look into it, he and his son will make millions if that land is converted to a solar panel farm.

Look at how the left treats women -------Palin, Bachman, Ingram,

look how the left treats blacks that dare to not follow their dem masters----Cain, Cosby, Carson.

YOU and your dem cronies are exactly what you occuse conservatives of being.

YOU and your kind are the biggest hypocrites in the country.
The difference between the parties when it comes to 2016. Republicans and conservatives do not want Hillary to run. Dems and libs want Cruz, Paul, or Rubio to be the Republican nominee. Actually Palin would be the best. The reason for this is that cons know Hillary is going to win against anyone they put out there, and Dems know that anyone like Cruz, Paul, Rubio, or Palin have no chance of winning.

It all comes down to swing states. The rhetoric of Cruz, Paul and Rubio can't win swing states

Bush, Christie or Ryan could win some swing states and could give Hillary a run for her money. The rest just solidify Red states that are already in the GOP column

I know that is the scenario that you WANT to play out, but the country is changing, the young, middle aged, and seniors are tired of being lied to, having no job growth, and watching the country go broke due to stupid govt spending.

When a guy like Rand Paul gets a standing ovation at Cal Berkley (the most liberal college in the world) things have changed.

Liberalism has failed the people, the people know it, and they will vote liberals out in 2014 and 2016.

Young, middle aged and seniors? That is quite a demographic. Who does it leave out?

Unfortunately, the only dependable demographic for Republicans is white, male and Christian. Used to be you could win elections that way.....no more
"people on the conservative right do not hate gays, immigrants, are not against women being in high offices, and do not support corporate influence in government"

Some do, though, and that is the problem in coming elections
Unfortunately, the only dependable demographic for Republicans is white, male and Christian. Used to be you could win elections that way.....no more

in 1960, about 54% of the vote came from white males.

Today 34% while male, 30% minority, 50+% from women
Qualified? what exactly did she accomplish as sec/state ? what exactly did she accomplish as senator from NY? what exactly did she accomplish as flotus? She got fired from her law firm job, she was proven corrupt in the whitewater deal.

Global affairs ? Does traveling all over the world qualify someone to deal with people like Putin? What great deals did she make with foreign leaders?

Face it, she has done nothing significant in her life except help cover up her husbands rapes and sexual adventures.

As to the qualifications of any of the GOP possibles-----every one of them has more experience than obama had in 2008-and the country elected him. :eusa_whistle:

Hillary has accomplished more than the entire Republican Party has over the last six years

really, then you should be able to post a list of her accomplishments-----------we'll be waiting.

What Hillary has accomplished
Hillary Clinton Can Stand On Her Own Accomplishments - US News

What Republicans have accomplished in the same timeframe
1. Saved tax cuts for the rich
2 Trashed the economy
3 Shut down the government

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