White guilt: THE ONLY reason Obama was elected

It all comes down to swing states. The rhetoric of Cruz, Paul and Rubio can't win swing states

Bush, Christie or Ryan could win some swing states and could give Hillary a run for her money. The rest just solidify Red states that are already in the GOP column

I know that is the scenario that you WANT to play out, but the country is changing, the young, middle aged, and seniors are tired of being lied to, having no job growth, and watching the country go broke due to stupid govt spending.

When a guy like Rand Paul gets a standing ovation at Cal Berkley (the most liberal college in the world) things have changed.

Liberalism has failed the people, the people know it, and they will vote liberals out in 2014 and 2016.

Young, middle aged and seniors? That is quite a demographic. Who does it leave out?

Unfortunately, the only dependable demographic for Republicans is white, male and Christian. Used to be you could win elections that way.....no more

Look fool, we all know that the demographics of the country have changed. No one is so naive that they don't see that.

My point is that every demographic segment is expressing frustration and anger at the liberal policies and wasteful spending of BOTH parties.

Conservatives will win in 14 and 16, whether they are republicans or democrats.

you libs always want to pigeon hole voters and make the mistake in thinking that every demographic votes in a block.

the 2015 congress will look nothing like the current one and obama will truly be a lame duck his last two years.
"Last week, Michele Bachmann told a reporter that white guilt had helped elect Barack Obama, guilt that won’t be a factor if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic presidential candidate in 2016. For this reason, Bachmann says she has high hopes for Republican success in 2016."
Michele Bachmann?s political analysis is moronic ? and the Republican Party knows it - Salon.com

more lunacy from the paid shill....

most of us would still vote against the gay baiting, immigrant hating, corporatist loving misogynist right.

nice recitation of the latest dem/lib talking point lies.

people on the conservative right do not hate gays, immigrants, are not against women being in high offices, and do not support corporate influence in government.

the gay baiters, race baiters, haters, and corporate whores are the democrats-------do you have any idea why Harry Reid is to involved in the free range cattle issue? If you don't, look into it, he and his son will make millions if that land is converted to a solar panel farm.

Look at how the left treats women -------Palin, Bachman, Ingram,

look how the left treats blacks that dare to not follow their dem masters----Cain, Cosby, Carson.

YOU and your dem cronies are exactly what you occuse conservatives of being.

YOU and your kind are the biggest hypocrites in the country.

poor loon.

does it hurt to be as stupid as you are?

and you aren't "conservatives". you are the 20% roost rabid wing of the right.... reactionary, subliterate, lying toons trying to drag this country back to 1950
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Hillary has accomplished more than the entire Republican Party has over the last six years

really, then you should be able to post a list of her accomplishments-----------we'll be waiting.

What Hillary has accomplished
Hillary Clinton Can Stand On Her Own Accomplishments - US News

What Republicans have accomplished in the same timeframe
1. Saved tax cuts for the rich
2 Trashed the economy
3 Shut down the government

:lol: a fluff piece from a left wing rag :lol: nice try, but FAIL

the real funny one is that her healthcare plan was the precurser of obamacare----precursor to a failure------great, what an accomplishment :cuckoo:

1. obama continued the Bush tax cuts because even he realized it was the right thing to do
2. Bullshit, every measure of the economy has gotten worse under obama and the dem controlled senate
3. more bullshit, obama shut down 17% of the govt, NO ONE shut down the government, the GOP members of the house do not have the power to shut down anything---what was done was done by obama.
I know that is the scenario that you WANT to play out, but the country is changing, the young, middle aged, and seniors are tired of being lied to, having no job growth, and watching the country go broke due to stupid govt spending.

When a guy like Rand Paul gets a standing ovation at Cal Berkley (the most liberal college in the world) things have changed.

Liberalism has failed the people, the people know it, and they will vote liberals out in 2014 and 2016.

Young, middle aged and seniors? That is quite a demographic. Who does it leave out?

Unfortunately, the only dependable demographic for Republicans is white, male and Christian. Used to be you could win elections that way.....no more

Look fool, we all know that the demographics of the country have changed. No one is so naive that they don't see that.

My point is that every demographic segment is expressing frustration and anger at the liberal policies and wasteful spending of BOTH parties.

Conservatives will win in 14 and 16, whether they are republicans or democrats.

you libs always want to pigeon hole voters and make the mistake in thinking that every demographic votes in a block.

the 2015 congress will look nothing like the current one and obama will truly be a lame duck his last two years.

Unfortunately, it is not quite working out like that

Republicans are finding ways to offend every demographic who is not white, male and Christian. Not a good way to win elections
Bigger problem for Republicans is answering the question....what have you done to make my life better?
Blank stares do not help
more lunacy from the paid shill....

most of us would still vote against the gay baiting, immigrant hating, corporatist loving misogynist right.

nice recitation of the latest dem/lib talking point lies.

people on the conservative right do not hate gays, immigrants, are not against women being in high offices, and do not support corporate influence in government.

the gay baiters, race baiters, haters, and corporate whores are the democrats-------do you have any idea why Harry Reid is to involved in the free range cattle issue? If you don't, look into it, he and his son will make millions if that land is converted to a solar panel farm.

Look at how the left treats women -------Palin, Bachman, Ingram,

look how the left treats blacks that dare to not follow their dem masters----Cain, Cosby, Carson.

YOU and your dem cronies are exactly what you occuse conservatives of being.

YOU and your kind are the biggest hypocrites in the country.

poor loon.

does it hurt to be as stupid as you are?

and you aren't "conservatives". you are the 20% roost rabid wing of the right.... reactionary, subliterate, lying toons.

you are the loon, ya silly bitch.

are you claiming that the left did not attack Palin, Bachman, Ingram, Cain, Cosby, Carson?

are you claiming that the left did not go through Palins trash cans looking for used tampax and condoms?

you lefties make me vomit with you continual lies. Have you ever been truthful about anything in your worthless life?
Young, middle aged and seniors? That is quite a demographic. Who does it leave out?

Unfortunately, the only dependable demographic for Republicans is white, male and Christian. Used to be you could win elections that way.....no more

Look fool, we all know that the demographics of the country have changed. No one is so naive that they don't see that.

My point is that every demographic segment is expressing frustration and anger at the liberal policies and wasteful spending of BOTH parties.

Conservatives will win in 14 and 16, whether they are republicans or democrats.

you libs always want to pigeon hole voters and make the mistake in thinking that every demographic votes in a block.

the 2015 congress will look nothing like the current one and obama will truly be a lame duck his last two years.

Unfortunately, it is not quite working out like that

Republicans are finding ways to offend every demographic who is not white, male and Christian. Not a good way to win elections
Bigger problem for Republicans is answering the question....what have you done to make my life better?
Blank stares do not help

you are grasping at straws, RW. What have the dems done to make anyone's life better?

destroyed the best medical system in the history of the world?
put more people in poverty than ever before?
added more to that national debt than all previous presidents combined?
had the longest period of high unemployment in the history of the nation?
made the US the laughing stock of the world in international affairs?
made Putin look like a world leader?

People in all demographics see the failures of liberal democrats (and liberal republicans).

the people are fed up with incompetent, corrupt government
It all comes down to swing states. The rhetoric of Cruz, Paul and Rubio can't win swing states

Bush, Christie or Ryan could win some swing states and could give Hillary a run for her money. The rest just solidify Red states that are already in the GOP column

I know that is the scenario that you WANT to play out, but the country is changing, the young, middle aged, and seniors are tired of being lied to, having no job growth, and watching the country go broke due to stupid govt spending.

When a guy like Rand Paul gets a standing ovation at Cal Berkley (the most liberal college in the world) things have changed.

Liberalism has failed the people, the people know it, and they will vote liberals out in 2014 and 2016.

Young, middle aged and seniors? That is quite a demographic. Who does it leave out?

Unfortunately, the only dependable demographic for Republicans is white, male and Christian. Used to be you could win elections that way.....no more
The REPs got 47% of the vote last election. That's not half but it's close. 93% of Blacks who voted voted for Bobo. That's almost as high a percentage as Ed Schultz gets on his daily "Who do you think are the most horrible people in the country? Progressives or those women hating Republicans?". LOL
If the Blacks would ever have the collective IQ to understand that the LIBs must keep the Blacks on the dependancy plantation in order to stay in power. But they don't and they will never. They are a generation away from being permanently marginalized as a race world wide.
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after my last post i decided to do an extensive amount of research about why Odirtbagbama got elected.., and here is my conclusion:

are you ready for this ?

hold on to your seat,

we are about to blast off,

here it is in all it's glory..,

Look fool, we all know that the demographics of the country have changed. No one is so naive that they don't see that.

My point is that every demographic segment is expressing frustration and anger at the liberal policies and wasteful spending of BOTH parties.

Conservatives will win in 14 and 16, whether they are republicans or democrats.

you libs always want to pigeon hole voters and make the mistake in thinking that every demographic votes in a block.

the 2015 congress will look nothing like the current one and obama will truly be a lame duck his last two years.

Unfortunately, it is not quite working out like that

Republicans are finding ways to offend every demographic who is not white, male and Christian. Not a good way to win elections
Bigger problem for Republicans is answering the question....what have you done to make my life better?
Blank stares do not help

you are grasping at straws, RW. What have the dems done to make anyone's life better?

destroyed the best medical system in the history of the world?
put more people in poverty than ever before?
added more to that national debt than all previous presidents combined?
had the longest period of high unemployment in the history of the nation?
made the US the laughing stock of the world in international affairs?
made Putin look like a world leader?

People in all demographics see the failures of liberal democrats (and liberal republicans).

the people are fed up with incompetent, corrupt government

You need to get out more

Living in the Conservative echo chamber where everyone hates Obama and conservatives can do no wrong encourages posts like this

Demographics are not your friend. Unless you open up that tent and stop offending people, you will find the GOP as a niche party
destroyed the best medical system in the history of the world?

No. We don't even have the longest lifespans in the world and our infant mortality rate is laughable when compared to other developed nations.

put more people in poverty than ever before?

What specific policies has Obama enacted that has put people into poverty?

added more to that national debt than all previous presidents combined?

False. Maybe by the end of Obama's second term this will be the case but it is not true today and we have a falling deficit.

had the longest period of high unemployment in the history of the nation?

False. Was longer and worse during the Great Depression. It shouldn't be shocking that the second biggest economic collapse ushered in our second worst run of unemployment.

made the US the laughing stock of the world in international affairs?
made Putin look like a world leader?

LOL, no. Unless you live in conservative fantasy land.
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the son-of-a-bitch promised that pie in the sky and too many dupes fell for it, plus 98.7% of blacks voted for him believing he would lift the chains of slavery, then we had the white guilt folks who wanted to avoid the "RACIST" title that is thrown around so much so, that it has no negative impact on Conservative people who have strong Constitutional convictions. :up:

so there ya are..., how we got this worthless racist pile of muslime dog shit, fools, idiots, racists and America hating commies. :up:

How can someone post such a comment and upon reflection not wonder if he or she needs therapy? Even haters must have some doubts about their emotional state, unless of course the hate and fear they hold is based on severe psychological disease.

Was the emoticon(s) added to mitigate his/hear fear that others might wonder about his/her mental condition?
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"Last week, Michele Bachmann told a reporter that white guilt had helped elect Barack Obama, guilt that won’t be a factor if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic presidential candidate in 2016. For this reason, Bachmann says she has high hopes for Republican success in 2016."
Michele Bachmann?s political analysis is moronic ? and the Republican Party knows it - Salon.com

more lunacy from the paid shill....

most of us would still vote against the gay baiting, immigrant hating, corporatist loving misogynist right.

I agree with you ... MOST OF YOU would still vote.." But there are fewer and fewer of YOU.

A) What is the largest % of a bloc of voters that voted the way you voted? Approximately 93% of the 7.9 million votes cast by blacks.
B) What ethnic group has been killing off a larger % of their voters?
In 2010, the black population in the U.S. stood just shy of at 39 million.
The CDC reports that during the 1970's, roughly 24% of all U.S. abortions were performed on black women.
The Case Against Abortion: Abortion and Race
For a group of people that voted 93+% Democrat, the Democrats that support abortion on demand sure have a funny way of increasing black voters!

Now for the diminishing numbers of "MOST of YOU"... in 2008 44% of "MoST of YOU" voted for Obama...
so tell me why in 2012 after killing Osama, giving ALL of US universal healthcare, paying ALL our mortgages, and so on ... why did the number of
"MOST of YOU" decline when voting for Obama ? Down from 44% in 2008 to 39% in 2012?
I mean if "MOST of YOU" were having such a great life under the Messiah, why didn't the number INCREASE to say 50% or 100% as it did under
Saddam when 100% of the people in free elections voted for him?
Where were the "MOST of you"???

In other words because "MOST OF YOU" complicated reading is very ADD common, if life under Obama was so good from 2005 to 2008 why weren't
there MORE of you "MOST of YOUs" instead of LESS of you "MOST of YOUs"??? 44% idiots voted for Obama down in 2012 to just 39% idiots.
Unfortunately, it is not quite working out like that

Republicans are finding ways to offend every demographic who is not white, male and Christian. Not a good way to win elections
Bigger problem for Republicans is answering the question....what have you done to make my life better?
Blank stares do not help

you are grasping at straws, RW. What have the dems done to make anyone's life better?

destroyed the best medical system in the history of the world?
put more people in poverty than ever before?
added more to that national debt than all previous presidents combined?
had the longest period of high unemployment in the history of the nation?
made the US the laughing stock of the world in international affairs?
made Putin look like a world leader?

People in all demographics see the failures of liberal democrats (and liberal republicans).

the people are fed up with incompetent, corrupt government

You need to get out more

Living in the Conservative echo chamber where everyone hates Obama and conservatives can do no wrong encourages posts like this

Demographics are not your friend. Unless you open up that tent and stop offending people, you will find the GOP as a niche party

you are dreaming RW, you guys had your chance with obama and both houses of congress 2009 and 2010, you did nothing but ram a terrible healthcare bill up the asses of americans on a strictly partisan vote with no open debate or discussion.

the damage of that law is being realized every day as more people lose coverage, doctors leave medicine, hospitals close and those who bought the new policies realize that they are paying more for less coverage.

The party that is offending americans today is the dem party, the dem policies are offensive to all americans except fools like you who are unable to comprehend that you are having a rose bush shoved up your ass---you smell the roses but the thorns are about to punch holes in your colon.
destroyed the best medical system in the history of the world?

No. We don't even have the longest lifespans in the world and our infant mortality rate is laughable when compared to other developed nations.

put more people in poverty than ever before?

What specific policies has Obama enacted that has put people into poverty?

False. Maybe by the end of Obama's second term this will be the case but it is not true today and we have a falling deficit.

had the longest period of high unemployment in the history of the nation?

False. Was longer and worse during the Great Depression. It shouldn't be shocking that the second biggest economic collapse ushered in our second worst run of unemployment.

made the US the laughing stock of the world in international affairs?
made Putin look like a world leader?

LOL, no. Unless you live in conservative fantasy land.

everything I said is true, your attempts at counter points are a total failure.

but just on the first one, I said the best medical system----life spans and infant mortality are not directly related to the quality of the medical SYSTEM. Also, if you take abortions out of the calculations we are right up there with the best.
destroyed the best medical system in the history of the world?

No. We don't even have the longest lifespans in the world and our infant mortality rate is laughable when compared to other developed nations.

What specific policies has Obama enacted that has put people into poverty?

False. Maybe by the end of Obama's second term this will be the case but it is not true today and we have a falling deficit.

False. Was longer and worse during the Great Depression. It shouldn't be shocking that the second biggest economic collapse ushered in our second worst run of unemployment.

made the US the laughing stock of the world in international affairs?
made Putin look like a world leader?

LOL, no. Unless you live in conservative fantasy land.

everything I said is true, your attempts at counter points are a total failure.

but just on the first one, I said the best medical system----life spans and infant mortality are not directly related to the quality of the medical SYSTEM. Also, if you take abortions out of the calculations we are right up there with the best.

Everything you said was false, it was pulled from your ass. This is not up for debate.

LOL at thinking abortions are used in infant mortality rates. Access to abortion is perhaps the biggest reason infant mortality rates have fallen over the last 40 years.
Unfortunately, it is not quite working out like that

Republicans are finding ways to offend every demographic who is not white, male and Christian. Not a good way to win elections
Bigger problem for Republicans is answering the question....what have you done to make my life better?
Blank stares do not help

you are grasping at straws, RW. What have the dems done to make anyone's life better?

destroyed the best medical system in the history of the world?
put more people in poverty than ever before?
added more to that national debt than all previous presidents combined?
had the longest period of high unemployment in the history of the nation?
made the US the laughing stock of the world in international affairs?
made Putin look like a world leader?

People in all demographics see the failures of liberal democrats (and liberal republicans).

the people are fed up with incompetent, corrupt government

You need to get out more

Living in the Conservative echo chamber where everyone hates Obama and conservatives can do no wrong encourages posts like this

Demographics are not your friend. Unless you open up that tent and stop offending people, you will find the GOP as a niche party

And jumping to conclusions it seems to be the common denominator of people like you!
I for one and I speak for MOST of the detractors and critics of Obama NEVER have HATED him!
In fact there are VERY few intelligent people that have the word "hate" in their vocabulary and I guess that leaves you out!
Obama is NOT HATED.
He is incompetent. He was voted in by uninformed people that for the MOST part are grabbers and not givers.
He appeals to people with lower intelligence and people that don't understand that one of the characteristics of any person applying for a job is
EXPERIENCE. Since most people obviously like you and 44% of Whites in 2008 KNEW nothing about Obama's lack of experience specifically in
the executive area, i.e. never was a governor. Obama worked ONLY for organizations that depended on his begging skills... i.e. non-profits (that depended on those evil money grabbing philanthropists like Walter Annenberg).

But hopefully you will abandon that really cliched out of date concept known as "hate" in your limited thinking and vocabulary.
Not only is it very inaccurate especially regarding Obama but it shows a real dearth of any defense of Obama's agenda.
In words of the English language children's rhyme... "Sticks and stones may break my bones. But names will never harm me"
you are grasping at straws, RW. What have the dems done to make anyone's life better?

destroyed the best medical system in the history of the world?
put more people in poverty than ever before?
added more to that national debt than all previous presidents combined?
had the longest period of high unemployment in the history of the nation?
made the US the laughing stock of the world in international affairs?
made Putin look like a world leader?

People in all demographics see the failures of liberal democrats (and liberal republicans).

the people are fed up with incompetent, corrupt government

You need to get out more

Living in the Conservative echo chamber where everyone hates Obama and conservatives can do no wrong encourages posts like this

Demographics are not your friend. Unless you open up that tent and stop offending people, you will find the GOP as a niche party

And jumping to conclusions it seems to be the common denominator of people like you!
I for one and I speak for MOST of the detractors and critics of Obama NEVER have HATED him!
In fact there are VERY few intelligent people that have the word "hate" in their vocabulary and I guess that leaves you out!
Obama is NOT HATED.
He is incompetent. He was voted in by uninformed people that for the MOST part are grabbers and not givers.
He appeals to people with lower intelligence and people that don't understand that one of the characteristics of any person applying for a job is
EXPERIENCE. Since most people obviously like you and 44% of Whites in 2008 KNEW nothing about Obama's lack of experience specifically in
the executive area, i.e. never was a governor. Obama worked ONLY for organizations that depended on his begging skills... i.e. non-profits (that depended on those evil money grabbing philanthropists like Walter Annenberg).

But hopefully you will abandon that really cliched out of date concept known as "hate" in your limited thinking and vocabulary.
Not only is it very inaccurate especially regarding Obama but it shows a real dearth of any defense of Obama's agenda.
In words of the English language children's rhyme... "Sticks and stones may break my bones. But names will never harm me"

great summary, and totally correct in every way.

the haters are on the left, that is obvious to anyone who spends any time on this message board.
No. We don't even have the longest lifespans in the world and our infant mortality rate is laughable when compared to other developed nations.

What specific policies has Obama enacted that has put people into poverty?

False. Maybe by the end of Obama's second term this will be the case but it is not true today and we have a falling deficit.

False. Was longer and worse during the Great Depression. It shouldn't be shocking that the second biggest economic collapse ushered in our second worst run of unemployment.

LOL, no. Unless you live in conservative fantasy land.

everything I said is true, your attempts at counter points are a total failure.

but just on the first one, I said the best medical system----life spans and infant mortality are not directly related to the quality of the medical SYSTEM. Also, if you take abortions out of the calculations we are right up there with the best.

Everything you said was false, it was pulled from your ass. This is not up for debate.

LOL at thinking abortions are used in infant mortality rates. Access to abortion is perhaps the biggest reason infant mortality rates have fallen over the last 40 years.

LOL, thats a new one-----abortion reduces infant mortality. amazingly stupid.
the haters are on the left, that is obvious to anyone who spends any time on this message board.

My thunder --- what a whopper.

Spot the leftist:

Yup, she's a regular fucking SLUT getting pregnant without a husband, what a low rent fucking piece of trash.

So the 'Ugly Duckling' is pregnant, who gives a shit!!

Having a baby outside of wedlock... what a whore.

The future little scumbag will undoubtedly have hooves.

Chelsea to new baby, as Bill walks into the hospital room:

"Meet your daddy, and your granddaddy !"

There is one abortion I wouldn't oppose.

We hadn't thought of that conspiracy theory yet Dr. Douche bag, but how many of your homey's get a press conference when they're about to have another kid? Welfare cheese? Anything? A colt .45?

Not only are we filled with different peoples, dimocrap scum delight into separating us by class, by race and even by sex..... They're the most divisive scum to ever live. dimocrap scum love to knock the 1%ers, CEOs and small businessmen while stealing everybody's money in order to buy votes.

...If we can someday rid the world of the scum I call dimocraps (just read this thread and you'll know who I'm talking about) then maybe we can come together as a people and start providing for the common good and stop with the petty jealousies and class warfare.

Until then? It's just more mental masturbation from libturd morons who know less about economics and social structure than I do about Faster Than Light travel.

Actually, that's wrong. I know more about FTL travel than the average libturd knows about..... Anything.

dimocraps are just simply stupid

That's total horseshit. A bunch of Obama dick sucking drones

you little commie scumbag, you'll be the first one dispatched, if we can find you & pull you out of your spider hole when we come looking for subversives!

A former democrat politician killed three Jews in Kansas because of left wing propaganda and we see left wing anti-Semitism again in a simple post about Denmark. I rest my case that today's radical left is a hate filled neo-Nazi anti-American club.

Gather up all your liberal Nazi friends and take them with you!

Liberals are good people progressives are scum.

I suggest you as well as the other MORONS in this thread FUCK OFF.

And of course the winner of the Irony award:
Libturds are the source of all the hatred I see spewing into this forum.

That's just from the last couple of DAYS' worth of you revisionists trying to play innocent and getting your asses handed to you with documentation.

But do go on about how all the hate comes from the left, Denialism is fascinating... :popcorn:
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"Last week, Michele Bachmann told a reporter that white guilt had helped elect Barack Obama, guilt that won’t be a factor if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic presidential candidate in 2016. For this reason, Bachmann says she has high hopes for Republican success in 2016."
Michele Bachmann?s political analysis is moronic ? and the Republican Party knows it - Salon.com

more lunacy from the paid shill....

most of us would still vote against the gay baiting, immigrant hating, corporatist loving misogynist right.

nice recitation of the latest dem/lib talking point lies.

people on the conservative right do not hate gays, immigrants, are not against women being in high offices, and do not support corporate influence in government.

the gay baiters, race baiters, haters, and corporate whores are the democrats-------do you have any idea why Harry Reid is to involved in the free range cattle issue? If you don't, look into it, he and his son will make millions if that land is converted to a solar panel farm.
Oh the irony!

You condemn someone for talking point lies and then parrot the latest Right-wing-nut talking point lie.

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