White House Aide: GOP 'Crazies' Will Prevent Any Collaboration

They can all ignore him. He still has his pen.
Maybe we need to start a petition to have all White House pens removed. :biggrin:
As the postelection celebration (for the GOP) and cleanup (for the White House and the Democrats) continues, some political observers of a D bent are trying to push a silver-lining idea: Now that the Republicans fully control Congress, they will have to act more responsibly and demonstrate that they can govern and not just say no to everything.

Isn't it pretty to think so.

There is little evidence to support this lovely notion. The fundamental political dynamic of the Republican Party has not shifted; it's advance has been fueled by its Obama-hating tea party wing. Joni Ernst of Iowa and Cory Gardner of Colorado will be two new GOP stars in the Senate, and they both hail from the far-right region of their party. Their model senator will likely be Ted Cruz of Texas, who on election night refused to endorse the newly reelected Mitch McConnell of Kentucky as Senate majority leader, signaling his intention to lead what might be called the Monkey Wrench Caucus.

Sure, Republican lawmakers will be eager to pass bills, but their efforts won't be aimed at forging compromises with the president. Their legislation will likely target Obamacare and slash spending for social programs. They can be expected to fiercely block presidential appointments, especially judges. They might try to enact restrictions on abortion, and they will certainly seek to gut environmental regulations and climate change policies. Oh yes, and they will push tax cuts for the well-to-do. Such an agenda will be predicated on more confrontation and obstruction.

The idea that Republicans, emboldened by this election, will now negotiate more reasonably with the president seems like wishful thinking. At least one senior administration official assumes it is. When I asked him whether he was buying this happy talk, he laughed and grimaced simultaneously. "The problem hasn't been that Boehner doesn't want to govern," he said. "He can't, because of the crazies in his own party." With these election results, the official pointed out, there will be even more "crazies" for Boehner and McConnell to contend with.

"And just wait until Cruz is chairman of some subcommittee," he added with a sigh. A long sigh.

More: White House Aide: No Way the GOP Will Work With Us - Mother Jones

The next two years will be a wealth of lunacy for political historians.

Passing anything other than trivial legislation will involve "some" compromise with the President. Given the current position of a large block of the GOP where Obama is slightly worse than the devil and Hitler combined, any concession to Obama will be squashed

Republicans have an opportunity to shape key legislation (immigration, jobs, tax code), they will blow it

If the GOP knows what is good for them, they'll ignore Barry Kardashian. Fuck him. He's had his chance.. fuck off.
The NaziCon Teabaggers will prevent anything good from happening. Anarchy is all they want - burn the house down. Ted "Adolf" Cruz will lead these lunatics.
libs wanna play nice now. HHHHHAAAAAHHHHHHHAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAA:321::Boom2::flameth:

Why would liberals want to play nice?

They can still lock up the Senate and the President can veto anything that makes it through Congress

Conservatives can continue their "No Compromise" demands and end up with nothing after two years. Will that satisfy them?
The Tea Party is the absolute worst disease to ever infect American politics. Intelligent people can come together to fight Ebola, bubonic plague and other dangerous diseases - but not the Nazi Tea Party.

yeah, the constitution, low taxes, individual freedom, individual responsibility, job growth, restrained government, and states rights are all terrible ideas---------what we need is a dictatorial monarchy with king obozo and queen mooschelle.

you have to be one of the all time dumbest posters on this message board.
We cannot have low taxes yet.

American have to pay for their errors sooner or later.

Sooner is better and less painful in the long run.

balance the budget, cut federal spending 30% across the board. Stop deficit spending, start paying back the principal.

This is the one I meant to post -


the annual deficit is down, thats true. But we are still running up debt at the rate of a trillion every year. Do you know the difference between deficit and debt? I don't think you do.
The Tea Party is the absolute worst disease to ever infect American politics. Intelligent people can come together to fight Ebola, bubonic plague and other dangerous diseases - but not the Nazi Tea Party.

yeah, the constitution, low taxes, individual freedom, individual responsibility, job growth, restrained government, and states rights are all terrible ideas---------what we need is a dictatorial monarchy with king obozo and queen mooschelle.

you have to be one of the all time dumbest posters on this message board.
We cannot have low taxes yet.

American have to pay for their errors sooner or later.

Sooner is better and less painful in the long run.

balance the budget, cut federal spending 30% across the board. Stop deficit spending, start paying back the principal.


if his record is so wonderful why did the american voters kick his party out of power last tuesday?
The Tea Party is the absolute worst disease to ever infect American politics. Intelligent people can come together to fight Ebola, bubonic plague and other dangerous diseases - but not the Nazi Tea Party.

yeah, the constitution, low taxes, individual freedom, individual responsibility, job growth, restrained government, and states rights are all terrible ideas---------what we need is a dictatorial monarchy with king obozo and queen mooschelle.

you have to be one of the all time dumbest posters on this message board.
We cannot have low taxes yet.

American have to pay for their errors sooner or later.

Sooner is better and less painful in the long run.

balance the budget, cut federal spending 30% across the board. Stop deficit spending, start paying back the principal.


if his record is so wonderful why did the american voters kick his party out of power last tuesday?

The answer is simple: The Nazi Tea Party anarchists want to burn the house down.
yeah, the constitution, low taxes, individual freedom, individual responsibility, job growth, restrained government, and states rights are all terrible ideas---------what we need is a dictatorial monarchy with king obozo and queen mooschelle.

you have to be one of the all time dumbest posters on this message board.
We cannot have low taxes yet.

American have to pay for their errors sooner or later.

Sooner is better and less painful in the long run.

balance the budget, cut federal spending 30% across the board. Stop deficit spending, start paying back the principal.


if his record is so wonderful why did the american voters kick his party out of power last tuesday?

The answer is simple: The Nazi Tea Party anarchists want to burn the house down.

Yeah right, and your stupidity continues unabated.

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