White House considering Jim Webb as Mattis replacement

Any Dem, at this point, I absolutely would not trust in his administration.
Wiki, as of 3 days ago, started their campaign to defame him, since he might be considered by Trump. Lol
Wiki, as of 3 days ago, started their campaign to defame him, since he might be considered by Trump. Lol



Anything but hot airie?
It’s called typing J i m W e b b in search, and it produces a page that has a listing/link for this-
Jim Webb - Wikipedia ;)

Soooooooooooo no link.

Soooooooooooo no quote.

Soooooooooooo no substance. Another dead-end fake point pulled from the posterior for purposes of poppycock.

They say the only guarantees in life are death and taxes, but here's another guarantee ---- when *YOU* make some claim, the Ooby-Dooby Fairies do not suddenly drop down from the sky with 55-gallon drums of Flooby Dust Detergent to magically wash away the sins of ipse dixit, thereby absolving YOU of any responsibility for substantiating that point and somehow transfer it to me just because you can't handle your own claim.

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Again with Trump, one has Issues and policy, and personality and character, or lack thereof. Webb opposed the Iraq missions, and in general a permanent US military presence in the ME

He did not always get along with either Reagan or W, though.
Had the Dems selected Jim Webb to run for President, we wouldn't have Trump. Jim Webb is everything good that Trump isn't. In fact, he's everything good that the last 3 Presidents aren't. Pretty much, he stands for about everything I do including was against the invasion of Iraq. And still is today. He worked with both parties while in the Senate, was a good pick for many other Federal Jobs, etc.. I wonder if the reason Trump wants him is to discredit him so he won't be worth running for President in 2020. Webb is exactly what the Dems need. Hell, they needed him in 2016 but look what they got instead.

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