White House could alter virus briefings to limit Trump role

You are asking yourselves how you can get through the impenetrable veil of denial surrounding all Trumpleheads? What words can you use to get them to acknowledge a basic, demonstrable truth backed up by overwhelming evidence?
President’s intelligence briefing book repeatedly cited virus threat

"U.S. intelligence agencies issued warnings about the novel coronavirus in more than a dozen classified briefings prepared for President Trump in January and February, months during which he continued to play down the threat, according to current and former U.S. officials.
The repeated warnings were conveyed in issues of the President’s Daily Brief, a sensitive report that is produced before dawn each day and designed to call the president’s attention to the most significant global developments and security threats.
For weeks, the PDB — as the report is known — traced the virus’s spread around the globe, made clear that China was suppressing information about the contagion’s transmissibility and lethal toll, and raised the prospect of dire political and economic consequences.
U.S. officials emphasized that the PDB references to the virus included comprehensive articles on aspects of the global outbreak, but also smaller digest items meant to keep Trump and senior administration officials updated on the course of the contagion. Versions of the PDB are also shared with Cabinet secretaries and other high-ranking U.S. officials.
One official said that by mid- to late January the coronavirus was being mentioned more frequently, either as one of the report’s core articles or in what is known as an “executive update,” and that it was almost certainly called to Trump’s attention orally."
There is nothing particularly revelatory in that article. It only adds more granular detail to what we already knew. Namely, Trump had the information he needed to more effectively and aggressively respond to the virus but declined to do so in order to protect the economy from disruption.

So.............here's the simple truth. There is no getting through to them. They have an arsenal of weapons they utilize allowing them to escape from having to deal with reality.

Ask yourselves this. How many times have you said to yourself, "surely this will change their minds?" He stole money from a charity............nothing. He paid hush money to a porn star.......A PORN STAR.........to keep her from speaking publicly about an adulterous affair just before the election.............nothing. He illegally stonewalled a Special Counsel and congressional investigation............nothing. He has told thousands of lies...........nothing. He tried to extort a foreign leader in to helping him with an election...........nothing. He defrauded students of his real estate school.............nothing. The bleach and sunshine thing................nothing. The hundreds of other examples..................NOTHING.

They are unreachable.
The only choice here is to vote him and his lunatic fringe out, and keep them out. These idiots are a national, indeed a planetary hazard.

This is the only solution. It's sad but true. There is no convincing his hardcore supporters of much of anything. Marshall the forces, get out the vote and take things back. Then keep them on the defensive so they don't get up off the mat.
Demographics will eventually push the far right to the fringe but it's up to the rest us sane people to make sure we never experience anything like Trump again.
But at the same time, we must guard against the far left fringe from taking over, either. Common sense two party politics is necessary to keep the train from running of the tracks radically in either direction. The slow small movement pendulum action of conservative political control is something to strive to reattain, as we move forward.
You are asking yourselves how you can get through the impenetrable veil of denial surrounding all Trumpleheads? What words can you use to get them to acknowledge a basic, demonstrable truth backed up by overwhelming evidence?
President’s intelligence briefing book repeatedly cited virus threat

"U.S. intelligence agencies issued warnings about the novel coronavirus in more than a dozen classified briefings prepared for President Trump in January and February, months during which he continued to play down the threat, according to current and former U.S. officials.
The repeated warnings were conveyed in issues of the President’s Daily Brief, a sensitive report that is produced before dawn each day and designed to call the president’s attention to the most significant global developments and security threats.
For weeks, the PDB — as the report is known — traced the virus’s spread around the globe, made clear that China was suppressing information about the contagion’s transmissibility and lethal toll, and raised the prospect of dire political and economic consequences.
U.S. officials emphasized that the PDB references to the virus included comprehensive articles on aspects of the global outbreak, but also smaller digest items meant to keep Trump and senior administration officials updated on the course of the contagion. Versions of the PDB are also shared with Cabinet secretaries and other high-ranking U.S. officials.
One official said that by mid- to late January the coronavirus was being mentioned more frequently, either as one of the report’s core articles or in what is known as an “executive update,” and that it was almost certainly called to Trump’s attention orally."
There is nothing particularly revelatory in that article. It only adds more granular detail to what we already knew. Namely, Trump had the information he needed to more effectively and aggressively respond to the virus but declined to do so in order to protect the economy from disruption.

So.............here's the simple truth. There is no getting through to them. They have an arsenal of weapons they utilize allowing them to escape from having to deal with reality.

Ask yourselves this. How many times have you said to yourself, "surely this will change their minds?" He stole money from a charity............nothing. He paid hush money to a porn star.......A PORN STAR.........to keep her from speaking publicly about an adulterous affair just before the election.............nothing. He illegally stonewalled a Special Counsel and congressional investigation............nothing. He has told thousands of lies...........nothing. He tried to extort a foreign leader in to helping him with an election...........nothing. He defrauded students of his real estate school.............nothing. The bleach and sunshine thing................nothing. The hundreds of other examples..................NOTHING.

They are unreachable.
The only choice here is to vote him and his lunatic fringe out, and keep them out. These idiots are a national, indeed a planetary hazard.

This is the only solution. It's sad but true. There is no convincing his hardcore supporters of much of anything. Marshall the forces, get out the vote and take things back. Then keep them on the defensive so they don't get up off the mat.
Demographics will eventually push the far right to the fringe but it's up to the rest us sane people to make sure we never experience anything like Trump again.
But at the same time, we must guard against the far left fringe from taking over, either. Common sense two party politics is necessary to keep the train from running of the tracks radically in either direction. The slow small movement pendulum action of conservative political control is something to strive to reattain, as we move forward.

You are well beyond that point.

The inmates are in charge of the asylum on both sides.
You are asking yourselves how you can get through the impenetrable veil of denial surrounding all Trumpleheads? What words can you use to get them to acknowledge a basic, demonstrable truth backed up by overwhelming evidence?
President’s intelligence briefing book repeatedly cited virus threat

"U.S. intelligence agencies issued warnings about the novel coronavirus in more than a dozen classified briefings prepared for President Trump in January and February, months during which he continued to play down the threat, according to current and former U.S. officials.
The repeated warnings were conveyed in issues of the President’s Daily Brief, a sensitive report that is produced before dawn each day and designed to call the president’s attention to the most significant global developments and security threats.
For weeks, the PDB — as the report is known — traced the virus’s spread around the globe, made clear that China was suppressing information about the contagion’s transmissibility and lethal toll, and raised the prospect of dire political and economic consequences.
U.S. officials emphasized that the PDB references to the virus included comprehensive articles on aspects of the global outbreak, but also smaller digest items meant to keep Trump and senior administration officials updated on the course of the contagion. Versions of the PDB are also shared with Cabinet secretaries and other high-ranking U.S. officials.
One official said that by mid- to late January the coronavirus was being mentioned more frequently, either as one of the report’s core articles or in what is known as an “executive update,” and that it was almost certainly called to Trump’s attention orally."
There is nothing particularly revelatory in that article. It only adds more granular detail to what we already knew. Namely, Trump had the information he needed to more effectively and aggressively respond to the virus but declined to do so in order to protect the economy from disruption.

So.............here's the simple truth. There is no getting through to them. They have an arsenal of weapons they utilize allowing them to escape from having to deal with reality.

Ask yourselves this. How many times have you said to yourself, "surely this will change their minds?" He stole money from a charity............nothing. He paid hush money to a porn star.......A PORN STAR.........to keep her from speaking publicly about an adulterous affair just before the election.............nothing. He illegally stonewalled a Special Counsel and congressional investigation............nothing. He has told thousands of lies...........nothing. He tried to extort a foreign leader in to helping him with an election...........nothing. He defrauded students of his real estate school.............nothing. The bleach and sunshine thing................nothing. The hundreds of other examples..................NOTHING.

They are unreachable.
The only choice here is to vote him and his lunatic fringe out, and keep them out. These idiots are a national, indeed a planetary hazard.

This is the only solution. It's sad but true. There is no convincing his hardcore supporters of much of anything. Marshall the forces, get out the vote and take things back. Then keep them on the defensive so they don't get up off the mat.
Demographics will eventually push the far right to the fringe but it's up to the rest us sane people to make sure we never experience anything like Trump again.

Trump is more a product of the GOP establishment than anything.

Of course, Obama was the product of Affirmative Action mentality.
I will vote for the Greens most likely, maybe stay at home picking the lint out of my belly button,
That's a recipe for four more years of the most destructive force to ever enter American politics. Perhaps you should reconsider how best to help the country given that none of your candidates have a chance of winning.
I would rather have Trump that doesn't do anything that affects my day to day life than Biden who would executive order us to death, so if I were to decide to vote for one of them, it wouldn't fall your way. Perhaps if the dems actually learned to give people choices without mandating them to death, I would vote for one. As is, I am not voting for either.
Maybe the nation will get lucky and vote Millennials in office and dispose of the vermin Baby boomers.
You rather have more AOCs? I don't think so.

Absolutely. She's the best addition to Congress since I started watching, and that she's giving geezers - who won't suffer new ways of thinking even while the health of the nation depends on exactly that - fits of indignation, is just an added bonus.
Maybe the nation will get lucky and vote Millennials in office and dispose of the vermin Baby boomers.
You rather have more AOCs? I don't think so.

Absolutely. She's the best addition to Congress since I started watching - and that she's giving geezers - who won't suffer new ways of thinking even while the health of the nation depends on exactly that - fits of indignation, is just an added bonus.

Cortez is a nut case, and is entertaining to watch, that's for sure. Unfortunately, she refuses to go on Mark Levin's program or Hannity.
You seem upset with Trump pummeling the fake media for an hour every day.
Exactly. These Coronavirus press conferences are a great way for Trump to look presidential. MAGA! Trump 2020!
Good way to expose the fact that he looks like an uneducated jerk, spouting nonsense as if he knew what he was talking about. He would look more presidential if he said far less. Just because he never took science and technology seriously in college, doesn't me the rest of us didn't. With some of the stupid crap that comes out of his mouth, it is hard to believed he passed high school science classes, much less retained any appreciation of scientific theory or process. Nothing worse or more disappointing than an idiot on stage who is too stupid to know he is making a fool of himself in public.
This is the most unforgivable thing Trump has done. The "fake news" bit. "Alternative facts." The "evil" media. It is the most Orwellian demonstration of propaganda I've ever seen.
Given the length of the list of unforgivable things, that's saying a lot.
There is no way for a democratic state to function without having a shared reality, agreed upon basic facts to work from. How do you constructively discuss or argue or compromise when there is no shared basis in fact to start from?

Trump's propaganda arm has flushed that down the toilet. That's why to me it is the most serious, destructive and unforgivable. You see what it's like trying to discuss anything here. It's a totally lost cause.
Exactly. These Coronavirus press conferences are a great way for Trump to look presidential. MAGA! Trump 2020!
Good way to expose the fact that he looks like an uneducated jerk, spouting nonsense as if he knew what he was talking about. He would look more presidential if he said far less. Just because he never took science and technology seriously in college, doesn't me the rest of us didn't. With some of the stupid crap that comes out of his mouth, it is hard to believed he passed high school science classes, much less retained any appreciation of scientific theory or process. Nothing worse or more disappointing than an idiot on stage who is too stupid to know he is making a fool of himself in public.
Only to clueless Dems who want us to hide under our beds for the next year. Man up and get out of your house. Support your area businesses, restaurants need our support right now.
Exactly. These Coronavirus press conferences are a great way for Trump to look presidential. MAGA! Trump 2020!
Good way to expose the fact that he looks like an uneducated jerk, spouting nonsense as if he knew what he was talking about. He would look more presidential if he said far less. Just because he never took science and technology seriously in college, doesn't me the rest of us didn't. With some of the stupid crap that comes out of his mouth, it is hard to believed he passed high school science classes, much less retained any appreciation of scientific theory or process. Nothing worse or more disappointing than an idiot on stage who is too stupid to know he is making a fool of himself in public.
Only to clueless Dems who want us to hide under our beds for the next year. Man up and get out of your house. Support your area businesses, restaurants need our support right now.
Been out of the house, working with brother-n-law on project, spring yard work, donating plasma, shopping ect. If you are thinking I need to go to work for a living, you can forget it. I'll open the pool in the next two weeks, and need to be thinking about kayak trip. That changes nothing. He is an idiot. Needs a filter. Would say he needs to go back to rallies, but if you get that many uneducated people together, it is bound to spark a second wave in the area. He doesn't need to be talking like a voice of science or medicine on the Coronavirus problem, because he is a dangerous nutball in that roll. Needs to leave it to the professionals.

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