White House could alter virus briefings to limit Trump role

Trump cuts U.S. research on bat-human virus transmission over China ties

The Trump administration abruptly cut off funding for a project studying how coronaviruses spread from bats to people after reports linked the work to a lab in Wuhan, China, at the center of conspiracy theories about the Covid-19 pandemic’s origins.

The National Institutes of Health on Friday told EcoHealth Alliance, the study’s sponsor for the past five years, that all future funding was cut. The agency also demanded that the New York-based research nonprofit stop spending the $369,819 remaining from its 2020 grant, according to emails obtained by POLITICO.

You are asking yourselves how you can get through the impenetrable veil of denial surrounding all Trumpleheads? What words can you use to get them to acknowledge a basic, demonstrable truth backed up by overwhelming evidence?
President’s intelligence briefing book repeatedly cited virus threat

"U.S. intelligence agencies issued warnings about the novel coronavirus in more than a dozen classified briefings prepared for President Trump in January and February, months during which he continued to play down the threat, according to current and former U.S. officials.
The repeated warnings were conveyed in issues of the President’s Daily Brief, a sensitive report that is produced before dawn each day and designed to call the president’s attention to the most significant global developments and security threats.
For weeks, the PDB — as the report is known — traced the virus’s spread around the globe, made clear that China was suppressing information about the contagion’s transmissibility and lethal toll, and raised the prospect of dire political and economic consequences.
U.S. officials emphasized that the PDB references to the virus included comprehensive articles on aspects of the global outbreak, but also smaller digest items meant to keep Trump and senior administration officials updated on the course of the contagion. Versions of the PDB are also shared with Cabinet secretaries and other high-ranking U.S. officials.
One official said that by mid- to late January the coronavirus was being mentioned more frequently, either as one of the report’s core articles or in what is known as an “executive update,” and that it was almost certainly called to Trump’s attention orally."
There is nothing particularly revelatory in that article. It only adds more granular detail to what we already knew. Namely, Trump had the information he needed to more effectively and aggressively respond to the virus but declined to do so in order to protect the economy from disruption.

So.............here's the simple truth. There is no getting through to them. They have an arsenal of weapons they utilize allowing them to escape from having to deal with reality.

Ask yourselves this. How many times have you said to yourself, "surely this will change their minds?" He stole money from a charity............nothing. He paid hush money to a porn star.......A PORN STAR.........to keep her from speaking publicly about an adulterous affair just before the election.............nothing. He illegally stonewalled a Special Counsel and congressional investigation............nothing. He has told thousands of lies...........nothing. He tried to extort a foreign leader in to helping him with an election...........nothing. He defrauded students of his real estate school.............nothing. The bleach and sunshine thing................nothing. The hundreds of other examples..................NOTHING.

They are unreachable.
They are thinking you're BWK aka a foreign troll.
Are our enemies that stupid?!
IDK about all but berg/BWK is.
Oxymoron...Progressives don't think...that's the Elites job.

Progressives regurgitate spoon fed talking points.
That the OP is an embarrassment to bat soup eaters everywhere?

That The PLANdemic is almost over, and you are sad you couldn't stretch it out to November?

That you are hoping The US doesn't Nuke your Country (China) for attacking the US with a Bio Weapon?

You are afraid of running out of Hairy Man Butt to lavish your affections on?
Carlson makes an assertion that is the opposite of the truth.

Lockdowns Didn’t Flatten The Curve, Tucker Carlson Muses, COVID-19 Just Isn’t That Deadly

“You may remember what they first told us back in February and March,” Carlson told viewers. “They said, we have to take radical steps in order to, quote, ‘flatten the curve.’ Well, six weeks later, we’re happy to say that curve has been flattened, but it’s likely not because of the lockdowns. The virus just isn’t nearly as deadly as we thought it was.”
This is the most unforgivable thing Trump has done. The "fake news" bit. "Alternative facts." The "evil" media. It is the most Orwellian demonstration of propaganda I've ever seen.
Given the length of the list of unforgivable things, that's saying a lot.
You are asking yourselves how you can get through the impenetrable veil of denial surrounding all Trumpleheads? What words can you use to get them to acknowledge a basic, demonstrable truth backed up by overwhelming evidence?
President’s intelligence briefing book repeatedly cited virus threat

"U.S. intelligence agencies issued warnings about the novel coronavirus in more than a dozen classified briefings prepared for President Trump in January and February, months during which he continued to play down the threat, according to current and former U.S. officials.
The repeated warnings were conveyed in issues of the President’s Daily Brief, a sensitive report that is produced before dawn each day and designed to call the president’s attention to the most significant global developments and security threats.
For weeks, the PDB — as the report is known — traced the virus’s spread around the globe, made clear that China was suppressing information about the contagion’s transmissibility and lethal toll, and raised the prospect of dire political and economic consequences.
U.S. officials emphasized that the PDB references to the virus included comprehensive articles on aspects of the global outbreak, but also smaller digest items meant to keep Trump and senior administration officials updated on the course of the contagion. Versions of the PDB are also shared with Cabinet secretaries and other high-ranking U.S. officials.
One official said that by mid- to late January the coronavirus was being mentioned more frequently, either as one of the report’s core articles or in what is known as an “executive update,” and that it was almost certainly called to Trump’s attention orally."
There is nothing particularly revelatory in that article. It only adds more granular detail to what we already knew. Namely, Trump had the information he needed to more effectively and aggressively respond to the virus but declined to do so in order to protect the economy from disruption.

So.............here's the simple truth. There is no getting through to them. They have an arsenal of weapons they utilize allowing them to escape from having to deal with reality.

Ask yourselves this. How many times have you said to yourself, "surely this will change their minds?" He stole money from a charity............nothing. He paid hush money to a porn star.......A PORN STAR.........to keep her from speaking publicly about an adulterous affair just before the election.............nothing. He illegally stonewalled a Special Counsel and congressional investigation............nothing. He has told thousands of lies...........nothing. He tried to extort a foreign leader in to helping him with an election...........nothing. He defrauded students of his real estate school.............nothing. The bleach and sunshine thing................nothing. The hundreds of other examples..................NOTHING.

They are unreachable.

TDS thread 1,452

You regressives are just a hoot.
Carlson makes an assertion that is the opposite of the truth.

Lockdowns Didn’t Flatten The Curve, Tucker Carlson Muses, COVID-19 Just Isn’t That Deadly

“You may remember what they first told us back in February and March,” Carlson told viewers. “They said, we have to take radical steps in order to, quote, ‘flatten the curve.’ Well, six weeks later, we’re happy to say that curve has been flattened, but it’s likely not because of the lockdowns. The virus just isn’t nearly as deadly as we thought it was.”

The libs promised up to 2.4 million Americans dead from this. Tucker is right
Progressives regurgitate spoon fed talking points.
These aren't talking points. They are demonstrable truths.

He stole money from a charity............nothing. He paid hush money to a porn star.......A PORN STAR.........to keep her from speaking publicly about an adulterous affair just before the election.............nothing. He illegally stonewalled a Special Counsel and congressional investigation............nothing. He has told thousands of lies...........nothing. He tried to extort a foreign leader in to helping him with an election...........nothing. He defrauded students of his real estate school.............nothing. The bleach and sunshine thing................nothing. The hundreds of other examples..................NOTHING.

Suck on it.

And get ready for four more years of your derangement.
This is the most unforgivable thing Trump has done. The "fake news" bit. "Alternative facts." The "evil" media. It is the most Orwellian demonstration of propaganda I've ever seen.
Given the length of the list of unforgivable things, that's saying a lot.
And the number one thing on you liars list is beating your murdering treasonous whore in 2016.
The libs promised up to 2.4 million Americans dead from this. Tucker is right
Prove it.

“These are serious people who’ve done this for a living for decades,” Carlson said of the two doctors, who have been Fox News guests before. “They have in their hands the largest currently available data set on this question.”

Left unsaid by Carlson: The doctors have been “emphatically condemn[ed]” by the American College of Emergency Physicians and the American Academy of Emergency Medicine for their “reckless and untested musings” that are inconsistent with established epidemiology regarding COVID-19."
ACEP-AAEM Joint Statement on Physician Misinformation
The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) jointly and emphatically condemn the recent opinions released by Dr. Daniel Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi. These reckless and untested musings do not speak for medical societies and are inconsistent with current science and epidemiology regarding COVID-19. As owners of local urgent care clinics, it appears these two individuals are releasing biased, non-peer reviewed data to advance their personal financial interests without regard for the public’s health.

COVID-19 misinformation is widespread and dangerous. Members of ACEP and AAEM are first-hand witnesses to the human toll that COVID-19 is taking on our communities. ACEP and AAEM strongly advise against using any statements of Drs. Erickson and Massihi as a basis for policy and decision making.

You are asking yourselves how you can get through the impenetrable veil of denial surrounding all Trumpleheads? What words can you use to get them to acknowledge a basic, demonstrable truth backed up by overwhelming evidence?
President’s intelligence briefing book repeatedly cited virus threat

"U.S. intelligence agencies issued warnings about the novel coronavirus in more than a dozen classified briefings prepared for President Trump in January and February, months during which he continued to play down the threat, according to current and former U.S. officials.
The repeated warnings were conveyed in issues of the President’s Daily Brief, a sensitive report that is produced before dawn each day and designed to call the president’s attention to the most significant global developments and security threats.
For weeks, the PDB — as the report is known — traced the virus’s spread around the globe, made clear that China was suppressing information about the contagion’s transmissibility and lethal toll, and raised the prospect of dire political and economic consequences.
U.S. officials emphasized that the PDB references to the virus included comprehensive articles on aspects of the global outbreak, but also smaller digest items meant to keep Trump and senior administration officials updated on the course of the contagion. Versions of the PDB are also shared with Cabinet secretaries and other high-ranking U.S. officials.
One official said that by mid- to late January the coronavirus was being mentioned more frequently, either as one of the report’s core articles or in what is known as an “executive update,” and that it was almost certainly called to Trump’s attention orally."
There is nothing particularly revelatory in that article. It only adds more granular detail to what we already knew. Namely, Trump had the information he needed to more effectively and aggressively respond to the virus but declined to do so in order to protect the economy from disruption.

So.............here's the simple truth. There is no getting through to them. They have an arsenal of weapons they utilize allowing them to escape from having to deal with reality.

Ask yourselves this. How many times have you said to yourself, "surely this will change their minds?" He stole money from a charity............nothing. He paid hush money to a porn star.......A PORN STAR.........to keep her from speaking publicly about an adulterous affair just before the election.............nothing. He illegally stonewalled a Special Counsel and congressional investigation............nothing. He has told thousands of lies...........nothing. He tried to extort a foreign leader in to helping him with an election...........nothing. He defrauded students of his real estate school.............nothing. The bleach and sunshine thing................nothing. The hundreds of other examples..................NOTHING.

They are unreachable.
The only choice here is to vote him and his lunatic fringe out, and keep them out. These idiots are a national, indeed a planetary hazard.

This is the only solution. It's sad but true. There is no convincing his hardcore supporters of much of anything. Marshall the forces, get out the vote and take things back. Then keep them on the defensive so they don't get up off the mat.
Demographics will eventually push the far right to the fringe but it's up to the rest us sane people to make sure we never experience anything like Trump again.
You are asking yourselves how you can get through the impenetrable veil of denial surrounding all Trumpleheads? What words can you use to get them to acknowledge a basic, demonstrable truth backed up by overwhelming evidence?
President’s intelligence briefing book repeatedly cited virus threat

"U.S. intelligence agencies issued warnings about the novel coronavirus in more than a dozen classified briefings prepared for President Trump in January and February, months during which he continued to play down the threat, according to current and former U.S. officials.
The repeated warnings were conveyed in issues of the President’s Daily Brief, a sensitive report that is produced before dawn each day and designed to call the president’s attention to the most significant global developments and security threats.
For weeks, the PDB — as the report is known — traced the virus’s spread around the globe, made clear that China was suppressing information about the contagion’s transmissibility and lethal toll, and raised the prospect of dire political and economic consequences.
U.S. officials emphasized that the PDB references to the virus included comprehensive articles on aspects of the global outbreak, but also smaller digest items meant to keep Trump and senior administration officials updated on the course of the contagion. Versions of the PDB are also shared with Cabinet secretaries and other high-ranking U.S. officials.
One official said that by mid- to late January the coronavirus was being mentioned more frequently, either as one of the report’s core articles or in what is known as an “executive update,” and that it was almost certainly called to Trump’s attention orally."
There is nothing particularly revelatory in that article. It only adds more granular detail to what we already knew. Namely, Trump had the information he needed to more effectively and aggressively respond to the virus but declined to do so in order to protect the economy from disruption.

So.............here's the simple truth. There is no getting through to them. They have an arsenal of weapons they utilize allowing them to escape from having to deal with reality.

Ask yourselves this. How many times have you said to yourself, "surely this will change their minds?" He stole money from a charity............nothing. He paid hush money to a porn star.......A PORN STAR.........to keep her from speaking publicly about an adulterous affair just before the election.............nothing. He illegally stonewalled a Special Counsel and congressional investigation............nothing. He has told thousands of lies...........nothing. He tried to extort a foreign leader in to helping him with an election...........nothing. He defrauded students of his real estate school.............nothing. The bleach and sunshine thing................nothing. The hundreds of other examples..................NOTHING.

They are unreachable.
The only choice here is to vote him and his lunatic fringe out, and keep them out. These idiots are a national, indeed a planetary hazard.
Yes, vote out those “crazies”...they are far too committed to governing on behalf of good, real Americans....We need those “not crazies” in there...those who will govern for Mexico’s citizens and destroy American sovereignty, those who will raise taxes, those who will manifest and foster dependency and degeneracy, those who will have chicks with dicks lap dancing in our children’s classrooms....etc
Easy to paint one party with a wide brush. Does not make it accurate, kind of like using a lateral spread from an artillery battalion to take out a sniper.
Progressives regurgitate spoon fed talking points.
These aren't talking points. They are demonstrable truths.

He stole money from a charity............nothing. He paid hush money to a porn star.......A PORN STAR.........to keep her from speaking publicly about an adulterous affair just before the election.............nothing. He illegally stonewalled a Special Counsel and congressional investigation............nothing. He has told thousands of lies...........nothing. He tried to extort a foreign leader in to helping him with an election...........nothing. He defrauded students of his real estate school.............nothing. The bleach and sunshine thing................nothing. The hundreds of other examples..................NOTHING.
Policy Dude. Policy.

That is why you are failing.

All this bullshit you're hung up on are media lies and faux scandals...with the possible exception of the Porn Star thing...and sorry but no one cares.

I care about what he does as President. Democrats won the Clinton blowjob war...what a President does on his own time is his or her own business.

Congratulation on your victory.

So if that's your standard (caring about what he does as President), then there's nothing. Because he's done nothing as President. Except ballooned the deficit, created a revenue shortfall with his generous tax cut for the wealthy and businesses, created a trade war that's resulted in not one but two bailouts of various industries because it isn't going as planned, and getting together constantly with the Republican stooges to help kneecap the Affordable Care Act. No wall built, no beautiful healthcare. And the topper is a blown response to a virus that's killed almost 60,000 people and resulted in the shutdown of the entire country. That's on him.

I knew the bar was already deep in the hole for Trump and his supporters but you guys keep finding ways to set it lower by digging the hole even deeper. :)

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