White House doom: Climate change causes allergies, asthma, downpours, poverty, terrorism


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Besides outright lying this is a good case of liberals doing exactly what they accuse others. Projection pure and simple. How many times have liberals said the right wing is the party of fear? Yet that is all the left has to offer, not hope, just fear.

White House doom Climate change causes allergies asthma downpours poverty terrorism WashingtonExaminer.com

Stepping up his war on global warming and bolstering the Environmental Protection Agency's plan to put new restrictions on coal-fired energy plants, President Obama Wednesday issued a new report warning that the phenomenon can cause allergies, asthma and foster terrorism.

The report lists at least 34 effects of climate change, a doomsday scenario of health, security, economic and political issues.

RELATED: White House sneaks out two new climate-related programs

"Climate change is contributing to extreme weather, wildfires, and drought, and that rising temperatures can lead to more smog and more allergens in the air we breathe, meaning more kids are exposed to the triggers that can cause asthma attacks," said the White House.
:wtf:Are there any honest liberals anymore who laugh at such idiocy?:dunno:

(CNSNews.com) – President Barack Obama linked climate change to the emergence of the Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram and “the early unrest in Syria” during a commencement speech at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Conn., on Wednesday. Al Nusra Front, an al Qaeda affiliate, and the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)--now the Islamic State--were early factors in the Syrian rebellion.

“Understand climate change did not cause the conflicts we see around the world. Yet, what we also know is that severe drought helped to create the instability in Nigeria that was exploited by the terrorist group Boko Haram. It’s now believed that drought and crop failures and high food prices helped fuel the early unrest in Syria, which descended into civil war in the heart of the Middle East,” he said.

Obama Links Islamic Terrorism to Climate Change
Besides outright lying this is a good case of liberals doing exactly what they accuse others. Projection pure and simple. How many times have liberals said the right wing is the party of fear? Yet that is all the left has to offer, not hope, just fear.

White House doom Climate change causes allergies asthma downpours poverty terrorism WashingtonExaminer.com

Stepping up his war on global warming and bolstering the Environmental Protection Agency's plan to put new restrictions on coal-fired energy plants, President Obama Wednesday issued a new report warning that the phenomenon can cause allergies, asthma and foster terrorism.

The report lists at least 34 effects of climate change, a doomsday scenario of health, security, economic and political issues.

RELATED: White House sneaks out two new climate-related programs

"Climate change is contributing to extreme weather, wildfires, and drought, and that rising temperatures can lead to more smog and more allergens in the air we breathe, meaning more kids are exposed to the triggers that can cause asthma attacks," said the White House.
Don't forget....Cohabitation. Snow storms, cats and dogs getting along. Riots. law and order. And indoor plumbing....
Besides outright lying this is a good case of liberals doing exactly what they accuse others. Projection pure and simple. How
And the left claims the right pushes fear.

They just want to control everything, using power given to agencies to bypass congress or any form of transparency.
At some point they are really going to attempt a crack down

many times have liberals said the right wing is the party of fear? Yet that is all the left has to offer, not hope, just fear.
White House doom Climate change causes allergies asthma downpours poverty terrorism WashingtonExaminer.com

Stepping up his war on global warming and bolstering the Environmental Protection Agency's plan to put new restrictions on coal-fired energy plants, President Obama Wednesday issued a new report warning that the phenomenon can cause allergies, asthma and foster terrorism.

The report lists at least 34 effects of climate change, a doomsday scenario of health, security, economic and political issues.

RELATED: White House sneaks out two new climate-related programs

"Climate change is contributing to extreme weather, wildfires, and drought, and that rising temperatures can lead to more smog and more allergens in the air we breathe, meaning more kids are exposed to the triggers that can cause asthma attacks," said the White House.
Climate change is absolutely a contributing factor to poverty and hopelessness it will get a lot worse in the future.

Wish we had an Environment forum ...
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How long can obumble keep lying like this? Astronomers say the sun has gone quiet. That means cooling. Depending on how long the sun is without sunspots, it can mean ice age level cooling.
How is it that Obama can make the most absurd statements and not get criticized for them?
There's not much that is not or will not be impacted by climate change and it will get a lot worse.

I wish we had an Environment forum so everything didn't get stuck in Politics.
There's not much that is not or will not be impacted by climate change and it will get a lot worse.

I wish we had an Environment forum so everything didn't get stuck in Politics.
Since all of it is politics and no science whatsoever it probably belongs here.
yet he didnt give us an example. what country is falling into the ocean because of climate change? were the last few winters so much warmer than usual? did the south pole melt already?
Everyone knows that when it gets to hot or to cold people get mad. Just look at the change in crime rate as the weather changes. It changes to so global change creates terrorism. 911 was the direct result of global climate change. Everyone knows that because very expert knows that and we should cease thinking for ourselves and simply accept what the experts tell us because they know better.
Climate change is absolutely a contributing factor to poverty and hopelessness it will get a lot worse in the future.

Wish we had an Environment forum ...

No, green energy is absolutely a contributing factor to poverty and hopelessness. Forcing the poor to pay 3 times the price for energy isn't the way to lift them out of poverty.

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