White House fears Jared and Don Jr may be indicted

How do you know what he has or hasn’t done?

Waste of bandwidth most of these Trumplings my friend.

Apparently they've no ability to read tea leaves and figure out that what you and I know is the tip of the proverbial iceberg. They'll deny and dissemble up to AND after the time Fat Donnie hits the skids.

President Pence is a horror also, but he's at least semi-sane and won't be an international embarrassment.
All of that has been disproved and shown to be nonsense...tell us in your own words not some link from the past...Trump did not collude with Russia to steal the election from Hillary...in fact its just the opposite...get up to date...like I said you are three weeks behind...

Disproven by whom exactly - Hannity, Breitbart, Nunes, Giuliani and Alex Jones?

Grow up and grow a damn brain man .. Pronto!
All of that has been disproved and shown to be nonsense...tell us in your own words not some link from the past...Trump did not collude with Russia to steal the election from Hillary...in fact its just the opposite...get up to date...like I said you are three weeks behind...

Disproven by whom exactly - Hannity, Breitbart, Nunes, Giuliani and Alex Jones?

Grow up and grow a damn brain man .. Pronto!
Don't you know?
We never landed on the moon and 911 was an inside job to the old white fart trumpies
How do you know what he has or hasn’t done?
Because I know the type of persons making the charges...and I know if Trump did anything wrong we all would know it by now...why would Mueller keep quiet if Trump were guilty? He would be on TV the next day telling us what Trump did to break the law...
This has been investigated to death and the only people in trouble are FBI and DOJ officials...why don't you give weight to the charges and accusations made towards Comey and Brennan and Lynch and Rosenstein?
They are and have been attempting to force Trump from office but they can't because Trump did nothing wrong...
Believe me...We have seen Mueller at work before...he would be shouting from the rooftops and leaking like a sieve if Trump were guilty....the truth is he has nothing left but to try and bring Trump into a perjury trap...but the people around the POTUS are too smart for Mueller....its over dupe...
How do you know what he has or hasn’t done?

Waste of bandwidth most of these Trumplings my friend.

Apparently they've no ability to read tea leaves and figure out that what you and I know is the tip of the proverbial iceberg. They'll deny and dissemble up to AND after the time Fat Donnie hits the skids.

President Pence is a horror also, but he's at least semi-sane and won't be an international embarrassment.
You got nothing...Trump is still president and doing a great job at it...even dems are saying its time to back off of Trump or face a Red wave in November...
Sourcing Raw Story which sources the Pussy Whipped Joe Show - what could possibly go wrong?

This has nothing to do with either Raw Story or Morning Joe. It's reporting from Bob Costa at WaPo .. one of the best guys out there.

Sucks to be a Trumpling :)
No, it's great to be a "Trumpling", as you put it. It sounds...it sounds like victory!

Anyway, being "deplorable" means not being pussywhipped, which is why Joe and goofy Mika are such whiners.
No point in that really - You'd just call it "fake news".

All of Trump’s Ties to Russia, in 7 Charts

And you'll be saying the same when more Trump swamp creatures are outfitted with handcuffs and matching ankle bracelets.
All of that has been disproved and shown to be nonsense...tell us in your own words not some link from the past...Trump did not collude with Russia to steal the election from Hillary...in fact its just the opposite...get up to date...like I said you are three weeks behind...
Avenatti has proof that can be backed up by sources, that say Russian Oligarch's deposited money into (AKKThe Fixer), Michael Cohen's bank account, where Stormy Daniels, her lawyer, and Cohen negotiated payments just weeks before the election to keep Daniels quiet about Trump's affair. That constitutes campaign finance violations to influence an election, thereby revealing that this was an illegal election. It is also a federal crime when a foreign adversary gives hush money to a U.S. presidential campaign. That constitutes a conspiracy to collude. That is a federal crime.

And by the way, nothing has been "disproved" as you say, and it is just the opposite of nonsense.
Disproven by whom exactly - Hannity, Breitbart, Nunes, Giuliani and Alex Jones?

Grow up and grow a damn brain man .. Pronto
By folks much more trustworthy than the MSM and the swampy establishment you seem to love....you are three weeks behind current events....grow a brain dupe!
Disproven by whom exactly - Hannity, Breitbart, Nunes, Giuliani and Alex Jones?

Grow up and grow a damn brain man .. Pronto
By folks much more trustworthy than the MSM and the swampy establishment you seem to love....you are three weeks behind current events....grow a brain dupe!

No sorry, you will have to name a few of your ever-so-reliable sources.
Sourcing Raw Story which sources the Pussy Whipped Joe Show - what could possibly go wrong?

This has nothing to do with either Raw Story or Morning Joe. It's reporting from Bob Costa at WaPo .. one of the best guys out there.

Sucks to be a Trumpling :)
No, it's great to be a "Trumpling", as you put it. It sounds...it sounds like victory!

Anyway, being "deplorable" means not being pussywhipped, which is why Joe and goofy Mika are such whiners.
No point in that really - You'd just call it "fake news".

All of Trump’s Ties to Russia, in 7 Charts

And you'll be saying the same when more Trump swamp creatures are outfitted with handcuffs and matching ankle bracelets.
All of that has been disproved and shown to be nonsense...tell us in your own words not some link from the past...Trump did not collude with Russia to steal the election from Hillary...in fact its just the opposite...get up to date...like I said you are three weeks behind...
Avenatti has proof that can be backed up by sources, that say Russian Oligarch's deposited money into (AKKThe Fixer), Michael Cohen's bank account, where Stormy Daniels, her lawyer, and Cohen negotiated payments just weeks before the election to keep Daniels quiet about Trump's affair. That constitutes campaign finance violations to influence an election, thereby revealing that this was an illegal election. It is also a federal crime when a foreign adversary gives hush money to a U.S. presidential campaign. That constitutes a conspiracy to collude. That is a federal crime.

And by the way, nothing has been "disproved" as you say, and it is just the opposite of nonsense.
My God, what gutter did you back up from? As if we didn't have enough semi-literate ding bats on this site!
Disproven by whom exactly - Hannity, Breitbart, Nunes, Giuliani and Alex Jones?

Grow up and grow a damn brain man .. Pronto
By folks much more trustworthy than the MSM and the swampy establishment you seem to love....you are three weeks behind current events....grow a brain dupe!

No sorry, you will have to name a few of your ever-so-reliable sources.
Time to End Mueller's Investigation About Nothing - American Greatness

Dershowitz On Special Counsel: The Investigation Should End

Rudy Giuliani Wants to End Robert Mueller's Investigation Soon. Trump's Allies Think He Can Do It

Trump-Russia: Pence urges Mueller to end investigation – 'Time to wrap it up'

Drudge poll: Three-quarters say Trump should fire Mueller
Disproven by whom exactly - Hannity, Breitbart, Nunes, Giuliani and Alex Jones?

Grow up and grow a damn brain man .. Pronto
By folks much more trustworthy than the MSM and the swampy establishment you seem to love....you are three weeks behind current events....grow a brain dupe!
Ah yes, here come the lies again. "By folks much more trustworthy than the MSM". You mean from those trustworthy "Jim Bob's" across the road from your house who know absolutely nothing about everything right?
Avenatti has proof that can be backed up by sources, that say Russian Oligarch's deposited money into (AKKThe Fixer), Michael Cohen's bank account, where Stormy Daniels, her lawyer, and Cohen negotiated payments just weeks before the election to keep Daniels quiet about Trump's affair. That constitutes campaign finance violations to influence an election, thereby revealing that this was an illegal election. It is also a federal crime when a foreign adversary gives hush money to a U.S. presidential campaign. That constitutes a conspiracy to collude. That is a federal crime.

And by the way, nothing has been "disproved" as you say, and it is just the opposite of nonsense.

One of these Dotards said the other day that they'd rather have Rudy Giuliani as an attorney than Michael Avenatti.

SERIOUS? Ehh sorry , but if I was ever in trouble .. Avenatti would be my top pick.

The dude is flat out AMAZING. He's playing three dimensional chess while Trump and pals are playing Hungry Hippo. :)

Ah yes, here come the lies again. "By folks much more trustworthy than the MSM". You mean from those trustworthy "Jim Bob's" across the road from your house who know absolutely nothing about everything right?
I mean more trustworthy than the traitors that covered up Hillary's crimes...including the media and the FBI and the DNC..,etc etc etc
Disproven by whom exactly - Hannity, Breitbart, Nunes, Giuliani and Alex Jones?

Grow up and grow a damn brain man .. Pronto
By folks much more trustworthy than the MSM and the swampy establishment you seem to love....you are three weeks behind current events....grow a brain dupe!

No sorry, you will have to name a few of your ever-so-reliable sources.
Listen sister, you're going to have to do a lot better than Avenetti, a pimp, and his whore before you start demanding anything.
"Process Crimes" is a fun little pillow to rest your head on I guess. But the most serious crimes related to conspiracy and obstruction of justice come later if the perps don't sing. You don't know what Mueller has and neither do I. But I can guarantee he knows 20 times more than we do.

Still just around the corner huh? Got him....almost...just wait....

You know everyone thought election night was so enjoyable. For months youtube's most popular videos were watching Hillary supporters bawl on election night. And it was sad to think it might end.
But I have come to realize this Quixotic tilting at Donald Trump is just as enjoyable. Death by a thousand cuts with a defeat every day. Every single day. And the defeat is the same shock to liberals every single day.
The other defeats fade away in the hysterical moaning and crying...the Tax Bill, killing TPP and climate change bill and now Iran deal. Every nominee you *swore* would be defeated from Betsey Devos to Neil Gorusch and a thousand inbetween.
But this torture of constant grasping at collusion and looking at an empty fist...that goes on forever. The Greeks came up with a similar punishment for Tantalus. I love it and enjoy the show.

Remember...almost there. Almost got him. Next week he is finished :)

Tantalus - Wikipedia

Disproven by whom exactly - Hannity, Breitbart, Nunes, Giuliani and Alex Jones?

Grow up and grow a damn brain man .. Pronto
By folks much more trustworthy than the MSM and the swampy establishment you seem to love....you are three weeks behind current events....grow a brain dupe!

No sorry, you will have to name a few of your ever-so-reliable sources.
Time to End Mueller's Investigation About Nothing - American Greatness

Dershowitz On Special Counsel: The Investigation Should End

Rudy Giuliani Wants to End Robert Mueller's Investigation Soon. Trump's Allies Think He Can Do It

Trump-Russia: Pence urges Mueller to end investigation – 'Time to wrap it up'

Drudge poll: Three-quarters say Trump should fire Mueller

This coming from Mike Pence who got caught lying about Flynn. "Time to wrap it up". Lol! This coming from one of the criminals himself.

In real news, evidence is everywhere the Right doesn't want it to be.

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