White House fears Jared and Don Jr may be indicted

Four guilty pleas to process crimes. They were caused by the questioning. There has been no criminal activity uncovered. Mueller has been ordered to produce the evidence of what crimes led to the 19 indictments of foreign nationals and he can't.

Starting the second year of investigation and not a single crime.
See, trump administration crimes are not real crimes. They are "process" crimes and even though one guy is in jail already and more are at risk of going to jail, they are only those pesky "process crimes" like lying to investigators, obstruction of justice and stuff like that. Process crimes.
One dutch guy is in jail for giving misleading answers to the FBI during questioning. Papadopoulos plead guilty to lying about a meeting date. All of the crimes occurred as a result of the questioning. They are gotcha crimes with penalties of a few days, that do not have a substantive crime behind them.

Even what Mueller tried to pass off as a big fish, 13 Russians that was safe to prosecute because they would never come here bit Mueller on the balls by asking to see the evidence. Worse for Mueller, a judge ordered him to cough it up.

This entire mess has been exposed as nothing more than an exercise to overturn the election.
The election should be overturned based on just the sole evidence that Russian Oligarch's who we have sanctions against, deposited money in Michael Cohen's bank account to be used as a slush fund for hush money a few weeks prior to election day, that influenced the election.
Four guilty pleas to process crimes. They were caused by the questioning. There has been no criminal activity uncovered. Mueller has been ordered to produce the evidence of what crimes led to the 19 indictments of foreign nationals and he can't.

Starting the second year of investigation and not a single crime.
See, trump administration crimes are not real crimes. They are "process" crimes and even though one guy is in jail already and more are at risk of going to jail, they are only those pesky "process crimes" like lying to investigators, obstruction of justice and stuff like that. Process crimes.
One dutch guy is in jail for giving misleading answers to the FBI during questioning. Papadopoulos plead guilty to lying about a meeting date. All of the crimes occurred as a result of the questioning. They are gotcha crimes with penalties of a few days, that do not have a substantive crime behind them.

Even what Mueller tried to pass off as a big fish, 13 Russians that was safe to prosecute because they would never come here bit Mueller on the balls by asking to see the evidence. Worse for Mueller, a judge ordered him to cough it up.

This entire mess has been exposed as nothing more than an exercise to overturn the election.
The election should be overturned based on just the sole evidence that Russian Oligarch's who we have sanctions against, deposited money in Michael Cohen's bank account to be used as a slush fund for hush money a few weeks prior to election day, that influenced the election.
Prove up those democrat talking points.
This coming from Mike Pence who got caught lying about Flynn
Ohhh My who caught him lying? and about what? this should be really good....
Top Democrat sent letter to Mike Pence in November warning of Michael Flynn's Turkey lobbying After Pence received his letter from Cummings that Pence never responded to, (certified by the way), that warned Pence about Michael Flynn and his connections to Turkey and others, that Pence was to respond to Cummings about, so as to get a pro active update as to what Pence found out about, later lied about knowing anything about Flynn. Pence got caught lying about not knowing anything about Flynn's activities. Pence should be arrested along side Flynn. Trump transition was told of Flynn’s lobbying, congressman’s letter to Pence shows
As I said, Flynn lied to Pence. You are the reason toilets should be flushed, very much like death row inmates.
Thanks, just not sure how it is funny when you are the one getting hammered with the truth? Shouldn't that laugh be for me, seeing that you have no defense?

Rambo may wanna call it a day ;)
Rambo may not know it, but he was done before he started. I can say this, I'm not sure about your time zone, but you won't have to be inconvenienced by being late to your super tonight, based on some jaw dropping intelligent counter rebuttals from this cat, that is for sure. Enjoy your din. There won't be much smoke to clear out of the way when you come back.
This coming from Mike Pence who got caught lying about Flynn
Ohhh My who caught him lying? and about what? this should be really good....
Top Democrat sent letter to Mike Pence in November warning of Michael Flynn's Turkey lobbying After Pence received his letter from Cummings that Pence never responded to, (certified by the way), that warned Pence about Michael Flynn and his connections to Turkey and others, that Pence was to respond to Cummings about, so as to get a pro active update as to what Pence found out about, later lied about knowing anything about Flynn. Pence got caught lying about not knowing anything about Flynn's activities. Pence should be arrested along side Flynn. Trump transition was told of Flynn’s lobbying, congressman’s letter to Pence shows
As I said, Flynn lied to Pence. You are the reason toilets should be flushed.
And you may need to call for a good Septic tank service? I have the number if you need it?

As I said with my link, the proof from the article, (via the certified letter by Cummings), also proved Pence lied to the country about Flynn. Pence never responded to the certified letter by Cummings, proving Pence was not doing his job, and was willfully obstructing justice in order to cover for what he did not want to acknowledge.

The rest is history. Pence lied the whole way through about not knowing anything about Flynn and his Turkey connections, except, he was sent a certified letter he ignored. Pence is a proven liar.
Thanks, just not sure how it is funny when you are the one getting hammered with the truth? Shouldn't that laugh be for me, seeing that you have no defense?

Rambo may wanna call it a day ;)
Rambo may not know it, but he was done before he started. I can say this, I'm not sure about your time zone, but you won't have to be inconvenienced by being late to your super tonight, based on some jaw dropping intelligent counter rebuttals from this cat, that is for sure. Enjoy your din. There won't be much smoke to clear out of the way when you come back.

Thanks for mentioning dinner - I have these gorgeous tenderloin steaks from Costco that i plan on firing up any minute!

Rambo not invited :)
Four guilty pleas to process crimes. They were caused by the questioning. There has been no criminal activity uncovered. Mueller has been ordered to produce the evidence of what crimes led to the 19 indictments of foreign nationals and he can't.

Starting the second year of investigation and not a single crime.
See, trump administration crimes are not real crimes. They are "process" crimes and even though one guy is in jail already and more are at risk of going to jail, they are only those pesky "process crimes" like lying to investigators, obstruction of justice and stuff like that. Process crimes.
One dutch guy is in jail for giving misleading answers to the FBI during questioning. Papadopoulos plead guilty to lying about a meeting date. All of the crimes occurred as a result of the questioning. They are gotcha crimes with penalties of a few days, that do not have a substantive crime behind them.

Even what Mueller tried to pass off as a big fish, 13 Russians that was safe to prosecute because they would never come here bit Mueller on the balls by asking to see the evidence. Worse for Mueller, a judge ordered him to cough it up.

This entire mess has been exposed as nothing more than an exercise to overturn the election.
The election should be overturned based on just the sole evidence that Russian Oligarch's who we have sanctions against, deposited money in Michael Cohen's bank account to be used as a slush fund for hush money a few weeks prior to election day, that influenced the election.
Prove up those democrat talking points.
You have google right? And fingers that can type right? I always say boss, if one wants the truth, one can find it. Do you want it?
This coming from Mike Pence who got caught lying about Flynn
Ohhh My who caught him lying? and about what? this should be really good....
Top Democrat sent letter to Mike Pence in November warning of Michael Flynn's Turkey lobbying After Pence received his letter from Cummings that Pence never responded to, (certified by the way), that warned Pence about Michael Flynn and his connections to Turkey and others, that Pence was to respond to Cummings about, so as to get a pro active update as to what Pence found out about, later lied about knowing anything about Flynn. Pence got caught lying about not knowing anything about Flynn's activities. Pence should be arrested along side Flynn. Trump transition was told of Flynn’s lobbying, congressman’s letter to Pence shows
As I said, Flynn lied to Pence. You are the reason toilets should be flushed.
And you may need to call for a good Septic tank service? I have the number if you need it?

As I said with my link, the proof from the article, (via the certified letter by Cummings), also proved Pence lied to the country about Flynn. Pence never responded to the certified letter by Cummings, proving Pence was not doing his job, and was willfully obstructing justice in order to cover for what he did not want to acknowledge.

The rest is history. Pence lied the whole way through about not knowing anything about Flynn and his Turkey connections, except, he was sent a certified letter he ignored. Pence is a proven liar.
Do you understand what a "certified letter" is? It's just a fucking letter that anyone can send to anyone else whose delivery is certified.


Send Trump a certified letter and if he doesn't respond, then call for his impeachment...idiot!
Thanks, just not sure how it is funny when you are the one getting hammered with the truth? Shouldn't that laugh be for me, seeing that you have no defense?

Rambo may wanna call it a day ;)
Rambo may not know it, but he was done before he started. I can say this, I'm not sure about your time zone, but you won't have to be inconvenienced by being late to your super tonight, based on some jaw dropping intelligent counter rebuttals from this cat, that is for sure. Enjoy your din. There won't be much smoke to clear out of the way when you come back.

Thanks for mentioning dinner - I have these gorgeous tenderloin steaks from Costco that i plan on firing up any minute!

Rambo not invited :)

It wouldn't matter. After this pounding, I'm sure Rambo's having issues with his taste buds along about right now anyway?
This coming from Mike Pence who got caught lying about Flynn
Ohhh My who caught him lying? and about what? this should be really good....
Top Democrat sent letter to Mike Pence in November warning of Michael Flynn's Turkey lobbying After Pence received his letter from Cummings that Pence never responded to, (certified by the way), that warned Pence about Michael Flynn and his connections to Turkey and others, that Pence was to respond to Cummings about, so as to get a pro active update as to what Pence found out about, later lied about knowing anything about Flynn. Pence got caught lying about not knowing anything about Flynn's activities. Pence should be arrested along side Flynn. Trump transition was told of Flynn’s lobbying, congressman’s letter to Pence shows
As I said, Flynn lied to Pence. You are the reason toilets should be flushed.
And you may need to call for a good Septic tank service? I have the number if you need it?

As I said with my link, the proof from the article, (via the certified letter by Cummings), also proved Pence lied to the country about Flynn. Pence never responded to the certified letter by Cummings, proving Pence was not doing his job, and was willfully obstructing justice in order to cover for what he did not want to acknowledge.

The rest is history. Pence lied the whole way through about not knowing anything about Flynn and his Turkey connections, except, he was sent a certified letter he ignored. Pence is a proven liar.
Do you understand what a "certified letter" is? It's just a fucking letter that anyone can send to anyone else whose delivery is certified.

Then you should hate yourself then for not knowing, because it is not the same thing. "Certified" is when a letter has to be signed by the recipient of that letter with the sender being sent knowledge that the letter was received by the recipient.

You are a total idiot; Stamps.com - What is Certified Mail, How to Send USPS Certified Letter
Ohhh My who caught him lying? and about what? this should be really good....
Top Democrat sent letter to Mike Pence in November warning of Michael Flynn's Turkey lobbying After Pence received his letter from Cummings that Pence never responded to, (certified by the way), that warned Pence about Michael Flynn and his connections to Turkey and others, that Pence was to respond to Cummings about, so as to get a pro active update as to what Pence found out about, later lied about knowing anything about Flynn. Pence got caught lying about not knowing anything about Flynn's activities. Pence should be arrested along side Flynn. Trump transition was told of Flynn’s lobbying, congressman’s letter to Pence shows
As I said, Flynn lied to Pence. You are the reason toilets should be flushed.
And you may need to call for a good Septic tank service? I have the number if you need it?

As I said with my link, the proof from the article, (via the certified letter by Cummings), also proved Pence lied to the country about Flynn. Pence never responded to the certified letter by Cummings, proving Pence was not doing his job, and was willfully obstructing justice in order to cover for what he did not want to acknowledge.

The rest is history. Pence lied the whole way through about not knowing anything about Flynn and his Turkey connections, except, he was sent a certified letter he ignored. Pence is a proven liar.
Do you understand what a "certified letter" is? It's just a fucking letter that anyone can send to anyone else whose delivery is certified.

Then you should hate yourself then for not knowing, because it is not the same thing. "Certified" is when a letter has to be signed by the recipient of that letter with the sender being sent knowledge that the letter was received by the recipient.

You are a total idiot; Stamps.com - What is Certified Mail, How to Send USPS Certified Letter
WTF does that have to do with the content and the receivers obligation to answer?! You can send certified letters to anyone till the cows come home.

Sorry, I obviously don't suffer fools gladly.
WTF does that have to do with the content and the receivers obligation to answer?! You can send certified letters to anyone till the cows come home.

Sorry, I obviously don't suffer fools gladly.

Agreed Meat - You merely suffer Fool-ISHNESS

Tick Tock Go the Mueller Clock :)

Top Democrat sent letter to Mike Pence in November warning of Michael Flynn's Turkey lobbying After Pence received his letter from Cummings that Pence never responded to, (certified by the way), that warned Pence about Michael Flynn and his connections to Turkey and others, that Pence was to respond to Cummings about, so as to get a pro active update as to what Pence found out about, later lied about knowing anything about Flynn. Pence got caught lying about not knowing anything about Flynn's activities. Pence should be arrested along side Flynn. Trump transition was told of Flynn’s lobbying, congressman’s letter to Pence shows
As I said, Flynn lied to Pence. You are the reason toilets should be flushed.
And you may need to call for a good Septic tank service? I have the number if you need it?

As I said with my link, the proof from the article, (via the certified letter by Cummings), also proved Pence lied to the country about Flynn. Pence never responded to the certified letter by Cummings, proving Pence was not doing his job, and was willfully obstructing justice in order to cover for what he did not want to acknowledge.

The rest is history. Pence lied the whole way through about not knowing anything about Flynn and his Turkey connections, except, he was sent a certified letter he ignored. Pence is a proven liar.
Do you understand what a "certified letter" is? It's just a fucking letter that anyone can send to anyone else whose delivery is certified.

Then you should hate yourself then for not knowing, because it is not the same thing. "Certified" is when a letter has to be signed by the recipient of that letter with the sender being sent knowledge that the letter was received by the recipient.

You are a total idiot; Stamps.com - What is Certified Mail, How to Send USPS Certified Letter
WTF does that have to do with the content and the receivers obligation to answer?! You can send certified letters to anyone till the cows come home.

Sorry, I obviously don't suffer fools gladly.
If you are the V.P. who receives a "certified letter" from the oversight committee, signs for it, then disregards it, was not/is not upholding his role as V.P. and is therefore unqualified for the position for one. Two, he is part of the cover up to obstruct justice in the face of lying to the public by pretending to be ignorant of the facts, and as a requirement of the oversight committee, Pence was asked to respond to that letter by a certain number of days, which he did not. Pence also got caught trying to concoct two different versions to the story. One of them is a lie. Pence is part of the crime and should be indicted along with Flynn. Cummings: Either Pence is lying or was 'running a sloppy shop'
WTF does that have to do with the content and the receivers obligation to answer?! You can send certified letters to anyone till the cows come home.

Sorry, I obviously don't suffer fools gladly.

Agreed Meat - You merely suffer Fool-ISHNESS

Tick Tock Go the Mueller Clock :)

If you hadn't got knocked up before you completed your elementary education, we could pursue this. As it is, and the hour is getting late where I live and I an employed person, will leave you to wallow in your less-than-charming simplicity.
They should not be immune. They conspired to try and collect dirt on Clinton during a presidential election, and got caught lying about it on three different occasions. They are traitors to the U.S. and should go to jail.
So no one ever in any campaign has ever collected dirt on their opponent? are you blind or just dumb..?

From a Russian national after they had been warned of Russian interference in our elections.
WTF does that have to do with the content and the receivers obligation to answer?! You can send certified letters to anyone till the cows come home.

Sorry, I obviously don't suffer fools gladly.

Agreed Meat - You merely suffer Fool-ISHNESS

Tick Tock Go the Mueller Clock :)

If you hadn't got knocked up before you completed your elementary education, we could pursue this. As it is, and the hour is getting late where I live and I an employed person, will leave you to wallow in your less-than-charming simplicity.

I knew the hit and run crowd would eventually be leaving. Tell your boss I said ha.
Did Jim Bob tell you about that too? Did you ask him to present you with a source to prove it? No? Then you're as bad as Jim Bob. No wonder the both of you always say a whole lot of nothing that are backed up by lies
I don't know a Jim Bob...is that your buddy? If Trump is guilty why is he not in jail? Why is he still in office? and when will he be removed from office? Simple questions all of them....
Guilty of lying about a blowjob. The other problem is that it isn't political payback. The Mueller investigation was instigated by Republicans. Mueller (R) was appointed by Deputy AG Rosenstein (R) because the AG Sessions (R) had to recuse himself because of his own Russian connections. They are investigating Trump (R) and his Republican administration. The Dems are powerless to do much of anything, being the minority party and all
This entire Mueller investigation was a set up...a set up to frame Trump and force him from office and it has failed and FBI agents involved are being demoted and fired....there is the proof I'm right and you tards are wrong...

You really are cuckoo. FBI agents are being retaliated against because they refused to play politics. Trump wants to turn the FBI and DOJ into his personal security force.

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