White House fears Jared and Don Jr may be indicted

Disproven by whom exactly - Hannity, Breitbart, Nunes, Giuliani and Alex Jones?

Grow up and grow a damn brain man .. Pronto
By folks much more trustworthy than the MSM and the swampy establishment you seem to love....you are three weeks behind current events....grow a brain dupe!

No sorry, you will have to name a few of your ever-so-reliable sources.
Time to End Mueller's Investigation About Nothing - American Greatness

Dershowitz On Special Counsel: The Investigation Should End

Rudy Giuliani Wants to End Robert Mueller's Investigation Soon. Trump's Allies Think He Can Do It

Trump-Russia: Pence urges Mueller to end investigation – 'Time to wrap it up'

Drudge poll: Three-quarters say Trump should fire Mueller

This coming from Mike Pence who got caught lying about Flynn. "Time to wrap it up". Lol! This coming from one of the criminals himself.

In real news, evidence is everywhere the Right doesn't want it to be.
No asshole, Flynn lied to Pence. Trump and even God may love you, but I hate the dumbed-down.
This coming from Mike Pence who got caught lying about Flynn. "Time to wrap it up". Lol! This coming from one of the criminals himself.

In real news, evidence is everywhere the Right doesn't want it to be.

He was ever-so channeling NIXON!

Ah yes, here come the lies again. "By folks much more trustworthy than the MSM". You mean from those trustworthy "Jim Bob's" across the road from your house who know absolutely nothing about everything right?
I mean more trustworthy than the traitors that covered up Hillary's crimes...including the media and the FBI and the DNC..,etc etc etc
Did Jim Bob tell you about that too? Did you ask him to present you with a source to prove it? No? Then you're as bad as Jim Bob. No wonder the both of you always say a whole lot of nothing that are backed up by lies.
No point in that really - You'd just call it "fake news".

All of Trump’s Ties to Russia, in 7 Charts

And you'll be saying the same when more Trump swamp creatures are outfitted with handcuffs and matching ankle bracelets.
All of that has been disproved and shown to be nonsense...tell us in your own words not some link from the past...Trump did not collude with Russia to steal the election from Hillary...in fact its just the opposite...get up to date...like I said you are three weeks behind...
Was Trump involved in money laundering with the Russians?
Why were his key people meeting with the Russians?
Did he conduct business with the Russians while they were under sanctions?
Did he subvert sanctions imposed because of Russian interference ?

America wants to know
Its over libs...get used to it...
If We were to go by what is posted on your Avatar, It looks like it is over for you?

scary usa.jpg
You mean my beautiful Avatar?
Was Trump involved in money laundering with the Russians?
Why were his key people meeting with the Russians?
Did he conduct business with the Russians while they were under sanctions?
Did he subvert sanctions imposed because of Russian interference ?

America wants to know
No No No and No....nothing has been verified to be true.....and....ITS BEEN GOING ON A YEAR AND A HALF!!!!!! if there were anything at all we would know it by now...especially if the rumors are true that Mueller is shutting the investigation down...
This coming from Mike Pence who got caught lying about Flynn
Ohhh My who caught him lying? and about what? this should be really good....
Top Democrat sent letter to Mike Pence in November warning of Michael Flynn's Turkey lobbying After Pence received his letter from Cummings that Pence never responded to, (certified by the way), that warned Pence about Michael Flynn and his connections to Turkey and others, that Pence was to respond to Cummings about, so as to get a pro active update as to what Pence found out about, later lied about knowing anything about Flynn. Pence got caught lying about not knowing anything about Flynn's activities. Pence should be arrested along side Flynn. Trump transition was told of Flynn’s lobbying, congressman’s letter to Pence shows
This coming from Mike Pence who got caught lying about Flynn
Ohhh My who caught him lying? and about what? this should be really good....
Top Democrat sent letter to Mike Pence in November warning of Michael Flynn's Turkey lobbying After Pence received his letter from Cummings that Pence never responded to, (certified by the way), that warned Pence about Michael Flynn and his connections to Turkey and others, that Pence was to respond to Cummings about, so as to get a pro active update as to what Pence found out about, later lied about knowing anything about Flynn. Pence got caught lying about not knowing anything about Flynn's activities. Pence should be arrested along side Flynn. Trump transition was told of Flynn’s lobbying, congressman’s letter to Pence shows
BS...Flynn didn't lie about that...the FBI even said so...the lie Flynn told to Pence has not been confirmed yet so what are you talking about...oh I see more fake news speculation...
This coming from Mike Pence who got caught lying about Flynn
Ohhh My who caught him lying? and about what? this should be really good....
Top Democrat sent letter to Mike Pence in November warning of Michael Flynn's Turkey lobbying After Pence received his letter from Cummings that Pence never responded to, (certified by the way), that warned Pence about Michael Flynn and his connections to Turkey and others, that Pence was to respond to Cummings about, so as to get a pro active update as to what Pence found out about, later lied about knowing anything about Flynn. Pence got caught lying about not knowing anything about Flynn's activities. Pence should be arrested along side Flynn. Trump transition was told of Flynn’s lobbying, congressman’s letter to Pence shows
BS...Flynn didn't lie about that...the FBI even said so...the lie Flynn told to Pence has not been confirmed yet so what are you talking about...oh I see more fake news speculation...
The certified letter given to Pence by Cummings, proves Pence was lying about not having any knowledge about Flynn. The letter is proof of Pence and his guilt. That is what I am talking about, and that is what you cannot rebut. Anything else you need to know other than your own bs?

Oh, and by the way, the FBI never confirmed that Flynn didn't lie. That is old news. They originally "THOUGHT" Flynn had not lied. That is no longer the case. So you can stop peddling that false story around. Way ahead of you boss.
This coming from Mike Pence who got caught lying about Flynn
Ohhh My who caught him lying? and about what? this should be really good....
Top Democrat sent letter to Mike Pence in November warning of Michael Flynn's Turkey lobbying After Pence received his letter from Cummings that Pence never responded to, (certified by the way), that warned Pence about Michael Flynn and his connections to Turkey and others, that Pence was to respond to Cummings about, so as to get a pro active update as to what Pence found out about, later lied about knowing anything about Flynn. Pence got caught lying about not knowing anything about Flynn's activities. Pence should be arrested along side Flynn. Trump transition was told of Flynn’s lobbying, congressman’s letter to Pence shows
Thanks, just not sure how it is funny when you are the one getting hammered with the truth? Shouldn't that laugh be for me, seeing that you have no defense?
Four guilty pleas to process crimes. They were caused by the questioning. There has been no criminal activity uncovered. Mueller has been ordered to produce the evidence of what crimes led to the 19 indictments of foreign nationals and he can't.

Starting the second year of investigation and not a single crime.
See, trump administration crimes are not real crimes. They are "process" crimes and even though one guy is in jail already and more are at risk of going to jail, they are only those pesky "process crimes" like lying to investigators, obstruction of justice and stuff like that. Process crimes.
One dutch guy is in jail for giving misleading answers to the FBI during questioning. Papadopoulos plead guilty to lying about a meeting date. All of the crimes occurred as a result of the questioning. They are gotcha crimes with penalties of a few days, that do not have a substantive crime behind them.

Even what Mueller tried to pass off as a big fish, 13 Russians that was safe to prosecute because they would never come here bit Mueller on the balls by asking to see the evidence. Worse for Mueller, a judge ordered him to cough it up.

This entire mess has been exposed as nothing more than an exercise to overturn the election.

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