White House Finds No Support in FBI Report for Claims Against Kavanaugh

'Highly Curtailed'

That means President Trump limited the scope of the FBI's latest investigation to looking into the specific details of these accusations of sexual assault by Kavanaugh and did not give the FBI free reign to dig into every aspect of his entire life to LOOK for any potential crime committed since birth, as was / is the case with the Mueller Witch Hunt.

The background supplement was supposed to look into the Ford accusation, not start from square-1. What part of "false accusation" don't you understand? (It's official!! vote him on the USSC)

What day did they speak with Ford?
The background supplement was supposed to look into the Ford accusation, not start from square-1. What part of "false accusation" don't you understand? (It's official!! vote him on the USSC)

What day did they speak with Ford?
what day in the last 33, 34, 35, 36 or 37 years did ford go to the proper authorities to file a complaint as your or i or anyone else should?
The background supplement was supposed to look into the Ford accusation, not start from square-1. What part of "false accusation" don't you understand? (It's official!! vote him on the USSC)

What day did they speak with Ford?
what day in the last 33, 34, 35, 36 or 37 years did ford go to the proper authorities to file a complaint as your or i or anyone else should?

Irrelevant to the question.

Answer it, loser.
Of course he didn't. He's a Republican, and if Republicans didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.

The background supplement was supposed to look into the Ford accusation, not start from square-1. What part of "false accusation" don't you understand? (It's official!! vote him on the USSC)

What day did they speak with Ford?
They have her sworn testimony. That is also her uncorroborated contradicted and false accusation. She's a liar, why talk to her instead of real witnesses?
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The background supplement was supposed to look into the Ford accusation, not start from square-1. What part of "false accusation" don't you understand? (It's official!! vote him on the USSC)

What day did they speak with Ford?
what day in the last 33, 34, 35, 36 or 37 years did ford go to the proper authorities to file a complaint as your or i or anyone else should?

Irrelevant to the question.

Answer it, loser.
filing a sexual assault claim in the first 3 decades of it happening is *very* relevant. well unless YOU don't find it convenient to your cause.
The background supplement was supposed to look into the Ford accusation, not start from square-1. What part of "false accusation" don't you understand? (It's official!! vote him on the USSC)

What day did they speak with Ford?
what day in the last 33, 34, 35, 36 or 37 years did ford go to the proper authorities to file a complaint as your or i or anyone else should?

Irrelevant to the question.

Answer it, loser.
The loser doesn't know that most women molested or raped are either too embarrassed to report or know nothing will be done about it The ah in our WH said its a very difficult time for young men in this country The girls are fine Ice is a typical know nothing republican
Of course he didn't. He's a Republican, and if Republicans didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.

I wouldn't
The background supplement was supposed to look into the Ford accusation, not start from square-1. What part of "false accusation" don't you understand? (It's official!! vote him on the USSC)

What day did they speak with Ford?
They have her sworn testimony. That is also her uncorroborated contradicted and false accusation. She's a liar, why talk to her instead of real witnesses?

Why talk to her?

You said the investigation was all about looking into the Ford allegations.

Did they do that?

Admit it. You don't care if they did at all.
The background supplement was supposed to look into the Ford accusation, not start from square-1. What part of "false accusation" don't you understand? (It's official!! vote him on the USSC)

What day did they speak with Ford?
what day in the last 33, 34, 35, 36 or 37 years did ford go to the proper authorities to file a complaint as your or i or anyone else should?

Irrelevant to the question.

Answer it, loser.
filing a sexual assault claim in the first 3 decades of it happening is *very* relevant. well unless YOU don't find it convenient to your cause.

Irrelevant to the question I asked, dope.

That's the second time you dodged, loser.
The background supplement was supposed to look into the Ford accusation, not start from square-1. What part of "false accusation" don't you understand? (It's official!! vote him on the USSC)

What day did they speak with Ford?
She already made her allegations under oath.

The FBI then go and investigate her allegations.

They don’t ask her to repeat them and they don’t ask her to make new ones, as she has already testified under oath.

If they were to interview her it would be if they suspect inconsistencies or lies in her testimony brought to light by investigating her allegations.

Why are Leftards pretending not to understand this?

Oh yeah, so they can pretend a proper enquiry has not been conducted in the hope of causing further delays.


But, in view of the above, I do hope the FBI interview her soon, ha ha ha.
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The background supplement was supposed to look into the Ford accusation, not start from square-1. What part of "false accusation" don't you understand? (It's official!! vote him on the USSC)

What day did they speak with Ford?
what day in the last 33, 34, 35, 36 or 37 years did ford go to the proper authorities to file a complaint as your or i or anyone else should?

Irrelevant to the question.

Answer it, loser.
The loser doesn't know that most women molested or raped are either too embarrassed to report or know nothing will be done about it The ah in our WH said its a very difficult time for young men in this country The girls are fine Ice is a typical know nothing republican
and here comes edward with the insults and bullshit.

typical asshole.
Of course he didn't. He's a Republican, and if Republicans didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.

I wouldn't
The background supplement was supposed to look into the Ford accusation, not start from square-1. What part of "false accusation" don't you understand? (It's official!! vote him on the USSC)

What day did they speak with Ford?
They have her sworn testimony. That is also her uncorroborated contradicted and false accusation. She's a liar, why talk to her instead of real witnesses?

Why talk to her?

You said the investigation was all about looking into the Ford allegations.

Did they do that?

Admit it. You don't care if they did at all.
They have her sworn allegations. They investigated whether or not the allegations are legitimate. Why talk to her again, unless they wanted to get her in a perjury trap?
Admit it. You don't care if they did at all.

Even if the FBI gave Kav a clean bill, and they admit that there is no evidence here to prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, D's aren't going to vote for him.

What diff does the FBI investigation really mean anyhow?
The background supplement was supposed to look into the Ford accusation, not start from square-1. What part of "false accusation" don't you understand? (It's official!! vote him on the USSC)

What day did they speak with Ford?
what day in the last 33, 34, 35, 36 or 37 years did ford go to the proper authorities to file a complaint as your or i or anyone else should?

Irrelevant to the question.

Answer it, loser.
The loser doesn't know that most women molested or raped are either too embarrassed to report or know nothing will be done about it The ah in our WH said its a very difficult time for young men in this country The girls are fine Ice is a typical know nothing republican
and here comes edward with the insults and bullshit.

typical asshole.
Look in the mirror moron Women DON'T report Maybe that's good for you
Of course he didn't. He's a Republican, and if Republicans didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.

I wouldn't
The background supplement was supposed to look into the Ford accusation, not start from square-1. What part of "false accusation" don't you understand? (It's official!! vote him on the USSC)

What day did they speak with Ford?
They have her sworn testimony. That is also her uncorroborated contradicted and false accusation. She's a liar, why talk to her instead of real witnesses?

Why talk to her?

You said the investigation was all about looking into the Ford allegations.

Did they do that?

Admit it. You don't care if they did at all.
They have her sworn allegations. They investigated whether or not the allegations are legitimate. Why talk to her again, unless they wanted to get her in a perjury trap?
it doesn't matter if they talked to her or not. if they did talk to her and didn't find what the left wanted, then they didn't talk to her long enough. when some people on both sides don't get their way then it's because someone fucked up along the way.

i just call it life and move on.
What day did they speak with Ford?
what day in the last 33, 34, 35, 36 or 37 years did ford go to the proper authorities to file a complaint as your or i or anyone else should?

Irrelevant to the question.

Answer it, loser.
The loser doesn't know that most women molested or raped are either too embarrassed to report or know nothing will be done about it The ah in our WH said its a very difficult time for young men in this country The girls are fine Ice is a typical know nothing republican
and here comes edward with the insults and bullshit.

typical asshole.
Look in the mirror moron Women DON'T report Maybe that's good for you
you know nothing of my history or what i've been through. you're simply being an all too common keyboard warrior and citing generic tidbits your side gives you to lob out in desperation.

and very few are more desperate than you.
White House Finds No Support in FBI Report for Claims Against Kavanaugh

yet nothing will change. the left has their allegations to hide behind and can now claim:

1. not enough people were talked to
2. they didn't dig deep enough
3. trump held back the fbi (despite being on public record of saying "do whatever you need to do"
4. the FBI is now colluding with trump (although they never did it for obama n co
5. kavanaugh is a rapist we demand more investigations til we get what we want
6. insert stupid reason here

yet most know for a fact that if the right did this to the left, blind, unsubstantiated accusations with as many swiss cheese holes as ford has (i'm afraid of flying! "honey, we're in a prop plane now" - SHUT UP!) they would raise unholy terror.

the worst part is we've now defined how these hearings will go in the future. the left loves it now but will cry foul when done to them (aka, biden rule that started all this shit, nuclear option and the like) and we will continue to spin out of control as now both sides are forever in a "payback" mode.

for the 7th time the FBI dug into kavanaugh's past and for the 7th time he came out just fine. vote him in and the left can just use whatever reasons keep them warm at night to survive.

The FBI report needs to be made Public so The DemNazi party cannot lie about it.
White House Finds No Support in FBI Report for Claims Against Kavanaugh

yet nothing will change. the left has their allegations to hide behind and can now claim:

1. not enough people were talked to
2. they didn't dig deep enough
3. trump held back the fbi (despite being on public record of saying "do whatever you need to do"
4. the FBI is now colluding with trump (although they never did it for obama n co
5. kavanaugh is a rapist we demand more investigations til we get what we want
6. insert stupid reason here

yet most know for a fact that if the right did this to the left, blind, unsubstantiated accusations with as many swiss cheese holes as ford has (i'm afraid of flying! "honey, we're in a prop plane now" - SHUT UP!) they would raise unholy terror.

the worst part is we've now defined how these hearings will go in the future. the left loves it now but will cry foul when done to them (aka, biden rule that started all this shit, nuclear option and the like) and we will continue to spin out of control as now both sides are forever in a "payback" mode.

for the 7th time the FBI dug into kavanaugh's past and for the 7th time he came out just fine. vote him in and the left can just use whatever reasons keep them warm at night to survive.

The FBI report needs to be made Public so The DemNazi party cannot lie about it.
it wouldn't make a difference. they'd find a few "talking points" to pass out to their faith sky-screamers and they'd be off and running. that will happen either way.

don't release it:
1) scope limited!
2) how come we can't see it! what are you lying about???
3) insert stupid bullet point here

they do release it
1) they didn't talk to ford
2) they didn't dig deep enough look-

it just doesn't matter anymore. they're going to bitch and the best you can hope for it to help guide what they bitch about. if this needs to stay private, let it stay. the bitching will be there regardless.

ok eddie - come back with more baseless emo-bitching. your turn now.
White House Finds No Support in FBI Report for Claims Against Kavanaugh

yet nothing will change. the left has their allegations to hide behind and can now claim:

1. not enough people were talked to
2. they didn't dig deep enough
3. trump held back the fbi (despite being on public record of saying "do whatever you need to do"
4. the FBI is now colluding with trump (although they never did it for obama n co
5. kavanaugh is a rapist we demand more investigations til we get what we want
6. insert stupid reason here

yet most know for a fact that if the right did this to the left, blind, unsubstantiated accusations with as many swiss cheese holes as ford has (i'm afraid of flying! "honey, we're in a prop plane now" - SHUT UP!) they would raise unholy terror.

the worst part is we've now defined how these hearings will go in the future. the left loves it now but will cry foul when done to them (aka, biden rule that started all this shit, nuclear option and the like) and we will continue to spin out of control as now both sides are forever in a "payback" mode.

for the 7th time the FBI dug into kavanaugh's past and for the 7th time he came out just fine. vote him in and the left can just use whatever reasons keep them warm at night to survive.

You mean the report where they didn’t investigate anything?

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