White House in crisis talks as Britain DEFIES Obama to quit European Union

Obama had Team Obama working with Cameron. This is a simple fact.

Who gives a fuck? Mike Wallace signed with the Ravens this year. Does that mean that if the Ravens lose, it's a loss for the Steelers? Get a fucking hobby because for someone who hates Obama so much you sure have a habit of cupping his balls lovingly with your mouth.
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When Obama got involved the Brits resented it and the sentiment to leave switched.

How arrogant, you leave the EU and you'll have to go to the back of the "QUE" (Line to Americans) - Really? Go $^@% yourself!!!!!!!!!

People are flat out sick of Elitists:FIREdevil:
It's Independence Day for Great Britain. And a great day for the rest of the planet who believe that Brussels needs to be destroyed, demolished, nuked so bad that the EU should never ever rise again.

What's important to note fellow travellers is Obama's direct hand in attempting to keep Great Britain in the EU. And to measure how hard the people of Britain bitch slapped the shit out of Obama, Cameron and all of Obama's people that where working for "Stay".

Actually not just working for "Stay" Obama's man Jim Messina was in charge of the campaign and Tara Corrigan worked with Cameron daily from London.

Looks good on them failing so bloody miserably. Now Cameron, Messina and Corrigan are all out of their jobs this morning and I am thrilled to death.

Obama loses again. Whoooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


"The White House was quiet on Friday morning as Britain spectacularly decided to leave the European Union.
It said in a statement early Friday that the president, on the West Coast for fundraising events, would be updated 'as the situation warrants' and offered no declaration of policy as the pound plunged and the stock market crashed abroad.

'We expect the President will have an opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Cameron over the course of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate,' the statement read.

Obama had publicly aligned himself with Prime Minister David Cameron in the fight to keep the EU intact, an unusual intervention in another country's politics at the invitation of its leader of the moment.

The referendum result was as much a smack down of Obama as it was Cameron, who said this morning that he would resign in October."

WH in crisis talks as Britain defies Obama and quits EU

OMG is Obama going invade our British friends? Or is he going to just drop big bombs on them?
Britain should have done like Austria to pre-empt this from happening by controlling its immigration policies. Too late now. Some people are amplifying Obama's role in this to a ridiculous degree. He made one mild speech offering his opinion months ago. He isn't eager for another recession, which is what the doom and gloomers are predicting. So now it's a bitch slap, defying Obama? You two aren't even U.S. citizens. Why don't you keep your bitchy little ideas on OUR president to yourselves?

Just an FYI. I'm dual Old Lady. I pretty well grew up in Florida and lived in the great state of Tennessee for many years while my husband worked at Saturn for PPG. And the south is beckoning again.

Now that aside, let me explain to you that Obama had a direct hand in "Stay" . It wasn't just one speech. He had a team who were his key players who designed "Stay".

And you bet it was a bitch slap back at Obama. He really needs to stop interfering in other countries affairs.
Sorry. We love our duals. Lots of them in Maine.
It's Independence Day for Great Britain. And a great day for the rest of the planet who believe that Brussels needs to be destroyed, demolished, nuked so bad that the EU should never ever rise again.

What's important to note fellow travellers is Obama's direct hand in attempting to keep Great Britain in the EU. And to measure how hard the people of Britain bitch slapped the shit out of Obama, Cameron and all of Obama's people that where working for "Stay".

Actually not just working for "Stay" Obama's man Jim Messina was in charge of the campaign and Tara Corrigan worked with Cameron daily from London.

Looks good on them failing so bloody miserably. Now Cameron, Messina and Corrigan are all out of their jobs this morning and I am thrilled to death.

Obama loses again. Whoooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


"The White House was quiet on Friday morning as Britain spectacularly decided to leave the European Union.
It said in a statement early Friday that the president, on the West Coast for fundraising events, would be updated 'as the situation warrants' and offered no declaration of policy as the pound plunged and the stock market crashed abroad.

'We expect the President will have an opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Cameron over the course of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate,' the statement read.

Obama had publicly aligned himself with Prime Minister David Cameron in the fight to keep the EU intact, an unusual intervention in another country's politics at the invitation of its leader of the moment.

The referendum result was as much a smack down of Obama as it was Cameron, who said this morning that he would resign in October."

WH in crisis talks as Britain defies Obama and quits EU

Man, some people are so fucking deranged. If a random person in the forest takes a piss toward the north, you'll insist Obama has something to do with it. I'm very sure that nobody in the UK went into the voting booth and asked themselves "Gee, what do I think of that Barack Obama?"

tinydancer has the worst case of Obama Derangement Syndrome on this board. In addition to her other scary derangements.

It's not Obama Derangement Syndrome when I can back up every thing I say about every fuck up Obama has ever made.

Threatening Britain with a lack of trade agreements with America if they left the EU went too far. Interfering consistently in other countries internal affairs is going too far.

Son of a bitch never learns. And he keeps losing.

It's Independence Day for Great Britain. And a great day for the rest of the planet who believe that Brussels needs to be destroyed, demolished, nuked so bad that the EU should never ever rise again.

What's important to note fellow travellers is Obama's direct hand in attempting to keep Great Britain in the EU. And to measure how hard the people of Britain bitch slapped the shit out of Obama, Cameron and all of Obama's people that where working for "Stay".

Actually not just working for "Stay" Obama's man Jim Messina was in charge of the campaign and Tara Corrigan worked with Cameron daily from London.

Looks good on them failing so bloody miserably. Now Cameron, Messina and Corrigan are all out of their jobs this morning and I am thrilled to death.

Obama loses again. Whoooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


"The White House was quiet on Friday morning as Britain spectacularly decided to leave the European Union.
It said in a statement early Friday that the president, on the West Coast for fundraising events, would be updated 'as the situation warrants' and offered no declaration of policy as the pound plunged and the stock market crashed abroad.

'We expect the President will have an opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Cameron over the course of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate,' the statement read.

Obama had publicly aligned himself with Prime Minister David Cameron in the fight to keep the EU intact, an unusual intervention in another country's politics at the invitation of its leader of the moment.

The referendum result was as much a smack down of Obama as it was Cameron, who said this morning that he would resign in October."

WH in crisis talks as Britain defies Obama and quits EU

OMG is Obama going invade our British friends? Or is he going to just drop big bombs on them?
Britain should have done like Austria to pre-empt this from happening by controlling its immigration policies. Too late now. Some people are amplifying Obama's role in this to a ridiculous degree. He made one mild speech offering his opinion months ago. He isn't eager for another recession, which is what the doom and gloomers are predicting. So now it's a bitch slap, defying Obama? You two aren't even U.S. citizens. Why don't you keep your bitchy little ideas on OUR president to yourselves?

"Why don't you keep your bitchy little ideas on OUR president to yourselves?"

Why doesn't your little bitch in the White House keep his mouth shut and stop dictating to other nations about what he wants them to do?
Did I not clearly explain that in my last post? Do other leaders not comment on goings on here? Sure they do.
lol, Trump is in Scotland praising the vote; Scotland voted overwhelmingly against it.
Exactly. Is he unaware of the vote or just doesn't care about the actual facts? Amazing.

Pffffffffffffffffffft. Did you read more than one tweet? What the hell has happened to you?


The people of the United Kingdom have exercised the sacred right of all free peoples.

They have declared their independence from the European Union, and have voted to reassert control over their own politics, borders and economy.

A Trump Administration pledges to strengthen our ties with a free and independent Britain, deepening our bonds in commerce, culture and mutual defense.

The whole world is more peaceful and stable when our two countries – and our two peoples – are united together, as they will be under a Trump Administration.

Come November, the American people will have the chance to re-declare their independence.

Americans will have a chance to vote for trade, immigration and foreign policies that put our citizens first.

They will have the chance to reject today’s rule by the global elite, and to embrace real change that delivers a government of, by and for the people.

I hope America is watching, it will soon be time to believe in America again."

Read more: Trump: Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to blame for Brexit
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It's not Obama Derangement Syndrome when I can back up every thing I say about every fuck up Obama has ever made.

The obsessed can always back up their deranged theories. Problem is, everything they back it up with is based on their own obsessively deranged tendency to see their obsession in everything. If you found a tortilla chip in the shape of a tortilla chip you'd think it backs up your nonsense.
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It's Independence Day for Great Britain. And a great day for the rest of the planet who believe that Brussels needs to be destroyed, demolished, nuked so bad that the EU should never ever rise again.

What's important to note fellow travellers is Obama's direct hand in attempting to keep Great Britain in the EU. And to measure how hard the people of Britain bitch slapped the shit out of Obama, Cameron and all of Obama's people that where working for "Stay".

Actually not just working for "Stay" Obama's man Jim Messina was in charge of the campaign and Tara Corrigan worked with Cameron daily from London.

Looks good on them failing so bloody miserably. Now Cameron, Messina and Corrigan are all out of their jobs this morning and I am thrilled to death.

Obama loses again. Whoooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


"The White House was quiet on Friday morning as Britain spectacularly decided to leave the European Union.
It said in a statement early Friday that the president, on the West Coast for fundraising events, would be updated 'as the situation warrants' and offered no declaration of policy as the pound plunged and the stock market crashed abroad.

'We expect the President will have an opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Cameron over the course of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate,' the statement read.

Obama had publicly aligned himself with Prime Minister David Cameron in the fight to keep the EU intact, an unusual intervention in another country's politics at the invitation of its leader of the moment.

The referendum result was as much a smack down of Obama as it was Cameron, who said this morning that he would resign in October."

WH in crisis talks as Britain defies Obama and quits EU

OMG is Obama going invade our British friends? Or is he going to just drop big bombs on them?
Britain should have done like Austria to pre-empt this from happening by controlling its immigration policies. Too late now. Some people are amplifying Obama's role in this to a ridiculous degree. He made one mild speech offering his opinion months ago. He isn't eager for another recession, which is what the doom and gloomers are predicting. So now it's a bitch slap, defying Obama? You two aren't even U.S. citizens. Why don't you keep your bitchy little ideas on OUR president to yourselves?

"Why don't you keep your bitchy little ideas on OUR president to yourselves?"

Why doesn't your little bitch in the White House keep his mouth shut and stop dictating to other nations about what he wants them to do?
Did I not clearly explain that in my last post? Do other leaders not comment on goings on here? Sure they do.

Do they actively interfere by sending teams of individuals to back Obama's favored positions like with the "Remain" campaign? Or trying to unseat Netanyahu? Or desperately trying to overthrow Assad? And giving the world ISIS?

Tossing out Mubarak to put in the Muslim Brotherhood? Taking out Gaddafi and turning over the country to ISIS? Assisting in the overthrow of a duly elected Ukrainian Prime Minister and handing the Ukraine over to bloody nazi lovers?

How many more "games by Obama" do you want me to list?
It blows my mind how much a ridiculous character the meat puppet faggot is, complete with a shaved wookie of a wife and an administration so utterly incompetent that the media has to help cover shit up.

It's got to be like that cartoon "Drawn Together" in there. Satan must be laughing his ass off.

The moonbats are so wrapped up in the cult of personality they actually believed the assclown would have a fruit fly's fuck of a difference?


meat puppet faggot
Wouldn't this be the British voters defying their CONSERVATIVE Prime Minister and his CONSERVATIVE party?

Who is surrounded by Obama's people. Get a grip. Cameron is no conservative. And he continually sold out Britain to Brussels.
Obama had Team Obama working with Cameron. This is a simple fact.

Who gives a fuck? Mike Wallace signed with the Ravens this year. Does that mean that if the Ravens lose, it's a loss for the Steelers? Get a fucking hobby because for someone who hates Obama so much you sure have a habit of cupping his balls lovingly with your mouth.

Oooooooooooooooooh! Another one whose enema didn't take this morning.

Obama had Team Obama working with Cameron. This is a simple fact.

Who gives a fuck? Mike Wallace signed with the Ravens this year. Does that mean that if the Ravens lose, it's a loss for the Steelers? Get a fucking hobby because for someone who hates Obama so much you sure have a habit of cupping his balls lovingly with your mouth.

Oooooooooooooooooh! Another one whose enema didn't take this morning.


Yeah, that was a real zinger. Your brain is so diseased you can't even comprehend how much of a fool you make out of yourself every time you try to wrap something up into your obsessive Obama delusions. Hey, the Cavs one the NBA championship. I bet it was the Refs way of signalling their hatred for Obama, who was routing for the Warriors.

I've met schizophrenics who had a better grasp on reality than you.
It's Independence Day for Great Britain. And a great day for the rest of the planet who believe that Brussels needs to be destroyed, demolished, nuked so bad that the EU should never ever rise again.

What's important to note fellow travellers is Obama's direct hand in attempting to keep Great Britain in the EU. And to measure how hard the people of Britain bitch slapped the shit out of Obama, Cameron and all of Obama's people that where working for "Stay".

Actually not just working for "Stay" Obama's man Jim Messina was in charge of the campaign and Tara Corrigan worked with Cameron daily from London.

Looks good on them failing so bloody miserably. Now Cameron, Messina and Corrigan are all out of their jobs this morning and I am thrilled to death.

Obama loses again. Whoooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


"The White House was quiet on Friday morning as Britain spectacularly decided to leave the European Union.
It said in a statement early Friday that the president, on the West Coast for fundraising events, would be updated 'as the situation warrants' and offered no declaration of policy as the pound plunged and the stock market crashed abroad.

'We expect the President will have an opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Cameron over the course of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate,' the statement read.

Obama had publicly aligned himself with Prime Minister David Cameron in the fight to keep the EU intact, an unusual intervention in another country's politics at the invitation of its leader of the moment.

The referendum result was as much a smack down of Obama as it was Cameron, who said this morning that he would resign in October."

WH in crisis talks as Britain defies Obama and quits EU

It's Independence Day for Great Britain. And a great day for the rest of the planet who believe that Brussels needs to be destroyed, demolished, nuked so bad that the EU should never ever rise again.

What's important to note fellow travellers is Obama's direct hand in attempting to keep Great Britain in the EU. And to measure how hard the people of Britain bitch slapped the shit out of Obama, Cameron and all of Obama's people that where working for "Stay".

Actually not just working for "Stay" Obama's man Jim Messina was in charge of the campaign and Tara Corrigan worked with Cameron daily from London.

Looks good on them failing so bloody miserably. Now Cameron, Messina and Corrigan are all out of their jobs this morning and I am thrilled to death.

Obama loses again. Whoooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


"The White House was quiet on Friday morning as Britain spectacularly decided to leave the European Union.
It said in a statement early Friday that the president, on the West Coast for fundraising events, would be updated 'as the situation warrants' and offered no declaration of policy as the pound plunged and the stock market crashed abroad.

'We expect the President will have an opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Cameron over the course of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate,' the statement read.

Obama had publicly aligned himself with Prime Minister David Cameron in the fight to keep the EU intact, an unusual intervention in another country's politics at the invitation of its leader of the moment.

The referendum result was as much a smack down of Obama as it was Cameron, who said this morning that he would resign in October."

WH in crisis talks as Britain defies Obama and quits EU
Remarkable the ridiculous lies the ODS crowd comes up with.
It's Independence Day for Great Britain. And a great day for the rest of the planet who believe that Brussels needs to be destroyed, demolished, nuked so bad that the EU should never ever rise again.

What's important to note fellow travellers is Obama's direct hand in attempting to keep Great Britain in the EU. And to measure how hard the people of Britain bitch slapped the shit out of Obama, Cameron and all of Obama's people that where working for "Stay".

Actually not just working for "Stay" Obama's man Jim Messina was in charge of the campaign and Tara Corrigan worked with Cameron daily from London.

Looks good on them failing so bloody miserably. Now Cameron, Messina and Corrigan are all out of their jobs this morning and I am thrilled to death.

Obama loses again. Whoooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


"The White House was quiet on Friday morning as Britain spectacularly decided to leave the European Union.
It said in a statement early Friday that the president, on the West Coast for fundraising events, would be updated 'as the situation warrants' and offered no declaration of policy as the pound plunged and the stock market crashed abroad.

'We expect the President will have an opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Cameron over the course of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate,' the statement read.

Obama had publicly aligned himself with Prime Minister David Cameron in the fight to keep the EU intact, an unusual intervention in another country's politics at the invitation of its leader of the moment.

The referendum result was as much a smack down of Obama as it was Cameron, who said this morning that he would resign in October."

WH in crisis talks as Britain defies Obama and quits EU

Tinyd, you couldn't find Europe on a map.

Stop trying to pretend you even understand anything that is going in the world beyond your trailer.

You copy paste shit from some RW dumping ground and act like you have a clue about what all the big words mean.


Just stop.

Our market has barely moved.

We are fine.

Obama's economy is saving our ass.

Say thanks, and go back to sleep.

It's Independence Day for Great Britain. And a great day for the rest of the planet who believe that Brussels needs to be destroyed, demolished, nuked so bad that the EU should never ever rise again.

What's important to note fellow travellers is Obama's direct hand in attempting to keep Great Britain in the EU. And to measure how hard the people of Britain bitch slapped the shit out of Obama, Cameron and all of Obama's people that where working for "Stay".

Actually not just working for "Stay" Obama's man Jim Messina was in charge of the campaign and Tara Corrigan worked with Cameron daily from London.

Looks good on them failing so bloody miserably. Now Cameron, Messina and Corrigan are all out of their jobs this morning and I am thrilled to death.

Obama loses again. Whoooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


"The White House was quiet on Friday morning as Britain spectacularly decided to leave the European Union.
It said in a statement early Friday that the president, on the West Coast for fundraising events, would be updated 'as the situation warrants' and offered no declaration of policy as the pound plunged and the stock market crashed abroad.

'We expect the President will have an opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Cameron over the course of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate,' the statement read.

Obama had publicly aligned himself with Prime Minister David Cameron in the fight to keep the EU intact, an unusual intervention in another country's politics at the invitation of its leader of the moment.

The referendum result was as much a smack down of Obama as it was Cameron, who said this morning that he would resign in October."

WH in crisis talks as Britain defies Obama and quits EU

Tinyd, you couldn't find Europe on a map.

Stop trying to pretend you even understand anything that is going in the world beyond your trailer.

"Tinyd, you couldn't find Europe on a map."

You couldn't find your ass with a map.
lol, Trump is in Scotland praising the vote; Scotland voted overwhelmingly against it.
They haven't suffered the ill effects of open immigration and the Muslim invasion yet either. Might have something to do with it.

However, the significance out of your reach is this, Trump opined on it when asked a while back but added it was their choice, not his. obama went over there and used his office to try to discourage them, telling them they would end up taking the back seat.

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