White House in crisis talks as Britain DEFIES Obama to quit European Union

It's not Obama Derangement Syndrome when I can back up every thing I say about every fuck up Obama has ever made.

The obsessed can always back up their deranged theories. Problem is, everything they back it up with is based on their own obsessively deranged tendency to see their obsession in everything. If you found a tortilla chip in the shape of a tortilla chip you'd think it backs up your nonsense.

What's deranged about being right and being able to back up Obama's failures with facts? He threatened Britain. And Brits responded.

Britain defies his lecture and trade threat and votes to quit the European Union

Obama says 'we respect their decision' after Britain quits EU
lol, Trump is in Scotland praising the vote; Scotland voted overwhelmingly against it.
Exactly. Is he unaware of the vote or just doesn't care about the actual facts? Amazing.

He's there to promote his golf resort. That's his idea of being presidential.
Your idiocy never fails to impress. It was a huge undertaking and would have been wrong to not show up for the opening after all the work they did, mostly his son.

He told them to vote their conscience, obama tried to persuade them, THAT was his idea of being presidential. Lies and smears, the hallmark of leftists.
It's Independence Day for Great Britain. And a great day for the rest of the planet who believe that Brussels needs to be destroyed, demolished, nuked so bad that the EU should never ever rise again.

What's important to note fellow travellers is Obama's direct hand in attempting to keep Great Britain in the EU. And to measure how hard the people of Britain bitch slapped the shit out of Obama, Cameron and all of Obama's people that where working for "Stay".

Actually not just working for "Stay" Obama's man Jim Messina was in charge of the campaign and Tara Corrigan worked with Cameron daily from London.

Looks good on them failing so bloody miserably. Now Cameron, Messina and Corrigan are all out of their jobs this morning and I am thrilled to death.

Obama loses again. Whoooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


"The White House was quiet on Friday morning as Britain spectacularly decided to leave the European Union.
It said in a statement early Friday that the president, on the West Coast for fundraising events, would be updated 'as the situation warrants' and offered no declaration of policy as the pound plunged and the stock market crashed abroad.

'We expect the President will have an opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Cameron over the course of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate,' the statement read.

Obama had publicly aligned himself with Prime Minister David Cameron in the fight to keep the EU intact, an unusual intervention in another country's politics at the invitation of its leader of the moment.

The referendum result was as much a smack down of Obama as it was Cameron, who said this morning that he would resign in October."

WH in crisis talks as Britain defies Obama and quits EU

OMG is Obama going invade our British friends? Or is he going to just drop big bombs on them?
Britain should have done like Austria to pre-empt this from happening by controlling its immigration policies. Too late now. Some people are amplifying Obama's role in this to a ridiculous degree. He made one mild speech offering his opinion months ago. He isn't eager for another recession, which is what the doom and gloomers are predicting. So now it's a bitch slap, defying Obama? You two aren't even U.S. citizens. Why don't you keep your bitchy little ideas on OUR president to yourselves?

"Why don't you keep your bitchy little ideas on OUR president to yourselves?"

Why doesn't your little bitch in the White House keep his mouth shut and stop dictating to other nations about what he wants them to do?
Did I not clearly explain that in my last post? Do other leaders not comment on goings on here? Sure they do.

Do they actively interfere by sending teams of individuals to back Obama's favored positions like with the "Remain" campaign? Or trying to unseat Netanyahu? Or desperately trying to overthrow Assad? And giving the world ISIS?

Tossing out Mubarak to put in the Muslim Brotherhood? Taking out Gaddafi and turning over the country to ISIS? Assisting in the overthrow of a duly elected Ukrainian Prime Minister and handing the Ukraine over to bloody nazi lovers?

How many more "games by Obama" do you want me to list?
Didn't Netanyahu come here and address Congress? If we really wanted Assad out, do you think he would still be in? Have pols in Europe not commented on our current election free for all and specifically what they think of Trump? If commenting/stating a position on a campaign is considered interfering, I am sure there have been more examples than you would want me to list. You will view this through your own lens; that's your right, as it was the voters' right to leave the E.U. I'm not sure why it is so necessary to continue bashing Obama into the ground over it. I don't like all his decisions, but this hyperbole is far from an accurate assessment of the situation.
It's not Obama Derangement Syndrome when I can back up every thing I say about every fuck up Obama has ever made.

The obsessed can always back up their deranged theories. Problem is, everything they back it up with is based on their own obsessively deranged tendency to see their obsession in everything. If you found a tortilla chip in the shape of a tortilla chip you'd think it backs up your nonsense.

What's deranged about being right and being able to back up Obama's failures with facts? He threatened Britain. And Brits responded.

Britain defies his lecture and trade threat and votes to quit the European Union

Obama says 'we respect their decision' after Britain quits EU

Do me a favor, will ya? Stop typing and start cleaning. Your wet spots are starting to stink the place up.
You wasted this OP deep thoughts by displaying Obama-Hate. Get with the dance. Obama is leaving shortly and Hillary is going to be elected to his position when he goes. Save the hate for the next victim of irrational rage.

UK: obviously it is ALL Hillary's fault.
It's Independence Day for Great Britain. And a great day for the rest of the planet who believe that Brussels needs to be destroyed, demolished, nuked so bad that the EU should never ever rise again.

What's important to note fellow travellers is Obama's direct hand in attempting to keep Great Britain in the EU. And to measure how hard the people of Britain bitch slapped the shit out of Obama, Cameron and all of Obama's people that where working for "Stay".

Actually not just working for "Stay" Obama's man Jim Messina was in charge of the campaign and Tara Corrigan worked with Cameron daily from London.

Looks good on them failing so bloody miserably. Now Cameron, Messina and Corrigan are all out of their jobs this morning and I am thrilled to death.

Obama loses again. Whoooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


"The White House was quiet on Friday morning as Britain spectacularly decided to leave the European Union.
It said in a statement early Friday that the president, on the West Coast for fundraising events, would be updated 'as the situation warrants' and offered no declaration of policy as the pound plunged and the stock market crashed abroad.

'We expect the President will have an opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Cameron over the course of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate,' the statement read.

Obama had publicly aligned himself with Prime Minister David Cameron in the fight to keep the EU intact, an unusual intervention in another country's politics at the invitation of its leader of the moment.

The referendum result was as much a smack down of Obama as it was Cameron, who said this morning that he would resign in October."

WH in crisis talks as Britain defies Obama and quits EU

I doubt the Brits give a rats ass what Obama thinks or what the douchebag wants.

I know I sure don't.
The NWO Globalist bastards are every angry with England. They're gonna seek some revenge. You're dealing with evil folks. But i have to congratulate the Brits for gaining their independence back. It took real guts to stand up to the NWO bastards. Nice job. :thup:
Brits tell Obama to stuff it....:funnyface:

Sure. In the UK the most important part of their complex situation was of course, telling Obama to stuff it. And when we elect Hillary to protect Obama's advances the reason we'll be doing that is to tell Trump to stuff it. Oh wait...that Trump part is true. LOL

I doubt seriously that any country even thinks about Obama or you or me when they are voting on a domestic economic issue. I also doubt they care who may be impacted by it if they feel it is right for them.
Obama was a real jackass spouting off his mouth trying to tell the Brits what to do. He probably doesn't even know what the EU is because he is such a dumbass. He only said what his handlers told him to say. He always is on the wrong side and is always confused about things. Obama is an embarrassment to this country. Crooked Hillary is even worse.
It's Independence Day for Great Britain. And a great day for the rest of the planet who believe that Brussels needs to be destroyed, demolished, nuked so bad that the EU should never ever rise again.

What's important to note fellow travellers is Obama's direct hand in attempting to keep Great Britain in the EU. And to measure how hard the people of Britain bitch slapped the shit out of Obama, Cameron and all of Obama's people that where working for "Stay".

Actually not just working for "Stay" Obama's man Jim Messina was in charge of the campaign and Tara Corrigan worked with Cameron daily from London.

Looks good on them failing so bloody miserably. Now Cameron, Messina and Corrigan are all out of their jobs this morning and I am thrilled to death.

Obama loses again. Whoooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


"The White House was quiet on Friday morning as Britain spectacularly decided to leave the European Union.
It said in a statement early Friday that the president, on the West Coast for fundraising events, would be updated 'as the situation warrants' and offered no declaration of policy as the pound plunged and the stock market crashed abroad.

'We expect the President will have an opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Cameron over the course of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate,' the statement read.

Obama had publicly aligned himself with Prime Minister David Cameron in the fight to keep the EU intact, an unusual intervention in another country's politics at the invitation of its leader of the moment.

The referendum result was as much a smack down of Obama as it was Cameron, who said this morning that he would resign in October."

WH in crisis talks as Britain defies Obama and quits EU
It's Independence Day for Great Britain. And a great day for the rest of the planet who believe that Brussels needs to be destroyed, demolished, nuked so bad that the EU should never ever rise again.

What's important to note fellow travellers is Obama's direct hand in attempting to keep Great Britain in the EU. And to measure how hard the people of Britain bitch slapped the shit out of Obama, Cameron and all of Obama's people that where working for "Stay".

Actually not just working for "Stay" Obama's man Jim Messina was in charge of the campaign and Tara Corrigan worked with Cameron daily from London.

Looks good on them failing so bloody miserably. Now Cameron, Messina and Corrigan are all out of their jobs this morning and I am thrilled to death.

Obama loses again. Whoooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


"The White House was quiet on Friday morning as Britain spectacularly decided to leave the European Union.
It said in a statement early Friday that the president, on the West Coast for fundraising events, would be updated 'as the situation warrants' and offered no declaration of policy as the pound plunged and the stock market crashed abroad.

'We expect the President will have an opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Cameron over the course of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate,' the statement read.

Obama had publicly aligned himself with Prime Minister David Cameron in the fight to keep the EU intact, an unusual intervention in another country's politics at the invitation of its leader of the moment.

The referendum result was as much a smack down of Obama as it was Cameron, who said this morning that he would resign in October."

WH in crisis talks as Britain defies Obama and quits EU
You people are so stupid to think ANY American president could influence a pivotal DEMOCRATIC decision like this Leave. It's such retarded, rightwing arrogance to think America's president is supposed to be the rest of the world's dad.
You wasted this OP deep thoughts by displaying Obama-Hate. Get with the dance. Obama is leaving shortly and Hillary is going to be elected to his position when he goes. Save the hate for the next victim of irrational rage.

UK: obviously it is ALL Hillary's fault.
I don't hate obama. I despise him. And I have plenty of hate for lying, smearing libtards, don't you worry about it.
It's Independence Day for Great Britain. And a great day for the rest of the planet who believe that Brussels needs to be destroyed, demolished, nuked so bad that the EU should never ever rise again.

What's important to note fellow travellers is Obama's direct hand in attempting to keep Great Britain in the EU. And to measure how hard the people of Britain bitch slapped the shit out of Obama, Cameron and all of Obama's people that where working for "Stay".

Actually not just working for "Stay" Obama's man Jim Messina was in charge of the campaign and Tara Corrigan worked with Cameron daily from London.

Looks good on them failing so bloody miserably. Now Cameron, Messina and Corrigan are all out of their jobs this morning and I am thrilled to death.

Obama loses again. Whoooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


"The White House was quiet on Friday morning as Britain spectacularly decided to leave the European Union.
It said in a statement early Friday that the president, on the West Coast for fundraising events, would be updated 'as the situation warrants' and offered no declaration of policy as the pound plunged and the stock market crashed abroad.

'We expect the President will have an opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Cameron over the course of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate,' the statement read.

Obama had publicly aligned himself with Prime Minister David Cameron in the fight to keep the EU intact, an unusual intervention in another country's politics at the invitation of its leader of the moment.

The referendum result was as much a smack down of Obama as it was Cameron, who said this morning that he would resign in October."

WH in crisis talks as Britain defies Obama and quits EU
You people are so stupid to think ANY American president could influence a pivotal DEMOCRATIC decision like this Leave. It's such retarded, rightwing arrogance to think America's president is supposed to be the rest of the world's dad.
LOL, and yet obie went over there and shot off his big yap about it. I guess he didn't get your memo.
It's Independence Day for Great Britain. And a great day for the rest of the planet who believe that Brussels needs to be destroyed, demolished, nuked so bad that the EU should never ever rise again.

What's important to note fellow travellers is Obama's direct hand in attempting to keep Great Britain in the EU. And to measure how hard the people of Britain bitch slapped the shit out of Obama, Cameron and all of Obama's people that where working for "Stay".

Actually not just working for "Stay" Obama's man Jim Messina was in charge of the campaign and Tara Corrigan worked with Cameron daily from London.

Looks good on them failing so bloody miserably. Now Cameron, Messina and Corrigan are all out of their jobs this morning and I am thrilled to death.

Obama loses again. Whoooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


"The White House was quiet on Friday morning as Britain spectacularly decided to leave the European Union.
It said in a statement early Friday that the president, on the West Coast for fundraising events, would be updated 'as the situation warrants' and offered no declaration of policy as the pound plunged and the stock market crashed abroad.

'We expect the President will have an opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Cameron over the course of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate,' the statement read.

Obama had publicly aligned himself with Prime Minister David Cameron in the fight to keep the EU intact, an unusual intervention in another country's politics at the invitation of its leader of the moment.

The referendum result was as much a smack down of Obama as it was Cameron, who said this morning that he would resign in October."

WH in crisis talks as Britain defies Obama and quits EU

OMG is Obama going invade our British friends? Or is he going to just drop big bombs on them?
Britain should have done like Austria to pre-empt this from happening by controlling its immigration policies. Too late now. Some people are amplifying Obama's role in this to a ridiculous degree. He made one mild speech offering his opinion months ago. He isn't eager for another recession, which is what the doom and gloomers are predicting. So now it's a bitch slap, defying Obama? You two aren't even U.S. citizens. Why don't you keep your bitchy little ideas on OUR president to yourselves?
Offering his opinion? It was a direct threat that they'd be in the back of the queue in any future trade deal(s) with their former colonies. Fortunately, they told him to stick his threat up his skinny ass.
It's Independence Day for Great Britain. And a great day for the rest of the planet who believe that Brussels needs to be destroyed, demolished, nuked so bad that the EU should never ever rise again.

What's important to note fellow travellers is Obama's direct hand in attempting to keep Great Britain in the EU. And to measure how hard the people of Britain bitch slapped the shit out of Obama, Cameron and all of Obama's people that where working for "Stay".

Actually not just working for "Stay" Obama's man Jim Messina was in charge of the campaign and Tara Corrigan worked with Cameron daily from London.

Looks good on them failing so bloody miserably. Now Cameron, Messina and Corrigan are all out of their jobs this morning and I am thrilled to death.

Obama loses again. Whoooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


"The White House was quiet on Friday morning as Britain spectacularly decided to leave the European Union.
It said in a statement early Friday that the president, on the West Coast for fundraising events, would be updated 'as the situation warrants' and offered no declaration of policy as the pound plunged and the stock market crashed abroad.

'We expect the President will have an opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Cameron over the course of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate,' the statement read.

Obama had publicly aligned himself with Prime Minister David Cameron in the fight to keep the EU intact, an unusual intervention in another country's politics at the invitation of its leader of the moment.

The referendum result was as much a smack down of Obama as it was Cameron, who said this morning that he would resign in October."

WH in crisis talks as Britain defies Obama and quits EU

OMG is Obama going invade our British friends? Or is he going to just drop big bombs on them?
Worse. He'll likely draw another useless line in the sand.

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