White House in crisis talks as Britain DEFIES Obama to quit European Union

They are in shock that there are just so many outside of their socialist new world order movement. I love too how the MSM is reporting this as a "disaster" and wants to know who is to blame for it.

What this proves is how they cannot take two steps outside of their own echo chambers. Everyone outside of that echo chamber are the "knuckle dragging" flat earther "deniers."

Just rubes living in the ozarks and now they are in complete confusion that it is not quite like that.

Now, do not think for one moment that these losers are going to do any sort of self evaluating. They are all equally arrogant. They will never ever admit anything like that.

Just like I said the stupid communist left would focus on GUNS after the brown islamic stink bomb murdered their precious gays, the communists will go on another full court press to blame the evil banks and capitalism. Trust that.

Fuck em. It is a war going right now folks. Many may not think it is happening. It is happening.
I don't hate obama. I despise him. And I have plenty of hate for lying, smearing libtards, don't you worry about it.

And you are???? Why would I care? I'm sure Obama will be fine either way,
obama isn't fine now so I reject your claim he will be fine later. I also reject your claim that the OP was hateful or that Hillary will win. If you run your yap people will call you on it. Whether you care or not isn't important.
I don't hate obama. I despise him. And I have plenty of hate for lying, smearing libtards, don't you worry about it.

And you are???? Why would I care? I'm sure Obama will be fine either way,
obama isn't fine now so I reject your claim he will be fine later. I also reject your claim that the OP was hateful or that Hillary will win. If you run your yap people will call you on it. Whether you care or not isn't important.

Obama is fine now no matter what you think. I didn't say he'd be fine later but now that you said it, he will be fine later even if you reject him being fine. I also didn't say the OP was "hateful". I mentioned the display of "Obama-hate". Trump won't win so who does that leave? On a message board one expects point counter point so thanks for the tip but I'm fully aware. Correct, I don't care. Again thanks for all your kind help my new bestest friend on a new message board.
I don't hate obama. I despise him. And I have plenty of hate for lying, smearing libtards, don't you worry about it.

And you are???? Why would I care? I'm sure Obama will be fine either way,
obama isn't fine now so I reject your claim he will be fine later. I also reject your claim that the OP was hateful or that Hillary will win. If you run your yap people will call you on it. Whether you care or not isn't important.

Obama is fine now no matter what you think. I didn't say he'd be fine later but now that you said it, he will be fine later even if you reject him being fine. I also didn't say the OP was "hateful". I mentioned the display of "Obama-hate". Trump won't win so who does that leave? On a message board one expects point counter point so thanks for the tip but I'm fully aware. Correct, I don't care. Again thanks for all your kind help my new bestest friend on a new message board.
You have all the smarm and self righteousness of a liberal. "Mentioning a display obama-hate" is calling it hateful, have a child walk you through it.
It's Obama's 'Red line' all over again.

Obama told Assad not to cross the Red Line....having no respect for the man, Assad did. Not having the cajonies to back up his threat Obama instead backed down....in front of the whole world.

In Britain, thinking anyone cared what he thought, he injected himself into British politics...and was abruptly and quickly ignored.

It's Independence Day for Great Britain. And a great day for the rest of the planet who believe that Brussels needs to be destroyed, demolished, nuked so bad that the EU should never ever rise again.

What's important to note fellow travellers is Obama's direct hand in attempting to keep Great Britain in the EU. And to measure how hard the people of Britain bitch slapped the shit out of Obama, Cameron and all of Obama's people that where working for "Stay".

Actually not just working for "Stay" Obama's man Jim Messina was in charge of the campaign and Tara Corrigan worked with Cameron daily from London.

Looks good on them failing so bloody miserably. Now Cameron, Messina and Corrigan are all out of their jobs this morning and I am thrilled to death.

Obama loses again. Whoooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


"The White House was quiet on Friday morning as Britain spectacularly decided to leave the European Union.
It said in a statement early Friday that the president, on the West Coast for fundraising events, would be updated 'as the situation warrants' and offered no declaration of policy as the pound plunged and the stock market crashed abroad.

'We expect the President will have an opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Cameron over the course of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate,' the statement read.

Obama had publicly aligned himself with Prime Minister David Cameron in the fight to keep the EU intact, an unusual intervention in another country's politics at the invitation of its leader of the moment.

The referendum result was as much a smack down of Obama as it was Cameron, who said this morning that he would resign in October."

WH in crisis talks as Britain defies Obama and quits EU
White House in crisis? How ludicrous a claim. You are desparate aren't you? The vast majority of people who live within the EU are quite happy to be there: you wouldn't know that though as you have probably never set foot out of your backyard. LOL You are funny.
The WH is in 'crisis' because they completely backed the defeat of BREXIT and now have egg on their face. This is a setback in the globalist plans....and they DO have a globalist agenda.
I don't hate obama. I despise him. And I have plenty of hate for lying, smearing libtards, don't you worry about it.

And you are???? Why would I care? I'm sure Obama will be fine either way,
obama isn't fine now so I reject your claim he will be fine later. I also reject your claim that the OP was hateful or that Hillary will win. If you run your yap people will call you on it. Whether you care or not isn't important.

Obama is fine now no matter what you think. I didn't say he'd be fine later but now that you said it, he will be fine later even if you reject him being fine. I also didn't say the OP was "hateful". I mentioned the display of "Obama-hate". Trump won't win so who does that leave? On a message board one expects point counter point so thanks for the tip but I'm fully aware. Correct, I don't care. Again thanks for all your kind help my new bestest friend on a new message board.
You have all the smarm and self righteousness of a liberal. "Mentioning a display obama-hate" is calling it hateful, have a child walk you through it.

But mentioning Obama-Hate is not calling the OP hateful. See how that works? See I would not recommend posters have a child interpret things for them. I usually recommend taking more time reading and thinking before speaking/typing. In any case I appreciate that you continue to mentor me with gems of wisdom.
I don't hate obama. I despise him. And I have plenty of hate for lying, smearing libtards, don't you worry about it.

And you are???? Why would I care? I'm sure Obama will be fine either way,
obama isn't fine now so I reject your claim he will be fine later. I also reject your claim that the OP was hateful or that Hillary will win. If you run your yap people will call you on it. Whether you care or not isn't important.

Obama is fine now no matter what you think. I didn't say he'd be fine later but now that you said it, he will be fine later even if you reject him being fine. I also didn't say the OP was "hateful". I mentioned the display of "Obama-hate". Trump won't win so who does that leave? On a message board one expects point counter point so thanks for the tip but I'm fully aware. Correct, I don't care. Again thanks for all your kind help my new bestest friend on a new message board.
You have all the smarm and self righteousness of a liberal. "Mentioning a display obama-hate" is calling it hateful, have a child walk you through it.

But mentioning Obama-Hate is not calling the OP hateful. See how that works? See I would not recommend posters have a child interpret things for them. I usually recommend taking more time reading and thinking before speaking/typing. In any case I appreciate that you continue to mentor me with gems of wisdom.
There was no obama hate. You saw it that way. To claim the OP was hateful is bullshit. Your passive aggressive little girl shit won't fly either, asshole.
The WH is in 'crisis' because they completely backed the defeat of BREXIT and now have egg on their face. This is a setback in the globalist plans....and they DO have a globalist agenda.

Team Obama was front and center for "remain". Obama's right hand man Messina was in charge of the campaign for Cameron. And another prominent Obama campaigner was working out of London for the stay in the EU crowd.
It's Obama's 'Red line' all over again.

Obama told Assad not to cross the Red Line....having no respect for the man, Assad did. Not having the cajonies to back up his threat Obama instead backed down....in front of the whole world.

In Britain, thinking anyone cared what he thought, he injected himself into British politics...and was abruptly and quickly ignored.


Threatening the Brits over trade was a biggie. They got right royally pissed off when Obama told them they'd have to go to the back of the queue.
And you are???? Why would I care? I'm sure Obama will be fine either way,
obama isn't fine now so I reject your claim he will be fine later. I also reject your claim that the OP was hateful or that Hillary will win. If you run your yap people will call you on it. Whether you care or not isn't important.

Obama is fine now no matter what you think. I didn't say he'd be fine later but now that you said it, he will be fine later even if you reject him being fine. I also didn't say the OP was "hateful". I mentioned the display of "Obama-hate". Trump won't win so who does that leave? On a message board one expects point counter point so thanks for the tip but I'm fully aware. Correct, I don't care. Again thanks for all your kind help my new bestest friend on a new message board.
You have all the smarm and self righteousness of a liberal. "Mentioning a display obama-hate" is calling it hateful, have a child walk you through it.

But mentioning Obama-Hate is not calling the OP hateful. See how that works? See I would not recommend posters have a child interpret things for them. I usually recommend taking more time reading and thinking before speaking/typing. In any case I appreciate that you continue to mentor me with gems of wisdom.
There was no obama hate. You saw it that way. To claim the OP was hateful is bullshit. Your passive aggressive little girl shit won't fly either, asshole.

You have seemed passive/aggressive from your first post to me on. I actually said "Obama-Hate" not the OP being Hateful. That "the OP being hateful" came from you and you continue to try to project your own parse onto me. I'll repeat it one more time for you: Obama Hate. That said, have a wonderful day if you don't yet understand that I am simply answering you as you treat me. If you and I are going to communicate it will take more than insults.
It's Independence Day for Great Britain. And a great day for the rest of the planet who believe that Brussels needs to be destroyed, demolished, nuked so bad that the EU should never ever rise again.

What's important to note fellow travellers is Obama's direct hand in attempting to keep Great Britain in the EU. And to measure how hard the people of Britain bitch slapped the shit out of Obama, Cameron and all of Obama's people that where working for "Stay".

Actually not just working for "Stay" Obama's man Jim Messina was in charge of the campaign and Tara Corrigan worked with Cameron daily from London.

Looks good on them failing so bloody miserably. Now Cameron, Messina and Corrigan are all out of their jobs this morning and I am thrilled to death.

Obama loses again. Whoooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


"The White House was quiet on Friday morning as Britain spectacularly decided to leave the European Union.
It said in a statement early Friday that the president, on the West Coast for fundraising events, would be updated 'as the situation warrants' and offered no declaration of policy as the pound plunged and the stock market crashed abroad.

'We expect the President will have an opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Cameron over the course of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate,' the statement read.

Obama had publicly aligned himself with Prime Minister David Cameron in the fight to keep the EU intact, an unusual intervention in another country's politics at the invitation of its leader of the moment.

The referendum result was as much a smack down of Obama as it was Cameron, who said this morning that he would resign in October."

WH in crisis talks as Britain defies Obama and quits EU
This is what happens in a global economy; when the U.S. has to worry about Britain leaving the E.U. because it could screw up the U.S. economy. I don't pretend to know the mechanics behind that, but it creeps me out... exactly BECAUSE it means we have to stick our nose into everyone else's business in order to protect our own.

I don't see how you possibly got that out of her post. And BTW, she's Canadian ...
It's Independence Day for Great Britain. And a great day for the rest of the planet who believe that Brussels needs to be destroyed, demolished, nuked so bad that the EU should never ever rise again.

What's important to note fellow travellers is Obama's direct hand in attempting to keep Great Britain in the EU. And to measure how hard the people of Britain bitch slapped the shit out of Obama, Cameron and all of Obama's people that where working for "Stay".

Actually not just working for "Stay" Obama's man Jim Messina was in charge of the campaign and Tara Corrigan worked with Cameron daily from London.

Looks good on them failing so bloody miserably. Now Cameron, Messina and Corrigan are all out of their jobs this morning and I am thrilled to death.

Obama loses again. Whoooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


"The White House was quiet on Friday morning as Britain spectacularly decided to leave the European Union.
It said in a statement early Friday that the president, on the West Coast for fundraising events, would be updated 'as the situation warrants' and offered no declaration of policy as the pound plunged and the stock market crashed abroad.

'We expect the President will have an opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Cameron over the course of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate,' the statement read.

Obama had publicly aligned himself with Prime Minister David Cameron in the fight to keep the EU intact, an unusual intervention in another country's politics at the invitation of its leader of the moment.

The referendum result was as much a smack down of Obama as it was Cameron, who said this morning that he would resign in October."

WH in crisis talks as Britain defies Obama and quits EU
White House in crisis? How ludicrous a claim. You are desparate aren't you? The vast majority of people who live within the EU are quite happy to be there: you wouldn't know that though as you have probably never set foot out of your backyard. LOL You are funny.

Obama and his administration actively backed "Remain". Of course they are in crisis mode. One more time Obama injected himself into another country's politics. He has a bad habit of doing that.

The EU is currently in great turmoil because Merkel threw open the doors to Europe and invited anybody and everyone in and there are no plans on how to deal with millions of people who don't speak the many and varied languages. Who are an unskilled and third world population that is sucking up all the money in the EU because they are immediately put on the dole.

And that's just for starters. As to travel, I have never had the pleasure to visit Europe. My husband has family in Germany and they like many others are dismayed at what they are witnessing.

For myself, I've pretty well seen most of Canada and the US when I was in the music industry and travelled with the bands or doing promo coast to coast. I happen to like "our back yards". As nations we've got a lot of cool things to see and do.
It's Obama's 'Red line' all over again.

Obama told Assad not to cross the Red Line....having no respect for the man, Assad did. Not having the cajonies to back up his threat Obama instead backed down....in front of the whole world.

In Britain, thinking anyone cared what he thought, he injected himself into British politics...and was abruptly and quickly ignored.


Threatening the Brits over trade was a biggie. They got right royally pissed off when Obama told them they'd have to go to the back of the queue.

Yes, that's a killer for the Brits ...

I was in Spain who don't queue well, everyone was gathering around a ladder to go sightseeing. From the back I heard a British girls ask, where's the queue? Queuing at bus stops is my favorite ...
obama isn't fine now so I reject your claim he will be fine later. I also reject your claim that the OP was hateful or that Hillary will win. If you run your yap people will call you on it. Whether you care or not isn't important.

Obama is fine now no matter what you think. I didn't say he'd be fine later but now that you said it, he will be fine later even if you reject him being fine. I also didn't say the OP was "hateful". I mentioned the display of "Obama-hate". Trump won't win so who does that leave? On a message board one expects point counter point so thanks for the tip but I'm fully aware. Correct, I don't care. Again thanks for all your kind help my new bestest friend on a new message board.
You have all the smarm and self righteousness of a liberal. "Mentioning a display obama-hate" is calling it hateful, have a child walk you through it.

But mentioning Obama-Hate is not calling the OP hateful. See how that works? See I would not recommend posters have a child interpret things for them. I usually recommend taking more time reading and thinking before speaking/typing. In any case I appreciate that you continue to mentor me with gems of wisdom.
There was no obama hate. You saw it that way. To claim the OP was hateful is bullshit. Your passive aggressive little girl shit won't fly either, asshole.

You have seemed passive/aggressive from your first post to me on. I actually said "Obama-Hate" not the OP being Hateful. That "the OP being hateful" came from you and you continue to try to project your own parse onto me. I'll repeat it one more time for you: Obama Hate. That said, have a wonderful day if you don't yet understand that I am simply answering you as you treat me. If you and I are going to communicate it will take more than insults.
If you thought I was passive aggressive then you don't know what the term means. There was no obama hate. The hate lives between your ears.
It's Obama's 'Red line' all over again.

Obama told Assad not to cross the Red Line....having no respect for the man, Assad did. Not having the cajonies to back up his threat Obama instead backed down....in front of the whole world.

In Britain, thinking anyone cared what he thought, he injected himself into British politics...and was abruptly and quickly ignored.


Threatening the Brits over trade was a biggie. They got right royally pissed off when Obama told them they'd have to go to the back of the queue.

Yes, that's a killer for the Brits ...

I was in Spain who don't queue well, everyone was gathering around a ladder to go sightseeing. From the back I heard a British girls ask, where's the queue? Queuing at bus stops is my favorite ...

I'm amazed it took any country this long not to bail out of the EU. Cripes my eyes started to glaze over when I was into just 10 crazy rules that Brussels imposed on countries. Like the curvature of a banana or a cucumber could not be too great. Or bananas not being allowed to be sold in large bunches. YIKES!

And Miss Bossy Pants Merkel is really losing it right now it seems. She's calling on EU members to stop any other country from following in Britain's footsteps. Now how is she going to do that?
It's Obama's 'Red line' all over again.

Obama told Assad not to cross the Red Line....having no respect for the man, Assad did. Not having the cajonies to back up his threat Obama instead backed down....in front of the whole world.

In Britain, thinking anyone cared what he thought, he injected himself into British politics...and was abruptly and quickly ignored.


Threatening the Brits over trade was a biggie. They got right royally pissed off when Obama told them they'd have to go to the back of the queue.

Yes, that's a killer for the Brits ...

I was in Spain who don't queue well, everyone was gathering around a ladder to go sightseeing. From the back I heard a British girls ask, where's the queue? Queuing at bus stops is my favorite ...

I'm amazed it took any country this long not to bail out of the EU. Cripes my eyes started to glaze over when I was into just 10 crazy rules that Brussels imposed on countries. Like the curvature of a banana or a cucumber could not be too great. Or bananas not being allowed to be sold in large bunches. YIKES!

And Miss Bossy Pants Merkel is really losing it right now it seems. She's calling on EU members to stop any other country from following in Britain's footsteps. Now how is she going to do that?

Having worked across Europe (Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Italy, UK), I'm not totally surprised the Brits left. A little. But as I keep pointing out, they were never fully in. They didn't join the monetary union. They opted out of the Schengen zone (as did Ireland). However, I saw no sign any of the others would even contemplate leaving. Europe is just a socialist place with a central mindset. They take out their nationalism in soccer. Economically no matter how bad it gets, they view themselves as European and have to live with it. Look at what they did in Greece. I was working in the Netherlands then and the Dutch said Europe has to bail them out, they didn't question it

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