White House outlines deep cuts it may have to make

Oh well, shit happens.


You won't be so flippant when you run out of gubment cheese to put on your nachos, cannot file your tax return because you cannot get IRS assistance to fill out the form, then cannot apply for a gubment loan to start your underwater solar panel assembly business.


Just you WAIT mister!


Nothing will happen and we will continue to spend even more.


You realise this is THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA we're talking about here?

The most proactive, organized assembly of mental power since the Mongol Empire?
It's not a matter of cuts, it's a matter of prioritization. Suppose we didn't give millions to the muslim brotherhood in Egypt. Is that something that could be cut. How about programs that study shrimp on treadmills? Can we do without those?

The government intends to waste money, and cut from what's necessary to do it.

Good God. Lets say the governmet cuts 1 billons dollars in bullshit wasteful spending. Like for our "allies". And shrimp. I billion. Hell lets make it 50 billion.

WTF is that going to fix? Not that I don't think it shouldn't be done. But what will a 1 billion dollar cut accomplish.

Lets cut 1 trillion. Now we are talking. Isn't that what the sequester wants cut? 1 trillion dollars.

And the rethugs are going apeshit over it. What's the problem with a trillion dollars in cuts?

You won't be so flippant when you run out of gubment cheese to put on your nachos, cannot file your tax return because you cannot get IRS assistance to fill out the form, then cannot apply for a gubment loan to start your underwater solar panel assembly business.


Just you WAIT mister!


Nothing will happen and we will continue to spend even more.


You realise this is THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA we're talking about here?

The most proactive, organized assembly of mental power since the Mongol Empire?

LOMAO The most proactive, organized assembly of mental power since the Mongol Empire???

Mental Power?? Our Govt?? Oh Brother. Still LMAO.

Nothing will happen and we will continue to spend even more.


You realise this is THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA we're talking about here?

The most proactive, organized assembly of mental power since the Mongol Empire?

LOMAO The most proactive, organized assembly of mental power since the Mongol Empire???

Mental Power?? Our Govt?? Oh Brother. Still LMAO.


You think I'm kidding?
So, what would you like to see happen--what could Obama do on the sequester to make you all happy? Anything?

He could STFU.

Let it happen.

America voted for this. Elections have consequences.

So you want to see cuts to defense? Cool....it's about time.

Yep.. cuts to defense and audits to the defense budget to weed out the contracts being paid for no work, waste, fraud, etc...

But want to see even more massive if not total cuts to entitlement programs.. both private and corporate

You on board with that??
White House outlines deep cuts it may have to make | General Headlines | Comcast

Trying to ratchet up pressure on Congress, the White House on Friday detailed what it said would be the painful impact on the federal workforce and certain government assistance programs if "large and arbitrary" scheduled government spending cuts are allowed to take place beginning March 1.

They include layoffs or furloughs of "hundreds of thousands" of federal workers, including FBI agents, U.S. prosecutors, food safety inspectors and air traffic controllers, said White House budget officials at a briefing and in a fact sheet that included these examples of what the cuts would mean:

_ About 70,000 young children would be kicked off Head Start, 10,000 teacher jobs would be put at risk and up to 2,100 food safety inspections might have to be canceled.

Notice how the government is always "May have to",but never does manage to live within a budget,these whining little threatening Bitches would never make it in the private sector. The Government never seems to cut shit ,but has no problem taking more money out your pocket.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

What happened to the idea that Taxing the Rich was going to solve all of America's problems? I guess those public... I mean unemployed public Union employees can sleep soundly knowing that they have been had when they pulled the lever for Obama. Yup... Obama is throwing his base under the bus, but he doesn't care. He's done after 2016 anyway.
So, what would you like to see happen--what could Obama do on the sequester to make you all happy? Anything?

Resign from office.

Try reading the question. Have someone explain it to you.

I don't cart where he does it...he can do it on the stage at a nightclub for all I care.

(Because you seem incapable of picking it up, I will say it clearly to you: like the post you quoted, this is sarcasm!)

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