White House quiet as a Mouse while Pres Trump Denies any Knowledge of Russian meeting

It's interesting. Who would have access to Don Jr.'s email? This gets better and better.
RobGoldstone The person he corresponded with who set it up would have those emails and if MSM would do their research
Rob Goldstone was a fake news hound publicist for tabloids aka fake story seller $$$ and it gets more pathetic, he is friends with Gore's publicist and hung around Clinton's WH press team as seen in press room photo. If
Rob Goldstone has Russian ties then Gore and Clinton are tied to the Russians and using these characters as agents for missdirection of their crimes.
View attachment 138243
True Goldstone would. Do you think he is one of the three sources the NYT referred to? A journalist hanging out with other journalists isn't exactly a stop the presses event, though. Somehow you guys want to twist everything into being about Clinton, but I think you'd better get busy figuring out how to defend Trump instead. He's gonna need it.
Why, the Lawyer does not work for or with the Kremlin and in fact works against their corruption. The lawyer is an orphan adoption advocate trying to get her voice heard.
When O reflect back to Clinton I do so using their own standard which means they either notice their logic is flawed or their side is.
That's called check mating the game player using their own moves against them, so that no matter how they try to get out of the backed corner they got themselves in, they lose their argument by their own design.
It's especially easy to do since every claim on their opponent is actually a deflection of their own behavior and flaws. Hence the Beating themselves up "Liar Liar" movie scene analogy
So still, nobody? knows how the email got to the NYT? Just nosy.

I looked for any info how it was leaked and couldn't find anything..but to me it is almost like the deep throat of the 1970's leaking to The Washington Post. It may not turn out to be illegal,but it is proof that Trumps campaign was lying..

There is no way to call this fake news...
I've been reading articles. There were three anonymous sources for the Times story, so I'm guessing the emails also came from them. They got the whole thing at once, but they were vetting the information before publishing it, so that's why it came out in three parts.

It's interesting. Who would have access to Don Jr.'s email? This gets better and better.

Jr released the emails today.
It's interesting. Who would have access to Don Jr.'s email? This gets better and better.
RobGoldstone The person he corresponded with who set it up would have those emails and if MSM would do their research
Rob Goldstone was a fake news hound publicist for tabloids aka fake story seller $$$ and it gets more pathetic, he is friends with Gore's publicist and hung around Clinton's WH press team as seen in press room photo. If
Rob Goldstone has Russian ties then Gore and Clinton are tied to the Russians and using these characters as agents for missdirection of their crimes.
View attachment 138243
True Goldstone would. Do you think he is one of the three sources the NYT referred to? A journalist hanging out with other journalists isn't exactly a stop the presses event, though. Somehow you guys want to twist everything into being about Clinton, but I think you'd better get busy figuring out how to defend Trump instead. He's gonna need it.
Why, the Lawyer does not work for or with the Kremlin and in fact works against their corruption. The lawyer is an orphan adoption advocate trying to get her voice heard.
When O reflect back to Clinton I do so using their own standard which means they either notice their logic is flawed or their side is.
That's called check mating the game player using their own moves against them, so that no matter how they try to get out of the backed corner they got themselves in, they lose their argument by their own design.
It's especially easy to do since every claim on their opponent is actually a deflection of their own behavior and flaws. Hence the Beating themselves up "Liar Liar" movie scene analogy

So what do you call a Russian government attorney?
An attorney who had 1 client you SELECTIVELY highlight that is connected to the gov't (due to her opposing corruption) is not a gov't attorney and by saying what you did admits the gullibility of the audience that the Mainstream Media preys upon in wording it's narrative to spread propaganda.
You just exposed the problem with having MSM be tabloid like. You do realize they are playing you for a fool insulting your intelligence, right?
So still, nobody? knows how the email got to the NYT? Just nosy.

I looked for any info how it was leaked and couldn't find anything..but to me it is almost like the deep throat of the 1970's leaking to The Washington Post. It may not turn out to be illegal,but it is proof that Trumps campaign was lying..

There is no way to call this fake news...
I've been reading articles. There were three anonymous sources for the Times story, so I'm guessing the emails also came from them. They got the whole thing at once, but they were vetting the information before publishing it, so that's why it came out in three parts.

It's interesting. Who would have access to Don Jr.'s email? This gets better and better.

Jr released the emails today.
The Times got the emails (well, the information in the emails, not the emails themselves, to be precise) from a leaker and called Don Jr.'s attorney (everything goes through the attorney re: the investigation) to tell Jr. they were publishing the story, inviting his comments. While they were waiting for his comments, Jr. released the emails himself.
The Times got them first. Just to be nosy, I'd love to know who leaked them. In the paper this morning, a WaPo article said Don Jr. had shared the email chain with Kushner. If there is an active leak in the WH, Kushner would be the only one involved who the leaker might have access to. What if it is even closer to home? Someone in the Trump family/personal team not as loyal as they think? Could it be Trump's long time retainer and personal secretary who doesn't like all this snuggling up to the Russians?

Nothing is going to happen to anyone on the basis of these emails. It just gives proof that the Trump campaign was ready, willing and able to accept help from the Russians in winning the election. Russia had five full months after that fishing expedition to go further. Who knows? That's the question that gets raised and will be the most damaging outcome of this.
Why would he have to?

Why aren't you all up in arms about another instance of TREASON since this meeting was officially disclosed and you are only now hearing about it because it was leaked?

A FAKE NEWS Story a day, isn't that your goal?

Every one of them Concocted by THE LEFT in their attempts to stage a Soft Coup against America.

And everyone of them have been debunked.

When are your phucking piece of shit Senators and your so called 'party' going to do something in The Senate?

There are nearly 200 nominees awaiting confirmation processes. Obamacare is falling flat on it's face because it punishes small businesses and The Middle Class. Insurers are running from it like it's a Forest Fire, and People are refusing to sign up for it and pay the fines instead.

Since when has being a DEMOCRAT meant that you are at war with AMERICA?

You should be ashamed of yourselves but you aren't.
Reminds me of Sodom & Gomorrah where wickedness was so pervasive that The People Reveled in it, were proud of their sins, glorified lies, and hated TRUTH.

That pretty much describes you and your party.

1 Samuel 15:23

Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams. 23"For rebellion is as the sin of divination, And insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He has also rejected you from being king." 24Then Saul said to Samuel, "I have sinned; I have indeed transgressed the command of the LORD and your words, because I feared the people and listened to their voice.…

New York times told Trump junior that they had the emails, he was cornered and had to put out these emails.
This meeting was not disclosed.. The Trumps have denied that there were any meetings with Russia..

There is no way to call this Fake News..silly

They got busted with their pants down, just like a cheat.

Denying and distracting is not going to work on this one..;)
It's interesting to watch the reactions, isn't it? Like watching a bunch of bugs in a jar when you've just added the Raid.

Do you know yet how the NYT got the email?

Tell me what it's like to be morally corrupt and to delight in lies, rebellion and subversion. And then tell me again exactly what the charges are here?
Espionage? Yes on whomever leaked this. There seems to be no end to Espionage and Sedition for The Democrat Party.

When you and all the Lefties who engaged in propagating lies, and instigating violence, calling for The Assassination and Impeachment of The President before he was sworn in, you and your party need to renounce your citizenship and move to Venezuela.
So still, nobody? knows how the email got to the NYT? Just nosy.

I looked for any info how it was leaked and couldn't find anything..but to me it is almost like the deep throat of the 1970's leaking to The Washington Post. It may not turn out to be illegal,but it is proof that Trumps campaign was lying..

There is no way to call this fake news...
I've been reading articles. There were three anonymous sources for the Times story, so I'm guessing the emails also came from them. They got the whole thing at once, but they were vetting the information before publishing it, so that's why it came out in three parts.

It's interesting. Who would have access to Don Jr.'s email? This gets better and better.

Jr released the emails today.
The Times got the emails (well, the information in the emails, not the emails themselves, to be precise) from a leaker and called Don Jr.'s attorney (everything goes through the attorney re: the investigation) to tell Jr. they were publishing the story, inviting his comments. While they were waiting for his comments, Jr. released the emails himself.
The Times got them first. Just to be nosy, I'd love to know who leaked them. In the paper this morning, a WaPo article said Don Jr. had shared the email chain with Kushner. If there is an active leak in the WH, Kushner would be the only one involved who the leaker might have access to. What if it is even closer to home? Someone in the Trump family/personal team not as loyal as they think? Could it be Trump's long time retainer and personal secretary who doesn't like all this snuggling up to the Russians?

Nothing is going to happen to anyone on the basis of these emails. It just gives proof that the Trump campaign was ready, willing and able to accept help from the Russians in winning the election. Russia had five full months after that fishing expedition to go further. Who knows? That's the question that gets raised and will be the most damaging outcome of this.

I think Kushner may be in trouble, he did not mention a word on his security clearance. That is what I have heard... And it is getting old with the Fox news Nothing Burger word of the day...lol I think I heard it like 100 times yesterday..lol
An attorney who had 1 client you SELECTIVELY highlight that is connected to the gov't (due to her opposing corruption) is not a gov't attorney and by saying what you did admits the gullibility of the audience that the Mainstream Media preys upon in wording it's narrative to spread propaganda.
You just exposed the problem with having MSM be tabloid like. You do realize they are playing you for a fool insulting your intelligence, right?

Not a tabloid story , why are you saying that?
It's interesting. Who would have access to Don Jr.'s email? This gets better and better.
RobGoldstone The person he corresponded with who set it up would have those emails and if MSM would do their research
Rob Goldstone was a fake news hound publicist for tabloids aka fake story seller $$$ and it gets more pathetic, he is friends with Gore's publicist and hung around Clinton's WH press team as seen in press room photo. If
Rob Goldstone has Russian ties then Gore and Clinton are tied to the Russians and using these characters as agents for missdirection of their crimes.
View attachment 138243
True Goldstone would. Do you think he is one of the three sources the NYT referred to? A journalist hanging out with other journalists isn't exactly a stop the presses event, though. Somehow you guys want to twist everything into being about Clinton, but I think you'd better get busy figuring out how to defend Trump instead. He's gonna need it.
Why, the Lawyer does not work for or with the Kremlin and in fact works against their corruption. The lawyer is an orphan adoption advocate trying to get her voice heard.
When O reflect back to Clinton I do so using their own standard which means they either notice their logic is flawed or their side is.
That's called check mating the game player using their own moves against them, so that no matter how they try to get out of the backed corner they got themselves in, they lose their argument by their own design.
It's especially easy to do since every claim on their opponent is actually a deflection of their own behavior and flaws. Hence the Beating themselves up "Liar Liar" movie scene analogy

Haaa like the Trumps care about Russian adoptions...haaaa let alone Trumps campaign..
An attorney who had 1 client you SELECTIVELY highlight that is connected to the gov't (due to her opposing corruption) is not a gov't attorney and by saying what you did admits the gullibility of the audience that the Mainstream Media preys upon in wording it's narrative to spread propaganda.
You just exposed the problem with having MSM be tabloid like. You do realize they are playing you for a fool insulting your intelligence, right?

Not a tabloid story , why are you saying that?

Are you kidding me? Not only is this amateur tabloid stuff but the person most likely to be the source of the leak is actually a publicist for Tabloid and sells such stories for
money. When you research the 2 players (the one setting up the meeting and the lawyer they both have had contacts with Gore Clinton's camp and Obama's appointed ambassador. It was a way for Obama and Clinton's camp to spy on the Trump team, remember Obama knew about The surveillance and all these set ups coincidentally occured at Trump Towers where they could spy on the campaign and claim accidental civilian contact.
The collusion with Russians are more revealled as the left's crime as all these incidents all lead back to Obama and Clinton camp connections and set up meetings.
Rob Goldstone wh press room.jpeg

Above is Goldstone at Clinton press Room.

Above is Russian lawyer with Obamas ambassador to Russia.

Connect the real dots.
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An attorney who had 1 client you SELECTIVELY highlight that is connected to the gov't (due to her opposing corruption) is not a gov't attorney and by saying what you did admits the gullibility of the audience that the Mainstream Media preys upon in wording it's narrative to spread propaganda.
You just exposed the problem with having MSM be tabloid like. You do realize they are playing you for a fool insulting your intelligence, right?

Not a tabloid story , why are you saying that?

Are you kidding me? Not only is this amateur tabloid stuff but the person most likely to be the source of the leak is actually a publicist for Tabloid and sells such stories for
money. When you research the 2 players (the one setting up the meeting and the lawyer they both have had contacts with Gore Clinton's camp and Obama's appointed ambassador. It was a way for Obama and Clinton's camp to spy on the Trump team, remember Obama knew about The surveillance and all these set ups coincidentally occured at Trump Towers where they could spy on the campaign and claim accidental civilian contact.
The collusion with Russians are more revealled as the left's crime as all these incidents all lead back to Obama and Clinton camp connections and set up meetings.
View attachment 138398
Above is Goldstone at Clinton press Room.
View attachment 138399
Above is Russian lawyer with Obamas ambassador to Russia.

Connect the real dots.

Well I have been called a conspiracy nut, but I would say that you are too..lol... Perhaps it was all planned by Putin, and Trump called his bluff during their meeting the other day and Putin is letting him have it..I find it odd that this is all coming out right after their meeting..
That is my conspiracy theory..I think Putin has much more up his sleeve..
An attorney who had 1 client you SELECTIVELY highlight that is connected to the gov't (due to her opposing corruption) is not a gov't attorney and by saying what you did admits the gullibility of the audience that the Mainstream Media preys upon in wording it's narrative to spread propaganda.
You just exposed the problem with having MSM be tabloid like. You do realize they are playing you for a fool insulting your intelligence, right?

Not a tabloid story , why are you saying that?

Are you kidding me? Not only is this amateur tabloid stuff but the person most likely to be the source of the leak is actually a publicist for Tabloid and sells such stories for
money. When you research the 2 players (the one setting up the meeting and the lawyer they both have had contacts with Gore Clinton's camp and Obama's appointed ambassador. It was a way for Obama and Clinton's camp to spy on the Trump team, remember Obama knew about The surveillance and all these set ups coincidentally occured at Trump Towers where they could spy on the campaign and claim accidental civilian contact.
The collusion with Russians are more revealled as the left's crime as all these incidents all lead back to Obama and Clinton camp connections and set up meetings.
View attachment 138398
Above is Goldstone at Clinton press Room.
View attachment 138399
Above is Russian lawyer with Obamas ambassador to Russia.

Connect the real dots.

Well I have been called a conspiracy nut, but I would say that you are too..lol... Perhaps it was all planned by Putin, and Trump called his bluff during their meeting the other day and Putin is letting him have it..I find it odd that this is all coming out right after their meeting..
That is my conspiracy theory..I think Putin has much more up his sleeve..

No I'm just using the "Same Standard" pointing out the coincidence that each time a seperate member was "TOLD" TO MEET THESE PEOPLE they all lead back to Obama or Clinton's staff who were meeting with those people who were requesting those meetings or in the case of Jeff Sessions Obama himself set up the meeting with The Russian Ambassador who Obama met 22 times according to WH sign in logs.
Means Putin isn't in play here, Obama was using the Ambassador as his agent or excuse to spy.
Using MSM, Dems standards the only definitive collusion with the Russians was the one's (leftist)using this narrative for surveillance and political purposes.
But thanks for admitting when reflecting this standard the Dems and MSM sound like conspiracy nuts.
I called that one....
Now with the new news that Loretta Lynch brought the Russian lawyer into the country, do you still think it's far fetched?

At least her meeting with many politicians over the adoption issue shows her intent and motive was her adoption agenda.

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